List of All Species Verified as Present in Rio Grande Watershed

Total Records Found: 1353
Abies bifolia [Abies lasiocarpa] [Abies arizonica] [Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica] [Abies lasiocarpa var. bifolia] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 1 mile N of junction of Hwy 17 and FSR 118, 2 Aug 2022 Pinaceae Rocky Mountain subalpine fir, cork-bark fir Yes
Abies concolor [Picea concolor] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, FR 360 a third of a mile above Upper Beaver cpgd 10 June 2020 Pinaceae white fir Yes
Acer glabrum [Acer neomexicanum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhea 30 Sept 2021 Sapindaceae Rocky Mountain maple YES
Acer negundo var. violaceum [Acer interius] [Negundo interius] Sapindaceae box elder, Manitoba maple YES
Acer tataricum YES kpalm1111: town of Alamosa, Alamosa Co, Main Street, 3 July 2023 Sapindaceae Tatar maple yes
Achillea filipendulina [Achillea eupatorium] [Achillea filcifolia] [Tanacetum angulatum] YES Rebecca Husted Gimenez: Conejos, CO Antonito railway station grounds 10 Aug 2021 Asteraceae fernleaf yarrow, milfoil, nosebleed yes
Achillea millefolium [Achillea alpicola] [Achillea lanulosa] [Achillea laxiflora] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 4 miles W of Summitville 8/6/2018 Asteraceae yarrow Yes
Acmispon wrightii [Anislotus wrightii] [Hosackia wrightii] [Ottleya wrightii] [Lotus wrightii] Fabaceae scrub lotus, Wright's lotus yes
Aconitum columbianum [Aconitum arizonicum] [Aconitum bakeri] [Aconitum lutescens], [etc.] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, by old logging road below Big Meadows Reservoir 9 July 2020 Ranunculaceae monkshood YES
Actaea rubra [Actaea arguta] [Actaea viridiflora] YES Rich Haswell: Minteral Co, Shaw Lake 13 July 2020 Ranunculaceae red baneberry YES
Adoxa moschatellina YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, near Hunters Lake, 2 July 2014 Yes Adoxaceae moschatel, muskroot, townhall clock, five-faced bishop, hollowroot Yes
Agastache pallidiflora [Brittonastrum pallidiflorum] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, bank of Rock Lake on Lake Fork below Platoro 7.27.2015 Lamiaceae giant hyssop YES
Agastache urticifolia [Agastache glaucifolia] [Lophanthus articifolius] [Vleckia urticifolia] Lamiaceae nettle-leaf giant hyssop Yes
Ageratina herbacea YES Katherine Zybko, Saguache Co, east flank of Twin Mountain, 24 Sept 2023 Asteraceae snakeroot Yes
Agoseris agrestis [Agoseris x agrestis] [Agoseris glauca var. agrestis] [Agoseris glauca var. dasycephala] Asteraceae mountain agoseris Yes
Agoseris aurantiaca YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, south slope of Bennett Mountain, 7/22/2014; Grayback pass 8/23/2019 Asteraceae alpine dandelion Yes
Agoseris glauca [Traximon glaucum] [Agoseris glauca var. dasycephala] YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, North Clear Creek Falls, 8 Aug 2015; Saguache Co, Luders Creek cpgd 21 Aug 2022 Asteraceae pale agoseris Yes
Agoseris parviflora [Agoseris glauca var. lacinata] [Agoseris glauca var. parviflora] [Agoseris taraxacifolia] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 2 miles E of North Crestone campground 13 June 2015 Asteraceae steppe dandelion Yes
Agropyron cristatum [Agropyron cristatiforme] [Agropyron desertorum] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve 2 Sept 2014 Poaceae crested wheatgrass, crested wheat grass yes
Agrostis exarata [Agrostis aenea] [Agrostis alopecuroides] etc. Poaceae spike bentgrass, spike bent, spike redtop, western redtop yes
Agrostis gigantea [Agrostis alba subsp. gigantea] Vilfa gigantea], etc Poacea black bent, redtop bent yes
Agrostis idahoensis [Agrostis borealis var. recta] [Agrostis clavata] Poaceae Idaho bentgrass yes
Agrostis sacra [Agrostis hyemalis var. scabra] [Agrostis laxiflora var. scabra] [Trichodium scabrum] [Agrostis feminata] Poaceae tickle grass, rough bentgrass yes
Agrostis stolonifera [Agrostis alba var. stolonifera] [Agrostis capillaris var. stolonifera] etc. Poaceae creeping bentgrass, florin, carpet bentgrass yes
Agrostis variabilis [Agrostis rossiae] [Agrostis varians] Poaceae mountain bentgrass yes
Alcea rosea [Althea rosea] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side, 17 Sept 2021 Malvaceae hollyhock yes
Aliciella leptomeria [Gilia leptomeria] [Gilia triodon] Polemoniaceae sand gilia YES
Aliciella micromeria [Gilia micromeria] YES Katherine Zybko: Alamosa Co, 3 miles east of Medano Ranch, 22 June 2024 Polemoniaceae dainty gilia YES
Aliciella penstemonoides [Gilia penstemonoides] [Gilia pentstemonoides] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Spring Gulch off Pool Table Road 30 July 2015 Polemoniaceae Black Canyon gilia YES
Aliciella pinnatifida [Gilia pinnatifida] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes 6 June 2017 Polemoniaceae sticky gilia YES
Aliciella sedifolia [Gilia sedifolia] Polemoniaceae stonecrop gilia YES
Alisma gramineum [Alisma geyeri] [Alisma gramineum var. geyeri] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands, in water and on shore of ponds 7/15/2017 Alismataceae Narrow-leaf water plantain Yes
Alisma triviale [Alisma brevipes] [Alisma plantago-aquatica var. americanum] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Baca National Wildlife Refuge old irrigation ditch 8/17/2021 Alismataceae water plantain Yes
Allium acuminatum Alliaceae tapertip onion Yes
Allium cernuum [Allium neomexicanum] [Allium recurvatum] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 29 Aug 2013 Alliaceae nodding onion Yes
Allium geyeri var. geyeri [Allium funiculosum] YES: Richard Haswell, Mineral Co, trail to Hunters Lake, 2 July 2014; Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 24 June 2016 Alliaceae Geyer's onion yes
Allium geyeri var. tenerum [Allium rubrum] [Allium sabulicola] [Allium rydbergi] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO ditch of old logging road below Big Meadows Reservoir 9 Sept 2020 Alliaceae bulbil onion, Geyer’s onion Yes
Almutaster pauciflorus YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WPA, 18 Sept 2017; 15 Sept 2022 Asteraceae alkali marsh aster Yes
Alnus incana [Betula alnus var. incana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by Rio Grande 1 Aug 2016 Betulaceae grey alder, speckled alder YES
Alopecurus aequalis [Alopecuorus aristulatus] Poaceae short-awn foxtail, orange foxtail yes
Alopecurus geniculatus [Alopecurus pallescens] Poaceae water foxtail, marsh foxtail yes
Alopecurus magellanicus [Alopecurus alpinus] Poaceae alpine foxtail yes
Alopecurus pratensis [Tozzettia pratensis] [Tozzettia vulgaris] Poaceae meadow foxtail yes
Alyssum desertorum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork, vacant and parking lots 8 Sept 2017; 28 May 2019; 12 May 2021 Brassicaceae desert madword YES
Alyssum simplex [Alyssum parvifolium var. micranthum] [Alyssum minus var. micranthum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, South Fork, vacant lot in South Fork 28 May 2019 Brassicaceae European alyssum YES
Amaranthus albus [Amaranthus graecizans] [Amaranthus pubescens] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Woman Creek, dry slope with volcanic outcrops 26 Aug 2013 Amaranthaceae tumble pigweed Yes
Amaranthus blitoides [Amaranthus graecizans] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, at edge of dirt street 30 Aug 2021 Amaranthaceae spreading pigweed Yes
Amaranthus hybridus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by CR 13 south of Del Norte 24 Sept 2022 Amaranthaceae smooth pigweed, green amaranth, slender pigweed, slim amaranth yes
Amaranthus palmeri Yes Danel Long: Costilla Co, 17 air miles southeast of San Luis, 22 July 2021 Amaranthaceae carelessweed YES
Amaranthus powellii YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by dirt street 4 Aug 2014; 3 Sept 2021 Amaranthaceae Powell’s pigweed Yes
Amaranthus retroflexus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CR 13, 1 mile S of San Francisco Creek trailhead 3 Sept 2021; Del Norte street side 30 Sept 2022 Amaranthaceae redroot pigweed Yes
Amauriopsis dissecta [Bahia dissecta] [Hymenothrix dissecta] [Bahia chrysanthemoides] [Villanova dissecta] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, beside highway on road to the Great Sand Dunes National Park 20 July 2021 Asteraceae yellow ragweed, ragleaf bahia Yes
Ambrosia acanthicarpa [Franseria acanthicarpa] [Gaertneria acanthicarpa] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Great Sand Dunes NP, edge of parking lot 7/29/2019 Asteraceae sand bur, bursage, yerba del sapo Yes
Ambrosia psilostachya YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, dam to Trujillo Reservoir 30 Aug 2022 Asteraceae Cuman ragweed, western ragweed yes
Ambrosia tomentosa [Franseria discolor] [Franseria tomentosa] [Gaertmeria tomentosa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, edge of pond in abandoned gravel pit 4 July 2022 Asteraceae skeletonleaf bur ragweed Yes
Ambrosia trifida Asteraceae great ragweed Yes
Amelanchier alnifolia [Amelanchier canadensis var. pumila] [Amelanchier polycarpa] [Aronia alnifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 19 July 2017; Rio Grande Co, trail to quarry, E of Del Norte 27 May 2016 [var.pumila] Rosaceae western serviceberry, saskatoon, alder-leaf shadbush, western juneberry YES
Amelanchier utahensis [Amelanchier australis] [Amelanchier mormonica] [Amelanchier oreophila] etc. Rosaceae Utah serviceberry YES
