Abies bifolia [Abies lasiocarpa] [Abies arizonica] [Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica] [Abies lasiocarpa var. bifolia] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 1 mile N of junction of Hwy 17 and FSR 118, 2 Aug 2022 |
Pinaceae |
Rocky Mountain subalpine fir, cork-bark fir |
Yes |
Abies concolor [Picea concolor] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, FR 360 a third of a mile above Upper Beaver cpgd 10 June 2020 |
Pinaceae |
white fir |
Yes |
Acer glabrum [Acer neomexicanum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhea 30 Sept 2021 |
Sapindaceae |
Rocky Mountain maple |
Acer negundo var. violaceum [Acer interius] [Negundo interius] |
Sapindaceae |
box elder, Manitoba maple |
Acer tataricum |
YES kpalm1111: town of Alamosa, Alamosa Co, Main Street, 3 July 2023 |
Sapindaceae |
Tatar maple |
yes |
Achillea filipendulina [Achillea eupatorium] [Achillea filcifolia] [Tanacetum angulatum] |
YES Rebecca Husted Gimenez: Conejos, CO Antonito railway station grounds 10 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
fernleaf yarrow, milfoil, nosebleed |
yes |
Achillea millefolium [Achillea alpicola] [Achillea lanulosa] [Achillea laxiflora] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 4 miles W of Summitville 8/6/2018 |
Asteraceae |
yarrow |
Yes |
Acmispon wrightii [Anislotus wrightii] [Hosackia wrightii] [Ottleya wrightii] [Lotus wrightii] |
Fabaceae |
scrub lotus, Wright's lotus |
yes |
Aconitum columbianum [Aconitum arizonicum] [Aconitum bakeri] [Aconitum lutescens], [etc.] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, by old logging road below Big Meadows Reservoir 9 July 2020 |
Ranunculaceae |
monkshood |
Actaea rubra [Actaea arguta] [Actaea viridiflora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Minteral Co, Shaw Lake 13 July 2020 |
Ranunculaceae |
red baneberry |
Adoxa moschatellina |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, near Hunters Lake, 2 July 2014 |
Yes |
Adoxaceae |
moschatel, muskroot, townhall clock, five-faced bishop, hollowroot |
Yes |
Agastache pallidiflora [Brittonastrum pallidiflorum] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, bank of Rock Lake on Lake Fork below Platoro 7.27.2015 |
Lamiaceae |
giant hyssop |
Agastache urticifolia [Agastache glaucifolia] [Lophanthus articifolius] [Vleckia urticifolia] |
Lamiaceae |
nettle-leaf giant hyssop |
Yes |
Ageratina herbacea |
YES Katherine Zybko, Saguache Co, east flank of Twin Mountain, 24 Sept 2023 |
Asteraceae |
snakeroot |
Yes |
Agoseris agrestis [Agoseris x agrestis] [Agoseris glauca var. agrestis] [Agoseris glauca var. dasycephala] |
Asteraceae |
mountain agoseris |
Yes |
Agoseris aurantiaca |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, south slope of Bennett Mountain, 7/22/2014; Grayback pass 8/23/2019 |
Asteraceae |
alpine dandelion |
Yes |
Agoseris glauca [Traximon glaucum] [Agoseris glauca var. dasycephala] |
YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, North Clear Creek Falls, 8 Aug 2015; Saguache Co, Luders Creek cpgd 21 Aug 2022 |
Asteraceae |
pale agoseris |
Yes |
Agoseris parviflora [Agoseris glauca var. lacinata] [Agoseris glauca var. parviflora] [Agoseris taraxacifolia] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 2 miles E of North Crestone campground 13 June 2015 |
Asteraceae |
steppe dandelion |
Yes |
Agropyron cristatum [Agropyron cristatiforme] [Agropyron desertorum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve 2 Sept 2014 |
Poaceae |
crested wheatgrass, crested wheat grass |
yes |
Agrostis exarata [Agrostis aenea] [Agrostis alopecuroides] etc. |
Poaceae |
spike bentgrass, spike bent, spike redtop, western redtop |
yes |
Agrostis gigantea [Agrostis alba subsp. gigantea] Vilfa gigantea], etc |
Poacea |
black bent, redtop bent |
yes |
Agrostis idahoensis [Agrostis borealis var. recta] [Agrostis clavata] |
Poaceae |
Idaho bentgrass |
yes |
Agrostis sacra [Agrostis hyemalis var. scabra] [Agrostis laxiflora var. scabra] [Trichodium scabrum] [Agrostis feminata] |
Poaceae |
tickle grass, rough bentgrass |
yes |
Agrostis stolonifera [Agrostis alba var. stolonifera] [Agrostis capillaris var. stolonifera] etc. |
Poaceae |
creeping bentgrass, florin, carpet bentgrass |
yes |
Agrostis variabilis [Agrostis rossiae] [Agrostis varians] |
Poaceae |
mountain bentgrass |
yes |
Alcea rosea [Althea rosea] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side, 17 Sept 2021 |
Malvaceae |
hollyhock |
yes |
Aliciella leptomeria [Gilia leptomeria] [Gilia triodon] |
Polemoniaceae |
sand gilia |
Aliciella micromeria [Gilia micromeria] |
YES Katherine Zybko: Alamosa Co, 3 miles east of Medano Ranch, 22 June 2024 |
Polemoniaceae |
dainty gilia |
Aliciella penstemonoides [Gilia penstemonoides] [Gilia pentstemonoides] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Spring Gulch off Pool Table Road 30 July 2015 |
Polemoniaceae |
Black Canyon gilia |
Aliciella pinnatifida [Gilia pinnatifida] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes 6 June 2017 |
Polemoniaceae |
sticky gilia |
Aliciella sedifolia [Gilia sedifolia] |
Polemoniaceae |
stonecrop gilia |
Alisma gramineum [Alisma geyeri] [Alisma gramineum var. geyeri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands, in water and on shore of ponds 7/15/2017 |
Alismataceae |
Narrow-leaf water plantain |
Yes |
Alisma triviale [Alisma brevipes] [Alisma plantago-aquatica var. americanum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Baca National Wildlife Refuge old irrigation ditch 8/17/2021 |
Alismataceae |
water plantain |
Yes |
Allium acuminatum |
Alliaceae |
tapertip onion |
Yes |
Allium cernuum [Allium neomexicanum] [Allium recurvatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 29 Aug 2013 |
Alliaceae |
nodding onion |
Yes |
Allium geyeri var. geyeri [Allium funiculosum] |
YES: Richard Haswell, Mineral Co, trail to Hunters Lake, 2 July 2014; Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 24 June 2016 |
Alliaceae |
Geyer's onion |
yes |
Allium geyeri var. tenerum [Allium rubrum] [Allium sabulicola] [Allium rydbergi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO ditch of old logging road below Big Meadows Reservoir 9 Sept 2020 |
Alliaceae |
bulbil onion, Geyer’s onion |
Yes |
Almutaster pauciflorus |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WPA, 18 Sept 2017; 15 Sept 2022 |
Asteraceae |
alkali marsh aster |
Yes |
Alnus incana [Betula alnus var. incana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by Rio Grande 1 Aug 2016 |
Betulaceae |
grey alder, speckled alder |
Alopecurus aequalis [Alopecuorus aristulatus] |
Poaceae |
short-awn foxtail, orange foxtail |
yes |
Alopecurus geniculatus [Alopecurus pallescens] |
Poaceae |
water foxtail, marsh foxtail |
yes |
Alopecurus magellanicus [Alopecurus alpinus] |
Poaceae |
alpine foxtail |
yes |
Alopecurus pratensis [Tozzettia pratensis] [Tozzettia vulgaris] |
Poaceae |
meadow foxtail |
yes |
Alyssum desertorum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork, vacant and parking lots 8 Sept 2017; 28 May 2019; 12 May 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
desert madword |
Alyssum simplex [Alyssum parvifolium var. micranthum] [Alyssum minus var. micranthum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, South Fork, vacant lot in South Fork 28 May 2019 |
Brassicaceae |
European alyssum |
Amaranthus albus [Amaranthus graecizans] [Amaranthus pubescens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Woman Creek, dry slope with volcanic outcrops 26 Aug 2013 |
Amaranthaceae |
tumble pigweed |
Yes |
Amaranthus blitoides [Amaranthus graecizans] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, at edge of dirt street 30 Aug 2021 |
Amaranthaceae |
spreading pigweed |
Yes |
Amaranthus hybridus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by CR 13 south of Del Norte 24 Sept 2022 |
Amaranthaceae |
smooth pigweed, green amaranth, slender pigweed, slim amaranth |
yes |
Amaranthus palmeri |
Yes Danel Long: Costilla Co, 17 air miles southeast of San Luis, 22 July 2021 |
Amaranthaceae |
carelessweed |
Amaranthus powellii |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by dirt street 4 Aug 2014; 3 Sept 2021 |
Amaranthaceae |
Powell’s pigweed |
Yes |
Amaranthus retroflexus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CR 13, 1 mile S of San Francisco Creek trailhead 3 Sept 2021; Del Norte street side 30 Sept 2022 |
Amaranthaceae |
redroot pigweed |
Yes |
Amauriopsis dissecta [Bahia dissecta] [Hymenothrix dissecta] [Bahia chrysanthemoides] [Villanova dissecta] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, beside highway on road to the Great Sand Dunes National Park 20 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
yellow ragweed, ragleaf bahia |
Yes |
Ambrosia acanthicarpa [Franseria acanthicarpa] [Gaertneria acanthicarpa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Great Sand Dunes NP, edge of parking lot 7/29/2019 |
Asteraceae |
sand bur, bursage, yerba del sapo |
Yes |
Ambrosia psilostachya |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, dam to Trujillo Reservoir 30 Aug 2022 |
Asteraceae |
Cuman ragweed, western ragweed |
yes |
Ambrosia tomentosa [Franseria discolor] [Franseria tomentosa] [Gaertmeria tomentosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, edge of pond in abandoned gravel pit 4 July 2022 |
Asteraceae |
skeletonleaf bur ragweed |
Yes |
Ambrosia trifida |
Asteraceae |
great ragweed |
Yes |
Amelanchier alnifolia [Amelanchier canadensis var. pumila] [Amelanchier polycarpa] [Aronia alnifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 19 July 2017; Rio Grande Co, trail to quarry, E of Del Norte 27 May 2016 [var.pumila] |
Rosaceae |
western serviceberry, saskatoon, alder-leaf shadbush, western juneberry |
Amelanchier utahensis [Amelanchier australis] [Amelanchier mormonica] [Amelanchier oreophila] etc. |
Rosaceae |
Utah serviceberry |
Anaphalis margaritacea [Antennaria margaritacea] [Gnaphalium margaritaceum] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Fuchs Reservoir 21 July 2014; Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 8 July 2020 |
Asteraceae |
pearly everlasting |
Yes |
Andropogon hallii [Andropogon gerardii var. hallii] |
Poaceae |
sand bluestem |
yes |
Androsace chamaejasme [Androsace chamaejasme var. lehmanniana] [Androsace lehmanniana] |
YES calba Alamosa Co, CO Zapata Lake 29 June 2024 |
Primulaceae |
alpine rock-jasmine |
Androsace septentrionalis [Androsace diffusa] [Androsace glandulosa] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Farmers Trail trailhead, dry outwash, 26 May 2021 |
Primulaceae |
northern rock-jasmine |
Anemonastrum canadense [Anemone canadensis] [Anemonidium canadensis] |
YES mdaw: Costilla Co, west of Ft Garland, 8 July 2023 |
Ranunculaceae |
Canadian anemone |
Anemonastrum zephyrum [Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra] |
Ranunculaceae |
Narcissus anemone |
yes |
Anemone cylindrica |
Yes: pandarollie: Conejos Co, hillside above Sheep Creek, July 2021 |
Ranunculaceae |
candle anemone, thimbleweed |
yes |
Anemone multifida [Anemone globosa] |
YES Rio Grande Co, CO Million Reservoir 28 Aug 2018 |
Ranunculaceae |
cutleaf anemone, Pacific anemone |
Angelica ampla |
Apiaceae |
giant angelica |
Yes |
Angelica grayi [Selinum grayi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Continental Divide north of Wolf Creek Pass 18 July 2014 |
Apiaceae |
Gray’s angelica |
Yes |
Anisantha tectorum [Bromus tectorum] |
YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Del Norte yard 27 Dec.2024 |
Poaceae |
cheatgrass, downy brome, downy chess, junegrass, bronce-grass |
yes |
Antennaria anaphaloides [Antennaria pulcherrima var. anaphaloides] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 11 July 2018 |
Asteraceae |
pearly pussytoes |
Yes |
Antennaria corymbosa |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek 4.5 miles from trailhead 5 June 2014 |
Asteraceae |
flat-top pussytoes |
Yes |
Antennaria marginata [Antennaria fendleri] [Antennaria peramoena] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, forest opening 27 May 2014 |
Asteraceae |
whitemargin pussytoes |
Yes |
Antennaria media [Antennaria mucronata] [Antennaria umbrinella] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Pass, open subalpine meadow 5 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
Rocky Mountain pussytoes |
Yes |
Antennaria microphylla [Antennaria obovata] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co near Conejos River and FSR 250, 18 July 2022, 8 Aug 2022; Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, near Luders cpgd 25 Aug 2021 |
Asteracea |
littleleaf pussytoes |
Yes |
Antennaria neglecta [Antennaria athabascensis] [Antennaria campestris] [Antennaria erosa] [Antennaria howellii subsp. neglecta] [etc.] |
YES: Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, on the Conejos River just below Spectacle Lake, July 4 and 6, 2023. |
Asteraceae |
field pussytoes |
yes |
Antennaria parvifolia [Antennaria aprica] [Antennaria latisquamea] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Poso cpgd, 11 air miles SW of La Garita elev. 9,200, 2 July 2019 |
Asteraceae |
small-leaf pussytoes |
Yes |
Antennaria pulcherrima |
Asteraceae |
showy pussytoes |
Yes |
Antennaria rosea [Antennaria formosa] [Antennaria imbricata] [Antennaria arida] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hunters Lake, 11 air miles SW of South Fork 2 July 2014 |
Asteraceae |
red pussytoes |
Yes |
Antennaria rosulata [Antennaria sierrae-blancae] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek trailhead meadow, 4 June 2018 |
Asteraceae |
Kaibab pussytoes, silvery pussytoes |
Yes |
Antennaria umbrinella [Antennaria aizoides] [Antennaria flavescens] |
Asteraceae |
umber pussytoes |
Yes |
Anthoxanthum hirtum [Hierochloë hirta] [Anthoxanthum hirtum subsp. arcticum] [Anthoxanthum nitens] [Hierochloë subsp. arcticum] [Hierochloë odorata], etc. |
Poaceae |
sweetgrass, holygrass |
yes |
Anticlea elegans [Zigadenus elegans] [Zigadenus coloradoensis] [Zigadenus dilatatus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood pass 2 Sept 2019 |
Melanthiaceae |
mountain death-camas, elegant camas |
Aphyllon corymbosum subsp. mutabile [Orobanche corymbosa] [Orobanche californica var. corymbosa] [Myzorrhiza corymbosa] |
YES Alescan: Saguache Co, volcanic ridge 1 mile north of Twelvemile Road, Aug 2024 |
Orobanchaceae |
flat-top broomrape |
Aphyllon fasciculatum [Orobanche fasciculata] Thalesia fasciculata] [Thalesia lutea] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Elephant Rocks north of Del Norte 2 June 2015 |
Orobanchaceae |
clustered broomrape |
Aphyllon ludovicianum [Orobanche ludoviciana] [Orobanche corymbosa subsp. mutabilis] [Aphyllon arenosa] [Myzorrhiza ludoviciana] |
YES Carol English: Saguache Co, along Liberty Road in the Great Sand Dune National Monument 7/14/2021 [see Colorado Native Plant Society listserve for 15 July2021] |
Orobanchaceae |
Louisiana broomrape |
Yes |
Aphyllon mulltiflorum [Orobanche multiflora] [Orobanche ludoviciana subsp. multiflora] [Myzorrhiza multiflora] |
Orobanchaceae |
many-flower broomrape |
yes |
Apocynum androsaemifolium [Apocynum androsaemum] [Apocynum scopulorum] [Apocynum ambigens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Trout Creek trail, SW of South Fork, 5 July 2017 |
Apocynaceae |
spreading dogbane |
Yes |
Apocynum cannabinum [Apocynum angustifolium] [Apocynum hypericifolium] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa NWR, 11 Aug 2016; Mineral Co, junction of Hwt 160 and FSR 11, 6 July 2016) |
Apocynaceae |
Indian hemp, dogbane |
Yes |
Aquilegia barnebyi |
Ranunculaceae |
oil shale columbine |
Aquilegia caerulea [Aquilegia coerulea] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Elwood Pass, 2 Sept 2019 |
Ranunculacea |
blue columbine |
Aquilegia elegantula |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 June 2019 |
Ranunculaceae |
red columbine |
Arabis pycnocarpa [Arabis ovata] [Arabis hirsuta var. pycnocarpa] |
Brassicaceae |
hairy rockcress |
Arceuthobium americanum Nuttall ex. Engelmann |
Santalaceae |
Lodgepole dwarf mistletoe |
yes |
Arceuthobium douglasii [Razoumofskya douglasii] |
Viscaceae |
douglas fir mistletoe |
Yes |
Arceuthobium vaginatum [Viscum vaginatum] |
Viscaceae |
pineland dwarf mistletoe, sheathed dwarf mistletoe, southwestern dwarf mistletoe |
Yes |
Arctium minus [Lappus minus] |
Asteraceae |
lesser burdock |
Yes |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi [Arbutus uva-ursi] [Daphnidostilis fendleriana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Cochetopa pass 16 Sept 2015 |
Ericaceae |
bearberry, kinnikinnick |
Arenaria lanuginosa [Spergulastrum lanuginosum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 22 June 2016 |
Caryophyllaceae |
spreading sandwort |
Argemone polyanthemos |
Papaveraceae |
crested prickly poppy |
yes |
Ariistida purpurea [Aristida purpurea var. fendleriana] [Aristida purpurea var. longiseta] etc. |
Poaceae |
purple three-awn, purple threeawn |
yes |
Aristida arizonica |
Poaceae |
Arizona three-awn |
yes |
Arnica chamissonis [Arnica foliosa var. chamissonis] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between Mogote and Aspen Glad cpgds 8-9 June 2022 |
Asteraceae |
Chamisso's arnica |
Yes |
Arnica cordifolia [Arnica paniculata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 0.5 miles E of Elwood pass 2 Aug 2019 |
Asteraceae |
heartleaf arnica |
Yes |
Arnica fulgens |
Asteraceae |
foothill arnica |
Yes |
Arnica latifolia |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, 1 mile S of Elwood pass beside CR 380, 2 Sept 2019 |
Asteraceae |
broadleaf arnica |
Yes |
Arnica mollis |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, natural pond on CR 14 elev. 11,250' 14 July 2020 |
Asteraceae |
hairy arnica |
Yes |
Arnica parryi [Arnica angustifolia subsp. eradiata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide trail just north of Wolf Creek Pass, 6 Aug 2014 |
Asteraceae |
Parry’s arnica |
Yes |
Arnica rydbergii |
Asteraceae |
Rydberg’s arnica |
Yes |
Artemisia biennis |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA, 8 Sept 2017; Rio Grande Co, dryig edge of Beaver Creek Reservoir 2 Sept 2020 |
Asteraceae |
biennial wormwood |
Yes |
Artemisia bigelovii [Artemisia petrophila] [Seriphidium bigelovii] |
Asteraceae |
Bigelow's sagebrush, flat sagebrush |
Yes |
Artemisia borealis [Artemisia campestris subsp. borealis] [Artemisia campestris subsp. pacifica] [Artemisia campestris var. purshii][Oligosporus pacificus] [Oligosporus groenlandicus] |
YES Patrick Alexander Conejos Co, just west of Conejos Peak (2 July 2018), and southwest of Elwood pass (4 July 2018) |
Asteraceae |
boreal sagewort |
Yes |
Artemisia campestris subsp. caudata [Artemisia campestris var. caudata] [Artemisia caudata] [Artemisia forwoodii] [Oligosporus caudatus] |
YES? Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 2.6 miles west of Poso cpgd 14 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
field sagewort |
yes |
Artemisia campestris subsp. pacifica [Artemisia campestris var. pacifica] [Artemisia campestris var. pacifica] [Artemisia campestris var. scouleriana] [Artemisia pacifica] [Artemisia campestris var. petiolata] [Artemisia scouleriana] [Oligospours pacificu |
YES Rich Haswll: Rio Grande Co, east of Del Norte 15 Aug 2017 |
Asteraceae |
field sagewort |
Yes |
Artemisia carruthii [Artemisia kansana] [Artemisia wrightii] |
YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek, by trailhead, 10 miles S of Del Norte 15 Aug 2016 |
Asteraceae |
Carruth’s sagebrush |
Yes |
Artemisia dracunculus [Artemisia dracunculina] [Artemisia dracunculoides] [Artemisia glauca] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, within town limits, beside street, 20 July 2020 |
Asteraceae |
wild tarragon, wormwood, dragon sagewort |
Yes |
Artemisia franserioides |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake, 31 July 2017 |
Asteraceae |
ragweed sagebrush, bursage mugwort |
Yes |
Artemisia frigida |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, San Luis Hills 28 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
fringed sagewort, estafiata, arctic sage, pasture sage |
yes |
Artemisia longifolia [Artemisia vulgaris var. longifolia] [Artemisia natronensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa National Wildlife Preserve, 11 Aug 2016 |
Asteraceae |
longleaf wormwood |
Artemisia ludoviciana [Artemisia vulgaris var. ludoviciana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by bridge over the Rio Grande 1 Aug 2016 |
Asteraceae |
silver wormwood, Louisiana wormwood, western mugwort, gray sagewort |
Artemisia michauxiana [Artemisia vulgaris var. michauxiana] [Artemisia discolor] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Willow Creek above Creede, in scree 2 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
Michaux’s wormwood, lemon sagewort |
Artemisia norvegica [Artemisia norvegica var. saxitilis] [Artemisia arctica] [Artemisia norvegica subsp. saxitilis} |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
mountain sagewort |
Artemisia nova [Artemisia arbuscula subsp. nova] [Artemisia tridentata var. nova] [Seriphidium novum] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, three miles S of Hwy 17, 28 Aug 2022 |
Asteraceae |
black sageberush |
yes |
Artemisia parryi [Artemisia laciniata subsp. parryi] |
Asteraceae |
Parry’s wormwood |
Artemisia scopulorum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, south slope of Bennett Mt 22 July 2014 |
Asteraceae |
alpine sagebrush |
Artemisia tridentata [Seriphidium tridentatum] [Artemisia tridentata var. vaseyana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, .0.25 miles S of Poncha Pass, 17 May 2021 (var. vaseyana) |
Asteraceae |
big sagebrush |
Yes |
Asclepias asperula [Acerates asperula] |
Asclepiadaceae |
antelope horn milkweed |
Yes |
Asclepias hallii |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 10 miles E of North Pass, 11 July 2015; Rio Grande Co, CR 630, 3 miles N of CR 15, 29 June 2021 |
Asclepiadaceae |
Hall’s milkweed |
Yes |
Asclepias speciosa |
YES: Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 7 Aug 2018; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte strleelt side (seeds dehiscing) 10 Oct 2022 |
Asclepiadaceae |
common milkweed |
Yes |
Askellia pygmaea [Crepis nana] |
Asteraceae |
dwarf alpine hawksbeard |
Asparagus officinalis |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, streetside, 6 June 2014; Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2017 |
Asparagaceae |
asparagus |
Yes |
Aster alpinus subsp. vierhapperi |
Asteraceae |
alpine aster |
Astragalus agrestis [Astragalus goniatus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, ridge above Hicks Canyon 23 June 2021 |
Fabaceae |
purple milkvetch |
Astragalus allochrous var. playanus [Astragalus wootonii] |
Fabaceae |
Wooton’s milkvetch |
Astragalus alpinus |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, 1.6 air miles NW of Creede 18 Aug 2022 |
Fabaceae |
Alpine milkvetch |
yes |
Astragalus amphioxys [Xylophacos amphioxys] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, meadowy ridge above Pinos Creek 13.25 air miles SW of Del Norte 17 June 2020 |
Fabaceae |
crescent milkvetch |
yes |
Astragalus australis [Astragalus aboriginorum] |
Fabaceae |
Indian milkvetch |
Yes |
Astragalus bisulcatus var. haydenianus [Astragalus haydenianus] |
Fabaceae |
Hayden’s milkvetch |
Astragalus bodinii [Astragalus stragalus] [Phaca bodinii] |
YES Elliot Gordon: Saguache Co, along Kelly Creek trail, 11 km northwest of Villa Grove, 27 Aug 2023; Katherine Zybko: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NPP, 29 uly 2023 |
Fabaceae |
Bodin’s milkvetch |
Astragalus brandegeei |
Fabaceae |
Brandegee’s milkvetch |
Astragalus canadensis [Astragalus oreophilus] |
YES Katherine Zybko Saguache Co, north boundary of the Great Sand Dunes NPP, 31 July 2021 |
Fabaceae |
Canadian milkvetch |
Yes |
Astragalus ceramicus |
YES Rich Haswell: Saquache Co, base of volcanic dyke, BLM road 231, 17 June 2027 |
Fabaceae |
painted milkvetch |
Yes |
Astragalus cerussatus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, alongside gravel driveway, in flower 27 March 2021 |
Fabaceae |
powdery milkvetch |
Astragalus cicer |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, East Willow Creek above Creede 20 Sept 2016 |
Fabaceae |
chickpea milkvetch |
Astragalus crassicarpus [Geoprumnon crassicarum] |
Fabaceae |
ground plum, buffalo plum |
Astragalus drummondii |
YES Rich Haswell: Costilla Co, Trinchera Ranch SW of Fort Garland 10 June 2015 |
Fabaceae |
Drummond’s milkvetch, locoweed |
Astragalus flexuosus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 |
Fabaceae |
slender milkvetch |
Astragalus hallii |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 3 July 2016; Mary McDonald: Coneos Co, 3 km south of Fox Creek Community, 14 July 2018 |
Fabaceae |
Hall’s milkvetch |
Astragalus kentrophyta [Astragalus tegetarius] [Astraga;is tagetarois] |
Fabaceae |
spiny milkvetch |
Astragalus laxmannii [Astragalus adsurgens var. robustior] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, quarry trail east of del Norte 11 June 2019 |
Fabaceae |
Laxmann’s milkvetch |
Astragalus lonchocarpus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Schroeder Creek, 14 June 2014 (flowering); Rio Grande Co, Groundhog Road 26 July 2019 (fruiting) |
Fabaceae |
great rushy milkvetch |
Astragalus miser |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, North Cochetopa pass 22 June 2017 |
Fabaceae |
forest milk-vetch |
Astragalus missouriensis [Tragacantha missouriensis] |
Fabaceae |
Missouri milkvetch |
Astragalus multiflorus [Astragalus tenellus] [Ervum multiflorum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, near Moon pass 14 July 2021 |
Fabaceae |
looseflower milkvetch |
yes |
Astragalus parryi |
YES Richard Haswell: Saguache Co, top of Poncha pass 8 June 2023 |
Fabaceae |
Parry’s milkvetch |
Astragalus ripleyi |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, near Hicks Canyon, open meadow, 23 June 2021 |
Fabaceae |
Ripley’s milkvetch |
Yes |
Astragalus robbinsii [Astragalus blakei] [Astragalus macounii] |
Fabaceae |
Robbins’s milkvetch |
Astragalus scopulorum [Tium scopulorum] |
Yes Alec McKeand Saguache Co, 12 km northwest of Villa Grove, 18 May 2022 |
Fabaceae |
Rocky Mountain milkvetch |
Astragalus sericoleucus |
YES Richard Haswell: Costilla Co, between San Luis and the Rio Grande 21 June 2023 |
Fabaceae |
silky milkvetch |
Astragalus shortianus |
YES Rachel Hosna: Saguache Co, northwest of Saguache 22 May 2023 |
Fabaceae |
Short’s milkvetch, early purple milkvetch |
Atriplex argentea |
Amaranthaceae |
silverscale saltbrush |
Yes |
Atriplex canescens [Atriplex angustior] [Calligonum canescens] [Obiome occidentalis var. canescens] |
YES Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 19 July 2013 |
Amaranthaceae |
fourwing saltbush |
Yes |
Atriplex dioica [Atriplex subspicata] [Atriplex patula subsp. subspicata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Russell Lakes SWA, junction of Hwy 285 and CR N, in ditch, 9/26/2019 |
Amaranthaceae |
thickleaf orach |
Yes |
Atriplex hortensis |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, in floodplain of the Rio Grande, 2 Aug 2015; 5 Oct 2017; 4 Oct 2022; |
Amaranthaceae |
garden orache |
Yes |
Atriplex micrantha [Atriplex heterosperma] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Baca NWR 17 Aug 2021; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 18 Sept 2018, 9 Sept 2022; Saguache Co, Russell Lakes NWA 26 Sept 2019; Rio Grande Co, by parking lot of the Family Dollar store in Del Norte, 2 Aug 2022 |
Amaranthaceae |
twoscale saltbrush, Russian atriplex |
Yes |
Atriplex patula |
Amaranthaceae |
spear saltbrush |
Yes |
Atriplex rosea |
Amaranthaceae |
tumbling saltbrush |
Yes |
Atriplex saccaria |
Amaranthaceae |
stalked saltbrush |
Yes |
Atriplex wolfii [Obione wolfii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WPA 9 Sept 2022 |
Amaranthaceae |
Wolf's saltbrush, slender orache |
Yes |
Avena fatua [Avena hybrida] |
Poaceae |
wild oats, common wild oats |
yes |
Avena sativa [Avena byzantina] [Avena hybrida] |
Poaceae |
oats, cultivated oats |
yes |
Axyris amaranthoides Linnaeus |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, 1.6 air miles NW of Creede, 18 Aug 2022 |
Amaranthaceae |
Russian pigweed |
yes |
Balsamorhiza sagittata [Balsamorhiza helianthoides] [Buphthalmum sagittatum] [Espeletia sagittata] |
Asteraceae |
arrowhead balsamroot |
Barbarea orthoceras |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, by Hwy 160 just east of Wolf Creek pass 13 Aug 2014 |
Brassicaceae |
American yellowrocket |
Bassia hyssopifolia [Kochia hyssopifolia] [Suaeda hysspifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Great Sand Dunes 8 July 2014; Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2016 |
Yes |
Amaranthaceae |
ironweed, smotherweed, five-hook |
Yes |
Bassia scoparia [Bassia sieversiana] [Kochia scoparia] [Kochia sieversiana] [Chenopodium scoparium] |
YES Rich Haswell: Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2017 |
Yes |
Amaranthaceae |
burningbush, kochia, alfalfa de pobre, morenita, Mexican fireweed |
Yes |
Beckmannia syzigachne [Beckmannia cruciformis] |
YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, CO bank of Rio Grande below Hwy 112 bridge 1 Aug 2016 |
Poacae |
American sloughgrass, American slough grass |
yes |
Berberis fendleri [Mahonia fendleri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir in fruit 26 Aug 2018 |
Berberidaceae |
Fendler’s barberry |
Berberis repens [Mahonia repens] [Berberis aquifolium var. repens] [Berberis nana] [Odostemon repens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek trailhead 13 air miles SW of Del Norte 30 May 2014. |
Berberidaceae |
Oregon grape, creeping mahonia, creeping barbary |
Berteroa incana |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork 28 July 2013, Aug 2022 |
Yes |
Brassicaceae |
hoary alyssum |
Yes |
Berula erecta [Berula incisa] [Sium erectum] [Sium incisum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA, by an old irrigation ditch, 8 Sept 2017 |
Apiaceae |
cutleaf waterparsnip |
Yes |
Betula occidentalis [Betula fontinalis] |
Betulaceae |
water birch |
Bidens cernua [Bidens glaucescens] [Bidens prionophylla] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 30 Aug 2017 |
Asteraceae |
nodding beggarticks |
Bidens frondosa [Brachyacaulis frondosus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands, by pond 15 Aug 2017; 18 Sept 2020 |
Asteraceae |
devil’s beggarticks |
Yes |
Bidens tenuisecta [Bidens cognata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, meadow by Rio Grande slough near Del Norte 11 Aug 2018; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte streert side, 6 Sept 2023 |
Asteraceae |
slimlobe beggarticks |
Bidens tripartita [Bidens comosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake dried margin 8 Aug 2014 |
Asteraceae |
strawstem beggarticks |
yes |
Bistorta bistortoides [Polygonum bistortoides] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle between Poison Mountain and Bennett Peak 19 June 2017 |
Polygonaceae |
American bistort, smokeweek, mountain meadow knotweed |
Bistorta vivipara [Polygonum viviparum] |
YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, natural pond on CR 14, elev 11,150', 23 Aug 2019 |
Polygonaceae |
alpine bistort |
Blepharoneuron tricholepis [Vilpa tricholepsis] |
Poacee |
hairy dropseed, pine dropseed |
yes |
Blitum capitatum subsp. capitatum [Blitum capitatum] [Chenopodium capitatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Pool Table Road elev 9,500, 1 Aug 2014 |
Amaranthaceae |
strawberry blite |
yes |
Blitum capitatum subsp. hastatum [Blitum hastatum] Blitum capitatum subsp hastatum] [Blitum capitatum] [Chenopodium capitatum var. parvicapitatum] [Chenopodium overi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO below Big Meadows Reservoir 8 July 2020 |
Amaranthaceae |
strawberry-blite, beetberry |
Yes |
Blitum nuttallianum [Monolepis nuttalliana] |
YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, 1 mile SE of Creede, 2 Aug 2021 |
Amaranthaceae |
povertyweed |
Yes |
Blitum virgatum [Chenopodium foliosum] [Morocarpus foliosus] |
Amaranthaceae |
leafy goosefoot |
Yes |
Boechera austromontana [Boechera grahamii] |
Brassicaceae |
? |
yes |
Boechera centrifendleri [Boechera perennans subsp. centrifendleri] |
YES Patrick Alexander: Conejos Co, 9 km southwest of Capulin, 6 June 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
? |
yes |
Boechera divaricarpa [Boechera grahamii] |
Brassicaceae |
spreadingpod rockcress |
Yes |
Boechera fendleri [Arabis fendleri] [Arabis holboellii var. fendleri] [Boechera perennans subsp. fendleri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr trailhead 31 July 2016 See Annotated Page |
Yes |
Brassicaceae |
Fendler’s rockcress |
Yes |
Boechera grahamii [Arabis divaricarpa] [Boechera divaricarpa] [Arabis holboellii] [Boechera pinetorum] [etc.] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, river walk by Del Norte, floodplain of the Rio Grande 20 May 2019 (flowering); 11 July 2021 (fruiting) |
Brassicaceae |
Graham’srockcress |
Yes |
Boechera lemmonii [Arabis lemmonii] [Boechera drepanoloba] |
Brassicaceae |
Lemmon’s rockcress |
Yes |
Boechera lignifera [Arabis lignifera] [Boechera kelseyana] |
Brassicaceae |
desert rockcress |
Boechera oxylobula [Arabis demissa] [Boechera demissa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 10 miles S of Del Norte, 6 May 2022 |
Yes |
Brassicaceae |
Glenwood Springs rockcress |
Yes |
Boechera retrofracta [Arabis holboellii var. retrofracta] [Boechera holboellii var. retrofracta] [Arabis arcuata] [etc.] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co; Crestone Lake trail E of Crestone, open mixed conifer woods, 13 June 2015 |
Yes |
Brassicaceae |
reflexed rockcress |
Yes |
Boechera sanluisensis [Boechera fendleri] [Boechera perennans subsp. sanluisensis] |
Yes: Patrick Alexander: Rio Grande Co, butte near Limekiln Peak, 20 June 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
San Luis rock cress |
yes |
Boechera spatifolia [Arabis fendleri var. spatifolia] [Arabis holboellii var. fendleri] [Boechera fendleri var. spatifolia] [Boechera perennans subsp. spatifolia] |
YES Patrick Alexander: Rio Grande Co, south of Del Norte, 12 June 2008; Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Poso cpgd, 2 July 2019 |
Yes |
Brassicaceae |
spoonleaf rockcress |
Yes |
Boechera stricta [Arabis drummondii] [Arabis oxyphylla] [Arabis connexa] [Erysimum drummondii] [etc.] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, meadow by Bear Creek trailhead 17 June 2019 |
Yes |
Brassicaceae |
Drummond’s rockcress |
Yes |
Bouteloua curtipendula [Andropogon curtipendulus] [Chloris curtipendula] [Cynodon curtipendulus] etc. |
Poaceae |
sideoats grama, side-oats grama |
yes |
Bouteloua gracilis |
YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Del Norte driveway 27 Dec. 2024 |
Poaceae |
blue grama, eyelash grama |
yes |
Bouteloua hirsuta [Chondrosum hirsutum] |
YES Anders Hastings: Saguache Co, CO South of Crestone 4 Aug 2022 |
Poaceae |
hairy grama |
yes |
Bouteloua simplex [Chondrosum simplex] [Chondrosum procumbens] [Chondrosum prostratum] |
Poaceae |
matted grama |
yes |
Brassica napus |
Brassicaceae |
rapeseed, rutabaga |
Brassica rapa [Brassica campestris] [Sinapsis pekinensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO yard of house in Del Norte 31 July 2022 |
Brassicaceae |
field mustard, rapeseed |
Brickellia californica [Bulbostylis californica] [Coleosanthus axillarus] etc. |
Asteraceae |
California brickellbrush |
Yes |
Brickellia grandiflora [Coleosanthus grandiflora] [Coleosanthus petiolaris] [Eupatorium grandiflorum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mosca Cr., Alamosa Co, rocky slope by trail, 28 July 2017; Penitente Canyon, Saguache Co, 3 Oct 2024 |
Yes |
Asteraceae |
tasselflower brickellbush |
Yes |
Brickellia leptophylla [Brickellia eupatorioides var chlorolepis] [Brickellia eupatorioides var. gracillima] [Kuhnia eupatorioides] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, by road, near La Garita 24 July 2020; Rio Grande Co, Stone Quarry trail east of Del Norte, 12 Aug 2023 |
Yes |
Asteraceae |
false boneset |
Yes |
Brickelliastrum fendleri [Brickellia fendleri] [Coleosanthus ambigens] [Steviopsis fendleri] |
YES Mary E. McDonald Hicks Canyon, Conejos Co, 30 July 2023 |
Asteraceae |
Fendler's brickell-bush |
yes |
Bromopsis ciliata [Bromopsis canadensis] [Bromus canadensis] [Bromus ciliatus] |
Poaceae |
fringed brome |
yes |
Bromus frondosus [Bromopsis frondosa] [Bromus porteri var. frondosus] |
Poaceae |
weeping brome |
yes |
Bromus inermis [Bromopsis inermis] |
Poaceae |
smooth brome, Hungarian brome |
yes |
Bromus japonicus [Bromus arvensis var. japonicus] [Bromus patulus] |
Poaceae |
Japanese brome, Japanese chess |
yes |
Bromus lanatipes [Bromopsis lanatipes] [Bromus anomalus var. lanatipes] |
Poaceae |
woolly brome |
yes |
Bromus porteri [Bromopsis porteri] [Bromus kalmii var. porteri] |
Poaceae |
nodding brome |
yes |
Bromus pumpellianus [Bromus inermis var. pumpelliana] [Bromopsis pumpelliana] |
Poaceae |
Pumpelly's brome |
yes |
Bromus richardsonii [Bromopsis richardsonii] [Bromus ciliatus var. richardsonii] [Bromopsis canadensis] |
Poaceae |
fringed brome, Richardson's brome |
yes |
Calamagrostis canadensis [Calamagrostis anomala] [Calamagrostic atropurpurea] |
Poaceae |
bluejoint, marsh reedgrass, Canadian reedgrass |
yes |
Calamagrostis purpurescens [Calamagrostis lepageana] [Calamagrostis maltei] etc. |
Poaceae |
purple reedgrass |
yes |
Calamagrostis scopulorum |
Poaceae |
ditch reedgrass |
yes |
Calamagrostis stricta [Calamagrostis californica] etc. |
Poaceae |
slimstem reedgrass, slimstem small reedgrass |
yes |
Callirhoe involucrata (Torrey and Gray) Asa Gray |
Malvaceae |
wine-cups, poppy mallow |
yes |
Callitriche hermaphroditica [Callitriche autumnales] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir 8/28/2018; Rio Grande Co, pond in old gravel pit NE of Del Norte 8/22/2021 |
Plantaginaceae |
northern water starwort |
Callitriche heterophylla |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between La Manga and Cumbres passes, Rio de los Pinos 11 Sept 2021 |
Plantaginaceae |
two-headed water-starwort |
Callitriche palustris [Callitriche verna] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 8 Sept 2018 |
Plantaginaceae |
water starwort |
Calochortus gunnisonii |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on the Conejos River 9 July 2014; Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Pass 9 July 2014 |
Liliaceae |
Gunnison’s mariposa lily |
Calochortus nuttallii |
Liliaceae |
Nuttall's mariposa lily |
yes |
Caltha chionophila [Caltha leptosepala] [Psychrophila leptosepala]v[Caltha biflora] [Caltha howellii] [Caltha uniflora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass snow-melt seep 23 Aug 2019 |
Ranunculaceae |
marsh marigold |
Calypso bulbosa [Calypso americana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake (in flower) 8 June 2018 |
Orchidaceae |
Calypso orchid, fairy slipper, Venus slipper |
Camelina microcarpa |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, FR 740 off of Hwy 14, beside dirt road 26 Aug 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
littlepod false flax |
Yes |
Campanula parryi |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, meadow E of Luders Creek cpgd 26 Aug 2021 |
Campanulaceae |
Parry’s bellflower |
Campanula rapunculoides |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, house 20 June 2020 |
Campanulaceae |
creeping bellflower |
Campanula rotundifolia [Campanula petiolata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Grayback Mt scree slope 6 Aug 2016 |
Campanulaceae |
harebell, bluebell bellflower, Scottish bluebell |
Campanula uniflora [Melanocalyx uniflora] |
YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, confluence of Los Pinos and Cumbres creeks 26 Aug 2018 |
Campanulaceae |
Arctic bellflower, Arctic harebell |
Capsella bursa-pastoris [Bursa bursa-pastoris] [Thlaspi bursa-pastoris] |
YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co above Magote Cpgd 8 June 2016; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, town of Del Norte, untended yard, 30 May 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
shepherd's purse |
Yes |
Caragana arborescens |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Hicks Canyon by old homestead, 18 July 2014 (in fruit), 12 June 2015 (in flower) |
Fabaceae |
Siberian pea, Sibernian pea shrub |
Cardamine cordifolia |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, trailhead of Crystal Lake on CR 380, 5 Aug 2016 (fruiting) |
Brassicaceae |
heartleaf bittercress |
Carduus nutans [Carduus theormeri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Luders Creek, 1 m. below Luders Cpgd 15 Sept 2015; Beaver Cr campground W of South Fork 12 July 2017 |
Asteraceae |
musk thistle |
Carum carvi |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte house, 29 May 2015 |
Apiaceae |
caraway |
Yes |
Castilleja haydenii [Castilleja pallida var. haydenii] |
Scrophulariaceae |
Hayden’s paintbrush |
Castilleja integra [Castilleja gloriosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mountain Del Norte 10 June 2019 |
Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] |
wholeleaf paintbrush |
Castilleja linariifolia [Castilleja linarifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Deep Creek trail S of Creede 11 Aug 2020 |
Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] |
narrowleaf paintbrush, Wyoming paintbrush |
Castilleja lineata |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Pinos Creek, 1 mile into San Juan National Forest 29 July 2014; Rio Grande Co, meadow SE of Lower Beaver Creek cpgd, 16 July 2022 |
Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] |
marshmeadow paintbrush |
Castilleja miniata [Castilleja confusa] [Castilleja crista-galli] [Castilleja inconstans] [Castilleja trinervis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek trail S of Del Norte 4 June 2018 |
Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] |
greater red paintbrush, giant red paintbrush |
Castilleja occidentalis |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood pass 2 Sept 2019 |
Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] |
western paintbrush |
Castilleja rhexiifolia [Castilleja oregonensis] |
YES Rich Haswell:Rio Grande Co, 2 miles S of Grayback Mt. 30 June 2017; Grayback pass 6 July 2022 |
Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] |
splitleaf paintbrush |
Castilleja septentrionalis [Castilleja sulphurea] [Costilleja rhexifolia var. sulphurea] [Castilleja luteovirens] |
YES Rich Haswell Mineral Co Shaw Lake 9 July 2020 |
Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] |
sulphur paintbrush |
Castilleja septentrionalis x Castilleja rhexiifolia [Castilleja versicolor] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Lakes, S of Del Norte 13 Aug 2008 |
Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] |
[no common name] |
Catabrosa aquatica [Aira aquatica] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, artesian pond southwest of Luders Creek cpgd, 16 Sept 2015 |
Poaceae |
brookgrass, water whorlgrass |
yes |
Ceanothus fendleri |
YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, hillside along Embargo Road, NW of South Fork, 26 July 2016 |
Rhamnaceae |
Fendler’s buckthorn, Fendler’s buckbrush |
Ceanothus velutinus |
YES B. Moore Costilla Co, east of Forbes Park 23 Sept 2023 |
Rhamnaceae |
snowbrush ceanothus, tobacco bush, sticky laurel, redroot |
Yes |
Centaurea diffusa |
YES Randy Floyd: Rio Grande Co, CO southwest of South Fork along Hwy 160, 21 Aug 2019 |
Asteraceae |
diffuse knapweed |
yes |
Centaurea stoebe subsp. micranthos |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, cattle-grazed meadow by Baughman Creek 10.27 air miles NE of South Fork, 25 Sept 2019; Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek, 24 Sept 2022 |
Asteraceae |
spotted knapweed |
Cerastium arvense [Cerastium oreophilum] [Cerastium scopulorum] [Cerastium strictum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Lime Creek trailhead 12 July 2016 |
Caryophyllaceae |
field chickweed |
Cerastium beeringianum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 |
Caryophyllaceae |
Bering chickweed |
Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare [Cerastium vulgatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr 5 June 2014; Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 |
Caryophyllaceae |
mouse-ear chickweed |
Ceratophyllum demersum |
Ceratophyllaceae |
hornwort, coontail |
Cercocarpus montanus [Cercocarpus argenteus] [Cercocarpus parvifolius] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon 26 May 2018 |
Rosaceae |
alderleaf mountain majogany |
Chaenactis douglasii [Chaenactis douglasii var. douglasii] [Chaenactis douglasii var. alpina] [Chaenactis leucopsis] [Chaenactis alpina] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Cochetopa pass 10 July 2015 |
Asteraceae |
Douglas’s dustymaiden, dusty-maidens |
Chaetopappa ericoides |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, quarry trail E of Del Norte 24 June 2017; Conejos Co, Hicks Canyon N of Hwy 17 23 June 2021 |
Asteraceae |
rose heath |
Chamaenerion angustifolium [Chamerion angustifolium subsp. circumvagum] [Epilobium angustifolium] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hope Creek on Shaw Lake road 23 Aug 2013 |
Onagraceae |
narrow-leaf fireweed, rosebay willowherb |
Chamaenerion latifolium [Chamerion latifolium] [Chamerion subdentum] [Epilobium latifolium] |
Onagraceae |
alpine fireweed |
Chamaerhodos erecta [Sibbaldia erecta] [Chamaerhodos nuttallii] |
Rosaceae |
Nuttall’s little rose, little rose |
Chamaesaracha arida [Chamaesaracha coronopus] |
Solanaceae |
green-leaf five-eyes, green false nightshade |
Chamaesaracha coniodes [Chamaesaracha texensis] [Solanum coniodes] |
Solanaceae |
gray five-eyes |
Chenopodiastrum simplex [Chenopodium simplex] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, edge of flower garden 30 July 2017 |
Amaranthaceae |
maple-leaf goosefoot |
Yes |
Chenopodium album |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte 19 July 2015; 22 July 2017; 22 Aug 2024 |
Yes |
Amaranthaceae |
lambsquarter, fat hen |
Yes |
Chenopodium atrovirens |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista vacant lot, 4 Sept 2019 |
Amaranthaceae |
pinyon goosefoot |
Yes |
Chenopodium berlandieri |
YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, 2 miles S of Creede, 23 July 2020; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 18 Sept 2022 |
Yes |
Amaranthaceae |
pitseed goosefoot |
Yes |
Chenopodium desiccatum [Chenopodium berlandieri var. glaucoviride] [Chenopodium leptophyllum var. desiccatum] [etc.] |
Amaranthaceae |
desert goosefoot, aridland goosefoot, slimleaf goosefoot |
Yes |
Chenopodium fremontii |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NM, 29 July 2019 |
Yes |
Amaranthaceae |
forest goosefoot |
Yes |
Chenopodium hians [Chenopodium incognitum] |
Amaranthaceae |
hians goosefoot, gaping goosefoot |
Yes |
Chenopodium incanum [Chenopodium fremontii var. incanum] |
Yes "macho mel": Rio Grande Co, by Hwy 160 between Monte Vista and Alamosa 25 Aug 2019 |
Amaranthaceae |
mealy goosefoot |
Yes |
Chenopodium leptophyllum [Chenopodium album var. leptophyllum] [Chenopodium oblongifolium] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, San Luis Hills, on bare hilltops along Hwy 128 and CR V, 28 July2021 |
Yes |
Amaranthaceae |
narrowleaf goosefoot |
Yes |
Chenopodium pratericola [Chenopodium desiccatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte by Hwy 160, 15 Aug 2014 |
Yes |
Amaranthaceae |
desert goosefoot |
Yes |
Chenopodium watsonii [Chenopodium glabrescens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt just SW of Del Norte, 8 Aug 2014; Elephant Rocks N of Del Norte 2 Oct 2018; Saguache Co, Saguache town park, 28 July 2020 |
Yes |
Amaranthaceae |
stinky goosefoot |
Yes |
Cherleria obtusiloba [Minuartia obtusiloba] [Lidia obtusiloba] [Arenaria obtusiloba] [Arenaria sajanensis?] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 13 Aug 2020 |
Caryophyllaceae |
alpine stitchwort |
Chimaphila umbellata [Pyrola umbellata] |
Ericaceae |
pipsissewa |
Chionophila jamesii |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Grayback pass 20 July 2015 |
Plantaginaceae |
Rocky Mountian snowlover |
Chondrophylla fremontii [Gentiana fremontii] [Chondrophylla aquatica] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, along the Conejos River, in "the hidden mile," by Forest Service Road 250, 21 March 2014 |
Gentianaceae |
moss gentian |
Chondrophylla prostrata [Gentiana prostrata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 23 Aug 2019 |
Gentianaceae |
Siberian gentian |
Chorispora tenella |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte stree verges 8 May 2019 |
Yes |
Brassicaceae |
blue mustard, musk mustard, cross flower |
Yes |
Chrysothamnus depressus [Ericameria depressa] |
YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, FSR 103(1) C, 4 Sept 2021 |
Asteraceae |
dwarf rabbitbrush |
Chrysothamnus greenei [Bigelowia greeenei] [Ericameria filifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa NWR 11 Sept 2016; Saguache Co, Baca NWR, inside refuge and beside Hwy 17, 17 Sept 2021 |
Asteraceae |
Greene’s rabbitbrush |
Chrysothamnus vaseyi [Bigelowia vaseyi] [Chrysothamnus bakeri] [Ericameria vaseyi] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 8 miles E of Antonito 14 Oct 2022 |
Asteraceae |
Vasey’s rabbitbrush |
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus [Crinitaria viscidiflora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 4 Sept 2019 |
Asteraceae |
yellow rabbitbrush |
Cichorium intybus |
YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, along Hwy 17, 10 July 2014; Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, road to Terrace Reservoir 26 July 20192019) |
Asteraceae |
chickory, cornflower |
Cicuta maculata [Cicuta douglasii, misidentified] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge, 7 July 2016 |
Apiaceae |
spotted water hemlock, cowbane, suicide root |
Yes |
Circaea alpina |
YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, SW of South Fork 31 July 2018 |
Yes |
Onagraceae |
small enchanter’s nightshade |
Yes |
Cirsium arvense [Breea arvense] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork, vacant lot, 4 Sept 2013; 8 miles S of Del Norte by CR 13 23 Aug 2020 |
Asteraceae |
creeping thistle, field thistle, Canadian thistle |
Cirsium canescens |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near FS 103 (2)B, around 8,300' elev, sunny grassland 1 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
creamy thistle |
Cirsium coloradense [Scariosum scariosum var. coloradense] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Groundhog road, off Embargo Creek 23 July 2016 |
Asteraceae |
meadow thistle, Colorado thistle |
Cirsium culebraensis |
Asteraceae |
none yet |
yes |
Cirsium funkiae [Cirsium scopulorum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Lakes 13 Aug 2008; peak of Grayback Mountain 21 Aug 2014 |
Asteraceae |
no name as yet |
yes |
Cirsium hesperium [Cirsium eatonii var. hesperium] [Cirsium scopulorum] [Cirsium eatonii var. eriocephalum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Willow Creek above Creede 4 July 2014 |
Asteraceae |
Eaton’s thistle |
Cirsium neomexicanum [Carduus neomexicanus] [Cnicus neomexicanus] |
Asteraceae |
New Mexico thistle |
yes |
Cirsium ochrocentrum [Carduus ochrocentrus] [Cnicus neomexicanus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Natural Arch south of La Garita, 17 July 2013; Rio Grande Co, Church Creek near South Fork, 19 July 2020 |
Asteraceae |
yellowspine thistle |
Cirsium parryi [Carduus pallidum] [Carduus gilensis] [Carduus parryi] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Deep Creek trail, SW of Creede 11 Aug 2020 |
Asteraceae |
Parry’s thistle |
Cirsium tioganum [Cirsium americanum] [Cirsium scariosum var. americanum] [Cirsium acaulescens] [Cirsium coloradense subsp. acaulescens] [Cirsium drummondii var. acaulescens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hunters Lake, 11 miles SW of South Fork, 19 June 2017 |
Asteraceae |
meadow thistle, stemless thistle, dinnerplate thistle |
Cirsium tracyi [Cirsium undulatum, var. tracyi] [Carduus tracyi] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co Gulch near FSR 103.2B, 4 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
Tracy’s thistle |
Cirsium undulatum [Cirsium megsacephalum] [Carduus megacephalus] [Carduus undulatus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, CO Great Sand Dunes July 2013, July 2022 |
Asteraceae |
wavyleaf thistle |
Cirsium vulgare |
YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, near the confluence of the Conejos River and Fox Creek 2 Aug 2015;2 Sept 2015 |
Asteraceae |
bull thistle |
Claytonia lanceolata |
Montiaceae |
western springbeauty |
Claytonia megarhiza [Claytonia arctica var. megarhiza] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle between Poison and Bennett Peaks 19 June 2017 |
Montiaceae |
alpine springbeauty |
Claytonia rosea [Claytonia lanceolata var. rosea] |
YES Craig Martin: Alamosa Co, top of Mosca pass 9 June 2023 |
Montiaceae |
western springbeauty |
Clematis columbiana [Atragene columbiana] [Atragene pseudoalpina] [Clematis pseudoalpina] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lost Lake, 18 June 2014 |
Ranunculaceae |
rock clematis |
Clematis hirsutissima var. scottii [Clematis scottii] [Coriflora hirsutissima] [Coriflora scottii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr trailhead S of Del Norte 26 July 2017 |
Ranunculaceae |
Scott’s hairy clematis, Scott’s sugarbowl clematis |
Clematis ligusticifolia [Clematis neomexicana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte flood plain of the Rio Grande on the "river walk", 16 June 2020 |
Ranunculaceae |
western white clematis, virgin’s bower, old man’s beard, devil's thread, pepper vine, etc. |
Clematis orientalis |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista, Dos Rios Restaurant 18 July 2013; Del Norte street side Aug 2015 to 29 Sept 2022 |
Ranunculaceae |
oriental clematis, orangepeel clematis |
Yes |
Collinsia parviflora [Collinsia tenella] |
Plantaginaceae |
blue-eyed Mary, hunchback flower |
Collomia linearis [Gilia linearis] [Navarretia linearis] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near the Conejos River between Mogote and Aspen Glade campgrounds 16 July 2021 |
Polemoniaceae |
tiny trumpet, narrow-leaf mountain-trumpet |
Comandra umbellata [Thesium umbellatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by Rio Grande 10 June 2015 to 21 June 2022 |
Comandraceae |
bastard toadflax |
Comarum palustre [Potentilla palustris] |
Yes Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 1 mile W of La Manga pass 6 Aug 2016; natural pond at Cumbres Pass 15 July 2022; Rich Haswell: natural pond at Cumbres pass 2 Aug 2022 |
Yes |
Rosaceae |
purple marshlocks |
Yes |
Comastoma tenellum [Gentiana tenella] [Gentianella tenella] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Alberta Peak 28 July 2016 |
Gentianaceae |
Lapland gentian |
Commelina dianthifolia [Commelina linearis var. longispatha] |
Yes Rachel Hosna: Saguache Co, 0.6 mile west of Penitente Canyon cpgd 7 Aug 2022 |
Commelinaceae |
birdbill dayflower |
Conioselinum scopulorum [Ligusticum scopulorum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, below Big Meadows Reservoir 9 July 2020 |
Apiaceae |
hemlock parsley |
Yes |
Conium maculatum |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on the Conejos River between Mogote and Aspen Glade cpgd 23-28 July 2017 |
Apiaceae |
poison hemlock |
Yes |
Convolvulus arvensis [Convolvulus ambigens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte house 18 June 2013 |
Convolvulaceae |
field bindweed, morning glory, withy wind, creeping jenny, devil's guts |
Corallorhiza maculata [Cladorhiza maculata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir (in flower) 17 July 2015 |
Orchidaceae |
spotted coralroot |
Corallorhiza striata [Cladorhiza striata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Creek 28 July 2017 |
Orchidaceae |
striped coralroot |
Corallorhiza trifida |
YES Katherine Zybko, Saguache Co, Medano Creek, 24 June 2024; Katherine Zybko, Mosca Creek trailhead, 25 June 2024 |
Orchidaceae |
early coralroot, yellow coralroot |
Coreopsis tinctoria [Coreopsis cardaminifolia] [Calliopsis cardaminifolia] etc. |
Asteraceae |
garden tickweed, Plains ocreopsis, calliopsis |
yes |
Corispermum americanum |
Amaranthaceae |
bugseed |
Yes |
Corispermum hyssopifolium [Chorispermum hyssopifolium] |
Amaranthaceae |
hyssop-leaved bugseed |
yes |
Corispermum villosum [Corispermum emarginatum] [Corispermum orientale var. emarginatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, the Great Sand Dunes NP 13 Sept 2017 |
Amaranthaceae |
hairy bugseed |
Yes |
Cornus canadensis |
Cornaceae |
bunchberry dogwood |
Cornus sericea var. sericea [Cornus alba var. alba] [Cornus stolonifera] |
YES Mary McDonald: Conejos Co, forest bench of the Conejos River SW of Fox Creek Community 11 June2014; Contributor: Conejos Co, along Conejos River July 2021 |
Cornaceae |
red-osier dogwood |
Corydalis aurea [Corydalis aurea subsp. occidentalis] [Corydalis aurea subsp. aurea] [Corydalis aurea subsp. curvisiliqua] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte alley verge 24 May 2014; Saguache Co, Luders Creek cpgd, 17 July 2016 |