Anaphalis margaritacea [Antennaria margaritacea] [Gnaphalium margaritaceum] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Fuchs Reservoir 21 July 2014; Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 8 July 2020 Asteraceae pearly everlasting Yes
Andropogon hallii [Andropogon gerardii var. hallii] Poaceae sand bluestem yes
Androsace chamaejasme [Androsace chamaejasme var. lehmanniana] [Androsace lehmanniana] YES calba Alamosa Co, CO Zapata Lake 29 June 2024 Primulaceae alpine rock-jasmine YES
Androsace septentrionalis [Androsace diffusa] [Androsace glandulosa] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Farmers Trail trailhead, dry outwash, 26 May 2021 Primulaceae northern rock-jasmine YES
Anemonastrum canadense [Anemone canadensis] [Anemonidium canadensis] YES mdaw: Costilla Co, west of Ft Garland, 8 July 2023 Ranunculaceae Canadian anemone YES
Anemonastrum zephyrum [Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra] Ranunculaceae Narcissus anemone yes
Anemone cylindrica Yes: pandarollie: Conejos Co, hillside above Sheep Creek, July 2021 Ranunculaceae candle anemone, thimbleweed yes
Anemone multifida [Anemone globosa] YES Rio Grande Co, CO Million Reservoir 28 Aug 2018 Ranunculaceae cutleaf anemone, Pacific anemone YES
Angelica ampla Apiaceae giant angelica Yes
Angelica grayi [Selinum grayi] YES Rich Haswell: Continental Divide north of Wolf Creek Pass 18 July 2014 Apiaceae Gray’s angelica Yes
Anisantha tectorum [Bromus tectorum] YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Del Norte yard 27 Dec.2024 Poaceae cheatgrass, downy brome, downy chess, junegrass, bronce-grass yes
Antennaria anaphaloides [Antennaria pulcherrima var. anaphaloides] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 11 July 2018 Asteraceae pearly pussytoes Yes
Antennaria corymbosa YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek 4.5 miles from trailhead 5 June 2014 Asteraceae flat-top pussytoes Yes
Antennaria marginata [Antennaria fendleri] [Antennaria peramoena] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, forest opening 27 May 2014 Asteraceae whitemargin pussytoes Yes
Antennaria media [Antennaria mucronata] [Antennaria umbrinella] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Pass, open subalpine meadow 5 Aug 2021 Asteraceae Rocky Mountain pussytoes Yes
Antennaria microphylla [Antennaria obovata] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co near Conejos River and FSR 250, 18 July 2022, 8 Aug 2022; Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, near Luders cpgd 25 Aug 2021 Asteracea littleleaf pussytoes Yes
Antennaria neglecta [Antennaria athabascensis] [Antennaria campestris] [Antennaria erosa] [Antennaria howellii subsp. neglecta] [etc.] YES: Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, on the Conejos River just below Spectacle Lake, July 4 and 6, 2023. Asteraceae field pussytoes yes
Antennaria parvifolia [Antennaria aprica] [Antennaria latisquamea] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Poso cpgd, 11 air miles SW of La Garita elev. 9,200, 2 July 2019 Asteraceae small-leaf pussytoes Yes
Antennaria pulcherrima Asteraceae showy pussytoes Yes
Antennaria rosea [Antennaria formosa] [Antennaria imbricata] [Antennaria arida] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hunters Lake, 11 air miles SW of South Fork 2 July 2014 Asteraceae red pussytoes Yes
Antennaria rosulata [Antennaria sierrae-blancae] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek trailhead meadow, 4 June 2018 Asteraceae Kaibab pussytoes, silvery pussytoes Yes
Antennaria umbrinella [Antennaria aizoides] [Antennaria flavescens] Asteraceae umber pussytoes Yes
Anthoxanthum hirtum [Hierochloë hirta] [Anthoxanthum hirtum subsp. arcticum] [Anthoxanthum nitens] [Hierochloë subsp. arcticum] [Hierochloë odorata], etc. Poaceae sweetgrass, holygrass yes
Anticlea elegans [Zigadenus elegans] [Zigadenus coloradoensis] [Zigadenus dilatatus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood pass 2 Sept 2019 Melanthiaceae mountain death-camas, elegant camas YES
Aphyllon corymbosum subsp. mutabile [Orobanche corymbosa] [Orobanche californica var. corymbosa] [Myzorrhiza corymbosa] YES Alescan: Saguache Co, volcanic ridge 1 mile north of Twelvemile Road, Aug 2024 Orobanchaceae flat-top broomrape YES
Aphyllon fasciculatum [Orobanche fasciculata] Thalesia fasciculata] [Thalesia lutea] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Elephant Rocks north of Del Norte 2 June 2015 Orobanchaceae clustered broomrape YES
Aphyllon ludovicianum [Orobanche ludoviciana] [Orobanche corymbosa subsp. mutabilis] [Aphyllon arenosa] [Myzorrhiza ludoviciana] YES Carol English: Saguache Co, along Liberty Road in the Great Sand Dune National Monument 7/14/2021 [see Colorado Native Plant Society listserve for 15 July2021] Orobanchaceae Louisiana broomrape Yes
Aphyllon mulltiflorum [Orobanche multiflora] [Orobanche ludoviciana subsp. multiflora] [Myzorrhiza multiflora] Orobanchaceae many-flower broomrape yes
Apocynum androsaemifolium [Apocynum androsaemum] [Apocynum scopulorum] [Apocynum ambigens] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Trout Creek trail, SW of South Fork, 5 July 2017 Apocynaceae spreading dogbane Yes
Apocynum cannabinum [Apocynum angustifolium] [Apocynum hypericifolium] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa NWR, 11 Aug 2016; Mineral Co, junction of Hwt 160 and FSR 11, 6 July 2016) Apocynaceae Indian hemp, dogbane Yes
Aquilegia barnebyi Ranunculaceae oil shale columbine YES
Aquilegia caerulea [Aquilegia coerulea] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Elwood Pass, 2 Sept 2019 Ranunculacea blue columbine YES
Aquilegia elegantula YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 June 2019 Ranunculaceae red columbine YES
Arabis pycnocarpa [Arabis ovata] [Arabis hirsuta var. pycnocarpa] Brassicaceae hairy rockcress YES
Arceuthobium americanum Nuttall ex. Engelmann Santalaceae Lodgepole dwarf mistletoe yes
Arceuthobium douglasii [Razoumofskya douglasii] Viscaceae douglas fir mistletoe Yes
Arceuthobium vaginatum [Viscum vaginatum] Viscaceae pineland dwarf mistletoe, sheathed dwarf mistletoe, southwestern dwarf mistletoe Yes
Arctium minus [Lappus minus] Asteraceae lesser burdock Yes
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi [Arbutus uva-ursi] [Daphnidostilis fendleriana] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Cochetopa pass 16 Sept 2015 Ericaceae bearberry, kinnikinnick YES
Arenaria lanuginosa [Spergulastrum lanuginosum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 22 June 2016 Caryophyllaceae spreading sandwort YES
Argemone polyanthemos Papaveraceae crested prickly poppy yes
Ariistida purpurea [Aristida purpurea var. fendleriana] [Aristida purpurea var. longiseta] etc. Poaceae purple three-awn, purple threeawn yes
Aristida arizonica Poaceae Arizona three-awn yes
Arnica chamissonis [Arnica foliosa var. chamissonis] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between Mogote and Aspen Glad cpgds 8-9 June 2022 Asteraceae Chamisso's arnica Yes
Arnica cordifolia [Arnica paniculata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 0.5 miles E of Elwood pass 2 Aug 2019 Asteraceae heartleaf arnica Yes
Arnica fulgens Asteraceae foothill arnica Yes
Arnica latifolia YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, 1 mile S of Elwood pass beside CR 380, 2 Sept 2019 Asteraceae broadleaf arnica Yes
Arnica mollis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, natural pond on CR 14 elev. 11,250' 14 July 2020 Asteraceae hairy arnica Yes
Arnica parryi [Arnica angustifolia subsp. eradiata] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide trail just north of Wolf Creek Pass, 6 Aug 2014 Asteraceae Parry’s arnica Yes
Arnica rydbergii Asteraceae Rydberg’s arnica Yes
Artemisia biennis YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA, 8 Sept 2017; Rio Grande Co, dryig edge of Beaver Creek Reservoir 2 Sept 2020 Asteraceae biennial wormwood Yes
Artemisia bigelovii [Artemisia petrophila] [Seriphidium bigelovii] Asteraceae Bigelow's sagebrush, flat sagebrush Yes
Artemisia borealis [Artemisia campestris subsp. borealis] [Artemisia campestris subsp. pacifica] [Artemisia campestris var. purshii][Oligosporus pacificus] [Oligosporus groenlandicus] YES Patrick Alexander Conejos Co, just west of Conejos Peak (2 July 2018), and southwest of Elwood pass (4 July 2018) Asteraceae boreal sagewort Yes
Artemisia campestris subsp. caudata [Artemisia campestris var. caudata] [Artemisia caudata] [Artemisia forwoodii] [Oligosporus caudatus] YES? Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 2.6 miles west of Poso cpgd 14 July 2021 Asteraceae field sagewort yes
Artemisia campestris subsp. pacifica [Artemisia campestris var. pacifica] [Artemisia campestris var. pacifica] [Artemisia campestris var. scouleriana] [Artemisia pacifica] [Artemisia campestris var. petiolata] [Artemisia scouleriana] [Oligospours pacificu YES Rich Haswll: Rio Grande Co, east of Del Norte 15 Aug 2017 Asteraceae field sagewort Yes
Artemisia carruthii [Artemisia kansana] [Artemisia wrightii] YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek, by trailhead, 10 miles S of Del Norte 15 Aug 2016 Asteraceae Carruth’s sagebrush Yes
Artemisia dracunculus [Artemisia dracunculina] [Artemisia dracunculoides] [Artemisia glauca] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, within town limits, beside street, 20 July 2020 Asteraceae wild tarragon, wormwood, dragon sagewort Yes
Artemisia franserioides YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake, 31 July 2017 Asteraceae ragweed sagebrush, bursage mugwort Yes
Artemisia frigida YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, San Luis Hills 28 July 2021 Asteraceae fringed sagewort, estafiata, arctic sage, pasture sage yes
Artemisia longifolia [Artemisia vulgaris var. longifolia] [Artemisia natronensis] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa National Wildlife Preserve, 11 Aug 2016 Asteraceae longleaf wormwood YES
Artemisia ludoviciana [Artemisia vulgaris var. ludoviciana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by bridge over the Rio Grande 1 Aug 2016 Asteraceae silver wormwood, Louisiana wormwood, western mugwort, gray sagewort YES
Artemisia michauxiana [Artemisia vulgaris var. michauxiana] [Artemisia discolor] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Willow Creek above Creede, in scree 2 Aug 2021 Asteraceae Michaux’s wormwood, lemon sagewort YES
Artemisia norvegica [Artemisia norvegica var. saxitilis] [Artemisia arctica] [Artemisia norvegica subsp. saxitilis} YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 Asteraceae mountain sagewort YES
Artemisia nova [Artemisia arbuscula subsp. nova] [Artemisia tridentata var. nova] [Seriphidium novum] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, three miles S of Hwy 17, 28 Aug 2022 Asteraceae black sageberush yes
Artemisia parryi [Artemisia laciniata subsp. parryi] Asteraceae Parry’s wormwood YES
Artemisia scopulorum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, south slope of Bennett Mt 22 July 2014 Asteraceae alpine sagebrush YES
Artemisia tridentata [Seriphidium tridentatum] [Artemisia tridentata var. vaseyana] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, .0.25 miles S of Poncha Pass, 17 May 2021 (var. vaseyana) Asteraceae big sagebrush Yes
Asclepias asperula [Acerates asperula] Asclepiadaceae antelope horn milkweed Yes
Asclepias hallii YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 10 miles E of North Pass, 11 July 2015; Rio Grande Co, CR 630, 3 miles N of CR 15, 29 June 2021 Asclepiadaceae Hall’s milkweed Yes
Asclepias speciosa YES: Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 7 Aug 2018; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte strleelt side (seeds dehiscing) 10 Oct 2022 Asclepiadaceae common milkweed Yes
Askellia pygmaea [Crepis nana] Asteraceae dwarf alpine hawksbeard YES
Asparagus officinalis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, streetside, 6 June 2014; Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2017 Asparagaceae asparagus Yes
Aster alpinus subsp. vierhapperi Asteraceae alpine aster YES
Astragalus agrestis [Astragalus goniatus] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, ridge above Hicks Canyon 23 June 2021 Fabaceae purple milkvetch YES
Astragalus allochrous var. playanus [Astragalus wootonii] Fabaceae Wooton’s milkvetch YES
Astragalus alpinus YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, 1.6 air miles NW of Creede 18 Aug 2022 Fabaceae Alpine milkvetch yes
Astragalus amphioxys [Xylophacos amphioxys] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, meadowy ridge above Pinos Creek 13.25 air miles SW of Del Norte 17 June 2020 Fabaceae crescent milkvetch yes
Astragalus australis [Astragalus aboriginorum] Fabaceae Indian milkvetch Yes
Astragalus bisulcatus var. haydenianus [Astragalus haydenianus] Fabaceae Hayden’s milkvetch YES
Astragalus bodinii [Astragalus stragalus] [Phaca bodinii] YES Elliot Gordon: Saguache Co, along Kelly Creek trail, 11 km northwest of Villa Grove, 27 Aug 2023; Katherine Zybko: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NPP, 29 uly 2023 Fabaceae Bodin’s milkvetch YES
Astragalus brandegeei Fabaceae Brandegee’s milkvetch YES
Astragalus canadensis [Astragalus oreophilus] YES Katherine Zybko Saguache Co, north boundary of the Great Sand Dunes NPP, 31 July 2021 Fabaceae Canadian milkvetch Yes
Astragalus ceramicus YES Rich Haswell: Saquache Co, base of volcanic dyke, BLM road 231, 17 June 2027 Fabaceae painted milkvetch Yes
Astragalus cerussatus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, alongside gravel driveway, in flower 27 March 2021 Fabaceae powdery milkvetch YES
Astragalus cicer YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, East Willow Creek above Creede 20 Sept 2016 Fabaceae chickpea milkvetch YES
Astragalus crassicarpus [Geoprumnon crassicarum] Fabaceae ground plum, buffalo plum YES
Astragalus drummondii YES Rich Haswell: Costilla Co, Trinchera Ranch SW of Fort Garland 10 June 2015 Fabaceae Drummond’s milkvetch, locoweed YES
Astragalus flexuosus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 Fabaceae slender milkvetch YES
Astragalus hallii YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 3 July 2016; Mary McDonald: Coneos Co, 3 km south of Fox Creek Community, 14 July 2018 Fabaceae Hall’s milkvetch YES
Astragalus kentrophyta [Astragalus tegetarius] [Astraga;is tagetarois] Fabaceae spiny milkvetch YES
Astragalus laxmannii [Astragalus adsurgens var. robustior] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, quarry trail east of del Norte 11 June 2019 Fabaceae Laxmann’s milkvetch YES
Astragalus lonchocarpus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Schroeder Creek, 14 June 2014 (flowering); Rio Grande Co, Groundhog Road 26 July 2019 (fruiting) Fabaceae great rushy milkvetch YES
Astragalus miser YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, North Cochetopa pass 22 June 2017 Fabaceae forest milk-vetch YES
Astragalus missouriensis [Tragacantha missouriensis] Fabaceae Missouri milkvetch YES
Astragalus multiflorus [Astragalus tenellus] [Ervum multiflorum] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, near Moon pass 14 July 2021 Fabaceae looseflower milkvetch yes
Astragalus parryi YES Richard Haswell: Saguache Co, top of Poncha pass 8 June 2023 Fabaceae Parry’s milkvetch YES
Astragalus ripleyi YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, near Hicks Canyon, open meadow, 23 June 2021 Fabaceae Ripley’s milkvetch Yes
Astragalus robbinsii [Astragalus blakei] [Astragalus macounii] Fabaceae Robbins’s milkvetch YES
Astragalus scopulorum [Tium scopulorum] Yes Alec McKeand Saguache Co, 12 km northwest of Villa Grove, 18 May 2022 Fabaceae Rocky Mountain milkvetch YES
Astragalus sericoleucus YES Richard Haswell: Costilla Co, between San Luis and the Rio Grande 21 June 2023 Fabaceae silky milkvetch YES
Astragalus shortianus YES Rachel Hosna: Saguache Co, northwest of Saguache 22 May 2023 Fabaceae Short’s milkvetch, early purple milkvetch YES
Atriplex argentea Amaranthaceae silverscale saltbrush Yes
Atriplex canescens [Atriplex angustior] [Calligonum canescens] [Obiome occidentalis var. canescens] YES Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 19 July 2013 Amaranthaceae fourwing saltbush Yes
Atriplex dioica [Atriplex subspicata] [Atriplex patula subsp. subspicata] YES Rich Haswell: Russell Lakes SWA, junction of Hwy 285 and CR N, in ditch, 9/26/2019 Amaranthaceae thickleaf orach Yes
Atriplex hortensis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, in floodplain of the Rio Grande, 2 Aug 2015; 5 Oct 2017; 4 Oct 2022; Amaranthaceae garden orache Yes
Atriplex micrantha [Atriplex heterosperma] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Baca NWR 17 Aug 2021; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 18 Sept 2018, 9 Sept 2022; Saguache Co, Russell Lakes NWA 26 Sept 2019; Rio Grande Co, by parking lot of the Family Dollar store in Del Norte, 2 Aug 2022 Amaranthaceae twoscale saltbrush, Russian atriplex Yes
Atriplex patula Amaranthaceae spear saltbrush Yes
Atriplex rosea Amaranthaceae tumbling saltbrush Yes
Atriplex saccaria Amaranthaceae stalked saltbrush Yes
Atriplex wolfii [Obione wolfii] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WPA 9 Sept 2022 Amaranthaceae Wolf's saltbrush, slender orache Yes
Avena fatua [Avena hybrida] Poaceae wild oats, common wild oats yes
Avena sativa [Avena byzantina] [Avena hybrida] Poaceae oats, cultivated oats yes
Axyris amaranthoides Linnaeus YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, 1.6 air miles NW of Creede, 18 Aug 2022 Amaranthaceae Russian pigweed yes
Balsamorhiza sagittata [Balsamorhiza helianthoides] [Buphthalmum sagittatum] [Espeletia sagittata] Asteraceae arrowhead balsamroot YES
Barbarea orthoceras YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, by Hwy 160 just east of Wolf Creek pass 13 Aug 2014 Brassicaceae American yellowrocket YES
Bassia hyssopifolia [Kochia hyssopifolia] [Suaeda hysspifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Great Sand Dunes 8 July 2014; Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2016 Yes Amaranthaceae ironweed, smotherweed, five-hook Yes
Bassia scoparia [Bassia sieversiana] [Kochia scoparia] [Kochia sieversiana] [Chenopodium scoparium] YES Rich Haswell: Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2017 Yes Amaranthaceae burningbush, kochia, alfalfa de pobre, morenita, Mexican fireweed Yes
Beckmannia syzigachne [Beckmannia cruciformis] YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, CO bank of Rio Grande below Hwy 112 bridge 1 Aug 2016 Poacae American sloughgrass, American slough grass yes
Berberis fendleri [Mahonia fendleri] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir in fruit 26 Aug 2018 Berberidaceae Fendler’s barberry YES