yes |
Fumariaceae |
golden smoke, scrambled eggs |
Yes |
Corydalis caseana |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 27 July 2016 |
yes |
Fumariaceae |
Sierra fumewort, Brandegees' fitweed |
Yes |
Cosmos parviflorus [Coreopsis parviflor[ |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, by HWY 17, E end of Los Mogotes 19 Aug 2016 |
Asteraceae |
southwestern cosmos, juve, aceitilla blanca |
Crassula aquatica [Tillaea aquatica] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by and in pond of an unused gravel pit NW of Del Norte 29 Aug 2020; 14 Sept 2020; 18 Sept 2022 |
Yes |
Crassulaceae |
pigmyweed |
Yes |
Crataegus rivularis |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Cr 9 July 2014 |
Rosaceae |
river hawthorn |
Yes |
Crepis acuminata |
YES Rich Haswell: Bauchmann Creek northeast of South Fork 25 Sept 2019 |
Asteraceae |
tapertip hawksbeard |
Crepis runcinata [Psilochenia runcinata] [Crepis neomexicana] [Crepis perplexans] [Crepis petiolata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes State SWA 8 Sept 2017 |
Asteraceae |
fiddleleaf hawk's-beard |
Crucihimalaya virgata [Transberingia bursifolia] [Halimolobos virgata] |
Brassicaceae |
rod transberingia |
yes |
Cryptantha crassisepala [Cryptantha dicarpa] [Eritrichium crassisepalum] [Krynitzkia crassisepala] |
Boraginaceae |
thicksepal catseye |
Cryptantha fendleri [Cryptantha pattersonii] [Krynitzkia fendleri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Ridge E of Elephant Rocks, 21 Aug 2017 |
Boraginaceae |
sanddunes catseye |
Cryptantha minima |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, confluence of Rio de los Pinos and Cumbres Cr 20 May 2020 |
Boraginaceae |
little catseye |
Cuscuta indecora |
Convolvulaceae |
bigseed alfalfa dodder |
Cycloloma atriplicifolium [Dysphania atriplicifolia] [Salsola atriplicifolia] [Salsola platyphylla] |
YES Rich Haswell, Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP, 18 July 2020 |
Amaranthaceae |
winged pigweed |
Yes |
Cymopterus alpinus [Oreoxis alpina] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle between Poison and Bennett Peaks 19 June 2017 |
Apiaceae |
alpine parsley |
Yes |
Cymopterus anisatus [Cymopterus longilobus] [Cymopterus hendersonii] [Aletes anisatus] [Cymopterus anisatus] [Pseudocymopterus longilobus] [Pteryxia hendersonii] |
Apiaceae |
longstalk spring parsley |
Yes |
Cymopterus glomeratus [Cymopterus acaulis] [Cymopterus fendleri] [Thapsis glomerata] |
YES Kay Crowder Alamosa Co, western city limits of Alamosa, 30 April 2023; Josh Felton, Saguache Co, near Creston 17 May 2023 |
Apiaceae |
spring parsley |
Yes |
Cymopterus lemmonii [Thaspium montanum] [Pseudocymopterus montanus] [Pseudocymopterus filicinus] [Pseudocymopterus multifidus] etc. [ |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, by junction of CR 380 and Hwy 160 10 June 2020 |
Apiaceae |
mountain parsley |
Yes |
Cynoglossum officinale |
YES: Mary McDonald, Archuleta Co, near Cumbres pass, 2021; Mele Avery, Saguache Co, Valley View Hot Springs, 2022 |
Boraginaceae |
houndstongue |
Dactylis glomerata [Bromus glomeratus] [Festuca glomerata] etc. |
Poaceae |
orchard grass, cocksfoot |
yes |
Dactylorhiza viride [Coeloglossum viride] [Habenaria viridis] [Orchis verescens] [Satyrium viride] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, in Watershed, elev. 9,000-10,000’, 26 June 2013 to 13 Aug 2018 |
Yes |
Orchidaceae |
long-bracted bog orchid, frog orchid |
Yes |
Dalea leporina [Dalea alba] [Dalea alopecuroides] [Psoralea leporina] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between Hwy 17 and the Conejos River at Los Mogotes 27 Aug 2018; 22 Sept 2018 |
Fabaceae |
foxtail prairie clover |
Danthonia intermedia [Danthonia canadensis] |
Poaceae |
timber oatgrass |
yes |
Dasiphora fruticosa [Dasiphora floribunda] [Pentaphylloides fruticosa] [Pentaphylliodes floribunda] [Pentaphylloides floribunda] [Potentilla floribunda] [Potentilla fruticosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Wagon Wheel Gap 14 Aug 2016 |
Rosaceae |
shrubby cinquefoil |
Delphinium alpestre |
Yes Jennifer Ackerfield: Costilla Co, near Trinchera Peak, 8 Aug 2018 |
Ranunculaceae |
Colorado larkspur |
Yes |
Delphinium barbeyi [Delphinium cockerellii] [Delphinium exaltatum var. barbeyi] [Delphinium occidentale] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood pass 2 Sept 2019 |
Yes |
Ranunculaceae |
subalpine larkspur, Barbey's larkspur |
Yes |
Delphinium nuttallianum [Delphinium nelsonii] |
Ranunculaceae |
Nuttall's larkspur, twolobe delphinium |
Yes |
Delphinium ramosum |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Pool Table Road, open meadow 30 July 2015 |
Yes |
Ranunculaceae |
mountain larkspur |
Yes |
Delphinium robustum [Delphinium ramosum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, vicinity of Old Cochetopa pass 17 July 2016 |
Yes |
Ranunculaceae |
Wahatoya Creek larkspur, robust larkspur |
Yes |
Deschampsia cespitosa [Agrostis cespitosa] [Aira cespitosa] [Aira major] |
Poaceae |
tufted hair-grass, tufted hairgrass |
yes |
Descurainia californica [Smelowskia californica] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO just N of Lobo overlook of Wolf Creek pass 6 Aug 2014 |
Brassicaceae |
Sierra tansymustard |
Descurainia incana [Descurainia richardsonii] [Sisymbrium incanum] [Sophia procera] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Pass, road side, fruit partially dehisced 8/5/2021 |
Brassicaceae |
mountain tansy mustard |
Descurainia incisa [Descurainia richardsonii subsp. incisa] [Sisymbrium incisum] [Sophia incisa] |
YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt. 22 May 2018 |
Brassicaceae |
cutleaved tansymustard |
Descurainia kenheilii |
YES Scott F. Smith San Juan Co, 1 mile east of Stony pass 22 Jul 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
Heil’s tansymustard |
Descurainia longepedicellata [Descurainia incisa var. filipes] [Sisymbrium incisum var. filipes] [Sisymbrium longepedicellatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 5 miles W of Del Norte road side 5 Aug 2016 |
Brassicaceae |
narrow tansymustard |
Descurainia nelsonii [Descurainia pinnata subsp. nelsonii] |
Brassicaceae |
Nelson’s tansymustard |
Descurainia pinnata [Descurainia ramosissima] [Erysimum pinnatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, natural pond above Luders Creek cpgd 25 Aug 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
Villa Grove tansymustard |
Descurainia sophia |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte lot by Hwy 160, 4 May 2021 (young plant) |
Brassicaceae |
flixweed, herbe-Sophia, tansy |
Dieteria bigelovii [Machaeranthera bigelovii] [Machaeranthera aquifolia] [Machaerathera pattersonii] [Aster aquifolia] [Machaeranthera rubricaulis] etc.. |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co Beaver Reservoir SW of South Fork Beside parking lot 2 Sept 2020 |
Asteraceae |
Bigelow’s false tansyaster |
Dieteria canescens [Machaeranthera canescens] [Machaeranthera viscosa] [Machaeranthera linearis] [Aster canescens] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 7 Aug 2018; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side, 9 Oct 2024 |
Asteraceae |
hoary false tansyaster, sand daisy |
Diplachne fusca [Leptochloa fusca] [Diplachne polystachios] [Festuca fusca] [Poa fusca] |
Poaceae |
Malabar sprangletop |
yes |
Distichlis spicata [Distichlis stricta] [Uniola spicata] |
Poaceae |
salt grass, salt-grass, inland saltgrass |
yes |
Dodecatheon pulchellum [Primula pauciflora] [Exinia pulchella] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, wetlands by FSR 113, 19 July 2015; Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Poso Creek 2 July 2019 |
Primulaceae |
darkthroat shooting star, southern shooting star |
Draba albertina |
YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co near La Manga pass 27 June 2023 |
Brassicaceae |
slender draba, slender whitlow-grass |
Draba aurea [Draba leiocarpa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt head of road to radio tower 12 Aug 2020 |
Brassicaceae |
golden draba |
Draba cana [Draba breweri var. cana] [Draba lanceolata] |
YES Scotty Smith: Saguache Co, western slopes of Marble Mountain, 4 Aug 2011 |
Brassicaceae |
cushion draba |
Draba crassa |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 0.6 miles SE of the Elwood Cabin 2 Sept 2019 |
Brassicaceae |
thickleaf draba |
Draba crassifolia |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 23 Aug 2019 |
Brassicaceae |
snowbed draba |
Draba fladnizensis [Draba pattersonii] [Draba wahlenbergii] |
YES Patrick Alexander: Conejos Co, east of Conejos Peak, 2 July 2018; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, east flank of Grayback Mountain, 11 Juy 2024 |
Brassicaceae |
Arctic draba, Austrian draba |
Draba graminea [Draba chrysantha var. graminea] |
Brassicaceae |
Rocky Mountain draba |
yes |
Draba grayana [Draba streptocarpa var. grayana] |
Brassicaceae |
Gray’s draba |
Draba helleriana [Draba neomexicana] [Draba pallida] [Draba patens] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle between Poison and Bennett Peaks 19 June 2017 |
Brassicaceae |
Heller’s draba |
Draba malpighiacea |
Brassicaceae |
none as yet |
Draba nemorosa |
Brassicaceae |
woodland draba |
Draba rectifructa [Draba montana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Poso cpgd, west of La Garita 3 July 2019 |
Brassicaceae |
mountain draba |
Draba smithii |
YES Carold English, Saguache Co, north Cristos at a high elevation [other location information protected] |
Brassicaceae |
Smith’s draba |
Draba spectabilis |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood pass 2 Aug 2019 |
Brassicaceae |
showy draba |
Draba streptobrachia [Draba spectabilis var. dasycarpa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 14 July 2015 |
Brassicaceae |
alpine tundra draba |
Draba streptocarpa [Draba tonsa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Saddle between Poison and Bennett Peaks 19 June 2017 |
Brassicaceae |
pretty draba |
Dracocephalum parviflorum [Moldavica parviflora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr 1 July 2020 |
Lamiaceae |
American dragonhead, dragonhead mint |
Dryas hookeriana [Dryas octopetala] [Dryas octopetala subsp. hookeriana] |
YES Jennifer Ackerfield: Costilla Co, near Trinchera Peak, 8 Aug 2018 |
Rosaceae |
mountain avens, mountain dryas |
yes |
Drymocallis arguta [Potentilla arguta] [Drymocallis convallaria] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Upper Beaver Creek cpgd 12 July 2017 |
Rosaceae |
tall cinquefoil |
Drymocallis fissa [Potentilla fissa] |
Rosaceae |
leafy cinquefoil |
Dysphania botrys [Chenopodium botrys] [Teloxys botrys] [Ambrosia mexicana] |
Amaranthaceae |
sticky goosefoot, Jerusalem-oak, feathered geranium |
Yes |
Dysphania graveolens [Dysphania incisa] [Teloxys graveolens] [Chenopodium graveolens] |
YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, north South Fork on terrace above the Rio Grande, 12 Sept 2017; Alamosa Co, S of Great Sand Dune NP, 20 July 2021 |
Amaranthaceae |
fetid goosefoot |
Yes |
Dyssodia papposa [Boebera papposa] [Tagetes papposa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, by CR A32 (Old Woman Creek road) 23 Aug 2014 |
Asteraceae |
fetid marigold |
Echinocereus coccineus [Echinocereus triglochidiatus var. melanocanthus] [Triglochidiatus coccineus] [Cereus coccineus] [Echinocereus conoides] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Base of volcanic dyke BLM rd 231, 16 June 2017 |
Yes |
Cactaceae |
hedgehog cactus, claret-cup cactus |
Yes |
Echinocereus triglochidiatus [Echinocereus mojavensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: see Annotated Page. |
Yes |
Cactaceae |
king’s crown, claret cup |
Yes |
Echinocereus viridiflorus [Cereus chloranthus] [Echinocereus chloranthus] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Biedell Creek, 27 May 2019 |
Yes |
Cactaceae |
pitaya cactus, nylon hedgehog cactus |
Yes |
Echinochloa crus-galli [Echinochloa crusgalli] [Panicum crusgalli] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Baca National Wilflife Refuge 17 Aug 2021 |
Poaceae |
barnyard grass, Japanese millet |
yes |
Elaeagnus angustifolia |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 4 June 2020 |
Caprifoliaceae |
Russian olive |
Yes |
Elaeagnus commutata [Elaeagnus argentea] |
YES Daniel Boyes: Conejos Co, Conejos River southwest of Mogote, 19 Aug 2022 |
Caprifoliaceae |
silverberry |
Ellisia nyctelea [Macrocalyx nyctelea] [Nyctelea nyctelea] |
Boraginaceae |
Aunt Lucy |
Elodea bifoliata [Elodea longivaginata] |
YES Richard Haswell: Home Lake E of Monte Vista, submerged and floating 24 Sept 2020 |
Hydrocharitaceae |
twoleaf waterweed |
Elodea canadensis [Elodea planchonni] [Anacharis canadensis] [Philotria] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds, emersed and floating 10 Sept 2021; Million Reservoir 22 Sept 2020 |
Hydrocharitaceae |
Canadian waterweed |
Elymus bakeri [Agropyron bakeri] [Agropyron trachycaulum var. bakeri] |
Poaceae |
Baker's wheatgrass |
yes |
Elymus canadensis [Elymus brachystachys] Clinelymus canadensis] [Hordeum canadense] etc. |
Poaceae |
Canada wildrye, Canadian wildrye |
yes |
Elymus elymoides [Elymus sitanion] [Hordeum elymoides] [Sitanion elymoides] [Sitanion hystrix] |
Poaceae |
squirreltail, bottlebrush |
yes |
Elymus glaucus [Clinelymus glaucus] [Elymus americanus] [Elymus sibiricus var. glaucus] |
Poaceae |
blue wildrye, common western wildrye |
yes |
Elymus lanceolatus [Agropyron lanceolatum] [Agropyron dasytachyum] |
Poaceae |
streambank wheatgrass |
yes |
Elymus repens [Agropyron repens] [Elytrigia repens] [Triticum repens] etc. |
Poaceae |
quackgrass, couchgrass, couch grass, quitch, twitch, witchgrass |
yes |
Elymus scribneri [Agropyron scribneri] [Elymus trachycaulus subsp. scribneri] |
Poaceae |
spreading wheatgrass |
yes |
Elymus smithii [Pascopyrum smithii[ [Agropyron smithii] [Elytrigia smithii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 1 Jan 2025 |
Poaceae |
Western wheatgrass |
yes |
Elymus trachycaulus [Elymus violaceus] [Agropyron brevifolium] etc. |
Poaceae |
slender wheatgrass, bearded wheatgrass |
yes |
Epilobium anagallidifolium [Epilobium alpinum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 11 July 2018 |
Onagraceae |
pimpernel willowherb |
Epilobium brachycarpum [Epilobium paniculatum] [Epilobium adenocladon] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 15 July 2017 |
Onagraceae |
tall willowherb |
Epilobium ciliatum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, roadside seep near Crystal Lakes 14 July 2020 |
Onagraceae |
fringed willowherb, American willowherb |
Epilobium clavatum [Epilobium alpinum var. clavatum] [Epilobium glareosum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mountain edge of talus slope 20 July 2015 |
Onagraceae |
talus willowherb |
Epilobium hallianum [Epilobium halleanum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Rio del los Pinus at inlet to Trujillo Meadows Reservoir 3 Aug 2020 |
Onagraceae |
Hall’s willowherb |
Epilobium hornemannii |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Lake Fork trail at Hwy 160 11 Aug 2014 |
Onagraceae |
Hornemann’s willowherb |
Epilobium lactiflorum [Epilobium hornemannii var. lactiflorum] [Epilobium alpinum var. lactiflorum] [Epilobium hornemannii var. lactiflorum] |
Onagraceae |
milkflower willowherb |
Epilobium leptophyllum [Epilobium palustre var. gracile] |
Onagraceae |
narrowleaf willowherb |
yes |
Epilobium oregonense |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, pond at Cumbres pass 24 July 2022 |
Onagraceae |
Oregon willowherb |
yes |
Epilobium saximontanum [Epilobium drummondii] [Epilobium ovatifolium] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 0.5 miles S of Grayback Pass, wet meadow 5 Aug 2021 |
Onagraceae |
Rocky Mountain willowherb |
Epipactis gigantea |
YES Scott F. Smith: Saguache Co, Valley View Hot Springs 4 July 2021 |
Orchidaceae |
stream orchid, broadleaf helleborine |
yes |
Eragrostis barrelieri |
Poaceae |
Mediterranean lovegrass |
yes |
Eragrostis ciianensis [Eragrostis major] [eragrostis megastachya] [Poa cilianensis] |
Poaceae |
stinkgrass, stink-grass |
yes |
Eragrostis hypnoides [Poa hypnoides] [Erosion hypnoides] etc. |
Poaceae |
teal lovegrass, creeping lovegrass |
yes |
Eragrostis pectinacea [Eragrostis pilosa] [Poa pectinacea] [Eragrostis arida], etc. |
Poaceae |
tufted lovegrass |
yes |
Eragrostis pilosa [Eragrostic perplexa] [Eragrostic muticaulis] [Poa pilosa] |
Poaceae |
Indian lovegrass, Jersey lovegrass, hairy lovegrass |
yes |
Eremogone fendleri [Arenaria fendleri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle just W of Del Norte 22 May 2021 |
Caryophyllaceae |
Fendler’s sandwort |
Ericameria discoidea [Macronema discoidea] |
YES Joseph Kleinkopf: Saguache Co, CO near top of Simmons Peak 10 Aug 2022 |
Asteraceae |
whitestem goldenbush |
yes |
Ericameria nauseosa [Chrysothamnus nauseosus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 16 Aug 2019 |
Asteraceae |
rubber rabbitbrush |
Ericameria parryi [Chrysothamnus parryi] [Linosysris parryi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 20 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
Parry’s rabbitbrush |
Erigeron acris [Erigeron kamtschaticus] [Erigeron acris var. asteroides] |
Asteraceae |
bitter fleabane |
Yes |
Erigeron canadensis [Conyza canadensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WP 22 July 2016; Rio Grande Co, abandoned gravel pit one mile NE of Del Norte 27 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
horseweed |
Yes |
Erigeron canus [Wyomingia cana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek N of South Fork, meadow 8 July 2019 |
Asteraceae |
hoary fleabane |
Yes |
Erigeron compositus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mountain tundra 5 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
alpine daisy |
Erigeron concinnus [Erigeron pumilus var concinnus] [Erigeron pumilus subsp. concinnoides] [Erigeron setulosus] [Distasis concinna] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, gravel pit 1.5 air miles NE of Del Norte 20 June 2021 |
Asteraceae |
Navajo fleabane |
Erigeron coulteri |
YES Janis E. Haswell: Rio Grande Co 0.5 miles S of Grayback pass, meadow 5 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
Coulter’s daisy |
Yes |
Erigeron divergens [Erigeron accedens] [Erigeron incomptus] [Erigeron wootonii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, gravel pit 1.5 air miles NE of Del Norte 6/20/2021; Del Norte, crack in sidewalk of downtown street 24 May 2017 |
Asteraceae |
spreading fleabane |
Erigeron eatonii |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, SE end of Beaver Creek Reservoir, open ground 7 July 2020 |
Asteraceae |
Eaton’s fleabane |
Erigeron elatior [Erigeron grandiflorus var. elatior] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Cochetopa Pass, 10 July 2015; Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mountain 23 June 2020 |
Asteraceae |
tall fleabane |
Erigeron engelmannii |
Astraceae |
Engelmann’s fleabane |
Erigeron eximius [Erigeron superbus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Luders Creek Campground 26 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
daisy fleabane |
Erigeron flagellaris [Erigeron conmixtus] [Erigeron divergens var. nudiflorus] [Erigeron macdougalii] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte house 12 July 2020 |
Asteraceae |
whiplash fleabane |
Erigeron formosissimus [Erigeron diminutus] [Erigeron mogollonicus] [Erigeron pecosensis] [Erigeron smithii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek, 10 miles S of Del Norte 2 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
beautiful fleabane |
Erigeron glabellus |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, where Hwy 142 crosses the Conejos River, meadow above river 7/28/2021; Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 10 Sept 2021 |
Asteraceae |
streamside fleabane |
Erigeron glacialis [Erigeron peregrinus] [Aster glacialis] [Erigeron callianthemus] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Poage Lake, 12 air miles SW of South Fork 11 July 2016 |
Asteraceae |
glacial fleabane |
Erigeron grandiflorus [Erigeron simplex] [Erigeron leucotrichus] [Erigeron uniflorus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, tundra, Grayback pass 21 Aug 2014, 16 Aug 2017; 8 July 2019 |
Asteraceae |
Rocky Mountain alpine daisy |
Erigeron leiomerus |
YES Rich Haswell: Grayback Mt, in rock outcrops along the radio-tower road to the peak 21 Aug 2014 |
Asteraceae |
rockslide fleabane |
Erigeron lonchophyllus [Trimorpha lonchophylla] [Erigeron minor] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, FR 740 one mile S of Hwy 14, 26 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
long-leaved fleabane |
Erigeron melanocephalus [Erigeron uniflorus var. melanocephalus] |
YES Rich Haswell: 0.5 mile E of Elwood Pass, trail to Crystal Lake 2 Aug 2019 |
Asteraceae |
blackheaded fleabane |
Erigeron nivalis [Erigeron acris var. debilis] |
Asteraceae |
northern fleabane |
yes |
Erigeron philadelphicus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, parking area of store in Del Norte on Hwy 160, 31 Aug 2022 |
Asteraceae |
Philadelphia fleabane |
yes |
Erigeron pinnatisectus [Erigeron compositus var. pinnatisectus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Grayback Pass, on rocky knoll near the Summitville Road and the radio-tower utility road 8 July 2019 |
Asteraceae |
pinnate-leaf fleabane |
Erigeron pumilus |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, beside Hwy 17 near community of Fox Creek, 17 June 2016 |
Asteraceae |
shaggy fleabane |
Erigeron scopulinus |
Asteraceae |
rock fleabane |
yes |
Erigeron speciosus [Erigeron leptophyllus] [Erigeron micranthus] [ |
YES Rich Haswell: by natural pond along CR 14 at about 11,250' elevation 14 July 2020 |
Asteraceae |
aspen fleabane |
Erigeron subtrinervis [Erigeron bakeri] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Conejos River 2 miles upstream from Mogote cpgd; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle SanFrancisco Creek trailhead 2 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
three-veined fleabane |
Erigeron tracyi [Erigeron colomexicanus] [Erigeron conmixtus] [Erigeron divergens var. cinereus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, dry shelf by Shaw Lake 9 July 2020 |
Asteraceae |
Tracy’s daisy |
Erigeron ursinus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Grayback Mountain 20 July 2015 |
Asteraceae |
Bear River fleabane |
Erigeron vagus |
YES Scott F. Smith, San Juan Co, Stony pass, 22 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
rambling fleabane |
Erigeron vetensis |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek 1.5 miles NE of South Fork 7 June 2021 |
Asteraceae |
early blue-top fleabane |
Erigeron vreelandii [Erigeron platyphyllus] [Erigeron rudis] [Erigeron semirasus] |
Asteraceae |
Vreeland’s fleabane |
Eriocoma hymenoides [Achnatherum hymenoides] [Oryzopsis hymenoides] [Eriocoma cuspidata] [Stipa hymenoides] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, north town limits of Del Norte, street side 1 Jan 2025 |
Poaceae |
Indian ricegrass, Indian rice grass |
yes |
Eriocoma lettermanii [Achnatherum lettermanii] [Stipa lettermanii] |
YES Rich Hasell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte alley side 5 Jan 2025 |
Poaceae |
Letterman's needlegrass |
yes |
Eriocoma nelsonii [Achnatherum nelsonii] [Stipa minor] [Stipa nelsonii] etc. |
Poaceae |
Columbia needlegrass, Nelson's needlegrass, subalpine needlegrass |
yes |
Eriocoma perplexa [Stipa perplexa] [Achnatherum perplexum] |
Poaceae |
perplexing needlegrass |
yes |
Eriocoma pinetorum [Achnatherum pinetorum] [Stipa pinetorum] |
Poaceae |
pine needlegrass |
yes |
Eriocoma robusta [Achnatherum robustum] [Stipa robusta] [Stipa vaseyi] |
Poaceae |
sleepy grass, sleepygrass |
yes |
Eriocoma scribneri [Stipa scribneri] [Achnatherum scribneri] |
Poaceae |
Scribner's needlegrass |
yes |
Eriogonum alatum [Pterogonum alatum] |
YES Rich Haswell Alamosa Co, mile S of toll gate for the Great Sand Dunes NP 20 July 2021 |
Polygonaceae |
winged buckwheat |
Eriogonum arcuatum [Eriogonum bakeri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Farmers Trail trailhead S of Creede, 21 May 2021 |
Polygonaceae |
Baker’s wild buckwheat, smartweed buckwheat |
Eriogonum cernuum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by CR 15A north of Del Norte 21 Aug 2020 |
Polygonaceae |
nodding buckwheat |
Eriogonum effusum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 8 miles W of Del Norte, meadow slope 18 Aug 2017 |
Polygonaceae |
spreading buckwheat |
Eriogonum flavum [Eriogonum polyphyllum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Deep Creek trail S of Creede 11 Aug 2020 |
Polygonaceae |
golden buckwheat, Piper's buckwheat |
Eriogonum jamesii |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, foothills just S of Del Norte 3 Aug 2020 |
Polygonaceae |
James’ buckwheat |
Eriogonum lachnogynum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, ridge by Twelvemile road E of CR 38A 12 June 2021 |
Polygonaceae |
woollycup buckwheat |
Eriogonum microtheca [Eriogonum microthecum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Terrace Reservoir 26 July 2019 |
Polygonaceae |
slender buckwheat |
Eriogonum racemosum |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Terrace Reservoir 26 July 2019 |
Polygonaceae |
redroot buckwheat |
Eriogonum umbellatum |
YES Kevin Reilly: Conejos Co, Rio de los Pinos below Osier Station 21 June 2021 |
Polygonaceae |
sulphur-flower buckwheat |
Eritrichium nanum [Eritrichium argenteum] [Eritrichium aretioides var. elongatum] [Eritrichium elongatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, last slope before peak of Grayback Mountain 21 Aug 2014 |
Boraginaceae |
Arctic alpine forget-me-not, king-of-the-Alps |
Erodium cicutarium [Geranium cicutarium] |
YES Rich Haswell: house yard in Del Norte 15 July 1203. |
Yes |
Geraniaceae |
common stork’s-bill, redstem filaree, pinweed |
Yes |
Erysimum asperum [Cheiranthus asperum] [Cheirinia aspera] |
Brassicaceae |
western wallflower |
Erysimum capitatum [Cheiranthus aridus] [Cheirinia arida] [Cheirinia asperrimas] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek N of South Fork 8 July 2019 |
Brassicaceae |
sanddune wallflower |
Erysimum cheiranthoides |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 6 July 2016 |
Brassicaceae |
wormseed wallflower, treacle-mustard |
Erysimum inconspicuum [Cheirinia inconspicua] [Erysimum asperum var. inconspicuum] [Erysimum parviflorum] |
Brassicaceae |
small wallflower |
Erysimum repandum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, base of Limekiln Peak, between Monte Vista and Del Norte, along a hiking and biking trail, 6 July2021; Lookout Mt by Del Norte, by trail 10 July 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
spreading wallflower |
Yes |
Erythranthe floribunda [Mimulus floribundus] |
YES Laurenhappy: Saguache Co, Deadman Creek, 4 July 2024 |
Phrymaceae |
many-flowered monkeyflower |
Erythranthe geyeri [Mimulus geyeri] [Mimulus glabratus] [Erythranthe glabrata] [Mimulus jamesii] |
YES Rowan Nygard, Conejos Co, Sego SWA, 1 Sept 2024 |
Phrymaceae |
roundleaf monkeyflower |
Erythranthe guttata [Mimulus guttatus] [Mimulus puberulus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, top of Trujillo Reservoir 3 Aug 2020 |
Phrymaceae |
seep monkeyflower, common monkeyflower |
Erythranthe minor [Erythranthe tilingii ][Mimulus tilingii] [Mimulus minor] |
YES: Loraine Yeatts Conejos Co, flank of Conejos Peak 7 Aug 2008 |
Phrymaceae |
Tiling’s monkeyflower |
Escobaria vivipara [Pelecyphora vivipara] [Coryphantha vivipara] [Cactus vivipara] [Mammillaria vivipara] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Ridge E. of Elephant Rocks 26 June 2015 |
Yes |
Cactaceae |
nipple cactus |
Yes |
Euohrosyne xanthiifolia [Cyclachaena xanthiifolia] [Cyclachaena xanthifolia] [Iva xanthiifolia] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 2 miles S of Los Mogotes cpgd 16 Aug 2020; Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, by Hwy 17 just E of Fox Creek community 2 Aug 2022 |
Asteraceae |
marsh elder, giant sumpweed, careless-weed |
yes |
Euphorbia brachycera [Tithymalus brachycera] [Euohorbia montana] [Euphorbia odontadenia] [Euphorbia robusta] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 8 June 2017 |
Euphorbiaceae |
horned spurge |
Euphorbia cyparissias [Tithymalus cyparissias] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 1.5 miles upstream from Mogote Campground 5 Sept 2015; 4 Sept 2021 |
Euphorbiaceae |
Cypress spurge |
Euphorbia glyptosperma [Chamaesyce glyptosperma] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, foothill trail 0.6 miles S of Del Norte 23 Sept 2021 |