Berberis repens [Mahonia repens] [Berberis aquifolium var. repens] [Berberis nana] [Odostemon repens] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek trailhead 13 air miles SW of Del Norte 30 May 2014. Berberidaceae Oregon grape, creeping mahonia, creeping barbary YES
Berteroa incana YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork 28 July 2013, Aug 2022 Yes Brassicaceae hoary alyssum Yes
Berula erecta [Berula incisa] [Sium erectum] [Sium incisum] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA, by an old irrigation ditch, 8 Sept 2017 Apiaceae cutleaf waterparsnip Yes
Betula occidentalis [Betula fontinalis] Betulaceae water birch YES
Bidens cernua [Bidens glaucescens] [Bidens prionophylla] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 30 Aug 2017 Asteraceae nodding beggarticks YES
Bidens frondosa [Brachyacaulis frondosus] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands, by pond 15 Aug 2017; 18 Sept 2020 Asteraceae devil’s beggarticks Yes
Bidens tenuisecta [Bidens cognata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, meadow by Rio Grande slough near Del Norte 11 Aug 2018; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte streert side, 6 Sept 2023 Asteraceae slimlobe beggarticks YES
Bidens tripartita [Bidens comosa] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake dried margin 8 Aug 2014 Asteraceae strawstem beggarticks yes
Bistorta bistortoides [Polygonum bistortoides] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle between Poison Mountain and Bennett Peak 19 June 2017 Polygonaceae American bistort, smokeweek, mountain meadow knotweed YES
Bistorta vivipara [Polygonum viviparum] YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, natural pond on CR 14, elev 11,150', 23 Aug 2019 Polygonaceae alpine bistort YES
Blepharoneuron tricholepis [Vilpa tricholepsis] Poacee hairy dropseed, pine dropseed yes
Blitum capitatum subsp. capitatum [Blitum capitatum] [Chenopodium capitatum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Pool Table Road elev 9,500, 1 Aug 2014 Amaranthaceae strawberry blite yes
Blitum capitatum subsp. hastatum [Blitum hastatum] Blitum capitatum subsp hastatum] [Blitum capitatum] [Chenopodium capitatum var. parvicapitatum] [Chenopodium overi] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO below Big Meadows Reservoir 8 July 2020 Amaranthaceae strawberry-blite, beetberry Yes
Blitum nuttallianum [Monolepis nuttalliana] YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, 1 mile SE of Creede, 2 Aug 2021 Amaranthaceae povertyweed Yes
Blitum virgatum [Chenopodium foliosum] [Morocarpus foliosus] Amaranthaceae leafy goosefoot Yes
Boechera austromontana [Boechera grahamii] Brassicaceae ? yes
Boechera centrifendleri [Boechera perennans subsp. centrifendleri] YES Patrick Alexander: Conejos Co, 9 km southwest of Capulin, 6 June 2021 Brassicaceae ? yes
Boechera divaricarpa [Boechera grahamii] Brassicaceae spreadingpod rockcress Yes
Boechera fendleri [Arabis fendleri] [Arabis holboellii var. fendleri] [Boechera perennans subsp. fendleri] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr trailhead 31 July 2016 See Annotated Page Yes Brassicaceae Fendler’s rockcress Yes
Boechera grahamii [Arabis divaricarpa] [Boechera divaricarpa] [Arabis holboellii] [Boechera pinetorum] [etc.] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, river walk by Del Norte, floodplain of the Rio Grande 20 May 2019 (flowering); 11 July 2021 (fruiting) Brassicaceae Graham’srockcress Yes
Boechera lemmonii [Arabis lemmonii] [Boechera drepanoloba] Brassicaceae Lemmon’s rockcress Yes
Boechera lignifera [Arabis lignifera] [Boechera kelseyana] Brassicaceae desert rockcress YES
Boechera oxylobula [Arabis demissa] [Boechera demissa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 10 miles S of Del Norte, 6 May 2022 Yes Brassicaceae Glenwood Springs rockcress Yes
Boechera retrofracta [Arabis holboellii var. retrofracta] [Boechera holboellii var. retrofracta] [Arabis arcuata] [etc.] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co; Crestone Lake trail E of Crestone, open mixed conifer woods, 13 June 2015 Yes Brassicaceae reflexed rockcress Yes
Boechera sanluisensis [Boechera fendleri] [Boechera perennans subsp. sanluisensis] Yes: Patrick Alexander: Rio Grande Co, butte near Limekiln Peak, 20 June 2021 Brassicaceae San Luis rock cress yes
Boechera spatifolia [Arabis fendleri var. spatifolia] [Arabis holboellii var. fendleri] [Boechera fendleri var. spatifolia] [Boechera perennans subsp. spatifolia] YES Patrick Alexander: Rio Grande Co, south of Del Norte, 12 June 2008; Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Poso cpgd, 2 July 2019 Yes Brassicaceae spoonleaf rockcress Yes
Boechera stricta [Arabis drummondii] [Arabis oxyphylla] [Arabis connexa] [Erysimum drummondii] [etc.] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, meadow by Bear Creek trailhead 17 June 2019 Yes Brassicaceae Drummond’s rockcress Yes
Bouteloua curtipendula [Andropogon curtipendulus] [Chloris curtipendula] [Cynodon curtipendulus] etc. Poaceae sideoats grama, side-oats grama yes
Bouteloua gracilis YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Del Norte driveway 27 Dec. 2024 Poaceae blue grama, eyelash grama yes
Bouteloua hirsuta [Chondrosum hirsutum] YES Anders Hastings: Saguache Co, CO South of Crestone 4 Aug 2022 Poaceae hairy grama yes
Bouteloua simplex [Chondrosum simplex] [Chondrosum procumbens] [Chondrosum prostratum] Poaceae matted grama yes
Brassica napus Brassicaceae rapeseed, rutabaga YES
Brassica rapa [Brassica campestris] [Sinapsis pekinensis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO yard of house in Del Norte 31 July 2022 Brassicaceae field mustard, rapeseed YES
Brickellia californica [Bulbostylis californica] [Coleosanthus axillarus] etc. Asteraceae California brickellbrush Yes
Brickellia grandiflora [Coleosanthus grandiflora] [Coleosanthus petiolaris] [Eupatorium grandiflorum] YES Rich Haswell: Mosca Cr., Alamosa Co, rocky slope by trail, 28 July 2017; Penitente Canyon, Saguache Co, 3 Oct 2024 Yes Asteraceae tasselflower brickellbush Yes
Brickellia leptophylla [Brickellia eupatorioides var chlorolepis] [Brickellia eupatorioides var. gracillima] [Kuhnia eupatorioides] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, by road, near La Garita 24 July 2020; Rio Grande Co, Stone Quarry trail east of Del Norte, 12 Aug 2023 Yes Asteraceae false boneset Yes
Brickelliastrum fendleri [Brickellia fendleri] [Coleosanthus ambigens] [Steviopsis fendleri] YES Mary E. McDonald Hicks Canyon, Conejos Co, 30 July 2023 Asteraceae Fendler's brickell-bush yes
Bromopsis ciliata [Bromopsis canadensis] [Bromus canadensis] [Bromus ciliatus] Poaceae fringed brome yes
Bromus frondosus [Bromopsis frondosa] [Bromus porteri var. frondosus] Poaceae weeping brome yes
Bromus inermis [Bromopsis inermis] Poaceae smooth brome, Hungarian brome yes
Bromus japonicus [Bromus arvensis var. japonicus] [Bromus patulus] Poaceae Japanese brome, Japanese chess yes
Bromus lanatipes [Bromopsis lanatipes] [Bromus anomalus var. lanatipes] Poaceae woolly brome yes
Bromus porteri [Bromopsis porteri] [Bromus kalmii var. porteri] Poaceae nodding brome yes
Bromus pumpellianus [Bromus inermis var. pumpelliana] [Bromopsis pumpelliana] Poaceae Pumpelly's brome yes
Bromus richardsonii [Bromopsis richardsonii] [Bromus ciliatus var. richardsonii] [Bromopsis canadensis] Poaceae fringed brome, Richardson's brome yes
Calamagrostis canadensis [Calamagrostis anomala] [Calamagrostic atropurpurea] Poaceae bluejoint, marsh reedgrass, Canadian reedgrass yes
Calamagrostis purpurescens [Calamagrostis lepageana] [Calamagrostis maltei] etc. Poaceae purple reedgrass yes
Calamagrostis scopulorum Poaceae ditch reedgrass yes
Calamagrostis stricta [Calamagrostis californica] etc. Poaceae slimstem reedgrass, slimstem small reedgrass yes
Callirhoe involucrata (Torrey and Gray) Asa Gray Malvaceae wine-cups, poppy mallow yes
Callitriche hermaphroditica [Callitriche autumnales] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir 8/28/2018; Rio Grande Co, pond in old gravel pit NE of Del Norte 8/22/2021 Plantaginaceae northern water starwort YES
Callitriche heterophylla YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between La Manga and Cumbres passes, Rio de los Pinos 11 Sept 2021 Plantaginaceae two-headed water-starwort YES
Callitriche palustris [Callitriche verna] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 8 Sept 2018 Plantaginaceae water starwort YES
Calochortus gunnisonii YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on the Conejos River 9 July 2014; Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Pass 9 July 2014 Liliaceae Gunnison’s mariposa lily YES
Calochortus nuttallii Liliaceae Nuttall's mariposa lily yes
Caltha chionophila [Caltha leptosepala] [Psychrophila leptosepala]v[Caltha biflora] [Caltha howellii] [Caltha uniflora] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass snow-melt seep 23 Aug 2019 Ranunculaceae marsh marigold YES
Calypso bulbosa [Calypso americana] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake (in flower) 8 June 2018 Orchidaceae Calypso orchid, fairy slipper, Venus slipper YES
Camelina microcarpa YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, FR 740 off of Hwy 14, beside dirt road 26 Aug 2021 Brassicaceae littlepod false flax Yes
Campanula parryi YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, meadow E of Luders Creek cpgd 26 Aug 2021 Campanulaceae Parry’s bellflower YES
Campanula rapunculoides YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, house 20 June 2020 Campanulaceae creeping bellflower YES
Campanula rotundifolia [Campanula petiolata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Grayback Mt scree slope 6 Aug 2016 Campanulaceae harebell, bluebell bellflower, Scottish bluebell YES
Campanula uniflora [Melanocalyx uniflora] YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, confluence of Los Pinos and Cumbres creeks 26 Aug 2018 Campanulaceae Arctic bellflower, Arctic harebell YES
Capsella bursa-pastoris [Bursa bursa-pastoris] [Thlaspi bursa-pastoris] YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co above Magote Cpgd 8 June 2016; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, town of Del Norte, untended yard, 30 May 2021 Brassicaceae shepherd's purse Yes
Caragana arborescens YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Hicks Canyon by old homestead, 18 July 2014 (in fruit), 12 June 2015 (in flower) Fabaceae Siberian pea, Sibernian pea shrub YES
Cardamine cordifolia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, trailhead of Crystal Lake on CR 380, 5 Aug 2016 (fruiting) Brassicaceae heartleaf bittercress YES
Carduus nutans [Carduus theormeri] YES Rich Haswell: Luders Creek, 1 m. below Luders Cpgd 15 Sept 2015; Beaver Cr campground W of South Fork 12 July 2017 Asteraceae musk thistle YES
Carum carvi YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte house, 29 May 2015 Apiaceae caraway Yes
Castilleja haydenii [Castilleja pallida var. haydenii] Scrophulariaceae Hayden’s paintbrush YES
Castilleja integra [Castilleja gloriosa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mountain Del Norte 10 June 2019 Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] wholeleaf paintbrush YES
Castilleja linariifolia [Castilleja linarifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Deep Creek trail S of Creede 11 Aug 2020 Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] narrowleaf paintbrush, Wyoming paintbrush YES
Castilleja lineata YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Pinos Creek, 1 mile into San Juan National Forest 29 July 2014; Rio Grande Co, meadow SE of Lower Beaver Creek cpgd, 16 July 2022 Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] marshmeadow paintbrush YES
Castilleja miniata [Castilleja confusa] [Castilleja crista-galli] [Castilleja inconstans] [Castilleja trinervis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek trail S of Del Norte 4 June 2018 Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] greater red paintbrush, giant red paintbrush YES
Castilleja occidentalis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood pass 2 Sept 2019 Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] western paintbrush YES
Castilleja rhexiifolia [Castilleja oregonensis] YES Rich Haswell:Rio Grande Co, 2 miles S of Grayback Mt. 30 June 2017; Grayback pass 6 July 2022 Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] splitleaf paintbrush YES
Castilleja septentrionalis [Castilleja sulphurea] [Costilleja rhexifolia var. sulphurea] [Castilleja luteovirens] YES Rich Haswell Mineral Co Shaw Lake 9 July 2020 Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] sulphur paintbrush YES
Castilleja septentrionalis x Castilleja rhexiifolia [Castilleja versicolor] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Lakes, S of Del Norte 13 Aug 2008 Orobanhaceae [Scrophulariaceae] [no common name] YES
Catabrosa aquatica [Aira aquatica] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, artesian pond southwest of Luders Creek cpgd, 16 Sept 2015 Poaceae brookgrass, water whorlgrass yes
Ceanothus fendleri YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, hillside along Embargo Road, NW of South Fork, 26 July 2016 Rhamnaceae Fendler’s buckthorn, Fendler’s buckbrush YES
Ceanothus velutinus YES B. Moore Costilla Co, east of Forbes Park 23 Sept 2023 Rhamnaceae snowbrush ceanothus, tobacco bush, sticky laurel, redroot Yes
Centaurea diffusa YES Randy Floyd: Rio Grande Co, CO southwest of South Fork along Hwy 160, 21 Aug 2019 Asteraceae diffuse knapweed yes
Centaurea stoebe subsp. micranthos YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, cattle-grazed meadow by Baughman Creek 10.27 air miles NE of South Fork, 25 Sept 2019; Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek, 24 Sept 2022 Asteraceae spotted knapweed YES
Cerastium arvense [Cerastium oreophilum] [Cerastium scopulorum] [Cerastium strictum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Lime Creek trailhead 12 July 2016 Caryophyllaceae field chickweed YES
Cerastium beeringianum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 Caryophyllaceae Bering chickweed YES
Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare [Cerastium vulgatum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr 5 June 2014; Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 Caryophyllaceae mouse-ear chickweed YES
Ceratophyllum demersum Ceratophyllaceae hornwort, coontail YES
Cercocarpus montanus [Cercocarpus argenteus] [Cercocarpus parvifolius] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon 26 May 2018 Rosaceae alderleaf mountain majogany YES
Chaenactis douglasii [Chaenactis douglasii var. douglasii] [Chaenactis douglasii var. alpina] [Chaenactis leucopsis] [Chaenactis alpina] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Cochetopa pass 10 July 2015 Asteraceae Douglas’s dustymaiden, dusty-maidens YES
Chaetopappa ericoides YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, quarry trail E of Del Norte 24 June 2017; Conejos Co, Hicks Canyon N of Hwy 17 23 June 2021 Asteraceae rose heath YES
Chamaenerion angustifolium [Chamerion angustifolium subsp. circumvagum] [Epilobium angustifolium] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hope Creek on Shaw Lake road 23 Aug 2013 Onagraceae narrow-leaf fireweed, rosebay willowherb YES
Chamaenerion latifolium [Chamerion latifolium] [Chamerion subdentum] [Epilobium latifolium] Onagraceae alpine fireweed YES
Chamaerhodos erecta [Sibbaldia erecta] [Chamaerhodos nuttallii] Rosaceae Nuttall’s little rose, little rose YES
Chamaesaracha arida [Chamaesaracha coronopus] Solanaceae green-leaf five-eyes, green false nightshade YES
Chamaesaracha coniodes [Chamaesaracha texensis] [Solanum coniodes] Solanaceae gray five-eyes YES
Chenopodiastrum simplex [Chenopodium simplex] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, edge of flower garden 30 July 2017 Amaranthaceae maple-leaf goosefoot Yes
Chenopodium album YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte 19 July 2015; 22 July 2017; 22 Aug 2024 Yes Amaranthaceae lambsquarter, fat hen Yes
Chenopodium atrovirens YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista vacant lot, 4 Sept 2019 Amaranthaceae pinyon goosefoot Yes
Chenopodium berlandieri YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, 2 miles S of Creede, 23 July 2020; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 18 Sept 2022 Yes Amaranthaceae pitseed goosefoot Yes
Chenopodium desiccatum [Chenopodium berlandieri var. glaucoviride] [Chenopodium leptophyllum var. desiccatum] [etc.] Amaranthaceae desert goosefoot, aridland goosefoot, slimleaf goosefoot Yes
Chenopodium fremontii YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NM, 29 July 2019 Yes Amaranthaceae forest goosefoot Yes
Chenopodium hians [Chenopodium incognitum] Amaranthaceae hians goosefoot, gaping goosefoot Yes
Chenopodium incanum [Chenopodium fremontii var. incanum] Yes "macho mel": Rio Grande Co, by Hwy 160 between Monte Vista and Alamosa 25 Aug 2019 Amaranthaceae mealy goosefoot Yes
Chenopodium leptophyllum [Chenopodium album var. leptophyllum] [Chenopodium oblongifolium] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, San Luis Hills, on bare hilltops along Hwy 128 and CR V, 28 July2021 Yes Amaranthaceae narrowleaf goosefoot Yes
Chenopodium pratericola [Chenopodium desiccatum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte by Hwy 160, 15 Aug 2014 Yes Amaranthaceae desert goosefoot Yes
Chenopodium watsonii [Chenopodium glabrescens] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt just SW of Del Norte, 8 Aug 2014; Elephant Rocks N of Del Norte 2 Oct 2018; Saguache Co, Saguache town park, 28 July 2020 Yes Amaranthaceae stinky goosefoot Yes
Cherleria obtusiloba [Minuartia obtusiloba] [Lidia obtusiloba] [Arenaria obtusiloba] [Arenaria sajanensis?] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 13 Aug 2020 Caryophyllaceae alpine stitchwort YES
Chimaphila umbellata [Pyrola umbellata] Ericaceae pipsissewa YES
Chionophila jamesii YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Grayback pass 20 July 2015 Plantaginaceae Rocky Mountian snowlover YES
Chondrophylla fremontii [Gentiana fremontii] [Chondrophylla aquatica] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, along the Conejos River, in "the hidden mile," by Forest Service Road 250, 21 March 2014 Gentianaceae moss gentian YES
Chondrophylla prostrata [Gentiana prostrata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 23 Aug 2019 Gentianaceae Siberian gentian YES
Chorispora tenella YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte stree verges 8 May 2019 Yes Brassicaceae blue mustard, musk mustard, cross flower Yes