Euphorbiaceae |
ridge-seed sandmat |
Euphorbia marginata [Dichrophyllum marginatum] [Lepadinia marginata] |
YES Susan Lamb: Costilla Co, San Luis, 10 Aug 2021 |
Euphorbiaceae |
snow-on-the-mountain |
Euphorbia serpyllifolia [Euphorbia serpillifolia] [Chamaesyce serpyllifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by parking lot of restaurant in South Fork 27 Sept 2021 |
Euphorbiaceae |
thymeleaf sandmat |
Euphorbia virgata [Euphorbia esula] [Euphorbia uralensis] [Tithymalus esulus] |
Euphorbiaceae |
leafy spurge |
Yes |
Euthamia graminifolia [Chrysocoma graminifolia] |
Asteraceae |
flat-top goldentop |
Euthamia occidentalis [Solidago occidentalis] |
Asteraceae |
western goldentop |
Fallugia paradoxa [Fallugia micrantha] [Sieversia paradoxa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, San Luis Hills, 2 miles NE of Flat Top mesa, in association with Tetradymia canescens, Eriogonum cernuum, Opuntia polycantha, typical sagebrush community 28 July 2021 |
Rosaceae |
Apache plume, ponil |
Festuca arizonica [Festuca altaica subsp. arizonica] [Festuca ovina var. arizonica] |
Poaceae |
Arizona fescue, mountain bunchgrass, pinegrass |
yes |
Festuca brachyphylla [Fesstuca brachyphylla var. coloradensis] [Festuca ovina var. borealis] [Festuca ovina subsp. brachyphylla] |
Poaceae |
short-leaved fescue, alpine fescue, callused fescue |
yes |
Festuca earlei [Festuca brachyphylla var. utahensis] [Festuca brevifolia var. utahensis] |
Poaceae |
Earle's fescue |
yes |
Festuca idahoensis [Festuca ovina] [Festuca ingrata] [Festuca occidentalis var. ingrata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Del Norte street side 5 Jan 2025 |
Poaceae |
Idaho fescue, blue bunchgrass |
yes |
Festuca kingii [Leucopoa kingii] [Festuca confinis] [Hesperochloa kingii] [Poa kingii] [Wasatchia kingii] |
Poaceae |
King's fescue, spike fescue, spikegrass, Watson's fescue |
yes |
Festuca minutiflora [Festuca ovina var minutiflora] [Festuca brachyphylla var. endotera] |
Poaceae |
smallflower fescue, little fescue |
yes |
Festuca rubra [Festuca ovina subsp. rubra] [Festuca arenaria] etc. |
Poaceae |
red fescue |
yes |
Festuca saximontana [Festuca ovina subsp. saximontana] [Festuca brachyphylla var. saximontana]] |
Poaceae |
Rocky Mountain fescue |
yes |
Festuca thurberi [Festuca tolucensis subsp. thurberi] [Poa festucoides] |
Poaceae |
Thurber's fescue |
yes |
Festuca trachyphylla |
Poaceae |
hard fescue |
yes |
Fragaria vesca [Fragaria vesca subsp. americana] [Fragaria bracteata] [Fragaria americana] |
YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, 2 miles W of Fox Creek 2 Aug 2013 |
Rosaceae |
wild strawberry, woodland strawberry |
Fragaria virginiana [Fragaria firma] [Fragaria glauca] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 17 July 2015 |
Rosaceae |
Virginia strawberry |
Frasera speciosa |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake (in flower) 22 June2016 |
Gentianaceae |
monument plant |
Fraxinus americana [Fraxinus biltmoreana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, yards 2018-2022 |
Oleaceae |
American ash |
Gagea serotina [Lloydia serotina] [Bulbocodium serotinum] |
YES Matt Gerber: Continental Divide trail near Mt Hope 18 June 2017 |
Liliaceae |
common alplily, Snowdon's alplily |
Gaillardia aristata |
YES Pandarollie: Conejos Co, above La Jara Creek 25 km southwest of La Jara, July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
blanketflower |
Gaillardia pulchella [Gaillardia neomexicana] |
Yes Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Terrace Reservoir spillway 26 July 2019 |
Asteraceae |
Indian blanketflower, Indian basket |
yes |
Gaillardia X grandiflora |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, south town limits of Villa Grove by Hwy 285, 24 Aug 2017 |
Asteraceae |
blanket flower |
yes |
Galium aparine |
Rubiaceae |
bedstraw, cleavers, goosegrass, catchweed |
Galium boreale [Galium septentrionale] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hope Creek burn, 18 June 2018 |
Rubiaceae |
northern bedstraw |
Galium trifidum [Galium brandegeei] [Galium tinctorum var. subbiflorum] |
YES Mary M. McDonald: Conejos Co, De Herrera Lake 15 Aug 2022 |
Rubiaceae |
threepetal bedstraw |
Galium triflorum [Galium flaviflorum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Creek W of South Fork, seep, 12 July 2017 |
Rubiaceae |
cudweed, fragrant bedstraw |
Gaultheria humifusa [Vaccinium humifusum] |
Ericaceae |
alpine wintergreen |
Gayophytum diffusum |
YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, off FSR 101, 2 miles NW of Hick Canyon 14 June 2016; 28 Aug 2018 |
Onagraceae |
spreading groundsmoke |
Yes |
Gayophytum ramosissimum |
Onagraceae |
pinyon groundsmoke |
Yes |
Genista lydia |
Yes Richard Haswell: Saguache Co, top of Poncha pass by Hwy 285, 8 June 2023 |
Fabaceae |
Lydian broom, dwarf broom, common woadwaxen |
yes |
Gentianella acuta [Gentiana acuta] [Gentianella amarella subsp. acuta] [Gentianella strictiflora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, Big North Clear Creek Falls 8 Aug 2015 [var. heterosepala] |
Gentianaceae |
little gentian |
Gentianella heterosepala [Gentianella amerela subsp. heterosepala] [Amarella heterosepala] [Gentiana heterosepala] [Gentianella amarella subsp. heterosepala] |
YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, near Grayback pass 23 Aug 2019 |
Gentianaceae |
Autumn dwarf gentian |
yes |
Gentianodes algida [Gentiana algida][Dasystephana romanzovii] [Gentiana algida] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 20 Aug 2020 |
Gentianaceae |
Arctic gentian |
Gentianopsis barbellata [Gentiana barbellatus[ [Anthopogon barbellatus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Crater Lake trail near Elwood Pass 5 Sept 2016 |
Gentianaceae |
perennial fringed gentian |
Gentianopsis thermalis [Gentiana thermalis] [Gentiana detonsa] [Gentiana elegans] [Anthopogon elegans] [Gentianopsis detonsa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, south of Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 |
Gentianaceae |
Rocky Mountain fringed gentian |
Geranium caespitosum [Geranium atropurpureum] [Geranium eremophilum] [Geranium fremontii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Terrace Reservoir 26 July 2019 |
Geraniaceae |
purple cluster geranium, pineywoods geranium |
Geranium richardsonii |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO Spring Gulch off Pool Table road 30 July 2015 |
Geraniaceae |
Richardson’s geranium |
Geranium viscosissimum [Geranium nervosum] [Geranium strigosum] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, FSR 118(2) near the upper Rio de los Pinos 7/30/2015 |
Geraniaceae |
sticky geranium |
Geum aleppicum [Geum decurrens] [Geum strictum var. decurrens] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Lake Fork trail 11 July 2017 |
Rosaceae |
yellow avens |
Geum macrophyllum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek 2 July 2021 |
Rosaceae |
largeleaf avens |
Geum rivale |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 30 July 2021, south side of Conejos River from FS Mogote campground on Hwy 17 |
Rosaceae |
purple avens |
Geum rossii var. turbinatum [Acomastylis rossii] [Geum turbinatum] [Sieversia turbinata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 |
Rosaceae |
alpine avens, Ross’s avens |
Geum triflorum |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, east of Carnero pass 1 July 2019 |
Rosaceae |
prairie smoke |
Giliastrum acerosum [Gilia acerosa] [Gilia rigidula var. acerosa] |
Polemoniaceae |
bluebowls |
Glandularia wrightii [Glandularia bipinnatifida] [Verbena wrightii] [Verbena ambrosiifolia] |
Verbenaceae |
Wright’s mock vervain |
Gleditsia triacanthos |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Del Norte street side 23 June 2015 |
Fabaceae |
honey locust |
Glyceria elata [Panicularis elata] [Glyceria nervata var. elata] [Paniculata elata] |
Poaceae |
tall mannagrass |
yes |
Glycyrrhiza lepidota [Glycyrrhiza glutinosa] [Liquivita lepidota] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista Wildlife Refuge 7 July 2016; Del Norte street side 4 Dec 2023 (seedpods) |
Fabaceae |
wild liquorice |
Gnaphalium exilifolium [Gnaphalium angustifolium] [Gnaphalium grayi] [Gnaphalium strictum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Luders Creek below Luders Creek cpgd, 16 Sept 2015 |
Asteraceae |
slender cudweed |
Gnaphalium palustre |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 15 July 2017 |
Asteraceae |
western marsh cudweed |
Gnaphalium uliginosum |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Beaver Creek Reservoir, drying edge 2 Sept 2020 |
Asteraceae |
marsh cudweed |
Goodyera oblongifolia [Goodyera decipiens] [Peramium menziesii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Crystal Lakes S of Del Norte (only leaves) 22 Sept 2018 |
Orchidaceae |
western rattlesnake plantain, giant rattlesnake plantain |
Goodyera repens [Peramium ophioides] [Satyrium repens] |
Orchidaceae |
dwarf rattlesnake plantain |
Graphephorum canescens [Trisetum canescens] [Helictotrichon canescens] [Trisetum cernuum var. canescens] |
Poaceae |
tall trisetum, tall false oat |
yes |
Graphephorum wolfi [Graphephorum brandegeei] [Trisetum wolfi] |
Poaceae |
Wolf's trisetum |
yes |
Gratiola neglecta |
Plantaginaceae |
clammy hedgehyssop |
Grindelia arizonica [Grindelia lacinata] [Grindelia neomexicana] [Grindelia scabra var. neomexicana] |
Asteraceae |
Arizona gumweed |
yes |
Grindelia decumbens [Grindelia hirsutula] [Grindelia subincisa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 17 Sept 2019 |
Asteraceae |
reclined gumweed |
Grindelia fastigiata |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between CR D5 and FSR 103(1)C, 17 Sept 2017; 20 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
pointed gumweed |
Grindelia hirsutula [Grindelia acutifolia] [Grindelia revoluta] etc. |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near Fox Creek 15 June 2016, 17 Sept 2022 |
Asteraceae |
hairy gumweed |
yes |
Grindelia nuda var. aphanactis [Grindelia aphanactis] [Grindelia squarrosa var. aphanactis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, rhyolite seep by Hwy 114 12.7 miles W of Saguach 17 July 2016 |
Asteraceae |
curlycup gumweed |
yes |
Grindelia squarrosa [Donia squarrosa] [Grindelia aphanactis] [Grindelia nuda] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguace Co, Villa Grove, side of Hwy 285, 13 Aug 2013; Del Norte, Rio Grande Co, by defunct railroad tracks 28 Aug 2016 |
Asteraceae |
curly-top gumweed |
Grindelia subalpina [Grindelia erecta] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake, sloping meadow beside lake 6 July 2015 |
Asteraceae |
subalpine gumweed |
Gutierrezia sarothrae [Xanthocephalum sarothrae] |
Yes: Rich Haswell: Alamoss Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 18 Aug 2013; Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt by Del Norte 31 Aug 2020 |
Asteraceae |
broom snakeweed, snakebroom, escoba de la vibora |
Gypsophila elegans |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte house garden 27 Sept 2017—26 Sept 2020 |
Caryophyllaceae |
baby’s breath |
yes |
Gypsophila scorzonerifolia |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street embankment 11 Sept 2016 |
Yes |
Caryophyllaceae |
garden baby’s breath |
yes |
Hackelia besseyi [Hackelia grisea] [Lappula besseyi] [Lappula grisea] |
Boraginaceae |
Bessey’s stickseed |
Hackelia floribunda |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 6 miles E Cochetopa Pass 10 July 2015 |
Boraginaceae |
large-flowered stickseed |
Halerpestes cymbalaria [Cyrtorhyncha cymbalaria] [Ranunculus cymbalaria] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead, bank of creek 2 July 2021 |
Ranunculaceae |
alkali buttercup, marsh buttercup |
Yes |
Halogeton glomeratus [Anabasis glomerata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 15 July 2017 |
Amaranthaceae |
wienerleaf |
Yes |
Hedeoma drummondii |
Lamiaceae |
Drummond’s false pennyroyal |
Hedysarum occidentale |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Moon Pass, open space in forested slope, 14 July 2021 |
Fabaceae |
western sweetvetch, western chainpod |
Yes |
Helianthella parryi |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Pool Table Road 2 air miles NE of Wagon Wheel Gap 1 Aug 2014; Rio Grande Co, Bear Cr trailhead 13 air miles SW of Del Norte 23 Aug 2019 |
Asteraceae |
Parry’s little sunflower |
Helianthella quinquenervis [Helianthella majuscula] [Helianthus quinquenervis]] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, meadow above Shaw Lake 22 June 2016 |
Asteraceae |
little sunflower |
Helianthella uniflora [Helianthus uniflorus] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: La Manga Creek valley, Conejos Co, around 10,230' elev, dry grassland, 7/12/2014; 8/19/2017; 8/26/2021. |
Asteraceae |
common little sunflower |
Helianthus annuus [Helianthus aridus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork vacant lot 28 July 2013; Del Norte private yard 17 Sept 2020 |
Asteraceae |
common sunflower |
Helianthus nuttallii [Helianthus fascicularis] [Helianthus laetiflorus] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 12.7 miles W of Saguache by Hwy 114, 2 Sept 2019 |
Asteraceae |
Nuttall’s sunflower |
Helianthus petiolaris [Helianthus petiolaris subsp. fallax] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Limekiln Peak 5.6 air miles SW of Del Norte 25 Aug 2019 |
Asteraceae |
prairie sunflower |
Helictotrichon mortonianum [Arrhenatherum mortonianum] [Avena mortoniana] |
Poaceae |
alpine oatgrass, Morton's alpine oatgrass |
yes |
Heliomeris multiflora [Viguiera multiflora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Woman Creek 8.6 air miles NW of Del Norte 28 Aug 2014 |
Asteraceae |
showy goldeneye |
Heliotropium curassavicum [Heliotropium spatulatum] [Heliotropium xerophilum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 31 July 2018 |
Boraginaceae |
salt heliotrope |
Heracleum maximum [Heracleum maximum ssp. sphondylium] [Heracleum sphondylium] [Heracleum lanatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 14 May 2018 |
Apiaceae |
cow parsnip |
Yes |
Hesperidanthus linearifolius [Schoenocrambe linearifolia] [Sisymbrium linearifolius] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, San Luis Hills 28 July 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
purple skeleton mustard |
Hesperostipa comata [Stipa comata] |
Poaceae |
needle-and-thread grass |
yes |
Hesperostipa neomexicana [Stipa neomexicana] |
Poaceae |
New Mexico feathergrass |
yes |
Heterotheca hirsutissima [Heterotheca villosa var. nana] [Heterotheca villosa var. minor] [Heterotheca villosa var. minor?] [Chrysopsis horrida] [Heterotheca horrida] [Chrysopsis hirsutissima] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, quarry trailhead 4 miles E of Del Norte 31 July 2020 |
Asteraceae |
false goldenaster |
Heterotheca paniculata [Heterotheca fulcrata var. fulcrata] [Heterotheca villosa] [Chrysopsis floribunda] [Heterotheca floribunda] [Heterotheca grandiflora] |
YES Marisa Szubryt Mineral Co, near Wagon Wheel Gap, 2 Sept 2023 |
Asteraceae |
false goldenaster |
yes |
Heterotheca pedunculata [Chrysopsis bakeri] [Heterotheca villosa var. pedunculata] |
Yes Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 12 air mile ESE of South Fork 31 Aug 2017; 1 Sept 2022 |
Asteraceae |
false goldenaster |
yes |
Heterotheca pumila [Chrysopsis pumila] [Chrysopsis cooperi] [Chrysopsis alpicola] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, just E of old Cochetopa pass 18 Aug 2022 |
Asteraceae |
alpine false goldenaster |
Heterotheca villosa var. foliosa [Heterotheca foliosa] [Chrysopsis foliosa][Chrysopsis hirsutissima] |
Asterceae |
foliose false goldenaster, hairy false goldenaster |
Heuchera parvifolia [Heuchera flavascens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt near Del Norte 9 June 2014; Church Creek SW of South Fork, 20 June 2021 |
Saxifragaceae |
littleleaf alumroot |
Hieracium fendleri [Chlorocrepis fendleri] [Heteropleura fendleri] |
Asteraceae |
Fendler’s hawkweed |
Yes |
Hieracium triste [Hieracium gracile] [Pilosella tristis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide 0.7 miles north of Wolf Creek Pass 28 July 2016 |
Asteraceae |
woolly hawkweed |
Hippuris vulgaris |
YES Rich Haswell: in pond off CR14 6 miles SW of Del Norte 17 June 2020 |
Plantaginaceae |
common mare’s-tail |
Holodiscus dumosus [Holodiscus discolor var. dumosus] [Sericotheca dumosa] [Spiraea dumosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 |
Rosaceae |
bush ocean spray, mountain spray, rock-spiraea |
Hordeum brachyantherum [Critesion brachyantherum] [Critesion jubatum subsp. breviaristatum] etc. |
Poaceae |
meadow barley |
yes |
Hordeum jubatum [Critesion jubatum] [Elymus jubatum] |
Poaceae |
Foxtail barley, squirrel-tail grass |
yes |
Hornungia procumbens [Hutchinsia proumbens] [Lepidium procumbens] |
Brassicaceae |
oval purse, prostrate hutchinsia |
Humulus lupulus [Humulus neomexicanus] [Humulus americanus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, below Terrace Reservoir (male plant) 26 July 2019 |
Cannabaceae |
hops, common hop |
Hydrophyllum capitatum |
Hydrophyllaceae |
ballhead waterleaf, woolen-britches |
yes |
Hydrophyllum fendleri [Hydrophyllum occidentale var. fendleri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 18 June 2018 |
Hydrophyllaceae |
Fendler’s waterleaf |
Hymenopappus filifolius |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek road N of South Fork 7 June 2021 |
Asteraceae |
Columbia cutleaf, fineleaf hymenopappus |
Hymenopappus flavescens |
Asteraceae |
collegeflower |
Hymenopappus newberryi [Leucampyx newberryi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, FR 875 (to Moon Pass) 1 mile W of Poso cpgd, beside road 14 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
Newberry’s hymenopappus |
Yes |
Hymenoxys brandegeei [Rydbergia brandegeei] [Tetraneuris brandegeei] |
YES Loraine Yeatts Conejos Co, flank of Conejos Peak 7 Aug 2008 |
Asteraceae |
Brandegee’s rubberweed |
Hymenoxys grandiflora [Rydbergia grandiflora] [Tetraneuris grandilora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle between Poison and Bennett Pks 19 June 2017 |
Asteraceae |
old-man-of-the-mountain |
Hymenoxys helenioides [Picradenia helenioides] |
Asteraceae |
intermountain rubberweed |
Hymenoxys hoopesii [Dugaldia hoopesii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds, SW of South Fork 23 July 2019 |
Asteraceae |
orange sneezeweed |
Hymenoxys richardsonii [Picradenia richardsonii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, seep beside Hwy 114, 12.7 miles W of Saguache 30 June 2020 |
Asteraceae |
pingue rubberweed |
Hyoscyamus niger |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Embargo Creek road junction with Groundhog road, N of South Fork 26 July 2016 |
Solanaceae |
black henbane, stinking nightshade |
Hypericum scouleri [Hypericum formosum var. scouleri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, meadow above Beaver Creek Reservoir, 2 Sept 2020 |
Hypericaceae |
western St. John’s wort |
Iliamna rivularis [Malva rivularia] |
Malvaceae |
streambank wild hollyhock |
Ipomopsis aggregata |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, CO Penitente Canyon 21 Aug 2014 |
Polemoniaceae |
scarlet gilia |
Ipomopsis laxiflora [Gilia laxiflora] [Gilia macombii var. laxiflora] |
YES Patrick Alexander: Saguache Co, 6 km east of Saguache, 5 June 2021 |
Polemoniaceae |
iron ipomopsis |
Ipomopsis longiflora [Gilia longiflora] [Cantua longiflora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 30 Aug 2017 |
Polemoniaceae |
flaxflowered gilia, long-flower ipomopsis |
Ipomopsis multiflora [Gilia multiflora] [Ipomopsis polycantha] |
Polelmoniaceae |
manyflower ipomopsis |
yes |
Ipomopsis tenuituba [Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. tenuituba] [Gilia tenuituba] |
Polemoniaceae |
slendertube skyrocket |
yes |
Iris missouriensis [Iris arizonica] |
YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, North Clear Creek Falls 22 June 2017 |
Iridaceae |
western iris |
Iva axillaris |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 24 Sept 2019 |
Asteraceae |
povertyweed, death weed, sumpweed |
Ivesia gordonii [Horkelia gordonii] [Potentilla gordonii] |
Rosaceae |
Gordon's mousetail, alpine ivesia |
Jamesia americana [Edwinia americana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon 22 June 2014 |
Hydrangeaceae |
fivepetal cliffbush, waxflower |
Juniperus communis |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trail 9 air miles S of Del Norte 17 June 2015 |
Cupressaceae |
common juniper |
Yes |
Juniperus monosperma [Juniperus gymnocarpa] [Juniperus mexicana var. monosperma] [Juniperus occidentalis var. monosperms] [Sabina monosperma] |
YES Russell Clark: Costilla Co, 4 km southeast of Fort Garland 25 May 2022 |
Cupressaceae |
one-seed juniper |
Yes |
Juniperus scopulorum [Sabina scopulorum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Chico trail 0.25 miles S of Del Norte 3 March 2020 |
Cupressaceae |
Rocky Mountain juniper |
Yes |
Kalmia microphylla [Kalmia polifolia var. microphylla] |
Ericaceae |
alpine laurel, bog laurel, swamp laurel |
Koeleria macrantha [Koeleria cristata subsp. macrantha] [Aira macrantha] |
Poaceae |
prairie junegrass |
yes |
Koeleria spicata [Trisetum spicatum] [Aira spicata] [Avena spicata] etc. |
Poaceae |
spike trisetum, narrow false oat |
yes |
Krascheninnikovia lanata [Krascheninnikovia ceratoides subsp. lanata] [Ceratoides lanata] |
YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, within town limits of Del Norte, 18 May 2020 |
Amaranthaceae |
winterfat |
Yes |
Lactuca canadensis |
YES Daniel Boyes: Costilla Co, 12.5 km northeast of San Luis, 17 Nov 2019 |
Asteraceae |
Canadian lettuce |
yes |
Lactuca oblongifolia [Lactuca pulchella] [Mulgedium pulchellum] [Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella] [Lactuca pulchellum] [Sonchus pulchellus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa Wildlife Preserve 11 Aug 2016; Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
blue lettuce |
Lactuca serriola [Lactuca scariola] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept. 2017; Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
prickly lettuce |
Ladeania lanceolata [Psoralidium lanceolatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes 18 July 2020 (fruiting) |
Fabaceae |
lemon scurfpea, wild lemonweed |
Lappula redowskii [Lappula redowskii var. cupulata] [Lappula redowski var. occidentalis] [Lappula occidentalis var. occidentalis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, business lot 2 May 2021 |
Boraginaceae |
flatspine stickseed, stickweed, flatspine sheepbur, western stickseed |
Lathyrus eucosmus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte House 10 June 2015 |
Fabaceae |
bush vetchling |
Lathyrus lanszwertii var. leucanthus [Lathyrus leucanthus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, hunters camp 15 air miles SW of Del Norte 13 June 2013 |
Fabaceae |
Nevada sweetpea, peavine |
Lathyrus latifolius |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 28 Aug 2016 [cultivated plant] |
Fabaceae |
everlasting pea, perennial peavine |
yes |
Lemna minor |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, Rio Grande slough north of the river, 19 July2015. |
Araceae |
common duckweed |
Yes |
Lemna minuta [Lemna minima] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 13 Sept 2018; Saguache Co, pond above Luders Campground, 30 June 2020 |
Araceae |
least duckweed |
Yes |
Lemna turionifera |
YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, near Rio de los Pinos 31 Aug and 3 Sept 2022 |
Araceae |
turion duckweed |
Yes |
Lepidium alyssoides [Lepidium montanum var. alyssoides] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, trailhead to Farmers trail 2.5 air miles SE of Creede 2 Aug 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
mesa pepperweed, mesa pepperwort |
Lepidium appelianum [Cardaria pubescens] |
YES: kelccole: Conejos Co, near Morgan, southwest of Alamosa 21 July 2023 |
Brassicaceae |
hairy whitetop |
Lepidium campestre [Thlaspi campestre] |
Brassicaceae |
field pepperweed |
Lepidium chalepense [Lepidium chalepensis] [Cardaria chalepensis] [Lepidium draba subsp. chalepensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by irrigation canal 11 July 2015 |
Brassicaceae |
lenspod whitetop |
Yes |
Lepidium densiflorum [Lepidium apetalum] [Lepidium ramosum] [Lepidium elongatum] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP, Pinyon Flats cpgd 26 Juine 2016; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte flower garden 29 June 2022 |
Brassicaceae |
prairie pepperweed, common pepperweed |
Lepidium draba [Cardaria draba] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Rio Grande Nature Preserve near Alamosa 7 July 2016 |
Brassicaceae |
short whitetop, hoary cress, Thanet cress |
Lepidium latifolium [Cardaria latifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, under Hwy 240 bridge over the Rio Grande 28 July 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
tall whitetop, iron weed, broad-leaved whitetop |
Lepidium montanum [Lepidium jonesii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Farmers trail SW of Creede 26 May 2021; Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
mountain pepperweed |
Lepidium ramosissimum [Lepidium bourgeauanum] [Lepidium densiflorum var. macrocarpum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 15 June 2018 |
Brassicaceae |
many-branched pepperweed |
Lepidium virginicum [Lepidium glaucum] [Lepidium hirsutum] [Lepidium intrmedium] [Lepidium medium] |
YE Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes Wildlife Preserve 3 July 2016; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 24 June 2023; Mary McDonald: Conejos Co, near Mogote cpgd 17-23 June 2023 |
Brassicaceae |
least pepperwort, Virginia pepperweed |
Leptosiphon nuttallii [Linanthastrum nuttallii] [Gilia nuttallii] [Linanthus nuttallii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide north of Wolf Creek Pass 6 Aug 2014 |
Polemoniaceae |
Nuttall’s linanthus, Nuttall's desert-trumpet |
Leucanthemum vulgare |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 23 Aug 2013; 3 Sept 2022 |
Asteraceae |
field daisy, oxeye daisy |
Leucosyris parviflora [Arida parviflora] [Machaeranthera parviflora] [Aster parvulus] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca cpgd 23 Aug 2014 |
Asteraceae |
small desert tansy |
Lewisia nevadensis [Lewisia pygmaea var. nevadensis] [Calandrinia nevadensis] |
Montiaceae |
Nevada bitterroot |
Lewisia pygmaea [Oreobroma pygmaea] [Talinum pygmaeum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO Big Meadows Reservoir north side 28 May 2016 |
Montiaceae |
alpine lewisia, pygmy bitterroot |
Leymus ambiguus [Elymus ambiguus] [Elymus villiflorus] [Leymus innovatus subsp. ambiguus] |
Poaceae |
Colorado wildrye |
yes |
Leymus cinereus [Elymus cinereus] [Elymus piperi] etc. |
Poaceae |
Great Basis wildrye |
yes |
Leymus triticoides [Elymus condensatus var. triticoides] [Elymus triticoides] etc. |
Poaceae |
beardless wildrye, creeping wildrye |
yes |
Liatris punctata [Lacinaria punctata] |
YES "lycurgust": Saguache Co, near Valley View Hot Springs, 10 Aug 2024 |
Asteraceae |
gay feather, cachana |
Ligusticum filicinum |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Continental Divide trail at Cumbres Pass 9 July 2021 |
Apiaceae |
fernleaf licorice-root |
yes |
Ligusticum porteri |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek 18 June 2018 |
Apiaceae |
lovage, oshá, bear root, bear medicine |
Yes |
Lilium philadelphicum [Lilium andinum] [Lilium montanum] [Lilium umbellatum] |
Liliaceae |
wood lily |
Limosella aquatica |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, pond in old gravel pit NE of Del Norte, 28 Aug 2020; by and in pond of unused gravel pit NW of Del Norte 18 Sept 2022; Conejos Co, below beaver dam, Conejos River 7 Sept 2021 |
Scrophulariaceae |
water mudwort |
Linanthus pungens [Leptodactylon pungens] [Leptodactylon brevifolium] [Cantua oungens] [Gilia pungens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek NE of South Fork 7 June 2021 |
Polemoniaceae |
prickly-phlox, granite gilia |
Linaria dalmatica [Antirrhinum dalmaticum] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, along FSR 129(1)C, 17 Aug 2019 |
Plantaginaceae |
Dalmatian toadflax |
Linaria vulgaris |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Willow Creek above Creede, along old mining road 2 Aug 2021 |
Plantaginaceae |
toadflax, butter-and-eggs |
Lindernia dubia [Gratiola anagallidea] [Gratiola dubia] [Lindernia anagallidea] |
Lindernaceae |
yellowseed false pimpernell |
Linnaea borealis [Linnaea borealis var. americana] [Linnaea americana] [Linnaea americana var. borealis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, logging road N of Bear Creek trail 19 miles SW of Del Norte 15 July 2014 |