Chrysothamnus depressus [Ericameria depressa] YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, FSR 103(1) C, 4 Sept 2021 Asteraceae dwarf rabbitbrush YES
Chrysothamnus greenei [Bigelowia greeenei] [Ericameria filifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa NWR 11 Sept 2016; Saguache Co, Baca NWR, inside refuge and beside Hwy 17, 17 Sept 2021 Asteraceae Greene’s rabbitbrush YES
Chrysothamnus vaseyi [Bigelowia vaseyi] [Chrysothamnus bakeri] [Ericameria vaseyi] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 8 miles E of Antonito 14 Oct 2022 Asteraceae Vasey’s rabbitbrush YES
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus [Crinitaria viscidiflora] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 4 Sept 2019 Asteraceae yellow rabbitbrush YES
Cichorium intybus YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, along Hwy 17, 10 July 2014; Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, road to Terrace Reservoir 26 July 20192019) Asteraceae chickory, cornflower YES
Cicuta maculata [Cicuta douglasii, misidentified] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge, 7 July 2016 Apiaceae spotted water hemlock, cowbane, suicide root Yes
Circaea alpina YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, SW of South Fork 31 July 2018 Yes Onagraceae small enchanter’s nightshade Yes
Cirsium arvense [Breea arvense] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork, vacant lot, 4 Sept 2013; 8 miles S of Del Norte by CR 13 23 Aug 2020 Asteraceae creeping thistle, field thistle, Canadian thistle YES
Cirsium canescens YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near FS 103 (2)B, around 8,300' elev, sunny grassland 1 Aug 2021 Asteraceae creamy thistle YES
Cirsium coloradense [Scariosum scariosum var. coloradense] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Groundhog road, off Embargo Creek 23 July 2016 Asteraceae meadow thistle, Colorado thistle YES
Cirsium culebraensis Asteraceae none yet yes
Cirsium funkiae [Cirsium scopulorum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Lakes 13 Aug 2008; peak of Grayback Mountain 21 Aug 2014 Asteraceae no name as yet yes
Cirsium hesperium [Cirsium eatonii var. hesperium] [Cirsium scopulorum] [Cirsium eatonii var. eriocephalum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Willow Creek above Creede 4 July 2014 Asteraceae Eaton’s thistle YES
Cirsium neomexicanum [Carduus neomexicanus] [Cnicus neomexicanus] Asteraceae New Mexico thistle yes
Cirsium ochrocentrum [Carduus ochrocentrus] [Cnicus neomexicanus] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Natural Arch south of La Garita, 17 July 2013; Rio Grande Co, Church Creek near South Fork, 19 July 2020 Asteraceae yellowspine thistle YES
Cirsium parryi [Carduus pallidum] [Carduus gilensis] [Carduus parryi] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Deep Creek trail, SW of Creede 11 Aug 2020 Asteraceae Parry’s thistle YES
Cirsium tioganum [Cirsium americanum] [Cirsium scariosum var. americanum] [Cirsium acaulescens] [Cirsium coloradense subsp. acaulescens] [Cirsium drummondii var. acaulescens] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hunters Lake, 11 miles SW of South Fork, 19 June 2017 Asteraceae meadow thistle, stemless thistle, dinnerplate thistle YES
Cirsium tracyi [Cirsium undulatum, var. tracyi] [Carduus tracyi] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co Gulch near FSR 103.2B, 4 Aug 2021 Asteraceae Tracy’s thistle YES
Cirsium undulatum [Cirsium megsacephalum] [Carduus megacephalus] [Carduus undulatus] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, CO Great Sand Dunes July 2013, July 2022 Asteraceae wavyleaf thistle YES
Cirsium vulgare YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, near the confluence of the Conejos River and Fox Creek 2 Aug 2015;2 Sept 2015 Asteraceae bull thistle YES
Claytonia lanceolata Montiaceae western springbeauty YES
Claytonia megarhiza [Claytonia arctica var. megarhiza] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle between Poison and Bennett Peaks 19 June 2017 Montiaceae alpine springbeauty YES
Claytonia rosea [Claytonia lanceolata var. rosea] YES Craig Martin: Alamosa Co, top of Mosca pass 9 June 2023 Montiaceae western springbeauty YES
Clematis columbiana [Atragene columbiana] [Atragene pseudoalpina] [Clematis pseudoalpina] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lost Lake, 18 June 2014 Ranunculaceae rock clematis YES
Clematis hirsutissima var. scottii [Clematis scottii] [Coriflora hirsutissima] [Coriflora scottii] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr trailhead S of Del Norte 26 July 2017 Ranunculaceae Scott’s hairy clematis, Scott’s sugarbowl clematis YES
Clematis ligusticifolia [Clematis neomexicana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte flood plain of the Rio Grande on the "river walk", 16 June 2020 Ranunculaceae western white clematis, virgin’s bower, old man’s beard, devil's thread, pepper vine, etc. YES
Clematis orientalis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista, Dos Rios Restaurant 18 July 2013; Del Norte street side Aug 2015 to 29 Sept 2022 Ranunculaceae oriental clematis, orangepeel clematis Yes
Collinsia parviflora [Collinsia tenella] Plantaginaceae blue-eyed Mary, hunchback flower YES
Collomia linearis [Gilia linearis] [Navarretia linearis] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near the Conejos River between Mogote and Aspen Glade campgrounds 16 July 2021 Polemoniaceae tiny trumpet, narrow-leaf mountain-trumpet YES
Comandra umbellata [Thesium umbellatum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by Rio Grande 10 June 2015 to 21 June 2022 Comandraceae bastard toadflax YES
Comarum palustre [Potentilla palustris] Yes Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 1 mile W of La Manga pass 6 Aug 2016; natural pond at Cumbres Pass 15 July 2022; Rich Haswell: natural pond at Cumbres pass 2 Aug 2022 Yes Rosaceae purple marshlocks Yes
Comastoma tenellum [Gentiana tenella] [Gentianella tenella] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Alberta Peak 28 July 2016 Gentianaceae Lapland gentian YES
Commelina dianthifolia [Commelina linearis var. longispatha] Yes Rachel Hosna: Saguache Co, 0.6 mile west of Penitente Canyon cpgd 7 Aug 2022 Commelinaceae birdbill dayflower YES
Conioselinum scopulorum [Ligusticum scopulorum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, below Big Meadows Reservoir 9 July 2020 Apiaceae hemlock parsley Yes
Conium maculatum YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on the Conejos River between Mogote and Aspen Glade cpgd 23-28 July 2017 Apiaceae poison hemlock Yes
Convolvulus arvensis [Convolvulus ambigens] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte house 18 June 2013 Convolvulaceae field bindweed, morning glory, withy wind, creeping jenny, devil's guts YES
Corallorhiza maculata [Cladorhiza maculata] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir (in flower) 17 July 2015 Orchidaceae spotted coralroot YES
Corallorhiza striata [Cladorhiza striata] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Creek 28 July 2017 Orchidaceae striped coralroot YES
Corallorhiza trifida YES Katherine Zybko, Saguache Co, Medano Creek, 24 June 2024; Katherine Zybko, Mosca Creek trailhead, 25 June 2024 Orchidaceae early coralroot, yellow coralroot YES
Coreopsis tinctoria [Coreopsis cardaminifolia] [Calliopsis cardaminifolia] etc. Asteraceae garden tickweed, Plains ocreopsis, calliopsis yes
Corispermum americanum Amaranthaceae bugseed Yes
Corispermum hyssopifolium [Chorispermum hyssopifolium] Amaranthaceae hyssop-leaved bugseed yes
Corispermum villosum [Corispermum emarginatum] [Corispermum orientale var. emarginatum] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, the Great Sand Dunes NP 13 Sept 2017 Amaranthaceae hairy bugseed Yes
Cornus canadensis Cornaceae bunchberry dogwood YES
Cornus sericea var. sericea [Cornus alba var. alba] [Cornus stolonifera] YES Mary McDonald: Conejos Co, forest bench of the Conejos River SW of Fox Creek Community 11 June2014; Contributor: Conejos Co, along Conejos River July 2021 Cornaceae red-osier dogwood YES
Corydalis aurea [Corydalis aurea subsp. occidentalis] [Corydalis aurea subsp. aurea] [Corydalis aurea subsp. curvisiliqua] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte alley verge 24 May 2014; Saguache Co, Luders Creek cpgd, 17 July 2016 yes Fumariaceae golden smoke, scrambled eggs Yes
Corydalis caseana YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 27 July 2016 yes Fumariaceae Sierra fumewort, Brandegees' fitweed Yes
Cosmos parviflorus [Coreopsis parviflor[ YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, by HWY 17, E end of Los Mogotes 19 Aug 2016 Asteraceae southwestern cosmos, juve, aceitilla blanca YES
Crassula aquatica [Tillaea aquatica] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by and in pond of an unused gravel pit NW of Del Norte 29 Aug 2020; 14 Sept 2020; 18 Sept 2022 Yes Crassulaceae pigmyweed Yes
Crataegus rivularis YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Cr 9 July 2014 Rosaceae river hawthorn Yes
Crepis acuminata YES Rich Haswell: Bauchmann Creek northeast of South Fork 25 Sept 2019 Asteraceae tapertip hawksbeard YES
Crepis runcinata [Psilochenia runcinata] [Crepis neomexicana] [Crepis perplexans] [Crepis petiolata] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes State SWA 8 Sept 2017 Asteraceae fiddleleaf hawk's-beard YES
Crucihimalaya virgata [Transberingia bursifolia] [Halimolobos virgata] Brassicaceae rod transberingia yes