Yes |
Caprifoliaceae |
twin-flower |
Yes |
Linum aristatum [Cathartolinum aristatum] |
Linaceae |
bristle flax |
yes |
Linum australe [Linum aristatum var. australe] [Carthartolinum australe] [Mesynium aristatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: On Carnero Pass road 7 miles W of Penitente Canyon turnoff 3 July 2019; Deep Creek trail SE of Creed 11 Aug 2020; near Hick's canyon Conejos Co 23 June 2021 below Terrace Reservoir in meadow |
Yes |
Linaceae |
yellow flax |
Yes |
Linum lewisii [Adenolinum lewisii] [Linum perenne var. lewisii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, North Clear Creek Falls 22 June 2017 |
Yes |
Linaceae |
blue flax |
Yes |
Linum perenne |
YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek 1.5 air miles NE of South Fork 8 June 2021 |
Linaceae |
perennial flax |
yes |
Lithophragma tenellum [Lithophragma australe] [Lithophragma tenella] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, dry open meadow by Forest Service Road 101, 8,6500' elev. 19 June2019 |
Saxifragaceae |
slender woodland star |
Lithospermum incisum [Lithospermum angustifolium] [Lithospermum linearifolium] [Lithospermum oblongum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon 26 May 2018 |
Boraginaceae |
fringed puccoon, fringed stoneseed |
Lithospermum multiflorum [Lithospermum cognatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, West Fork of Pinos Creek 15 July 2014 |
Boraginaceae |
manyflowered puccoon |
Lithospermum ruderale |
Boraginaceae |
western stoneseed |
Lobularia maritima |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard, 22 Aug 2020 |
Brassicaceae |
sweet alyssum |
yes |
Lolium perenne |
Poaceae |
perennial ryegrass, English ryegrass |
yes |
Lolium pratense [Schedonorus pratensis] [Festuca pratensis] [Bromus pratensis] etc. |
Poaceae |
meadow ryegrass, meadow fescue |
yes |
Lomatium dissectum [Lomatium multifidum] [Lomatium dissectum var. dissectum] [Leptotaenia dissecta] [Ferula dissecta] |
Apiaceae |
giant lomatium, fernleaf desert-parsley |
yes |
Lomatium grayi |
Apiaceae |
Gray's biscuitroot, desert parsley, milfoil lomatium, |
yes |
Lomatium triternatum [Lomatium simplex] |
Apiaceae |
nineleaf biscuitroot |
yes |
Lomatogonium rotatum |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, vicinity of North Pass 23 Aug 2015; vicinity of Carnero Pass 23 Aug 2015 |
Gentianaceae |
marsh felwort |
Lonicera involucrata [Distegia involucrata] [Xylosteon involucratum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 26 Aug 2019 |
Caprifoliaceae |
twinberry, black honeysuckle |
Lonicera tatarica |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard 900 block S Columbia 28 July 2018 |
Caprifoliaceae |
Tartarian honeysuckle |
Yes |
Lorandersonia linifolia [Chrysothamnus linifolius] [Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus var. linifolius] [Ericameria linifolia] |
Asteraceae |
lineleaf rabbitbrush |
yes |
Lupinus ammophilus [Lupinus polyphyllus var. ammophilus] |
Fabaceae |
sand lupine |
Lupinus argenteus [Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, just E of Moon pass 14 July 2021 |
Fabaceae |
silvery lupine |
Yes |
Lupinus bakeri [Lupinus sericeus] |
Fabaceae |
Baker’s lupine |
Lupinus caespitosus var. utahensis [Lupinus lepidus var. utahensi] [Lupinus lepidus subsp. caespitosus] |
YES Carol English: Saguache Co, Crestone street side 21 sept 2020 |
Fabaceae |
stemless dwarf lupine, Utah lupine |
Yes |
Lupinus caudatus [Lupinus argenteus var. argophyllus] [Lupinus caudatus subsp. argophyllus] [Lupinus aduncus] [Lupinus helleri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Costilla Co, 3 miles E of Fort Garland 11 June 2015 |
Fabaceae |
tallcup lupine, Kellogg's lupine |
Lupinus kingii [Lupinus argillaceus] [Lupinus sileri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, CR 250 above Terrace Reservoir 26 July 2019 |
Fabaceae |
King’s lupine |
Lupinus parviflorus [Lupinus argenteus var. parviflorus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 2 July 2021 |
Fabaceae |
lodgepole lupine |
Lupinus polyphyllus [Lupinus prunophilus] [Lupinus ammophilus] [Lupinus crassus] |
Fabaceae |
bigleaf lupine, manyleaf lupine |
yes |
Lupinus prunophilus [Lupinus polyphyllus var. prunophilus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek in aspen grove 2 July 2021 |
Fabaceae |
hairy bigleaf lupine |
Lupinus pusillus [Pusillus rubens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NPM 22 June 2019 |
Fabaceae |
dwarf lupine, rusty lupine |
Lupinus sericeus [Lupinus amplus] [Lupinus bakeri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Buffalo Pass campground 23 Aug 2016 |
Fabaceae |
silky lupine |
Lupinus wyethii [Lupinus polyphyllus var. humicola] |
Fabaceae |
Wyeth’s lupine |
yes |
Lycium barbarum [Lycium halimifolium] [Lycium vulgare] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street sides; 11 July 2014; 1 June 2022 |
Solanaceae |
wolfberry, matrimony-vine |
Lycopus asper [Lycopus lucidus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 20 Sept 2020 |
Lamiaceae |
rough bugleweed |
Lygodesmia juncea [Prenanthes juncea] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, By Hwy 150, 0.9 miles SW of entrance to the Great Sand Dunes NP, 20 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
rush skeletonweed |
Yes |
Lysimachia ciliata |
Yes Alec McKeand: Conejos Co, Conejos River north of Sego Springs SWA 25 Aug 2023 |
Primulaceae |
fringed loosestrife |
yes |
Lysimachia maritima [Glaux maritima] [Glaucoides maritima] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, along road marking the north edge Russell Lakes Wildlife Preserve 11 July 2016 |
Myrsinaceae |
sea milkwort, black saltwort |
Yes |
Machaeranthera tanacetifolia [Aster tanacetifolius] [Dieteria coronopifolia] [Machaeranthera coronopifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, along wash crossing hwy to Sand Dunes 1.1 miles SW of entrance 20 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
Tahoka daisy, tansyleaf tansyaster |
Yes |
Madia glomerata |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, along Hwy 17, east edge of Los Mogotes 7 Sept 2016, 31 July 2018 |
Asteraceae |
mountain tarweed |
Maianthemum racemosum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, West Fork of Pinos Creek at Bear Creek trail 4 June 2018 |
Asparagaceae |
false Solomon’s seal |
Maianthemum stellatum [Convallaria stellata] [Smilacina stellata] [Vagnera stellata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake, July 5 2018 |
Asparagaceae |
starry false Solomon’s seal |
Malus domestica [Malus pumila] [Malus communis] [Malus sylvestris] [Pyrus malus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard, 2014-2023 |
Rosaceae |
common apple, apple tree |
Malva neglecta [Malva rotundifolia] |
YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, Elk Creek campground, 6 July 2016; Rich Haswell, Del Norte street side 20 July 2020l |
Malvaceae |
cheeseweed, buttonweed, cheeseplant |
Marrubium vulgare |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on Hwy 17, 1 mile E of Fox Creek community 17-20 Sept 2017 |
Lamiaceae |
common horehound, white horehound |
Matricaria discoidea [Matricaria matricarioides] |
YES Rich Haswell, Saguache Co, FR740 one mile S of HWY 14, 26 Aug 2021; Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 2 Oct 2018 |
Asteraceae |
pineapple weed |
Medicago lupulina |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, bank of the Rio Grande by Hwy 142 28 July 2021 |
Fabaceae |
black medick, hop-trefoil, hop-medick |
Medicago sativa [Medicago falcata] |
YES Rich Haswell: streetside, Del Norte 1 May 2021; albino form Del Norte, street side 22 June 2018 |
Fabaceae |
alfalfa, lucerne |
Yes |
Melica porteri |
Poaceae |
Porter's melic, Porter's melicgrass |
yes |
Melilotus albus [Melilotus officinale subsp. albus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Embargo Road at Embargo Creek 26 July 2016 |
Fabaceae |
white sweetclover |
yes |
Melilotus officinalis [Trifolium melilotus-officinalis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands N of Alamosa 18 Sept 2020; Nick Moore: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WPA 17 July 2022 (iNaturalist observation 127148431) |
Fabaceae |
yellow sweetclover |
Mentha arvensis [Mentha canadensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 16 July 2018 |
Lamiaceae |
field mint, wild mint, corn mint |
Mentha spicata [Mentha crispa] [Mentha crispata] [Mentha viridis] |
Lamiaceae |
spearmint, garden mint |
Mentzelia albicaulis [Acrolasia albicaulis] [Acrolasia parviflora] Mentzelia parviflora] [Mentzelia mojavensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Del Norte 12 May 2021 |
Loasaceae |
white-stemmed blazingstar |
Mentzelia dispersa [Mentzelia albicaulis var. integrifolia] [Mentzelia pinetorum] |
Loasaceae |
Nevada blazingstar |
yes |
Mentzelia laciniata [Nuttallia lacinata] [Touterea laciniata] |
Loasaceae |
cutleaf blazingstar |
Mentzelia multiflora [Mentzelia lutea] [Mentzelia pumila] [Nuttallia multiflora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt near Del Norte 16 Aug 2021 |
Loasaceae |
Adonis blazingstar |
Mentzelia nuda [Mentzelia stricta] [Bartonia nuda] [Nuttallia nuda] |
Loasaceae |
bractless blazingstar |
Mentzelia procera [Mentzelia pumila var. procera] |
YES Matt Langemeier: Alamosa Co, junction of Hwy 150 and Zapata Falls road, 24 Sept 2023 |
Loasaceae |
upright blazingstar |
yes |
Mentzelia rusbyi [Nuttallia rusbyi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt just SW of Del Norte 12 Oct 2018 |
Loasaceae |
Rusby’s blazingstar |
Mentzelia speciosa [Mentzelia sinuata] [Mentzelia aurea] [Nuttallia sinuata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO Farmers Trail trailhead S of Creede 2 Aug 2021 |
Loasaceae |
jeweled blazingstar |
Menyanthes trifoliata |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, pond at Cumbres pass 16 July 2022 |
Menyanthaceae |
buckbean, marsh trefoil, bogbean |
Mertensia bakeri [Mertensia amoena] [Mertensia lanceolata var. nivalis] |
Yes: Patrick Alexander: Conejos Co, South Elk Creek, 1 July 2018 |
Boraginaceae |
Baker's bluebells |
yes |
Mertensia brevistyla [Mertensia fusiformis] [Mertensia fendleri var. fendleri] [Mertensia alpina var. brevistyla]t |
YES Rich Haswell: Penitente Canyon, Saguache Co, June 2018; 2014. |
Boraginaceae |
short-styled bluebell |
Mertensia ciliata [Pulmonaria ciliata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 3 miles S of Grayback Mt 29 June 2017 |
Boraginaceae |
tall fringed bluebell, mountain bluebell |
Mertensia franciscana [Mertensia alba] [Mertensia grandis] |
YES Richard Haswell: Fuchs Reservoir, Rio Grande Co, 20 July 2013 |
Boraginaceae |
Franciscan bluebell |
Mertensia lanceolata [Mertensia fusiformis] [Mertensia viridis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, road to Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead, north of Del Norte, 6 June 2014; Rock Creek cpgd, 4 July 2016 |
Boraginaceae |
lanceleaf bluebells |
Mertensia lateriflora |
YES: Lauren, Saguache Co, Poncha Pass, 25 May 2023 |
Boraginaceae |
Alpine bluebells |
yes |
Mertensia ovata var. caelestina] [Mertensia caelestina] [Mertensia viridis var. caelestina] [Mertensia lanceolata var. caelestina] |
Boraginaceae |
ovate bluebells |
yes |
Mertensia viridis [Mertensia perplexa] [Mertensia bakeri] [Mertensia fusiformis] [Mertensia lanceolata var. nivalis] [Mertensia oblongifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, base of Alberta Peak S of Wolf Creek pass 28 July 2016 |
Boraginaceae |
Baker's bluebell |
Micranthes odontoloma [Micranthes arguta] [Saxifraga odontoloma] [Saxifraga arguta] [Saxifraga punctata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, above Tucker Ponds, 23 July 2029 |
Saxifragaceae |
brook saxifrage |
Micranthes oregana [Saxifraga oregona] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, southwest slope of Bennett Mt 22 July 2014 |
Saxifragaceae |
bog saxifrage |
Micranthes rhomboidea [Saxifraga rhomboidea] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 23 Aug 2019 |
Saxifragaceae |
snowball saxifrage |
Microseris nutans [Scorzonella nutans] |
Asteraceae |
nodding microseris, silverpuffs |
yes |
Mirabilis albida [Allionia albida] [Allionia hirsuta] [Oxybaphus albidus] [Oxybaphus hirsutus] [Mirabilis hirsuta] |
Nyctaginaceae |
white four-o'clock |
yes |
Mirabilis linearis [Oxybaphus linearis] [Mirabilis hirsuta] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, one mile N of Del Norte 21 Aug 2020 |
Nyctaginaceae |
narrowleaf four-o’clock |
Mirabilis multiflora [Oxybaphus multiflorus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, road to La Garita N of Del Norte 14 July 2021 |
Nyctaginaceae |
Colorado four-o’clock |
Mirabilis nyctaginea [Allionia nyctaginea] [Oxybaphus nyctagineus] |
Nyctaginaceae |
heartleaf four-o’clock |
Mirabilis oxybaphoides [Allionia oxybaphoides] [Oxybaphus wrightii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, base of volcanic dyke, NW of Del Norte 17 June 2017 |
Nyctaginaceae |
smooth spreading four-o’clock |
Moehringia lateriflora [Arenaria lateriflora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr trailhead, by water 21 July 016 |
Yes |
Caryophyllaceae |
bluntleaf sandwort |
Yes |
Monarda fistulosa [Monarda mollis] [Monarda comata] [Monarda menthifolia] [Monarda stricta] |
Yes pandasniper: Conejos Co south of La Jara Reservoir Sept 2021 |
Lamiaceae |
wild bergamot, beebalm |
yes |
Monarda pectinata [Monarda citriodora var. pectinata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 31 July 2018 |
Lamiaceae |
plains beebalm |
Moneses uniflora [Pyrola uniflora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek S of Del Norte 17 July 2016 |
Ericaceae |
woodnymph, single delight |
Montia chamissoi [Claytonia chamissoi] [Crunocallis chamissoi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Cathedral cpgd, Embargo Cr 23 July 2016 |
Montiaceae |
water miner’s-lettuce |
Muhlenbergia alopecuroides [Lycurus setosus] [Pleopogon setosus] |
Poaceae |
bristly wolftail, bristly wolfstail |
yes |
Muhlenbergia andina [Calamagrostis andina] |
Poaceae |
foxtail muhly |
yes |
Muhlenbergia asperifolia [Sporobolus asperifolius] [Vilfa aperifolia] |
Poaceae |
scratchgrass, scratch-grass, scratch grass |
yes |
Muhlenbergia brevis |
Poaceae |
short muhly |
yes |
Muhlenbergia filiculmis |
Poaceae |
slimstem muhly |
yes |
Muhlenbergia filiformis [Muhlenbergia idahoensis] [Muhlenbergia simplex] |
Poaceae |
pull-up muhly |
yes |
Muhlenbergia minutissima [Sporobolus confusus] [Agrostis minutissima] |
Poaceae |
annual muhly |
yes |
Muhlenbergia montana [Muhlenbergia trifida] [Calycodon montanum] |
Poaceae |
mountain muhly |
yes |
Muhlenbergia paniculata [Schedonnardus paniculatus] [Lepturus paniculatus] |
Poaceae |
tumblegrass |
yes |
Muhlenbergia pungens |
Poaceae |
sandhill muhly, ring muhly |
yes |
Muhlenbergia richardsonis [Muhlenbergia squarrosa] [Vilfa richardsonis] |
Poaceae |
mat muhly, soft-leaf muhly |
yes |
Muhlenbergia torreyi |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Spanish Trail Monument on Hwy 160, 5 uly 2021 |
Poaceae |
ring muhly |
yes |
Muhlenbergia wrightii |
Poaceae |
spike muhly |
yes |
Munroa squarrosa |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte alley way, 5 Jan 2025 |
Poaceae |
false buffalograss, false buffalo grass |
yes |
Myosotis scorpioides [Myosotis palustris] |
Boraginaceae |
forget-me-not, mouse ear |
yes |
Myosurus minimus [Ranunculus myosurus] [Ranunculus minimus] |
YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, FSR 101, 7 miles above Hicks Canyon 28 May 2021 |
Ranunculaceae |
tiny mousetail |
yes |
Myriophyllum sibiricum [Myriophyllum exalbescens] [Myriophyllum spicatum subsp. exalbescens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, The Rio Grande, in running water by the west bank where Hwy 128 crosses 28 July 2021; Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands Wildlife Preserve, edge of pond 13 Sept 2018 |
Haloragaceae |
shortspike water-milfoil |
Myriophyllum spicatum |
Haloragaceae |
spiked water-milfoil |
Nabalus racemosa [Prenanthes racemosa] |
Asteraceae |
rattlesnake-root |
yes |
Nama dichotoma [Nama dichotomum] [Conanthus angustifolius] [Hydrolea dichotoma] [Marilaunidium hispidum] |
YES Katherine Zybko: Saguache Co, the Great Sand Dunes NP, 24 and 30 July 2021. |
Namaceae [Hydrophyllaceae] |
wishbone fiddleleaf |
Nassella viridula [Stipa viridula] |
Poaceae |
green needlegrass |
yes |
Nasturtium officinale [Sisymbrium nasturtium-acquaticum] [Rorippa nasturtium] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 30 May 2020 |
Brassicaceae |
watercress |
Neoparrya lithophila [Aletes lithophilus] |
YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, hillside just W of Del Norte town limit, 20 May 2016 |
Apiaceae |
Bill’s parsley |
Yes |
Neottia cordata [Listera cordata] [Listera nephrophylla] |
Orchidaceae |
lesser twayblade |
Nepeta cataria |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte driveway side 28 May 2019 |
Lamiaceae |
catnip |
yes |
Noccaea fendleri var.glauca [Noccaea montana] [Thlaspi montanum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Elwood pass 2 Sept 2019 |
Brassicaceae |
pennycress, wild candytuft |
Nuphar polysepala [Nuphar lutea] [Nymphaea polysepala] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Cumbres Pass, natural pond, 24 July 2016; Rich Haswell Conejos Co, mattress bog pond at Cumbres pass 2 Aug 2022 |
Nymphaeaceae |
spatterdock |
Yes |
Oenothera albicaulis [Anogra albicaulis] [Oenothera ctenophylla] |
YES croot: Saguache Co, CO, 8 km south of Crestone, 4 May 2020 |
Onagraceae |
whitestem evening primrose |
Yes |
Oenothera cespitosa [Oenothera caespitosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Biedell Creek north of La Garita 31 May 2019 |
Onagraceae |
tufted evening primrose |
Oenothera coronopifolia [Anogra coronopifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, street verge, 29 May 2021 |
Onagraceae |
cutleaf evening-primrose |
Yes |
Oenothera elata [Oenothera hookeri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 7 miles W of Center, irrigation ditch 30 June 2018 [var. hookeri] |
Onagraceae |
Hooker’s evening primrose |
Oenothera flava [Lavauxia flava] [Oenothera taraxacoides] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Creek Reservoir 7 July 2020 |
Onagraceae |
yellow evening primrose, longtubed evening primrose |
Oenothera macrocarpa [Megapterium macrocarpum] [Megapterium nuttallianum] |
YES Scott Smith: Saguache Co, by Hwy 285 north of Villa Grove 14 July 2017 |
Onagraceae |
Missouri evening primrose, Ozark sundrops, bigfruit evening primrose, fluttermill |
yes |
Oenothera nuttallii |
YES "sgell": Alamosa Co, southwest of the entrance to the Great Sand Dunes NPP, 4 July 2024 |
Onagraceae |
Nuttall’s evening primrose |
yes |
Oenothera pallida [Oenothera trichocalyx] [Oenothera runcinata] [Oenothera albicaulis var. runcinata] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, just south of Del Norte, 14-16 July 2023 (var. trichocalyx); Scott F. Smith, west of Villa Grove, 16 June 2024. |
Onagraceae |
pale evening-primrose |
Yes |
Oenothera suffrutescens [Gaura coccinea] [Gaura epiobioides] [Gaura glab ra] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, junction of Groundhog and Embargo Creek roads 8 July 2021 |
Onagraceae |
scarlet beeblossom |
Oenothera villosa [Gaura villosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Junction of Hwy 160 and Big Meadows Reservoir road 5 July 2016 |
Onagraceae |
hairy evening-primrose |
Onobrychis viciifolia |
YES Rozemarijn Bradshaw Saguache Co, within town limits of Saguache, 11 June 2021 |
Fabaceae |
sainfoin |
yes |
Opuntia polyacantha [Opuntia erinacea var. utahensis] [Opuntia trichophora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Quarry trail E of Del Norte 24 June 2017 |
Yes |
Cactaceae |
prickly pear, starvation cactus |
Yes |
Oreocarya glomerata [Myosotis glomerata] [Eritrichium glomeratum] [Oreocarya celosioides]] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, quarry trail 4.7 air miles E of Del Norte 24 June 2017; Pronghorn Ranch 4 miles south of Del Norte, 24 Aug 2024) |
Boraginaceae |
calcareous cryptantha |
Oreocarya suffruticosa var. jamesii [Oreocarya suffruticosa var. suffruticosa] [Oreocarya cinerea var. jamesii] [Cryptantha jamesii] [Crypantha cinerea] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, San Luis Hills, saddle between the Conejos and Rio Grande rivers beside Hwy 142, in assocation with O. suffruticosa var. pustulosa 28 July 2021 |
Boraginaceae |
James’s catseye |
Oreocarya suffruticosa var. pustulosa [Oreocarya pustulosa; Oreocarya cinerea] [Cryptantha jamesii var. pustulosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, saddle between Conejos River and the Rio Grande River near Hwy 142, San Luis Hills 28 July 2021 |
Boraginaceae |
San Juan cryptantha |
Oreocarya virgata [Cryptantha virgata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon 26 June 2015 [previous season's plant] |
Boraginaceae |
miner’s candle |
Oreocarya weberi |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, rhyolite escarpment 5 miles E of CR14 and Hwy114 junction 17 July 2016 |
Boraginaceae |
Weber’s oreocarya |
Oreochrysum parryi [Haplopappus parryi] [Solidago parryi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide trail N of Wolf Creek pass 6 Aug 2014 |
Asteraceae |
Parry’s goldenrod |
Oreoxis bakeri [Cymopterus bakeri] |
YES LoraIne Yeatts: Conejos Co, flank of Conejos Peak 7 Aug 2008 |
Apiaceae |
Baker’s alpine parsley |
Yes |
Orthilia secunda [Pyrola secunda] [Ramischia secunda] [Orthilia obtusada] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 31 July 2017 |
Ericaceae |
one-sided wintergreen |
Orthocarpus luteus |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Taylor Canyon meadow near Luders Creek Cpgd, 26 Aug 2021; Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2017 |
Orobanchaceae |
yellow owl clover |
Orthocarpus purpureoalbus |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 1 Aug 2014; off of Forest Service Road 103(2)B between Los Mogotes and the New Mexico border |
Orobanchaceae |
purple owl clover |
Oryzopsis asperifolia [Urachne asperifolia] [Oryzopsis aspera] etc. |
Poaceae |
roughleaf ricegrass, winter grass |
yes |
Osmorhiza berteroi [Osmorhiza chilensis] [Osmorhiza nuda] [Washingtonia divaricata] |
Apiaceae |
sweet cicely |
Yes |
Osmorhiza depauperata [Osmorhiza obtusa] [Washingtonia obtusa] |
YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 |
Apiaceae |
blunt sweet cicely |
Yes |
Oxybasis glauca [Chenopodium glaucum] |
YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, pond 6 miles SW of Del Norte, 17 June 2020 |
Yes |
Amaranthaceae |
oakleaf goosefoot |
Yes |
Oxybasis rubra [Chenopodium rubrum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands, 15 July 2017 |
Yes |
Amaranthaceae |
red goosefoot |
Yes |
Oxypolis fendleri [Archemora fendleri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek trail 13.3 air miles SW of Del Norte 17 June 2020 |
Apiaceae |
cowbane |
Yes |
Oxyria digyna [Rumex digynus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 20 July 2015 |
Polygonaceae |
alpine sorrel |
Oxytropis borealis [Oxytropis viscida] [Aragallus viscidulus] [Oxytropis gaspensis] [Oxytropis ixodes] etc. |
Fabaceae |
boreal locoweed |
Oxytropis campestris [Oxytropis monticola var. spicata] |
Fabaceae |
field locoweed |
Oxytropis deflexa var. pulcherrima [Oxytropis deflexa var. deflexa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, North Pass Hwy 114, 22 June 2017 |
Fabaceae |
nodding locoweed |
Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea [Aragallus pinetorum] [Oxytropis pinetorum] [Oxytropis vegana] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 4 miles NW of junction of FSR 250 and Hwy 17, 18 July 2022 |
Fabaceae |
silky nodding locoweed |
yes |
Oxytropis lambertii [Aragallus articulatus] [Oxytropis bilocularis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO Cottonwood Grove SE of Creede 28 June 2019 |
Fabaceae |
purple locoweed |
Oxytropis parryi [Aragallus parryi] [Astragalus parryanus] |
Fabaceae |
Parry’s locoweed |
Oxytropis podocarpa [Aragallus hallii] [Aragallus inflatus] [Aragallus podicarpa] [Spiesia podocarpa] etc. |
Fabaceae |
stalkpod locoweed |
Oxytropis sericea [Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, ± 4 road miles E of Saguache on Hwy 285, along both sides of highway, 3 June 2021 |
Fabaceae |
white locoweed, silky crazyweed |
Yes |
Oxytropis splendens [Aragallus splendens] [Oxytropis richardsonii] [Oxytropus splendens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Luder's Creek cpgd 17 July 2016 |
Fabaceae |
whorled locoweed |
Ozomelis stauropetala [Mitella stauropetala] [Mitella stenopetala] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 18 June 2015 |
Saxifragaceae |
sideflowered mitrewort |
Packera cana [Senecio hallii var. discoidea] [Senecio canus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co., Burro Creek trail, Pinos Creek 4 June 2014 |
Asteraceae |
woolly groundsel |
Packera crocata [Packera dimorphophylla] [Senecio crocatus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, mesic meadow 1.1 air miles WSW of Grayback pass 6 July 2022 |
Asteraceae |
saffron ragwort |
Packera dimorphophylla [Packera crocata] |
YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, near Elwood Pass 9 June 2016; Mineral Co, Shaw Lake July 6 2018 |
Asteraceae |
two-leaf groundsel |
Packera fendleri [Senecio fendleri] [Senecio canovirens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, trail to North Crestone Lake 30 Aug 2014; Mineral Co, Farmer's trail trailhead S of Creede 2 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
Platte groundsel |
Packera multilobata [Senecio multilobatus] [Senecio leucoreus] [Senecio lynceus] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 6 July 2016 |
Asteraceae |
lobeleaf groundsel |
Packera neomexicana [Senecio eurypterus] [Senecio neomexicana] |
YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Alder Creek north of South Fork, 5 July 2020 |
Asteraceae |
New Mexico groundsel |
yes |
Packera paupercula [Senecio pauperculus] [Senecio flavovirens] |
Asteraceae |
balsam groundsel |
Packera porteri |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 14 July 2016 |
Asteraceae |
Porter’s groundsel |
Packera pseudaurea |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co Shaw Lake 7/8/2020; Rio Grande Co, 0.2 miles S of Grayback pass 8/5/2021 |
Asteraceae |
falsegold groundsel |
Packera streptanthifolia [Senecio acutidens] [Senecio cymbalarioides] [Packer oödes] |
YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, below Trujillo Reservoir dam 11 Aug 2017 |
Asteraceae |
Rocky Mountain groundsel |
Packera thurberi [Packera tridenticulata] [Senecio oblanceolatus] [Senecio remifolius] [Senecio thurberi] [Senecio neomexicanus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Willow Creek above Creede 6 June 2017 |
Asteraceae |
Thurber’s groundsel, three-toothed ragwort |
Yes |
Packera werneriifolia [Packera saxosa] [Senecio aureus] [Senecio pentadontus] [Senecio saxosus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hunters Lake, SWW of South Fork, 2 July 2014; Rio Grande Co Burro trail 4 June 2014 |
Asteraceae |
alpine groundsel |
Panicum capillare [Panicum barbipulvinatum] |
Poaceae |
witchgrass, witch-grass |
yes |
Papaver coloradense [Papaver kluanense] [Papaver radicatum subsp. kluanensis] [Papaver nudicaule var. coloradense] [Papaver nudicaule var. coloradense |
Papaveraceae |
alpine poppy, Colorado poppy |
Yes |
Papaver orientale |
YES "bounceoffwalls": Rio Grande Co, end of Castle Rock Creek Road southwest of Del Norte 23 June 2018 |
Papaveraceae |
Oriental poppy |
yes |
Parietaria pensylvanica [Parietaria obtusa] [Parietaria floridana] |
Urticaceae |
Pennsylvania pellitory |
Parnassia fimbriata |
YES Jacob Penner: Cottonwood Creek, Sangre de Cristos, Saguache Co, 15 June 2020 |
Celastraceae [Parnassiaceae] |
fringed grass-of-Parnassus |
Parnassia palustris [Parnassia parviflora] |
Celastraceae [Parnassiaceae] |
small-flowered grass-of-Parnassus |
Paronychia pulvinata |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt. 8 July 2019 |
Caryophyllaceae |
Rocky Mountain nailwort |
Paronychia sessiliflora |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt. by Del Norte 14 June 2017 |
Caryophyllaceae |
low nailwort, creeping nailwort |
Parthenium alpinum [Bolophyta alpina] |
Asteraceae |
alpine feverfew |
Parthenocissus inserta [Parthenocissus vitacea var. inserta] |
Vitaceae |
woodbine, thicket creeper |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia [Hedera quinquefolia] [Parthenocissus inserta] [Vitis inserta] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, covering side of brick building on main street 4 July 2017 |
Vitaceae |
Virginia creeper, Victoria creeper, five-finger ivy |
Paxistima myrsinites [Pachystima myrsinites] [Ilex myrsinites] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creak trail S of Del Norte (in flower) 15 May 2017 |
Celastraceae |
Oregon boxleaf, mountain lover |
Pectiantia pentandra [Mitella pentandra] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO stream feeding Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 |
Saxifragaceae |
five-stamen mitrewort, five-point bishop’s cap, bishop’s mitrewort |
Pectis angustifolia |
YES Janis Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Woman Creek road, 24 Aug 2014 |
Yes |
Asteraceae |
lemonscent, cinchweed |
Yes |
Pedicularis bracteosa [Pedicularis paysoniana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Luders Campground 17 July 2016 |
Scrophulariaceae |
bracted lousewort |
Pedicularis crenulata |
YES Hannah Floyd: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes, 17 June 2021 |
Scrophulariaceae |
meadow lousewort |
Pedicularis fluviatilis [Pedicularis canadensis var. fluviatilis]] |
Scrophulariaceae |
Canadian lousewort |
Pedicularis groenlandica [Oligosporus groenlandicus] [Elephantella groenlandica] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 |
Scrophulariaceae |
elephanthead lousewort, elephant’s head |
Pedicularis parryi [Pedicularis mogollonica] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 3 m. S of Grayback Mountain 17 July 2020 |
Scrophulariaceae |
Parry’s lousewort |
Pedicularis procera [Pedicularis grayi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 18 June 2018 |
Scrophulariaceae |
fernleaf lousewort |
Pedicularis racemosa |
YES Rich Haswell Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 9 Aug 2020 |
Scrophulariaceae |
sickletop lousewort |
Pedicularis scopulorum [Pedicularis sudetica subsp. scopulorum] |
Scrophulariaceae |
sudetic lousewort |
Pediocactus simpsonii [Echinocactus simpsonii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Pinos Cr. flowering 19 May 2014; Alamosa Co, by dry wash at south edge of the Great Sand Dunes NM, not flowering, 20 July 2021 |
Yes |
Cactaceae |
ball cactus |
Yes |
Penstemon angustifolius [Penstemon caudatus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes, head of Mosca Creek trail 29 July 2019 |
Plantaginaceae |
narrow-leaved penstemon |
Penstemon auriberbis |
Plantaginazeae |
Colorado beardtongue |
Penstemon barbatus [Chelone barbata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek N of South Fork 6 July 2019 |
Plantaginaceae |
scarlet penstemon |
Penstemon bleaklyi |
YES: Scott F. Smith Costilla Co, Trinchera Peak 14 Aug 2014 |
Plantaginaceae |
Bleakly's penstemon |
yes |
Penstemon eatonii |
Plantaginaceae |
Eaton’s penstemon |
Penstemon glaber [includes var. alpinus and var. brandegeei] |
Plantaginaceae |
sawpetal penstemon |
Yes |
Penstemon glaber var. alpinus |
YES Mary McDonald: Trujillo Meadows Reservoir, 30 Aug 2022, 9 Sept 2024 |
Plantaginaceae |
sawpetal penstemon |
yes |
Penstemon glabrescens [Penstemon crandallii subsp. glabrescens][P. fremontii var. glabrescens] [Penstemon linarioides subsp. taosensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Hicks Canyon 23 June 2021 |
Plantaginaceae |
Fremont’s beardtongue |
Penstemon griffinii |
YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, CR 630 3 miles N of CR 15 29 June 2021 |
Plantaginaceae |
Griffin’s penstemon |
Penstemon hallii |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood Pass 2 Aug 2019 |
Plantaginaceae |
Hall’s penstemon |
Penstemon harbourii |
Plantaginaceae |
Harbour’s penstemon |
Penstemon linarioides |
Yes: pandarollie: Conejos Co, 3.2 km northwest of Ponderosa cpgd, June 2021 |
Plantaginaceae |
toadflax penstemon |
Penstemon palmeri |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 3 miles S of Villa Grove by Hwy 285, 28 June 2014 |
Plantaginaceae |
crested beardstongue, fuzzytongue penstemon |
Yes |
Penstemon procerus [Penstemon confertus var. procerus] |
Yes Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, south side of Big Meadows Reservoir, 20 July 2023 |
Plantaginaceae |
littleflower penstemon, pincushion beardtongue |
yes |
Penstemon ramaleyi [Penstemon crandallii var. ramaleyi] [Penstemon crandallii subsp. glabrescens] |
YES: Richard Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Woman's Creek road, 11 June 2017 |
Plantaginaceae |
Ramaley’s penstemon |
Penstemon rydbergii [Penstemon procerus] [Penstemon lacerellus] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, in gravel by dam for Trujillo Reservoir, near Cumbres Pass, June 7 2021; Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, near Big Meadows Reservoir 7 Sept 2020 |
Plantaginaceae |
Rydberg’s penstemon |
Yes |
Penstemon secundiflorus [Penstemon unilateralis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Dry Creek Road south of Creede 28 June 2019 |
Plantaginaceae |
side-bells penstemon |
Penstemon strictiformis [Penstemon strictus subsp. strictiformis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, turnoff to Lake Divide trailhead, hwy 160, 23 7 2019 |
Plantaginaceae |
Mancos penstemon |
Yes |
Penstemon strictus |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Osier Park, meadow above station, 7 July 2021 |
Plantaginaceae |
Rocky Mountain bearstongue |
Yes |
Penstemon virens |
Plantaginaceae |
Front Range penstemon |
Penstemon virgatus subsp. asa-grayi [Penstemon unilateralis] [Penstemon virgatus var. asa-grayi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mountain just south of Del Norte 16 Aug 2013 |
yes |
Plantaginaceae |
oneside penstemon |
Yes |
Penstemon virgatus subsp. virgatus [Penstemon virgatus] [Penstemon unilateralis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek N of South Fork 6 July 2019; junction of Cathedral Creek Road and Groundhog Road, 8 miles NW of South Fork, 20 feet from road, associated with Tetradymia, Rosa, Verbena, Erigeron 8 July 2021 |
Yes |
Plantaginaceae |
wand Penstemon |
Yes |
Penstemon whippleanus [Penstemon arizonicus] [Penstemon stenosepalus] |
YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mountain (budding) 20 July 2015 |
Plantaginaceae |
Whipple’s beardtongue |
Pericome caudata [Pericome glandulosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon 25 July 2015 |
Asteraceae |
mountain tail-leaf |
Peritoma multicaulis [Cleome multicaulis] [Cleomella multicaulis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Blanca Wetlands 18 Sept 2020 |
Cleomaceae |
Mexican beeplant |
Peritoma serrulata [Cleome serrulata] [Cleomella serrulata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Woman's Creek road 24 Aug 2014 |
Cleomaceae |
Rocky Mountain beeplant, stinking clover |
Persicaria amphibia [Persicaria coccinea] [Polygonum amphibium] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, irrigation dtich by Willow Meadow, Baca NWR 17 Aug 2021; Conejoa Co, bank of the Rio Grande by Hwy 42 bridge 28 July 2021 |
Polygonaceae |
aquatic smartweed, scarlet smartweed |
Persicaria hydropiper [Polygonum hydropiper] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, slough of the Rio Grande 15 Aug 2018 |
Polygonaceae |
waterpepper, marsh pepper knotweed |
Persicaria lapathifolia Persicaria lapanthifolia [Polygonum lapanthifolia] [Polygonum incarnatum] [Polygonum linicola] etc, |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, north boundary of Russell Lakes SWA by old irrigation canal 9 Sept 2022 |
Polygonaceae |
pale smartweed |
Persicaria maculosa [Persicaria persicaria] [Polygonum persicaria] [Persicaria vulgaris] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Sherman Lake E of Monte Vista 13 Aug 2016 |
Polygonaceae |
Lady's-thumb knotweed |
Persicaria pensylvanica [Polygonum pensylvanicum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, gravel pit 1.5 miles NE of Del Norte, 26 Aug 2020 |
Polygonaceae |
Pennsylvania smartweed, pinkweed |
Petasites frigidus |
Asteraceae |
arrowleaf sweet coltsfoot |
yes |
Phacelia alba [Phacelia neomexicana var. alba] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mountain just S of Del Norte 4 Sept 2021 (seeds); Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon 25 July 2015 |
Hydrophyllaceae |
white phacelia |
Phacelia bakeri [Phacelia crenulata var. bakeri] |
YES Scott F. Smith: Stony pass, San Juan Co, 22 July 2021; Rich Haswel: East Willow Creek, Mineral Co, 4 Sept 2013 above Creede |
Hydrophyllaceae |
Baker’s phacelia |
Phacelia campanularia |
Hydrophallaceae |
California bluebell, desertbells |
Phacelia denticulata |
YES Kristen Warren: Saguache Co, 7 air miles SW of Saguache, 24 Aug 2024 |
Hydrophyllaceae |
Rocky Mountain phacelia |
Phacelia glandulosa |
Hydrophyllaceae |
glandular phacelia |
Phacelia hastata [Phacelia leptosepala] [Phacelia leucophylla] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide north of Wolf Creek Pass 6 Aug 2014 |
Hydrophyllaceae |
silverleaf phacelia |
Phacelia heterophylla [Phacelia magellanica var. heterophylla] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 14 Aug 2017 |
Hydrophyllaceae |
wand phacelia |
Phacelia neomexicana |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, north ridge of Hicks Canyon off FSR 101 1 Aug 2014; Scott F. Smith: Saguache Co, junction of Hwy 285 and CR EE, 25 June 2024 |
Hydrophyllaceae |
New Mexico scorpion-weed |
Phacelia sericea [Eutoca sericea] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood Pass 2 Aug 2019 |
Hydrophyllaceae |
silky phacelia, purple fringe |
Phemeranthus confertiflorus [Phemeranthus parviflorus] [Talinum confertiflorum] [Talinum parviflorum] etc. |
YES Katherine Zybko: Saguache Co, Great Sand Dunes NPP, Deadman's Creek, 31 July 2021; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, |
Montiaceae |
fameflower, flamethrower, sunbright, rock rose, rock pink, phemeranthus |
Phleum alpinum [Phleum commutatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Wolf Creek Pass 29 July 2016 |
Poaceae |
Alpine timothy, Alpine cat's-tail |
yes |
Phleum pratense [Phleum nodosum var. pratense] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle Frisco Creek trailhead 4 July 2014 |
Poaceae |
Timothy, Timothy grass, meadow cat's-tail |
yes |
Phlox condensata [Phlox caespitosa var. condensata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 11 June 2014 |
Polemoniaceae |
alpine phlox |
Phlox hoodii [Phlox canescens] [Phlox hoodii var. canescens] [Phlox bryiodes] [Phlox lantana] [Phlox muscoides] |
Yes Patrick Alexander: Conejos Co, Flattop Mesa, 28 May 2022 |
Polemoniaceae |
carpet phlox |
yes |
Phlox longifolia [Phlox cortezana] [Phlox grayi] [Phlox tenuis] etc. |
YES L. Barrow Saguache Co, near Colorado College Baca Campus, 11 July 2024 |
Polemoniaceae |
longleaf phlox |
Phlox multiflora |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mountain just SW of Del Norte 25 May 2016 |
Polemoniaceae |
flowery phlox, mountain phlox |
yes |
Phlox pulvinata [Phlox caespitosa subsp. pulvinata] [Phlox variabilis] [Phlox sibirica subsp. pulvinata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, North Clear Creek Falls 23 May 2016 |
Polemoniaceae |
cushion phlox |
Phragmites australis [Phragmites communis] |
Poaceae |
common ewws |
yes |
Physalis hederifolia [Physalis hederaefolia] [Physalis comata] [Physalis fendleri] |
Solanaceae |
ivyleaf groundcherry |
yes |
Physalis neomexicana [Physalis sulcata var. neomexican] [Physalis foetens var. neomexicana] |
Yes Stinglessbee: Saguavhe Co, 1 km north of Penitente Canyon cpgd 27 Aug 2022; Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 50 meters south of Penitente Canyon parking area, 21 Nov 2024 |
Solanaceae |
New Mexican ground-cherry |
yes |
Physaria acutifolia |
YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, 2 miles S of Creede, 23 July 2020 |
Yes |
Brassicacea |
sharpleaf twinpod |
Yes |
Physaria calcicola [Lesquerella calcicola] |
YES Rich Haswell: Quary trail, east of Del Norte, 10 June 2019 |
Yes |
Brassicaceae |
Rollins Rocky Mountain bladderpod |
Yes |
Physaria floribunda |
YES Scott F. Smith Costilla Co, 4 km west of Forbes Park and 2 km north of Hwy 160 |
Brassicaceae |
pointtip twinpod |
Physaria montana [Lesquerella montana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Elephant Rock 6 miles NNE of Del Norte 5 June 2019 |
Brassicaceae |
mountain bladderpod |
Physaria rectipes [Lesquerella rectipes] |
Brassicaceae |
straight bladderpod |
yes |
Physaria scrotiformis |
Brassicaceae |
silver twinpod |
Physaria vitulifera |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, S of Creede, rocky slope 0.25 mile NE of the Rio Grande 23 July 2020; Jan Haswell, same location, 2 Aug 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
fiddleleaf bladderpod, fiddleleaf twinpod |
Physocarpus monogynus [Spiraea monogyna] [Opulaster monogynus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek, south of cemetery, east bluffs 23 May 2018 |
Rosaceae |
mountain ninebark, low ninebark |
Picea engelmannii |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 23 June 2020 |
Pinaceae |
Engelmann spruce |
Yes |
Picea pungens [Picea parryana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, SE slope above Upper Beaver Creek cpgd 10 June 2020 |
Pinaceae |
Colorado blue spruce |
Yes |
Picradeniopsis multiflora [Schkuhria multiflora] [Bahia neomexicana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork 17 Sept 2017; street side Del Norte 5 Sept 2022 |
Asteraceae |
many-flower false threadleaf |
Picradeniopsis oppositifolia [Bahia oppositifolia] [Trichophyllum oppositifolium] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 6 Miles NW of Del Norte 17 July 2013 |
Asteraceae |
northern bahia, oppositeleaf bahia |
Picradeniopsis woodhousei [Achyropappus woodhousei] [Bahia woodhousei] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Fox Creek, beside Hwy 17 15 July 2015, 15 Sept 2022 |
Asteraceae |
Woodhouse's false bahia |
yes |
Pilosella aurantiaca [Hieracium aurantiacum] |
Yes "gravelghost": Rio Grande Co, 5 km southeast of Del Norte Peak, 8 Aug 2023 |
Asteraceae |
orange hawkweed |
Pinus aristata |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, junction of Hwy 160 and FR 380, 20 Oct 2020 |
Pinaceae |
Rocky Mountain bristlecone |
Yes |
Pinus contorta |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Cochetopa pass 30 June 2020 |
Pinaceae |
lodgepole |
Yes |
Pinus edulis [Pinus cembriodes var. edulis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Chico trail just S of Del Norte 3 March 2020 |
Pinaceae |
pinyon pine |
Yes |
Pinus flexilis [Apinus flexilis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, junction of Hwy 160 and FR 380 20 Oct 2020 |
Pinaceae |
limber pine |
Yes |
Pinus ponderosa [Pinus brachyptera] |
YES Rich Haswell: San Francisco Creek (medicine tree) 13 May 2020 |
Pinaceae |
ponderosa |
Yes |
Piperia dilatata [Platanthera dilatata] [Habenaria dilatata] [Limnorchis borealis] |
Orchidaceae |
bod candle, tall white bog orchid |
yes |
Piptatheropsis macrantha [Piptatherum micranthum] [Oryzopsis micrantha] [Urachne micrantha] |
Poaceae |
littleseed ricegrass |
yes |
Plagiobothrys hispidulus [Plagiobothrys scouleri var. hispidulus]] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Creek Reservoir, drying edge 11 July 2016; Craig Martin, Conejos Co, Elk Creek, 6 Aug 2020 |
Boraginaceae |
popcorn flower, Scouler's popcorn flower |
Plantago eriopoda |
Yes Kyle Jackson: Alamosa Co, near Medano Ranch, Great Sand Dunes PP, 16 June 2019 |
Plantaginaceae |
redwool plantain |
Yes |
Plantago lanceolata |
YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, South Fork vacant lot 28 july 2013 |
Plantaginaceae |
ribwort plantain, lanceleaf plantain, English plantain |
Plantago major |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Rio Grande floodplain by 142 bridge in Del Norte 28 July 2021 |
Plantaginaceae |
common plantain, broadleaf plantain, greater plantain, white-man’s foot |
Plantago tweedyi |
Yes Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 1.05 miles WSW of Grayback Pass 17 Aug 2023 |
Plantaginaceae |
Tweedy’s plantain |
Platanthera aquilonis [Platanthera hyperborea] [Habenaria hyperborea] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Turcker Ponds 23 July 2019 |
Orchidaceae |
northern green orchid |
Platanthera huronensis [Orchis huronensis] [Limnorchis hyperborea] [Platanthera hyperborea var. huronensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, SW side of Bennett Peak 22 July 2014 |
Orchidaceae |
Lake Huron green bog orchid, tall northern green orchid |
Platanthera obtusata [Lysiella obtusata] [Habenaria obtusata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, 31 July 2017 |
Yes |
Orchidaceae |
one-leaf bog orchid |
Yes |
Platanthera purpurascens [Platanthera tescamnis] [Habenaria neomexicana] [Limnorchis purpurascens] [Platanthera hyberborea var. purpurascens] [Platanthera stricta] [Platanthera saccata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, above Upper Tucker Pond 23 July 2019 |
Orchidaceae |
purple-petal bog orchid |
Platanthera sparsiflora [Platanthera tescamnis] [Limnorchis sparsiflora] [Limnorchis laxiflora] etc. |
Orchidaceae |
sparsely flowered bog orchid |
Platanthera tescamnis [Platanthera sparsiflora[ |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, upper Tucker Pond 23 July 2019 |
Orchidaceae |
intermountain bog orchid, yellow rein orchid, Great Basin bog orchid |
Pneumonanthe affinis [Gentiana affinis] [Gentiana bigelovii] [Dasystephana affinis] |
Gentianaceae |
Rocky Mountain gentian |
Pneumonanthe parryi [Gentiana parryi] [Dasystephana parryi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 23 Aug 2019 |
Gentianaceae |
bottle gentian |
Poa abbreviata [Poa jordalii] [Poa pattersonii] |
Poaceae |
Patterson bluegrass |
yes |
Poa alpina |
Poaceae |
alpine bluegrass, alpine meadow-grass |
yes |
Poa annua |
Poaceae |
annual bluegrass |
yes |
Poa arctica [Poa cenisia subsp. arctica] |
Poaceae |
Arctic bluegrass |
yes |
Poa arida [Poa fendleriana var. arida] [Poa glaucifolia] [Poa pseudopratensis] |
Poaceae |
plains bluegrass |
yes |
Poa compressa [Panelon compressum] |
Poaceae |
Canada bluegrass, wiregrass, flattened meadow-grass |
yes |
Poa cusickii [Poa epilis subsp pallida] [Poa alpina var purpurascens] etc. |
Poaceae |
Cusick's bluegrass |
yes |
Poa fendleriana [Atropis enleriana] [Eragrostis fendleriana] [Panicularia fendleriana] etc. |
Poaceae |
muttongrass, longtongue muttongrass |
yes |
Poa glauca [Catabrosa pauciflora] [Paneion glaucum] [Poa anadyrica] [Poa blytti] etc. |
Poaceae |
glaucous bluegrass, glaucous meadow-grass, white bluegrass |
yes |
Poa interior [Paneion interius] [Poa nemoralis subsp. interior] |
Poaceae |
inland bluegrass, interior bluegrass |
yes |
Poa leptocoma [Poa stenantha var. leptocoma] [Poa crandallii] [Poa reflexa] |
Poaceae |
marsh bluegrass, western bog bluegrass |
yes |
Poa lettermanii [Atropis lettermanii] [Puccinellia lettermanii] [Poa brandergi] [Poa montevansii] etc. |
Poaceae |
Letterman's bluegrass |
yes |
Poa palustris [Poa crocata] [Poa eyerdamii] [Poa triflore] |
Poaceae |
fowl bluegrass |
yes |
Poa pratensis [Paneion pratense] [Poa angustifolia subsp. pratensis] [Poa agassizensis] |
Poaceae |
Kentucky bluegrass, bluegrass, sweet meadow-grass |
yes |
Poa reflexa [Pos leptocoma var. reflexa] |
Poaceae |
nodding bluegrass |
yes |
Poa secunda [Poa sandbergii] [Poa ampla] [Poa brachyglossa] etc. |
Poaceae |
Sandberg bluegrass, secund bluegrass, alkali bluegrass |
yes |
Poa tracyi [Poa autumnus var. robusta] [Poa nervosa, var. tracyi] etc. |
Poaceae |
Tracy's bluegrass |
yes |
Poa trivialis [Poa attica] [Poa stolonifera] [Aira semneutra] [Phalaris semineutra] etc. |
Poaceae |
rough bluegrass |
yes |
Poa wheeleri [Poa nervosa] |
Poaceae |
Wheeler's bluegrass |
yes |
Podagrostis humilis [Agrostis humilis] |
Poaceae |
Alpine bentgrass |
yes |
Podistera eastwoodiae |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt, 23 June 2020 |
Apiaceae |
Eastwood’s podistera |
Yes |
Polemonium brandegeei [Gilia brandegeei] [Polemonium mellitum] [Polemonium viscosum |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Willow Creek above Creede 28 June 2019 |
Polemoniaceae |
Brandegee’s Jacob’s-ladder |
Polemonium confertum [Polemonium grayanum] [Polemonium viscosum var. grayanum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood Pass 2 Aug 2019 |
Polemoniaceae |
Rocky Mountain Jacob's-ladder |
Polemonium foliosissimum [Polemonium molle] [Polemonium flavum] [Polemonium filicinum] [Polemonium pterospermum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Creek 9 July 2014 |
Polemoniaceae |
towering Jacob's-ladder |
Polemonium occidentale [Polemonium caeruleum subsp. occidentale] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, to of Million Reservoir 11 Aug 2022 |
Polemoniaceae |
western Jacob’s ladder |
Polemonium pulcherrimum [Polemonium delicatum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 2 miles S of Grayback pass 6 Aug 2016 |
Polemoniaceae |
showy Jacob’s ladder, skunk-leaved polemonium |
Polemonium viscosum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 11 June 2014 |
Polemoniaceae |
sky pilot, skunkweed |
Polygonum argyrocoleon |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 2 miles SW of Los Mogotes 10-11 Sept 2022 |
Polygonaceae |
silversheath knotweed |
Polygonum aviculare [Polygonum arenastrum] [Polygonum buxiforme] [Polygon neglectum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte sidewalk 9 Oct 2019 |
Polygonaceae |
Devil’s shoestrings, prostrate knotweed |
Polygonum douglasii [Polygonum montanum] [Polygonum tenue var. latifolium] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, meadow near Mogote Cpgd, 3 Aug 2017 |
Polygonaceae |
Douglas’s knotweed |
Polygonum erectum [Polygonum erectum var. achoreum] [Polygonum aviculare var. erectum] [Polygonum achoreum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, vacant space near floodplain of the Rio Grande 9 Oct 2019 |
Polygonaceae |
erect knotweed |
yes |
Polygonum ramosissimum |
Polygonaceae |
bushy knotweed |
Polygonum sawatchense [Polygonum douglasii subsp. johnstonii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Terrace Reservoir 26 July 2019 |
Polygonaceae |
Sawatch knotweed |
Polypogon monspeliensis [Agrostis alopecuroides] [Alopecurus monspeliensis] [Phalaris aristata] etc. |
Poaceae |
annual rabbitsfoot grass, annual beards-grass |
yes |
Populus acuminata [Populus X acuminata] |
Salicaceae |
lanceleaf cottonwood |
Populus alba |
Salicaceae |
white poplar |
yes |
Populus angustifolia |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, town of Del Norte near Rio Grande 10 July 2020 |
Salicaceae |
narrowleaf cottonwood |
Populus balsamifera [Populus trichocarpa] [Populus hastata] [Populus cadicans] [Populus tacamahacca] |
Salicaceae |
balsam popular |
Populus deltoides [Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera] [Populus deltoides subsp. wislizeni] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 9th street and Spruce, 24 May 2020 |
Salicaceae |
Eastern cottonwood, Plains cottonwood |
Yes |
Populus nigra |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte 20 April 2019; 30 June 2021 |
Salicaceae |
Lombardy popular, black popular |
Yes |
Populus tremuloides [Populus aurea] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, FR 332 above Beaver Creek Reservoir 27 Nov 2021 |
Salicaceae |
quaking aspen |
Portulaca grandiflora |
YES Russell Clark: Conejos Co, 7 km SSE of Sanford, Oct 2023 |
Portulacaceae |
rose moss |
yes |
Portulaca oleracea [Portulaca retusa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte house, edge of garden plot 14 Aug 2021 |
Portulacaceae |
common purslane, verdolaga, red root |
Potamogeton alpinus |
Potamogetonaceae |
alpine pondweed |
Potamogeton crispus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir 9 Aug 2018; 10 Oct 2020 |
Yes |
Potamogetonaceae |
curly pondweed |
Yes |
Potamogeton epihydrus |
Potamogetonaceae |
ribbonleaf pondweed |
yes |
Potamogeton foliosus |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA artesian fed ditch 9/20/2020 |
Potamogetonaceae |
leafy pondweed |
Potamogeton gramineus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, in back of the Sunflour Cafe in Monte Vista 28 July 2021, 11 July 2022 |
Potamogetonaceae |
variable-leaf pondweed |
Potamogeton natans |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, eddy of an irrigation ditch behind the Sunflour Café on Hwy 285 1 mile N of Monte Vista 28 July 2021 |
Potamogetonaceae |
floating pondweed |
Yes |
Potamogeton nodosus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista Wildlife Preserve 21 June 2016 |
Potamogetonaceae |
long-leaved pondweed |
Potamogeton praelongus |
Potamogetonaceae |
whitestem pondweed |
Potamogeton pusillus [Potamogeton berchtoldii] |
Potamogetonaceae |
small pondweed |
Potentilla ambigens |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Farmers trailhead 23 July 2020 |
Rosaceae |
silkyleaf cinquefoil |
Potentilla anserina [Argentina anserina] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Russell Lakes State Wildlife Area 29 May 2015; Saguache Co, Willow Meadow, Baca NWR, beside irrigation ditch 17 Aug 2021 |
Rosaceae |
silver cinquefoil, silverweed |
Potentilla bicrenata [Potentilla concinna var. bicrenata] |
YES Rich Haswell:Rio Grande Co, Lost Lake, SE of South Fork 9 June 2015 |
Rosaceae |
elegant cinquefoil |
Potentilla biennis |
Rosaceae |
biennial cinquefoil |
Yes |
Potentilla bipinnatifida |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Church Creek just before it flows into the South Fork of the Rio Grande, half mile S of South Fork, 27 June 2021 |
Rosaceae |
tansy cinquefoil |
Yes |
Potentilla concinna [Potentilla divisa] [Potentilla oblanceolata] [Potentilla proxima] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 23 June 2020 |
Rosaceae |
elegant cinquefoil |
Potentilla crinita [Potentilla lemmoni] |
Rosaceae |
bearded cinquefoil |
Potentilla effusa [Potentilla hippiana var. effusa] |
Rosaceae |
branched cinquefoil |
Potentilla glaucophylla [Potentilla diversifolia var. glaucophylla]] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, meadow by pond on Hwy 14 N of Grayback Mt 23 Aug2019 |
Rosaceae |
blueleaf cinquefoil |
Potentilla gracilis [Potentilla elmeri] [Potentilla fastigiata] [Potentilla jucunda] [Potentilla nuttallii var. glabrata] [Potentilla pectinisecta] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021. |
Rosaceae |
slender cinquefoil |
Potentilla hippiana [Potentilla diffusa] [Potentilla propinqua] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Osier Station 7 July 2021 |
Rosaceae |
woolly cinquefoil |
Potentilla hippiana X Potentilla pulcherrima [Potentilla gracilis var. hippianoides] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, confluence of Chruch Creek and South Fork of the Rio Ground 29 June 2021 |
Rosaceae |
woolly cinquefoil hybrid |
yes |
Potentilla hookeriana [Potentilla nivea var. hookeriana] [Potentilla nivea subsp. hookeriana] |
Rosaceae |
Hooker's cinquefoil |
yes |
Potentilla nivea [Potentilla uniflora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mountain 8 July 2019 |
Rosaceae |
alpine cinquefoil |
Yes |
Potentilla norvegica [Potentilla monspeliensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, north side of the Rio Grande at Del Norte, by irrigation canal 12 June 2021 |
Rosaceae |
Norwegian cinquefoil |
Potentilla ovina |
Rosaceae |
sheep cinquefoil |
yes |
Potentilla pensylvanica [Potentilla strigosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Creek Reservoir 7 July 2020 |
Rosaceae |
Pennsylvania cinquefoil, prairie cinquefoil |
Potentilla plattensis |
Rosaceae |
Platte River cinquefoil |
Potentilla pulcherrima [Potentilla gracilis var. pulcherrima] [Potentilla filipes] [Potentilla diversifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 |
Rosaceae |
beautiful cinquefoil |
Potentilla rivalis [Potentilla leucocarpa] [Potentilla millegrana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by pond of abandoned gravel pit NE of Del Norte 4 July 2022; edge of Beaver Creek Reservoir 12 Aug 2022 |
Rosaceae |
brook cinquefoil, river cinquefoil |
Potentilla saximontana [Potentilla rubricaulis] [Potentilla hookeriana] |
YES Richard Haswell: Minersal Co, Lobo Point north of Wolf Creek Pass, 4 Aug 2023 |
Rosaceae |
Rocky Mountain cinquefoil, red-stemmed cinquefoil |
Potentilla subgorodkovii [Potentilla nivea] [Potentilla uniflora] |
Rosaceae |
oneflower cinquefoil |
Yes |
Potentilla subjuga [Potentilla concinnus var. subjuga] [Potentilla rubripes] |
Rosaceae |
Colorado cinquefoil |
Potentilla supina subsp. paradoxa [Potentilla paradoxa] |
Rosaceae |
bushy cinquefoil |
Primula angustifolia |
YES Daniel Boyes: Alamosa Co, northwest flank of Blanca Peak, South Zapata Lake trail, elev 11,800', 9 March 2024 |
Primulaceae |
alpine primrose |
Primula parryi |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 23 Aug 2019 |