Cryptantha crassisepala [Cryptantha dicarpa] [Eritrichium crassisepalum] [Krynitzkia crassisepala] Boraginaceae thicksepal catseye YES
Cryptantha fendleri [Cryptantha pattersonii] [Krynitzkia fendleri] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Ridge E of Elephant Rocks, 21 Aug 2017 Boraginaceae sanddunes catseye YES
Cryptantha minima YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, confluence of Rio de los Pinos and Cumbres Cr 20 May 2020 Boraginaceae little catseye YES
Cuscuta indecora Convolvulaceae bigseed alfalfa dodder YES
Cycloloma atriplicifolium [Dysphania atriplicifolia] [Salsola atriplicifolia] [Salsola platyphylla] YES Rich Haswell, Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP, 18 July 2020 Amaranthaceae winged pigweed Yes
Cymopterus alpinus [Oreoxis alpina] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle between Poison and Bennett Peaks 19 June 2017 Apiaceae alpine parsley Yes
Cymopterus anisatus [Cymopterus longilobus] [Cymopterus hendersonii] [Aletes anisatus] [Cymopterus anisatus] [Pseudocymopterus longilobus] [Pteryxia hendersonii] Apiaceae longstalk spring parsley Yes
Cymopterus glomeratus [Cymopterus acaulis] [Cymopterus fendleri] [Thapsis glomerata] YES Kay Crowder Alamosa Co, western city limits of Alamosa, 30 April 2023; Josh Felton, Saguache Co, near Creston 17 May 2023 Apiaceae spring parsley Yes
Cymopterus lemmonii [Thaspium montanum] [Pseudocymopterus montanus] [Pseudocymopterus filicinus] [Pseudocymopterus multifidus] etc. [ YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, by junction of CR 380 and Hwy 160 10 June 2020 Apiaceae mountain parsley Yes
Cynoglossum officinale YES: Mary McDonald, Archuleta Co, near Cumbres pass, 2021; Mele Avery, Saguache Co, Valley View Hot Springs, 2022 Boraginaceae houndstongue YES
Dactylis glomerata [Bromus glomeratus] [Festuca glomerata] etc. Poaceae orchard grass, cocksfoot yes
Dactylorhiza viride [Coeloglossum viride] [Habenaria viridis] [Orchis verescens] [Satyrium viride] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, in Watershed, elev. 9,000-10,000’, 26 June 2013 to 13 Aug 2018 Yes Orchidaceae long-bracted bog orchid, frog orchid Yes
Dalea leporina [Dalea alba] [Dalea alopecuroides] [Psoralea leporina] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between Hwy 17 and the Conejos River at Los Mogotes 27 Aug 2018; 22 Sept 2018 Fabaceae foxtail prairie clover YES
Danthonia intermedia [Danthonia canadensis] Poaceae timber oatgrass yes
Dasiphora fruticosa [Dasiphora floribunda] [Pentaphylloides fruticosa] [Pentaphylliodes floribunda] [Pentaphylloides floribunda] [Potentilla floribunda] [Potentilla fruticosa] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Wagon Wheel Gap 14 Aug 2016 Rosaceae shrubby cinquefoil YES
Delphinium alpestre Yes Jennifer Ackerfield: Costilla Co, near Trinchera Peak, 8 Aug 2018 Ranunculaceae Colorado larkspur Yes
Delphinium barbeyi [Delphinium cockerellii] [Delphinium exaltatum var. barbeyi] [Delphinium occidentale] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood pass 2 Sept 2019 Yes Ranunculaceae subalpine larkspur, Barbey's larkspur Yes
Delphinium nuttallianum [Delphinium nelsonii] Ranunculaceae Nuttall's larkspur, twolobe delphinium Yes
Delphinium ramosum YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Pool Table Road, open meadow 30 July 2015 Yes Ranunculaceae mountain larkspur Yes
Delphinium robustum [Delphinium ramosum] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, vicinity of Old Cochetopa pass 17 July 2016 Yes Ranunculaceae Wahatoya Creek larkspur, robust larkspur Yes
Deschampsia cespitosa [Agrostis cespitosa] [Aira cespitosa] [Aira major] Poaceae tufted hair-grass, tufted hairgrass yes
Descurainia californica [Smelowskia californica] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO just N of Lobo overlook of Wolf Creek pass 6 Aug 2014 Brassicaceae Sierra tansymustard YES
Descurainia incana [Descurainia richardsonii] [Sisymbrium incanum] [Sophia procera] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Pass, road side, fruit partially dehisced 8/5/2021 Brassicaceae mountain tansy mustard YES
Descurainia incisa [Descurainia richardsonii subsp. incisa] [Sisymbrium incisum] [Sophia incisa] YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt. 22 May 2018 Brassicaceae cutleaved tansymustard YES
Descurainia kenheilii YES Scott F. Smith San Juan Co, 1 mile east of Stony pass 22 Jul 2021 Brassicaceae Heil’s tansymustard YES
Descurainia longepedicellata [Descurainia incisa var. filipes] [Sisymbrium incisum var. filipes] [Sisymbrium longepedicellatum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 5 miles W of Del Norte road side 5 Aug 2016 Brassicaceae narrow tansymustard YES
Descurainia nelsonii [Descurainia pinnata subsp. nelsonii] Brassicaceae Nelson’s tansymustard YES
Descurainia pinnata [Descurainia ramosissima] [Erysimum pinnatum] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, natural pond above Luders Creek cpgd 25 Aug 2021 Brassicaceae Villa Grove tansymustard YES
Descurainia sophia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte lot by Hwy 160, 4 May 2021 (young plant) Brassicaceae flixweed, herbe-Sophia, tansy YES
Dieteria bigelovii [Machaeranthera bigelovii] [Machaeranthera aquifolia] [Machaerathera pattersonii] [Aster aquifolia] [Machaeranthera rubricaulis] etc.. YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co Beaver Reservoir SW of South Fork Beside parking lot 2 Sept 2020 Asteraceae Bigelow’s false tansyaster YES
Dieteria canescens [Machaeranthera canescens] [Machaeranthera viscosa] [Machaeranthera linearis] [Aster canescens] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 7 Aug 2018; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side, 9 Oct 2024 Asteraceae hoary false tansyaster, sand daisy YES
Diplachne fusca [Leptochloa fusca] [Diplachne polystachios] [Festuca fusca] [Poa fusca] Poaceae Malabar sprangletop yes
Distichlis spicata [Distichlis stricta] [Uniola spicata] Poaceae salt grass, salt-grass, inland saltgrass yes
Dodecatheon pulchellum [Primula pauciflora] [Exinia pulchella] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, wetlands by FSR 113, 19 July 2015; Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Poso Creek 2 July 2019 Primulaceae darkthroat shooting star, southern shooting star YES
Draba albertina YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co near La Manga pass 27 June 2023 Brassicaceae slender draba, slender whitlow-grass YES
Draba aurea [Draba leiocarpa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt head of road to radio tower 12 Aug 2020 Brassicaceae golden draba YES
Draba cana [Draba breweri var. cana] [Draba lanceolata] YES Scotty Smith: Saguache Co, western slopes of Marble Mountain, 4 Aug 2011 Brassicaceae cushion draba YES
Draba crassa YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 0.6 miles SE of the Elwood Cabin 2 Sept 2019 Brassicaceae thickleaf draba YES
Draba crassifolia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 23 Aug 2019 Brassicaceae snowbed draba YES
Draba fladnizensis [Draba pattersonii] [Draba wahlenbergii] YES Patrick Alexander: Conejos Co, east of Conejos Peak, 2 July 2018; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, east flank of Grayback Mountain, 11 Juy 2024 Brassicaceae Arctic draba, Austrian draba YES
Draba graminea [Draba chrysantha var. graminea] Brassicaceae Rocky Mountain draba yes
Draba grayana [Draba streptocarpa var. grayana] Brassicaceae Gray’s draba YES
Draba helleriana [Draba neomexicana] [Draba pallida] [Draba patens] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle between Poison and Bennett Peaks 19 June 2017 Brassicaceae Heller’s draba YES
Draba malpighiacea Brassicaceae none as yet YES
Draba nemorosa Brassicaceae woodland draba YES
Draba rectifructa [Draba montana] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Poso cpgd, west of La Garita 3 July 2019 Brassicaceae mountain draba YES
Draba smithii YES Carold English, Saguache Co, north Cristos at a high elevation [other location information protected] Brassicaceae Smith’s draba YES
Draba spectabilis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood pass 2 Aug 2019 Brassicaceae showy draba YES
Draba streptobrachia [Draba spectabilis var. dasycarpa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 14 July 2015 Brassicaceae alpine tundra draba YES
Draba streptocarpa [Draba tonsa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Saddle between Poison and Bennett Peaks 19 June 2017 Brassicaceae pretty draba YES
Dracocephalum parviflorum [Moldavica parviflora] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr 1 July 2020 Lamiaceae American dragonhead, dragonhead mint YES
Dryas hookeriana [Dryas octopetala] [Dryas octopetala subsp. hookeriana] YES Jennifer Ackerfield: Costilla Co, near Trinchera Peak, 8 Aug 2018 Rosaceae mountain avens, mountain dryas yes
Drymocallis arguta [Potentilla arguta] [Drymocallis convallaria] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Upper Beaver Creek cpgd 12 July 2017 Rosaceae tall cinquefoil YES
Drymocallis fissa [Potentilla fissa] Rosaceae leafy cinquefoil YES
Dysphania botrys [Chenopodium botrys] [Teloxys botrys] [Ambrosia mexicana] Amaranthaceae sticky goosefoot, Jerusalem-oak, feathered geranium Yes