Primulaceae |
Parry’s primrose |
Prosartes trachycarpa [Disporum trachycarpum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir (in berry) 19 June 2017 |
Liliaceae |
rough-seeded fairybell |
Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata [Prunella pennsylvanica var. lanceolata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 |
Lamiaceae |
heal-all, selfheal |
yes |
Prunus pensylvanica [Prunus corymbulosa] |
Rosaceae |
pin-cherry, fire cherry |
Prunus virginiana [Padus virginiana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO confluence of Church Creek and South Fork of the Rio Grande 29 June 2021 |
Rosaceae |
chokecherry, bitterberry |
Pseudostellaria jamesiana [Torreyostellaria jamesiana] [Stellaria jamesiana] [Alsine jamesiana] |
YES Katherine Zybko: Saguache Co, 12.2 miles southwest of Crestone, 22 June 2023 |
Caryophyllaceae |
tuber starwort, sticky starwort |
Pseudotsuga menziesii [Pseudotsuga mucronata] [Pinus taxifolia var. glauca] [Pseudotsuga taxifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 6 March 2020 |
Pinaceae |
Douglas-fir |
Yes |
Ptelea trifoliata [Ptelea cognata] [Ptelea confinis] etc. |
Rutaceae |
hoptree, stinking ash, skunk bush |
yes |
Pterospora andromedea |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, the Conejos River between Mogote and Aspen Glade campgrounds 24 Aug 2020 |
Ericaceae |
pinedrops, Albany beechdrops, giant bird’s nest |
Puccinellia nuttalliana [Atropis airoides] [Atropis nuttalliana] [Festuca nuttalliana] etc. |
Poaceae |
Nuttall's alkali grass |
yes |
Pulsatilla patens [Pulsatilla nuttalliana] [Anemone patens var. multiflora] [Anemone pulsatilla] [Pulsatilla hirsutissima] [Pulsatilla ludoviciana] [Pulsatilla nuttalliana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Creek SW of South Fork, meadow 23 May 2019 |
Ranunculaceae |
pasque flower, cutleaf anemone, Nuttall's pasque flower |
Purshia tridentata [Cowania stansburiana] |
YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co Along FSR 103(2)B near NM border 7/11/2019; 7/14/2021 |
Rosaceae |
bitterbrush |
yes |
Pyrola asarifolia |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek S of Del Norte, 17 July 2016 |
Ericaceae |
pink wintergreen |
Pyrola chlorantha [Pyrola virens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservpor 14 Aug 2017 |
Ericaceae |
greenflowered wintergreen |
Pyrola minor [Erxlebenia minor] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by beaver pond on FR 332, 14 July 2020 |
Ericaceae |
snowline wintergreen, lesser wintergreen |
Pyrola picta [Pyrola aphylla] [Pyrola dentata] |
Ericaceae |
white-sided wintergreen |
Pyrrocoma clementis [Happlopappus clementis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, meadow by FR 528, elev. 11,140', 12 July 2016 |
Asteraceae |
tranquil goldenweed |
Pyrrocoma crocea [Happlopappus croceus] [Pyrrocoma amplectens] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near Hwy 17 between Fox Creek and Forest Service Rd 250 25 July 2013 |
Asteraceae |
curlyhead goldenweed |
Pyrrocoma lanceolata [Donia lanceolata] [Haplopappus lanceolatus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 18 Sept 2019 |
Asteraceae |
lanceleaf goldenweed |
Pyrrocoma uniflora |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Hansons Mill at the end of Pool Table Road 30 July 2015 |
Asteraceae |
plantain goldenweed |
Quercus gambelii [Quercus gunnisonii] [Quercus leptophylla] etc. |
YES "samuel s": Saguache Co, near Pinyon Flats cpgd in the Great Sand Dunes NPP, 29 June 2024 |
Fagaceae |
Gambel oak |
Ranunculus abortivus |
YES Craig Martin: Alamosa Co, 1.2 miles east of Mosca Creek trailhead 9 June 2023 |
Ranunculaceae |
littleleaf buttercup, kidneyleaf buttercup |
Yes |
Ranunculus acriformis |
Ranunculaceae |
sharp buttercup |
yes |
Ranunculus alismifolius |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 1.1 m. S of Grayback Mt, wet forest opening beside road, 23 June 2020 |
Ranunculaceae |
water plantain buttercup |
Ranunculus cardiophyllus [Ranunculus nudans] [Ranunculus subsagittatus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 29 June 2019 |
Ranunculaceae |
heartleaf buttercup |
Ranunculus eschscholtzii |
Ranunculaceae |
Eschscholtz’s buttercup |
Ranunculus flammula [Ranunculus reptans] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hunters Lake 8 Aug 2014 |
Ranunculaceae |
creeping buttercup, banewort |
Ranunculus glaberrimus |
YES Kathy Biddle: Conejos Co, near Cumbress Pass, 17 June 2023 |
Ranunculaceae |
sagebrush buttercup |
yes |
Ranunculus gmelinii [Ranunculus purshii] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, side channel of the Conejos River 29 Sept 2022 |
Ranunculaceae |
Gmelin’s buttercup |
Ranunculus hyperboreus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir SW of South Fork 26 Aug 2018; Saguache Co, natural pond W of Luders Creek cpgd 22 Aug 2022 |
Ranunculaceae |
high northern buttercu0p, arctic buttercup |
Ranunculus inamoenus [Ranunculus micropetalus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Pinos Creek 10 June 2018 |
Ranunculaceae |
graceful buttercup |
Ranunculus longirostris [Ranunculus aquatilis] |
Ranunculaceae |
longbeak buttercup, white water-crowfoot |
Ranunculus macauleyi |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, just north of Grayback pass in snow melt and rock fell 5 July 2022 |
Ranunculaceae |
Macauley's buttercup |
Ranunculus macounii |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Cr 30 June 2018 |
Ranunculaceae |
Macoun’s buttercup |
Ranunculus pedatifidus |
Ranunculaceae |
northern buttercup |
Ranunculus pensylvanicus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead, 10 miles S of Del Norte, by stream 20 Aug 2021; Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, beaver dam on Conejos River 7 Sept 2021 |
Ranunculaceae |
Pennsylvania buttercup |
Ranunculus repens |
YES Madison Brown: Alamosa Co, by Mosca Creek near trailhead in the Great Sand Dunes NPP, 3 May 2024 |
Ranunculaceae |
creeping buttrcup |
Ranunculus sceleratus [Hecatonia sceleratus] [Ranunculus earlei] |
YES Duane A. Dyer: Conejos Co, Cumbres pass 20 June 2023 |
Ranunculaceae |
cursed buttercup, blister buttercup |
Ranunculus trichophyllus [Batrachium aquatile; Ranunculus aquatilis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Baca NWR, Ditch #9 17 Aug 2021 |
Ranunculaceae |
water-crowfoot |
Ranunculus uncinatus [Ranunculus earlei] |
YES Maryn E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Conejos River, 3.5 miles upstream from Mogote campground 29 June 2015 |
Ranunculaceae |
woodland buttercup |
Ratibida columnifera [Ratibida columnaris] [Rudbeckia columnaris] [Rudbeckia columnifera] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, by top of spillway to Terrace Reservoir 26 July 2019 |
Asteraceae |
prairie coneflower, Mexican hat |
Redfieldia flexuosa [Muhlenbergia multiflora] [Redfieldia multiflora] [Gnaphephorum flexuosum] |
Poaceae |
blowout grass, blow-out grass |
yes |
Reseda lutea |
YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, CR 38, 7 July 2014 |
Yes |
Resedaceae |
yellow mignonette, wild mignonette, cutleaf mignonette |
Yes |
Reseda luteola |
Resedaceae |
dyer’s rocket, dyer’s weed, weld |
yes |
Rhamnus cathartica [Cervispina cathartia] |
Rhamnaceae |
common buckthorn |
yes |
Rhaponticum repens [Acroptilon repens] [Centaurea repens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa NWR 26 July 2019; Rio Grande Co, South Fork beside Hwy 160 28 July 2013 |
Asteraceae |
Russian knapweed |
Rheum rhabarbarum |
Polygonaceae |
rhubarb |
yes |
Rhinanthus minor [Rhinanthus crista-galli] [Rhinanthus rigidus] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co FSR 250, 3 miles from junction with Hwy 17, 25 July 2018; 18 July 2022 |
Orobanchaceae |
yellow-rattle, hayrattle, cockscomb |
Rhodiola integrifolia [Tolmachevia integrifolia] [Sedum integrifolium] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle between Poison and Bennett peaks 19 June 2017 |
Uvulariaceae |
king’s crown, western roseroot, ledge stonecrop |
Rhodiola rhodantha [Clementsia rhodantha] |
YES Janis Haswell: Rio Grande Co, wet meadow 0.5 mile S of Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 |
Uvulariaceae |
redpod stonecrop, queen’s crown |
Rhus aromatica [Rhus trilobata] [Schmaltzia affinis] [Schmaltzia anisophylla] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Chico trail just S of Del Norte 3 May 2019 |
Anacardiaceae |
fragrant sumac, skunkbush sumac |
Yes |
Ribes aureum [Ribes odoratum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, base of bluff by Hwy 160, 18 May 2019 |
Grossulariaceae |
golden currant |
Ribes cereum [Ribes inebrians] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, rhyolite bluff just west of Del Norte 23 May 2021 |
Grossulariaceae |
squaw currant, squaw bush, waxy currant |
Ribes inerme [Grossularia inermis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Church Creek just SW of South Fork 29 June 2021 |
Grossulariaceae |
mountain currant |
Ribes lacustre [Ribes oxyacanthoides] |
Grossulariaceae |
swamp currant, prickly currant |
Ribes laxiflorum [Ribes coloradense] |
YES YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Fuchs Reservoir, 30 June 2015; 7 Aug 2015 |
Grossulariaceae |
trailing currant |
Ribes leptanthum [Grossularia leptantha] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 May 2019 |
Grossulariaceae |
trumpet gooseberry |
Ribes montigenum |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hunters Lake 2 July 2014 |
Grossulariaceae |
mountain gooseberry, red prickly currant |
Ribes wolfii |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 0.25 miles S of the Conejos River 3 June 20; Kara Carragher: Conejos Co, Roarding Gulch confluence with Conejos River, 5 July 202314 |
Grossulariaceae |
Wolf’s currant |
Robinia neomexicana [Robinia neomexicana X Robinia pseudoacacia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, on pioneer house lot Columbia and Ninth 26 May 2020 |
Fabaceae |
New Mexican locust |
Yes |
Robinia pseudoacacia |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grnde Co, Del Norte, 10th street 1 June 2020; 10 July 2021 |
Fabaceae |
black locust, false acacia |
Yes |
Rorippa alpina [Rorippa curvipes var. rorippa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Alberta Peak S of Wolf Creek pass 28 July 2016 |
Brassicaceae |
alpine yellowcress |
Rorippa curvipes [Rorippa truncata] [Rorippa sinuata var. truncata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, bank of Beaver Creek, Upper Beaver Creek cpgd 26 July 2018 |
Brassicaceae |
bluntleaf yellowcress |
Rorippa palustris [Rorippa palustris subsp. hispida] [Rorippa islandica] [Nasturtium palustre] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, side channel of the Rio Grande by Del Norte river walk, overhanging water 12 July 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
bog yellowcress |
Yes |
Rorippa sinuata [Radicula sinuata] [Nasturtium sinuatum] [Nasturtium brachycarpum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, gravel pit 1.76 air miles NE of Del Norte 20 June 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
spreading yellowcress |
Rorippa sphaerocarpa [Nasturtium sphaerocarpum] [Radicula sphaerocarpa] [Rorippa obtusa var. sphaerocarpa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, growing in the drying edge of a lake in the Russell Lakes SWA 18 Sept 2019; edge of Beaver Reservoir 2 Sept 2020 |
Yes |
Brassicaceae |
roundfruit yellowcress |
Yes |
Rosa acicularis [Rosa sayi] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co 0.5 miles from start of FSR 101 2 July 2020 |
Rosaceae |
prickly rose |
Rosa nutkana [Rosa blanda] [Rosa woodsii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Carnero Creek 8 miles W of La Garita, 13 June 2020 |
Rosaceae |
Nutka rose |
Rosa woodsii [Rosa blanda] [Rosa manca] [Rosa woodsii subsp. manca] [Rosa woodsii subsp. woodsii] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Conejos River between Mogote and Aspen Glade cpgds 5 July 2022; Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Carnero Creek 8 miles NNW of La Garita 11 June 2020 |
Rosaceae |
Woods' rose |
Rubus deliciosus [Bossekia deliciosa] [Oreobatus deliciosus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Creek 9 July 2014 |
Rosaceae |
Boulder raspberry |
Rubus idaeus [Rubus aliceae] [Rubus arizonicus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, confluence of Chruch Creek and South Fork of the Rio Grande 29 June 2021, 2017 |
Rosaceae |
raspberry, red raspberry |
Rubus nutkanus [Rubus parviflorus] [Rubacer parviflorus] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between Mogote campground and Bear Creek housing off Hwy 17, Aug 2013 and Aug 2014; |
Rosaceae |
thimbleberry |
Rudbeckia hirta [Rudbeckia flava] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by Hwy 160 near South Fork 15 Sept 2016 |
Asteraceae |
brown-eyed Susan |
Rudbeckia lacinata [Rudbeckia latissima] [Rudbeckia ampla] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Cr campground W of South Fork 12 July 2017 |
Asteraceae |
goldenglow coneflower |
Rumex acetosella |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019; Big Meadows Reservoir, beside parking lot at trailhead 8 Aug 2019 |
Yes |
Polygonaceae |
sheep’s sorrel, red sorrel |
Yes |
Rumex californicus [Rumex salicifolius var. denticulatus] |
Polygonaceae |
toothed willow dock |
Yes |
Rumex crispus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte, between sidewalk and buillding 15 May 20121 |
Polygonaceae |
curly dock, sour dock, yellow dock |
Rumex densiflorus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 2 miles S of Grayback Mt. 30 June 2017 |
Polygonaceae |
wild rhubarb |
Rumex fueginus [Rumex maritimus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, muddy edge of Russell Lake 20 Sept 2019 |
Polygonaceae |
Tierra del Fuego dock, golden dock, American dock |
Rumex occidentalis [Rumex aquaticus var. fenestratus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 5 m. E of the junction of Hwy 114 and CR 14, rhyolite cliff seep 18 July 2016 |
Polygonaceae |
western dock |
Rumex triangulivalvis [Rumex salicifolius subsp. triangulivalvis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by CR 14, 5.3 air miles SW of Del Norte 17 June 2020 |
Polygonaceae |
Mexican dock |
Ruppia spiralis [Ruppia cirrhosa] [Ruppia maritima] |
Ruppiaceae |
spiral ditchgrass, spiral tasselweed |
Sabulina macrantha [Alsinanthe macrantha] [Minuartia macrantha] [Alsinopsis macrantha] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Elwood pass 2 Sept 2019 |
Caryophyllaceae |
House’s mock sandwort |
Sabulina rubella [Minuartia rubella] [Tryphane rubella] |
Caryophyllaceae |
beautiful sandwort, mountain sandwort, boreal stitchwort, Arctic sandwort |
Sagina caespitosa [Sagina nivalis var. caespitosa] [Spergella caespitosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, tundra, vicinity of Grayback pass 14 July 2016; 8 July 2019 |
Caryophyllaceae |
tufted pearlwort |
yes |
Sagina saginoides [Spergula saginoides] |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co near La Manga Creek 1 mile N of Hwy 17 and FSR 118, 2 Aug 2022 |
Caryophyllaceae |
alpine pearlwort |
Sagittaria cuneata [Sagittaria arifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 3 July 2016 |
Alismataceae |
arumleaf arrowhead |
Yes |
Salicornia rubra [Salicornia europaea subsp. rubra] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA saline playa 23 Aug 2014; Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 13 Sept 2018 |
Amaranthaceae |
red swampfire |
Yes |
Salix amygdaloides |
Yes Suzanne Dingwell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa NWP 23 Sept 2023 |
Salicaceae |
peach-leaf willow |
yes |
Salix arizonica |
YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, along La Manga Creek 12 June 2022 |
Salicaceae |
Arizona willow |
Yes |
Salix babylonica |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Cp, 2.6 miles W of Del Norte, on Hwy 160, 26 May 2020 |
Salicaceae |
weeping willow |
Yes |
Salix bebbiana [Salix perrostrata] [Salix rostrata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by side channel of Rio Grande, south side of river 22 May 2020 |
Salicaceae |
Bebb's willow |
Salix boothii [Salix myrtillifolia] [Salix pseudocordata] |
Salicaceae |
Booth’s willow |
Salix brachycarpa |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hope Creek and road to Shaw Lake from Big Meadow Reservoir 9 June 2020 |
Salicaceae |
shortfruit willow |
Salix cascadensis [Salix tenera] |
Salicaceae |
cascade willow |
yes |
Salix drummondiana [Salix subcaerulea] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near Trujillo Reservoir dam 10 June 2022 |
Salicaceae |
Drummond’s salix |
Salix exigua |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte by Rio Grande 15 June 2020 |
Salicaceae |
coyote willow, narrowleaf willow |
Salix geyeriana |
YES: FrontRangeWildflowers: Hinsdale Co, Thirtymile cpgd, 11 July 2020; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Tewksbury trailhead, 26 May 2020 |
Salicaceae |
Geyer’s salix |
Salix glauca [Salix glaucops] [Salix pseudolapponum] [Salix villosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek 2 miles N of South Fork 21 May 2020 |
Salicaceae |
gray willow, grayleaf willow |
Salix irrorata |
Salicaceae |
blue-stem willow |
Salix lasiandra [Salix lucida subsp. lasiandra] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by Rio Grande 22 May 2020 |
Salicaceae |
Pacific willow |
Salix ligulifolia [Salix eriocephala var. ligulifolia] [Salix lutea var. ligulifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, river walk, 22 May 2020 |
Salicaceae |
strapleaf willow |
Salix lutea [Salix eriocephala subsp. mackenzieana var. watsonii] |
Salicaceae |
yellow willow |
yes |
Salix monticola [Salix cordata var. monticola] [Salix padophylla] [Salix pseudomonticola] |
YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co., upper end of Million Reservoir, west of South Fork, 22 May 2020 |
Salicaceae |
mountain willow |
Salix nivalis [Salix reticulata var. nivalis] [Salix saximontana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Pass (in seed) 16 Aug 2017 |
Salicaceae |
snow willow |
Salix petrophila [Salix arctica subsp. petraea] [Salix arctica var. petrophila] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide south of Wolf Creek Pass 18 July 2014 |
Salicaceae |
alpine willow, Rocky Mountain willow |
Salix planifolia [Salix monica] [Salix phylicifolia var. monica] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by beaver pond west of Crystal Lakes 23 June 2020 |
Salicaceae |
planeleaf willow, tea-leaf willow, diamondleaf willow |
Salix scouleriana |
YES pandarollie: Conejos Co, 1 mile east of Rocky Mountain Lodge, Sept 2021 |
Salicaceae |
Scouler’s willow |
Salix wolfii |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on FSR 114 near La Manga Creek, 16 June 2022 |
Salicaceae |
Wolf’s willow |
Salix x fragilis [Salix fragilis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte, old planted trees and young shoots throughout the town, 20 May 2020 |
Salicaceae |
crack willow |
Yes |
Salsola collina |
Amaranthaceae |
slender Russian thistle |
Yes |
Salsola paulsenii [Salsola pestifer] [Kali paulsenii] |
YES: iNaturalist observation #183924205, Costilla Co, 1.6 km south of bridge over the Rio Grande; iNaturalist observation #131687707, Alamosa Co, 16.7 air miles ENE of Alamosa |
Amaranthaceae |
barbwire Russian thistle |
yes |
Salsola tragus [Kali tragus] [Salsola australis] [Salsola kali] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, within town limits of Del Norte, 24 Aug 2020 |
Amaranthaceae |
prickly Russian thistle, windwitch, tumbleweed |
Yes |
Salvia reflexa [Salvia lancifolia] |
YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, beside Hwy 17 between Mogote and Fox Creek, cliff side 1 Oct 2020 |
Lamiaceae |
Rocky Mountain sage |
Sambucus nigra [Sambucus caerulea] [Sambucus cerulea] [Sambucus mexicana] |
Viburnaceae [Adoxaceae] |
blue elberberry |
Yes |
Sambucus racemosa [Sambucus melanocarpa] [Sambucus microbotrys] [Sambucus pubens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 26 Aug 2019 |
Viburnaceae [Adoxaceae] |
red elderberry |
Yes |
Saponaria officinalis |
YES Rich Haswell: Del Norte 10 Oct 2016 [by street, escaped?) |
Caryophyllaceae |
bouncing bet |
Sarcobatus vermiculatus [Batis vermiculata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 7 Aug 2018 |
Sarcobataceae |
greasewood, seepwood, saltbush |
Saxifraga adscendens [Muscaria adscendens] [Saxifraga oregonensis] |
Saxifragaceae |
wedgeleaf saxifrage |
Saxifraga austromontana [Saxifraga bronchialis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO above Cathedral cpgd on Embargo Creek 26 July 2016 |
Saxifragaceae |
matted saxifrage, spotted saxifrage |
Saxifraga cernua |
Saxifragaceae |
nodding saxifrage |
Saxifraga cespitosa [Saxifraga caespitosa] [Muscaria monticola] [Muscaria delicatula] etc. |
Saxifragaceae |
tufted saxifrage |
Saxifraga chrysantha [Hirculus serpyllifolis subsp. chrysantha] [Leptasea chrysantha] [Saxifraga serpillifolia var. chrysantha] etc. |
Saxifragaceae |
golden saxifrage |
Saxifraga debilis [Saxifraga rivularis] [Saxifraga hyperborea subsp. debilis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 20 June 2015 |
Saxifragaceae |
highland saxifrage, weak saxifrage, alpine brook saxifrage |
Saxifraga flagellaris [Hirculus platysepalus subsp. crandallii] [Leptasea crandallii] [Saxifraga crandallii] |
Yes Joseph Kleinkopf: Rio Grande Co, west side of Grayback Mountain near the utility road 12 July 2023 |
Saxifragaceae |
whiplash saxifrage |
Saxifraga hirculus [Hirculus prorepens] [Hirculus ranunculoides] |
Saxifragaceae |
yellow marsh saxifrage |
yes |
Schizachyrium scoparium [Andropogon praematurus] [Andropogon scoparius] |
Poaceae |
little bluestem, beard grass, prairie beard grass |
yes |
Scrophularia lanceolata [Scrophularia occidentalis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes 6 June 2017 |
Scrophulariaceae |
lanceleaf figwort, early figwort |
Scutellaria epilobiifolia [Scutellalria galericulata] [Scutellaria galericulata var. epilobiifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes Wildlife Preserve 22 July 2016 |
Lamiaceae |
marsh skullcap |
Sedum lanceolatum [Amerosedum lanceolatum] [Sedum stenopetalum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 14 Aug 2017 |
Crassulaceae |
yellow stonecrop, spearleaf stonecrop |
Senecio amplectens [Ligularia amplectens] [Ligularia holmii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Alberta Peak S of Wolf Creek Pass 9/6/2016 |
Asteraceae |
showy alpine ragwort |
Senecio atratus |
YES YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, alongside road, near Fuchs Reservoir 20 July 2013 |
Asteraceae |
tall blacktip ragwort |
Senecio bigelovii [Ligularia bigelovii] [Senecio accedens] [Senecio scopulinus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 1 mile S of Grayback Pass 8/12/2020 |
Asteraceae |
nodding groundsel |
Senecio crassulus [Senecio lapathifolius] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood Pass 2 Aug 2019 |
Asteraceae |
mountain-meadow ragwort |
Senecio eremophilus [Senecio ambrosioides] [Senecio kingii] [Senecio macdougalii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, East Willow Creek above Creede 2 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
desert ragwort |
Senecio fremontii [Senecio blitoides] [Senecio carthamoides] [Senecio fremontii var. blitoides] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hunters Lake, 11 air miles SWW of South Fork, 8 Aug 2014 |
Asteraceae |
dwarf mountain ragwort |
Senecio integerrimus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Trout Creek trailhead, SW of South Fork, sloping meadow, 30 May 2021 |
Asteraceae |
lamb’s tongue ragwort |
Yes |
Senecio pudicus [Senecio cernuus] [Ligularia pudica] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Creek 0.5 miles from trailhead 28 July 2017 |
Asteraceae |
bashful ragwort |
Senecio serra [Senecio admirabilis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, just E of Carnero Pass 23 Aug 2015 |
Asteraceae |
tall ragwort |
Senecio soldanella [Ligularia soldanella] |
YES Rich Haswell: Grayback Mountain, Rio Grande Co, 14 July 2016 |
Astersceae |
Colorado ragwort |
Senecio spartioides [Senecio multicapitatus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Pinos Creek Road 28 July 2017; Rio Grande Co, town of Del Norte, edge of parking lot 12 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
broom-like ragwort |
Senecio taraxacoides [Ligularia taraxacoides] [Senecio amplectens var. taraxacoides] |
YES Loraine Yeatts Conejos Co, flank of Conejos Peak 7 Aug 2008 |
Asteraceae |
dandelion ragwort |
Senecio triangularis |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, mesic meadow, 0.5 miles S of Grayback Pass 5 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
arrowleaf ragwort |
Senecio vulgaris |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte alleys and yards 16 July 2014; observed also in 2020 |
Asteraceae |
common groundsel |
Senecio wootonii |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 29 May /2017 |
Asteraceae |
Wooton’s ragwort |
Sesuvium verrucosum [Sesuvium sessile] |
YES Alec Gaudiesus: Alamosa Co, CO San Luis Lake 11 July 2024 |
Aizoaceae |
western sea purslane |
Yes |
Setaria viridis [Chaetochloa viridis] [Panicum viride] |
Poaceae |
green foxtail, green bristlegrass, wild foxtail millet |
yes |
Shepherdia argentea [Lepargyrea argentea] [Hippophaë argentea] |
Elaeagnaceae |
silver buffaloberry |
Yes |
Shepherdia canadensis [Lepargyrea canadensis] [Hippophaë canadensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr, quarter mile from trailhead, in aspen grove, male plant in flower 24 May 2020 |
Elaeagnaceae |
russet buffaloberry, bullberry, rabbitberry, beef-suet tree |
Sibbaldia procumbens [Potentilla sibbaldii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 23 Aug 2019 |
Rosaceae |
creeping sibbaldia |
Sidalcea candida |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Lake Trail trailhead on Hwy 160, 5 Aug 2019 |
Malvaceae |
white checkermallow |
Sidalcea neomexicana [Sidalcea parviflora var. thurberi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek north of South Fork 8 July 2019 |
Malvaceae |
New Mexico checkermallow, Rocky Mountain checkermallow |
Silene acaulis |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 8 July 2019 |
Caryophyllaceae |
moss campion, moss catchfly |
Silene drummondii [Lychnis drummondii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, south side of Bennett Peak 22 July 2014 |
Caryophyllaceae |
Drummond’s campion |
Silene hitchguirei [Gastrolychnis hitchguirei] [Lychnis apetala var. montana] [Lychnis montana] [ Silene montana] |
Caryophyllaceae |
mountain campion |
Yes |
Silene latifolia [Lychnis alba] [Melandrum album] [Silene latifolia subsp. alba] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by the parking-area latrine at the trailhead for the north trail around Big Meadows Reservoir 26 Aug 2019 |
Caryophyllaceae |
white campion |
Silene menziesii [Anotites menziesii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir, 17 July 2015 |
Caryophyllaceae |
Menzies catchfly |
Silene scouleri [Silene scouleri subsp. hallii] [Silene concolor] [Silene hallii] [Silene scouleri var. concolor] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 31 July 2016 |
Caryophyllaceae |
simple campion, Scouler's catchfly |
Sinapis alba [Brassica hirta] [ Brassica alba] [Rorippa coloradensis] |
Brassicaceae |
white mustard |
yes |
Sinapis arvensis [Brassica arvensis] [Brassica kaber] |
Brassicaceae |
charlock mustard, field mustard, wild mustard |
Sisymbrium altissimum [Noria altissima] |
YES Richard Haswell: Conejos Co, junction of Hwy 17 and CR 101, 23 June 2021 |
Brassicaceae |
tall tumblemustard, Jim Hlll mustard |
Sisymbrium linifolium [Schoenocrambe linifolia] [Nasturtium linifolium] [Erysimum glaberrimum] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 25 Juy 2014; Beaver Creek Reservoir 7 July 2020; Del Norte yard 30 Sept 2024 |
Brassicaceae |
flaxleaf hedge mustard |
Yes |
Sisymbrium loeselii |
YES Mary McDonald: Conejos Co, 4 km south of Fox Creek community, 25 Sept 2023 |
Brassicaceae |
Loesel's rocket |
yes |
Sisyrinchium demissum |
YES Katherine Zybko, Saguache Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 26 June 2022 |
Iridaceae |
stiff blue-eyed grass |
Sisyrinchium idahoense [Sisyrinchium occidentale] |
Iridaceae |
Idaho blue-eyed grass |
Sisyrinchium montanum |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on the Conejos River 2 miles upstream of FSR 250 and Hwy 17, 6 July 2021 |
Iridaceae |
Rocky Mountain stargrass |
Sisyrinchium pallidum |
Iridaceae |
pale stargrass |
Sium suave |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WP 20 Sept 2020 |
Apiaceae |
water parsnip |
Yes |
Smelowskia americana [Smelowskia calycina var. americana] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 14 July 2016 |
Brassicaceae |
alpine Smelowskia |
Solanum physalifolium [Solanum physalifolium var. nitidisacatum] [Solanum nitidisaccatum] [Solanum americanum] [Solanum nigrum] [Solanum sarrachoides] [Solanum styleanum] |
YES Rich Haswell; Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek Rd N of South Fork 13 Sept 2017] |
Solanaceae |
Argentine nightshade, hoe nightshade |
Solanum rostratum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del norte street sides, 11 July 2019, 30 July 2021, 15 July 2022 |
Yes |
Solanaceae |
buffalobur, Colorado bur, Kansas thistle |
Yes |
Solanum triflorum |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes 13 Sept 2017; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte mulch bin 24 June 2019 |
Solanaceae |
cutleaf nightshade |
Solidago altissima [Solidago canadensis var. scabra] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between Aspen Glade and Mogote campgrounds 22 July 2015; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte park on north side of the Rio Grand 17 Aug 2022 |
Asteraceae |
tall goldenrod |
Solidago gigantea [Doria dumetorum] [Solidago cliliae] [Solidago serotina var. gigantea] etc. |
Asteraceae |
giant goldenrod |
yes |
Solidago lepida [Solidago canadensis] [Solidago elongata] |
Asteraceae |
Canada goldenrod |
Solidago missouriensis [Soliago concinna] [Solidago duriuscula] [Solidago glaberrima] [etc.] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near the Conejos River, one mile downstream from Aspen Glade campground 31 July 2017 |
Asteraceae |
Missouri goldenrod |
Solidago multiradiata [Aster multiradiatus] [Solidago algida] [Solidago ciliosa] ec.t |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co. South slope of Bennett Mt 22 July 2014 |
Asteraceae |
Rocky Mountain goldenrod |
Solidago nana [Aster nanus] [Solidago nivea] |
Asteraceae |
alpine goldenrod |
Solidago nemoralis |
YES Cassidy Johnson: Rio Grande Co, 2.5 air miles southwest of South Fork, 4 April 2024 |
Asteraceae |
common goldenrod, gray goldenrod, old field goldenrod |
yes |
Solidago pallida [Solidago speciosa var. pallida] [Aster speciosus subsp. pallida] |
Asteraceae |
showy goldenrod, noble goldenrood |
yes |
Solidago simplex [Solidago spathulata] [Solidago gigantea[ [Solidago glutinosa] [etc.] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 12 Aug 2020 |
Asteraceae |
Mt. Alpert goldenrod, sticky goldenrod |
Solidago velutina [Solidago canadensis] [Solidago californica] [Solidago sparsiflora] [Aster sparsiflorus] etc. |
YES Rich and Jan Haswell: Mineral Co, Farmers trailhead S of Creede 2 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
three-nerve goldenrod |
Sonchus arvensis [Sonchus uliginosus] [Sonchus arvensis var. arvensis] [Sonchus arvensis var. uliginosus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte by railroad tracks 28 Aug 2016 |
Asteraceae |
perennial sow thistle |
Sonchus asper |
Asteraceae |
prickly sow thistle |
Sonchus oleraceus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by slough of the Rio Grande near Del Norte 11 Aug 2018 |
Asteraceae |
common sow thistle, hare’s colwort |
Sorbus scopulina [Sorbus dumosa] |
Rosaceae |
Greene’s mountain ash, Western mountain ash |
Sparganium angustifolium [Sparganium multipedunculatum] |
Typhaceae |
narrow-leaf bur-reed |
Sparganium emersum |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds, SW of South Fork, 20 Aug 2016; 10 Sept 2021 |
Tyophaceae |
emergent bur-reed |
Yes |
Sparganium eurycarpum |
Typhaceae |
broadfruit bur-reed |
Yes |
Sparganium natans [Sparganium minimum] |
Typhaceae |
least bur-reed |
Yes |
Spartina gracilis |
Poaceae |
alkali cordgrass |
yes |
Spergularia rubra [Arenaria rubra] [Tissa rubra] |
Yes Mary E. McDonald: along Forest Service road 113 "just below La Manga Pass off Hwy 117, 5 July2014; Rich Haswell, Conejos Co, Platoro 7 July 2021; Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, logging road above La Manga Creek 2 Aug 2022; Rich Haswell, by natural pond at Cumbres pass 2 Aug 2022 |
Caryophyllaceae |
red sandspurry |
Sphaeralcea coccinea [Malva coccinea] [Malvastum coccineum] [Sphaeralcea dissecta] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Biedell Creek N of La Garita 31 May 2019 |
Malvaceae |
scarlet globemallow |
Sphaeralcea fendleri [Sphaeralcea leiocarpa] [Sphaeralcea tripartita] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon parking area 25 July 2018 |
Malvaceae |
Fendler’s globemallow |
Sphaeralcea parvifolia [Sphaeralcea arizonica] [Sphaeralcea marginata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 2 miles E of South Fork by Hwy 160, 26 June 2019 |
Malvaceae |
small-leafed globemallow |
yes |
Sphaerophysa salsula [Swainsonia salsula] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, 3 air miles SW of Monte Vista (over-wintered pods still attached) 28 March 2019 |
Fabaceae |
alkali Swainson pea, buyan, Austrian peaweed |
Sphenopholis obtusata [Aira obtusa] [Aira obtusata] [Airopsis obtusata] etc. |
Poaceae |
prairie wedgescale, prairie wedgegrass |
yes |
Spiranthes romanzoffiana [Ibidium strictum] |
Yes: Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, wetland off Forest Service Road 113, just below La Manga Pass, 20 July 2021; Rich Haswell and Mary McDonald, natural pond at Cumbres pass 2 Aug 2022 |
Orchidaceae |
hooded ladies’ tresses |
Spirodela polyrhiza [Spirodela polyrrhiza] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, old irrigation ditch behind the Sunflour Café by Hwy 285 1 mile N of Monte Vista 13 July 2021 |
Araceae |
common duckmeat |
Yes |
Sporobolus airoides [Agrostis airoides] |
Yes: Richard Haswell, Del Norte driveway, 17 Dec 2024 |
Poaceae |
alkali sacaton |
yes |
Sporobolus contractus [Sporobolus cryptandrus] |
Poaceae |
spike dropseed |
yes |
Sporobolus cryptandrus [Agrostis cryptandra] |
Poaceae |
sand dropseed |
yes |
Sporobolus hookerianus [Spartina gracilis] |
Poaceae |
alkali cordgrass, alkali cord-grass |
yes |
Stachys pilosa [Stachys palustris] [Stachys scopulorum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, ditch by Hwy 160 between Del Norte and South Fork 7 May 2016 |
Lamiaceae |
hairy hedgenettle |
Stellaria calycantha [Stellaria borealis var. simcoei] |
Caryophyllaceae |
northern starwort |
Stellaria crassifolia |
Caryophyllaceae |
thick-leaved starwort |
Stellaria irrigua [Stellaria umbellata] [Alsine baicalensis] [Stellaria weberi] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, one mile E of Shaw Meadow on CR 359, 24 June 2015; Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 19 June 2018 |
Caryophyllaceae |
umbrella starwort, Altai starwort |
Stellaria longifolia [Alsine longifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 |
Caryophyllaceae |
longleaf starwort |
Stellaria longipes [Alsine laeta] [Alsine longipes] [Stellaria laeta] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Cochetopa pass 30 June 2020 |
Caryophyllaceae |
longstalk starwort |
Stellaria media [Alsine media] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, in lawn of Del Norte private property 15 July 2013; 4 Sept 2014; 25 June 2021; 19 July 2022 |
Caryophyllaceae |
common chickweed, stitchwort |
Yes |
Stellaria obtusa [Alsine obtusa] [Alsine viridula] [Alsine washingtoniana] |
Caryophyllaceae |
Rocky Mountain starwort |
yes |
Stellaria sanjuanensis [Stellaria irrigua] [Alsine polygonoides] |
YES Loraine Yeatts: Conejos Co, flank of Conejos Peak 7 Aug 2008 |
Caryophyllaceae |
Altai starwort |
Stephanomeria pauciflora [Prenanthes pauciflora] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes 22 July 2015; Saguache Co, 6 miles W. of La Garita 11 Aug 2020 |
Asteraceae |
brownplume wirelettuce |
Yes |
Streptopus amplexifolius [Uvularia amplexifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 7 June 2017 |
Liliaceae |
clasping twistedstalk, watermelon berry |
Stuckenia filiformis [Potamogeton filiformis var. alpinus] |
YES Rich Haswell Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA Ditch to pond off CR 48, 20 Sept 2020 |
Potamogetonaceae |
fineleaf pondweed |
Stuckenia pectinata [Potamogeton pectinatus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, abandoned gravel pit pond, 1.5 NE of Del Norte 8/22/2021 |
Potamogetonaceae |
sago pondweed, fennel pondweed |
Suaeda calceoliformis [Chenopodium calceoliforme] [Suaeda depressa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, 0.5 miles W of Alalmosa by alkaline run-off pool 30 Sept 2020 |
Amaranthaceae |
Pursh seepweed, horned seablite |
Yes |
Suaeda nigra [Chenopodium nigrum] [Dondia moquini] [Dondia diffusa] [Suaeda suffrutescens] etc. |
Amaranthaceae |
bush seepweed |
Yes |
Suckleya suckleyana [Obione suckleyana] |
Amaranthaceae |
poison suckleya |
yes |
Swertia perennis [Swertia palustris] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 1 mile S of Grayback pass 23 Aug 2019 |
Gentianaceae |
star gentian |
Symphoricarpos albus |
Caprifoliaceae |
white snowberry, common snowberry, mountain snowberry |
yes |
Symphoricarpos occidentalis [Symphoricarpos fragrans] |
Caprifoliaceae |
Western snowberry |
yes |
Symphoricarpos oreophilus [Symphoricarpos rotundifolius] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, by the Conejos River near the confluence of Fox Creek 18 June 2015; 22 Sept 2021 |
Caprifoliaceae |
mountain snowberry |
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius [Symphoricarpos oreophilus] [Symphoricarpos palmeri] [Symphoricarpos utahensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Shaw Meadow SE of South Fork 1 mile S of Hwy 160, 25 June 2019 |
Caprifoliaceae |
roundleaf snowberry |
Symphyotrichum ascendens [Aster ascendens] [Aster vallidola] [Aster chilensis subsp. ascendens] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Saguache city park 8 Sept 2014; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard 29 Aug 2019 |
Asteraceae |
western aster |
Symphyotrichum ciliatum [Aster brachyactis] [Erigeron ciliatus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 18 Sept 2019 |
Asteraceae |
rayless alkali aster |
Symphyotrichum eatonii [Aster oregonus] [Aster foliaceus var. eatonii] etc. |
Asteraceae |
Eaton’s aster |
Symphyotrichum ericoides [Aster ericoides] [Aster hebecladus] [Aster multiflorus] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Hicks Canyon, 11 Aug 2024 |
Asteraceae |
heath aster |
Symphyotrichum falcatum [Aster falcatus] |
Asteraceae |
white prairie aster |
Symphyotrichum foliaceum [Aster foliaceus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by CR 14 S of Grayback pass 6 Aug 2016 |
Asteraceae |
leafy aster, alpine leafybract aster |
Symphyotrichum frondosum [Aster frondosus] [Aster woodhousei] [Brachyactis frondosum] [Bractyactis woodhousei] [Tripolium frondosum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 18 Sept 2019 |
Asteraceae |
short-rayed alkali aster |
Symphyotrichum laeve [Aster laevis var. geyeri] |
Asteraceae |
smooth aster |
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum [Aster hesperius] [Aster caerulescens var. wootonii] [Aster laetivirens var. wootonii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa Wildlife Preserve 11 Aug 2016 |
Asteraceae |
panicled aster |
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae |
Asteraceae |
New England aster |
yes |
Symphyotrichum porteri [Aster porteri] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co., edge of Home Lake east of Buena Vista 13 Aug 2016 |
Asteraceae |
Porter’s aster |
Symphyotrichum spathulatum [Aster spathulatus] [Aster corymbiformis] [Aster fremontii] [Aster occidentalis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds, forest opening by pond 10 Sept 2021 |
Asteraceae |
western mountain aster |
Symphytum officinale |
Boraginaceae |
common comfrey |
yes |
Tamarix chinensis [Tamarix ramosissima] [Tamarix pentandra] |
yes Richard Haswel: by human-made pond, Upper Basin, Rio Grande Co, 1 Sept 2024 |
Tamaricaceae |
salt-cedar, Chinese tamarisk, five-stamen tamarisk |
Tanacetum balsamita |
Asteraceae |
costmary, alecost, balsam herb, Bible leaf |
Tanacetum vulgare |
YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, lower end of Foreset Service Rd 103 30 Aug 2021 |
Asteraceae |
common tansy |
Taraxacum ceratophorum [Taraxacum ovinum] [Leontoon ceatophorus] [Taraxacum ambigens var. fultius] etc. |
YES Craig Martin: Conejos Co, headwaters of Manga Creek, 5 Aug 2020 |
Asteraceae |
horned dandelion |
Taraxacum eriophorum [Taraxacum olympicum] [Taraxacim ceratophorum] |
Asteraceae |
woolbearing dandelion |
Taraxacum erythrospermum [Taraxacum laevigatum var. erythrospermum] [Taraxacum officinale var. erythrospermum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte between street and lawn 18 June 2023 |
Asteraceae |
red-seeded dandelion |
Taraxacum officinale |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard 1 June 2019 |
Asteraceae |
common dandelion |
Taraxacum scopulorum [Taraxacum lyratum] |
Asteraceae |
alpine dandelion |
Tetradymia canescens [Tetradymia inermis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, junction of Groundhog and Embargo Creek roads 8 July 2021 |
Asteraceae |
spineless horsebrush |
Tetraneuris acaulis var caespitosa [Hymenoxys acaulis var. caespitosa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co Del Norte saddle 1.2 miles west of town 28 April 2020 |
Asteraceae |
stemless four-nerve daisy |
Tetraneuris acaulis var. acaulis [Actinea acaulis] [Actinella acaulis] [Hymenoxys acaulis] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, quarry trail 4.8 air miles E of Del Norte 10 June 2019 |
Asteraceae |
stem-less four-nerved daisy |
yes |
Teucrium canadense [Teucrium occidentale] |
Lamiaceae |
American germander, western germander, wood sage |
yes |
Thalictrum alpinum [Thalictrum cheilanthoides] |
Thalicraceae |
alpine meadow-rue |
Thalictrum fendleri [Thalictrum wrightii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Church Creek just SW of South Fork 29 June 2021 |
Thalicraceae |
Fendler’s meadow-rue |
Thalictrum sparsiflorum |
Thalicraceae |
fewflower meadow-rue |
Thalictrum venulosum |
Thalicraceae |
meadowrue |
yes |
Thelesperma filifolium [Thelesperma formosum] [Thelesperma intermedium] [Thelesperma trifidum] [Coreopsis trifida] |
YES Rich Haswell: Great Sand Dunes 2 July 2013 |
Yes |
Asteraceae |
stiff greenthread |
Yes |
Thelesperma subnudum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Ridge E. of Elephant Rocks 26 June 2015 |
Yes |
Asteraceae |
Havajo tea |
Yes |
Thelypodium integrifolium [Pleurophragma gracilipes] |
YES Katherine Zybko: Saguache Co, Indian Spring, Great Sand Dunes NPP 25 June 2022 |
Brassicaceae |
entireleaf thelypody |
Thermopsis divaricarpa [Thermopsis pinetorum] [Thermopsis rhombifolia var. divaricarpa] |
Fabaceae |
spreadfruit goldenbanner |
Thermopsis montana [Thermopsis rhombifolia var. montana] [Thermopsis pinetorum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 9 July 2020 |
Fabaceae |
mountain goldenbanner, golden-pea |
Thermopsis rhombifolia [Thermopsis arenosa] [Thermopsis rhombifolia var. rhombifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, just N of Del Norte 28 April 2021 |
Fabaceae |
prairie goldenbanner, prairie golden-pea |
Thlaspi arvense |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, side of Hwy 14 as it passes Luders Creek campground 25 Aug 2021; Rio Grande Co, on trail to Million Reservoir 11 Aug 2022 |
Brassicaceae |
fanweed, field pennycress |
Tonestus pygmaeus [Haplopappus pygmaeus] [Stenotus pygmaeus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, FR 380 near Elwood Pass 2 Aug 2019 |
Asteraceae |
pygmy goldenweed, pygmy serpentweed |
Torreyochloa pallida [Glyceria pallida] [Panicularia pallida] [Poa dentata] etc. |
Poaceae |
pale false mannagrass, weak manna grass |
yes |
Townsendia eximia |
Asteraceae |
tall townsend’s daisy |
Townsendia exscapa [Aster exscapus] [Townsendia sericea] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr. trailhead 26 April 2014; 12 June 2014 |
Asteraceae |
stemless Easter daisy, stemless Townsend's daisy |
Townsendia grandiflora |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Forest Ser;vice Road 101 31 May 2014 |
Asteraceae |
largeflower Easter daisy |
yes |
Townsendia hookeri [Towensendia nuttallii] |
Asteraceae |
Hooker’s townsend daisy |
Townsendia leptotes [Townsendia sericea var. leptotes] |
Asteraceae |
slender townsend’s daisy |
Townsendia rothrockii |
Asteraceae |
Rothrock’s townsend daisy |
Tradescantia occidentalis [Tradescantia virginiana var. occidentalis] |
YES Bonnie Webster: Saguache Co, Creston street side, 2 July 2019 |
Commelinaceae |
prairie spiderwort |
yes |
Tragopogon dubius |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, private yard, Del Norte 23 June 2019 |
Asteraceae |
Western salsify |
Tragopogon pratensis |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, house 17 June 2013; Hinsdale Co, Clear Creek Falls 22 June 2017 |
Asteraceae |
meadow salsify |
Trautvetteria caroliniensis |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Red Lake Trail above La Manga Pass 2014; Rich Haswell, Conejos Co, Red Lake trailhead 3 Aug 2020 |
Ranunculaceae |
Caroline bugbane, false bugane, tasselrue |
Tribulus terrestris |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 11th street 7 July 2014 to 14 Sept 2022 |
Yes |
Zygophyllaceae |
puncturevine, caltrops, goat’s-head, devil’s eyelashes, tackweed |
Yes |
Trifolium attenuatum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 8 July 2019 |
Fabaceae |
subalpine clover |
Yes |
Trifolium brandegeei |
YES Lisa Lou: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek valley, el. 8,500' 23 June 2021 |
Fabaceae |
Brandegee’s clover |
Yes |
Trifolium dasyphyllum |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral, Continental Divide trail north of Wolf Creek Pass 20 Aug 2016 |
Fabaceae |
shaggy-leaf clover |
Trifolium fragiferum |
YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, in floodplain of the Rio Grande, below bridge on Hwy 142, west side of the river 7/28/2021 |
Fabaceae |
strawberry clover |
yes |
Trifolium hybridum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Nortel bank of the Rio Grande 12 July 2021 |
Fabaceae |
Alsike clover |
Trifolium incarnatum |
Yes Audra McKay-Webster, Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek 1.76 air miles northeast of South Fork, 4 Aug 2020 |
Fabaceae |
crimson colver |
yes |
Trifolium longipes [Trifolium rusbyi subsp. reflexum] [Trifolium rydbergii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hanson's Mill at end of Pool Table Rd 30 July 2015 |
Fabaceae |
longstalk clover |
Trifolium mucronatum [Trifolium wormskioldii var. arizonicum] [Trifolium arizonicum] [Trifolium lacerum] |
Fabaceae |
cusp clover |
Trifolium nanum |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 24 June 2014 |
Fabaceae |
dwarf clover |
Trifolium parryi |
YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, near Elwood pass 2 Aug 2019 |
Fabaceae |
Parry’s clover |
Trifolium pratense |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, San Francisco Creek, beside trail, 18 July 2018 |
Fabaceae |
red clover |
Trifolium repens |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek trail 20 Aug 2021 |
Fabaceae |
field clover, Dutch white clover |
Trifolium wormskioldii [Trifolium wormskjoldii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WP 24 July 2016 |
Fabaceae |
cow clover |
Triglochin maritima [Triglochin concinna] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 20 Sept 2020 |
Juncaginaceae |
seaside arrowgrass |
Triglochin palustris [Triglochin palustre] |
YES Katherine Zybko Saguache Indian Spring, Great Sand Dunes NPP, 25 June 2023 |
Juncaginaceae |
slender arrowgrass |
Tripleurospermum inodorum [Matricaria inodora] [Chamomilla inodora] [Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora] [Tripleurospermum maritimum] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Above Creede by Willow Cr. 4 July 2014; Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near Elk Creek cpgd 29 Sept 2015 |
Asteraceae |
scentless mayweed, wild chamomile |
Tripterocalyx micranthus [Abronia micrantha] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, the Great Sand Dunes 17 Aug 2015 |
Nyctaginaceae |
smallflower sand verbena |
Trollius albiflorus [Trollius laxus subsp. albiflorus] [Trollius laxus] [Trollius americanus] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 3 miles S of Grayback Mt, wet meadow 14 July 2020 |
Ranunculaceae |
western globeflower |
Yes |
Turritis glabra [Arabis glabra] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake, SW of South Fork, 22 June 2016 |
Brassicaceae |
tower mustard |
Yes |
Typha latifolia |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russel Lakes SWA 20 April 2019 |
Typhaceae |
broad-leaved cat-tail |
Ulmus pumila |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, private yard 28 June 2021 |
Ulmaceae |
Siberian elm |
Urtica gracilis [Urtica dioica subs. gracilis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, road to Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 5 Sept 2021 |
Urticaceae |
California nettle, American stinging nettle, itchweed |
Utricularia macrorhiza [Utricularia vulgaris] [Utricularia macrorhiza subsp. vulgaris] |
Yes "Ghostwheel": Alamosa Co, less than a mille NE of Alamosa NWP, 1 July 2024 |
Lentibulariaceae |
greater bladderwort |
Utricularia minor |
Lentibulariaceae |
lesser bladderwort |
yes |
Utricularia ochroleuca [Utricularia occidentalis] [Utricularia minor] |
Lentibulariaceae |
yellowish-white bladderwort |
Vaccinium cespitosum [Vaccinium caespitosum] |
YES Nick Moore: Conejos Co, just south of Red Lake, 4 July 2023 |
Ericaceae |
dwarf bilberry |
Vaccinium myrtillus [Vaccinium oreophilum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, on FR 332, 23 June 2020 |
Ericaceae |
bilberry, whortleberry, European blueberry |
Vaccinium scoparium |
YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, volcanic ridge east of CR 384, 26 June 2015 |
Ericaceae |
grouse whortleberry, grouseberry, littleleaf huckleberry |
Valeriana acutiloba [Valeriana capitata var. acutiloba] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek three miles from trailhead June 5 2014 |
Caprifoliaceae [Valerianaceae] |
sharpleaf valerian, downy-fruit valerian |
Valeriana arizonica [Valeriana acutiloba var. ovata] [Valeriana ovata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Creek, in flower 22 June 2019 |
Caprifoliaceae [Valerianaceae] |
Arizona valerian |
Valeriana edulis [Valeriana trachycarpa] |
YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, North Clear Creek Falls meadow 20 June 2017 |
Caprifoliaceae [Valerianaceae] |
tobacco root, edible valerian |
Valeriana occidentalis |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 |
Caprifoliaceae [Valerianaceae] |
western valerian |
Veratrum californicum [ Veratrum speciosum] [Veratrum tenuipetalum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Res, upper end 29 May 2017 |
Melanthiaceae |
false hellebore, Western skunk cabbage, corn lily |
Verbascum thapsus |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard 24 July 2010; old gravel pit NE of Del Norte 26 Aug 2020 |
Scrophulariaceae |
common mullein, great mullein |
Verbena bracteata [Verbena bracteosa] [Verbena confinis] [Verbena umbricata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, trail through foothills just S of Del Norte 19 June 2019 |
Verbenaceae |
bigbract vervain, prostrate vervain, carpet vervain |
Verbena macdougalii |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, both sides of Hwy 160 at the Spanish Trail turnout between Monte Vista and Del Norte 7 May 2021 |
Verbenaceae |
hillside vervain, MacDougal's verbena |
Yes |
Verbesina encelioides [Ximenesia encelioides] [Ximenesia exauriculata] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, quarry trail E of Del Norte 4 Oct 2020 |
Asteraceae |
cowpen daisy, crownbeard, ironweed |
Veronica alpina [Synthyris alpina] [Besseya alpina] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mountain 8 July 2019 |
Scrophulariaceae |
alpine kittentails |
Veronica americana |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir 28 Aug 2020 |
Plantaginaceae |
American speedwell, American brooklime |
Veronica anagallis-aquatica [Veronica catenata] [Veronica micromera] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Bauchmann Creek, 10 air miles NE of South Fork 25 Sept 2019 |
Plantaginaceae |
water speedwell |
Veronica peregrina [Veronica xalapensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, gravel pit NE of Del Norte 21 June 2021 |
Plantaginaceae |
hairy purslane speedwell, neckweed |
Veronica persica |
Plantaginaceae |
Persian speedwell |
yes |
Veronica plantaginea [Synthyris plantaginea [Besseya plantaginea] [Besseya arizonica] |
YES Rich Haswell: On Carnero Creek below guard station, Carnero Pass road 3 July 2019 |
Scrophulariaceae |
White River coraldrops, white kittentail |
Veronica serpyllifolia [Veronica serpyllifolia var. humifusa] [Veronicastrum serpyllifolium subsp. humifusum] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, stream flowing north into Embargo Creek 26 July 2016 |
Plantaginaceae |
thymeleaf speedwell |
Veronica wormskjoldii [Veronica nutans] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by beaver pond west of Crystal Lakes 14 July 2020 |
Plantaginaceae |
American alpine speedwell |
Vesper constancei [Cymopterus constancei] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, foothills just S of Del Norte, 18 May 2019 |
Apiaceae |
dusty maiden |
Yes |
Vexibia nuttalliana [Sophora nuttalliana] [Sophora sericea] [Vexibia sericea] |
YES Rich Haswell: south of Saguache (Saguache Co) by Hwy 285 June-July 2023 |
Fabaceae |
necklace pod, white loco weed, sillky sophora |
Vicia americana |
YES Rich Haswell Mineral Co, beside Hwy 160, 10 road miles SW of South Fork 10 June 2020 |
Fabaceae |
American vetch |
Vicia sativa [Vicia angustifolia] |
Fabaceae |
garden vetch |
Viola adunca [Viola labradorica] [Viola bellidiflora] [Viola montanensis] [Viola puberulera] [Viola retroscabra] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake July 6 2018 |
Violaceae |
hookedspur violet, sand violet, western dog violet |
Viola macloskeyi [Viola pallens] [Viola rotundifolia var. pallens] |
Violaceae |
MacKloskey’s violet, northern white violet |
Viola nephrophylla [Viola sororia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, edge of upper Tucker Pond 23 July 2019 |
Violaceae |
common blue violet |
Viola palustris [Viola renifolia] [Viola macloskeyi] |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near Cumbres pass 19 June 2022; 28 June 2023 |
Violaceae |
marsh violet |
Yes |
Viola rafinesquii [Viola biflora] |
Violaceae |
Arctic yellow violet, alpine yellow violet |
Yes |
Viola renifolia [Viola palustris] [Viola macloskeyi] |
Violaceae |
kidney-leaved violet |
Viola rugulosa [Viola canadensis var. rugulosa] [Viola rydbergii] |
YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 |
Violaceae |
Canadian violet |
Viola tricolor |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, between street and yard 28 May 2015 |
Violaceae |
wild pansy, Johnny-jump-up, hearts-ease |
yes |
Viola x williamsii |
YES Jamie Smith: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista, growing in sidewalk crack, 13 July 2019 |
Violaceae |
hybrid horned pansy, tufted pansy |
yes |
Wyethia arizonica |
YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, slope by Hwy 17 near Cumbres Pass 15 June 2021 |
Asteraceae |
Arizona mule's-ears |
Xanthisma coloradoense [Machaeranthera coloradoensis] |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, along utility road to Grayback Mt off CR14, 21 Aug 2014 |
Asteraceae |
Colorado aster |
Xanthisma gracile |
Asteraceae |
slender goldenweed |
Xanthisma spinulosum [Machaeranthera spinulosa] [Machaeranthera pinnatifida] [Amellus spinulosus] [Haplopappus spinulosus] etc. |
YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, house 17 July 2013; Rio Grande Co, base of Limekiln Peak 7 May 2021 |
Asteraceae |
tansy aster |
Xanthium strumarium |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWP 10 July 2016; Conejos Co, bank of the Rio Grande at Hwy 142, 28 Sept 2021 |
Yes |
Asteraceae |
rough cocklebur, clotbur |
Yes |
Yucca baileyi |
YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, Rd 5045 near the old Martinez cemetery 28 June 2019; 3 July 2019 |
Asparagaceae |
Bailey’s yucca |
Yucca glauca [Yucca angustifolia] |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Biedell Creek N of La Garita 27 May 2019 |
Asparagaceae |
Great Plains yucca, soapweed |
Yes |
Zannichellia palustris |
YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 7 Sept 2018 |
Zannichelliaceae |
horned pondweed |
Zea mays |
Poaceae |
maize, corn |
yes |