Dysphania graveolens [Dysphania incisa] [Teloxys graveolens] [Chenopodium graveolens] YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, north South Fork on terrace above the Rio Grande, 12 Sept 2017; Alamosa Co, S of Great Sand Dune NP, 20 July 2021 Amaranthaceae fetid goosefoot Yes
Dyssodia papposa [Boebera papposa] [Tagetes papposa] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, by CR A32 (Old Woman Creek road) 23 Aug 2014 Asteraceae fetid marigold YES
Echinocereus coccineus [Echinocereus triglochidiatus var. melanocanthus] [Triglochidiatus coccineus] [Cereus coccineus] [Echinocereus conoides] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Base of volcanic dyke BLM rd 231, 16 June 2017 Yes Cactaceae hedgehog cactus, claret-cup cactus Yes
Echinocereus triglochidiatus [Echinocereus mojavensis] YES Rich Haswell: see Annotated Page. Yes Cactaceae king’s crown, claret cup Yes
Echinocereus viridiflorus [Cereus chloranthus] [Echinocereus chloranthus] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Biedell Creek, 27 May 2019 Yes Cactaceae pitaya cactus, nylon hedgehog cactus Yes
Echinochloa crus-galli [Echinochloa crusgalli] [Panicum crusgalli] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Baca National Wilflife Refuge 17 Aug 2021 Poaceae barnyard grass, Japanese millet yes
Elaeagnus angustifolia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 4 June 2020 Caprifoliaceae Russian olive Yes
Elaeagnus commutata [Elaeagnus argentea] YES Daniel Boyes: Conejos Co, Conejos River southwest of Mogote, 19 Aug 2022 Caprifoliaceae silverberry YES
Ellisia nyctelea [Macrocalyx nyctelea] [Nyctelea nyctelea] Boraginaceae Aunt Lucy YES
Elodea bifoliata [Elodea longivaginata] YES Richard Haswell: Home Lake E of Monte Vista, submerged and floating 24 Sept 2020 Hydrocharitaceae twoleaf waterweed YES
Elodea canadensis [Elodea planchonni] [Anacharis canadensis] [Philotria] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds, emersed and floating 10 Sept 2021; Million Reservoir 22 Sept 2020 Hydrocharitaceae Canadian waterweed YES
Elymus bakeri [Agropyron bakeri] [Agropyron trachycaulum var. bakeri] Poaceae Baker's wheatgrass yes
Elymus canadensis [Elymus brachystachys] Clinelymus canadensis] [Hordeum canadense] etc. Poaceae Canada wildrye, Canadian wildrye yes
Elymus elymoides [Elymus sitanion] [Hordeum elymoides] [Sitanion elymoides] [Sitanion hystrix] Poaceae squirreltail, bottlebrush yes
Elymus glaucus [Clinelymus glaucus] [Elymus americanus] [Elymus sibiricus var. glaucus] Poaceae blue wildrye, common western wildrye yes
Elymus lanceolatus [Agropyron lanceolatum] [Agropyron dasytachyum] Poaceae streambank wheatgrass yes
Elymus repens [Agropyron repens] [Elytrigia repens] [Triticum repens] etc. Poaceae quackgrass, couchgrass, couch grass, quitch, twitch, witchgrass yes
Elymus scribneri [Agropyron scribneri] [Elymus trachycaulus subsp. scribneri] Poaceae spreading wheatgrass yes
Elymus smithii [Pascopyrum smithii[ [Agropyron smithii] [Elytrigia smithii] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 1 Jan 2025 Poaceae Western wheatgrass yes
Elymus trachycaulus [Elymus violaceus] [Agropyron brevifolium] etc. Poaceae slender wheatgrass, bearded wheatgrass yes
Epilobium anagallidifolium [Epilobium alpinum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 11 July 2018 Onagraceae pimpernel willowherb YES
Epilobium brachycarpum [Epilobium paniculatum] [Epilobium adenocladon] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 15 July 2017 Onagraceae tall willowherb YES
Epilobium ciliatum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, roadside seep near Crystal Lakes 14 July 2020 Onagraceae fringed willowherb, American willowherb YES
Epilobium clavatum [Epilobium alpinum var. clavatum] [Epilobium glareosum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mountain edge of talus slope 20 July 2015 Onagraceae talus willowherb YES
Epilobium hallianum [Epilobium halleanum] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Rio del los Pinus at inlet to Trujillo Meadows Reservoir 3 Aug 2020 Onagraceae Hall’s willowherb YES
Epilobium hornemannii YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Lake Fork trail at Hwy 160 11 Aug 2014 Onagraceae Hornemann’s willowherb YES
Epilobium lactiflorum [Epilobium hornemannii var. lactiflorum] [Epilobium alpinum var. lactiflorum] [Epilobium hornemannii var. lactiflorum] Onagraceae milkflower willowherb YES
Epilobium leptophyllum [Epilobium palustre var. gracile] Onagraceae narrowleaf willowherb yes
Epilobium oregonense YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, pond at Cumbres pass 24 July 2022 Onagraceae Oregon willowherb yes
Epilobium saximontanum [Epilobium drummondii] [Epilobium ovatifolium] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 0.5 miles S of Grayback Pass, wet meadow 5 Aug 2021 Onagraceae Rocky Mountain willowherb YES
Epipactis gigantea YES Scott F. Smith: Saguache Co, Valley View Hot Springs 4 July 2021 Orchidaceae stream orchid, broadleaf helleborine yes
Eragrostis barrelieri Poaceae Mediterranean lovegrass yes
Eragrostis ciianensis [Eragrostis major] [eragrostis megastachya] [Poa cilianensis] Poaceae stinkgrass, stink-grass yes
Eragrostis hypnoides [Poa hypnoides] [Erosion hypnoides] etc. Poaceae teal lovegrass, creeping lovegrass yes
Eragrostis pectinacea [Eragrostis pilosa] [Poa pectinacea] [Eragrostis arida], etc. Poaceae tufted lovegrass yes
Eragrostis pilosa [Eragrostic perplexa] [Eragrostic muticaulis] [Poa pilosa] Poaceae Indian lovegrass, Jersey lovegrass, hairy lovegrass yes
Eremogone fendleri [Arenaria fendleri] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle just W of Del Norte 22 May 2021 Caryophyllaceae Fendler’s sandwort YES
Ericameria discoidea [Macronema discoidea] YES Joseph Kleinkopf: Saguache Co, CO near top of Simmons Peak 10 Aug 2022 Asteraceae whitestem goldenbush yes
Ericameria nauseosa [Chrysothamnus nauseosus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 16 Aug 2019 Asteraceae rubber rabbitbrush YES
Ericameria parryi [Chrysothamnus parryi] [Linosysris parryi] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 20 Aug 2021 Asteraceae Parry’s rabbitbrush YES
Erigeron acris [Erigeron kamtschaticus] [Erigeron acris var. asteroides] Asteraceae bitter fleabane Yes
Erigeron canadensis [Conyza canadensis] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WP 22 July 2016; Rio Grande Co, abandoned gravel pit one mile NE of Del Norte 27 July 2021 Asteraceae horseweed Yes
Erigeron canus [Wyomingia cana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek N of South Fork, meadow 8 July 2019 Asteraceae hoary fleabane Yes
Erigeron compositus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mountain tundra 5 Aug 2021 Asteraceae alpine daisy YES
Erigeron concinnus [Erigeron pumilus var concinnus] [Erigeron pumilus subsp. concinnoides] [Erigeron setulosus] [Distasis concinna] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, gravel pit 1.5 air miles NE of Del Norte 20 June 2021 Asteraceae Navajo fleabane YES
Erigeron coulteri YES Janis E. Haswell: Rio Grande Co 0.5 miles S of Grayback pass, meadow 5 Aug 2021 Asteraceae Coulter’s daisy Yes
Erigeron divergens [Erigeron accedens] [Erigeron incomptus] [Erigeron wootonii] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, gravel pit 1.5 air miles NE of Del Norte 6/20/2021; Del Norte, crack in sidewalk of downtown street 24 May 2017 Asteraceae spreading fleabane YES
Erigeron eatonii YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, SE end of Beaver Creek Reservoir, open ground 7 July 2020 Asteraceae Eaton’s fleabane YES
Erigeron elatior [Erigeron grandiflorus var. elatior] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Cochetopa Pass, 10 July 2015; Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mountain 23 June 2020 Asteraceae tall fleabane YES
Erigeron engelmannii Astraceae Engelmann’s fleabane YES
Erigeron eximius [Erigeron superbus] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Luders Creek Campground 26 Aug 2021 Asteraceae daisy fleabane YES
Erigeron flagellaris [Erigeron conmixtus] [Erigeron divergens var. nudiflorus] [Erigeron macdougalii] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte house 12 July 2020 Asteraceae whiplash fleabane YES
Erigeron formosissimus [Erigeron diminutus] [Erigeron mogollonicus] [Erigeron pecosensis] [Erigeron smithii] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek, 10 miles S of Del Norte 2 July 2021 Asteraceae beautiful fleabane YES
Erigeron glabellus YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, where Hwy 142 crosses the Conejos River, meadow above river 7/28/2021; Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 10 Sept 2021 Asteraceae streamside fleabane YES
Erigeron glacialis [Erigeron peregrinus] [Aster glacialis] [Erigeron callianthemus] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Poage Lake, 12 air miles SW of South Fork 11 July 2016 Asteraceae glacial fleabane YES
Erigeron grandiflorus [Erigeron simplex] [Erigeron leucotrichus] [Erigeron uniflorus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, tundra, Grayback pass 21 Aug 2014, 16 Aug 2017; 8 July 2019 Asteraceae Rocky Mountain alpine daisy YES
Erigeron leiomerus YES Rich Haswell: Grayback Mt, in rock outcrops along the radio-tower road to the peak 21 Aug 2014 Asteraceae rockslide fleabane YES
Erigeron lonchophyllus [Trimorpha lonchophylla] [Erigeron minor] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, FR 740 one mile S of Hwy 14, 26 Aug 2021 Asteraceae long-leaved fleabane YES
Erigeron melanocephalus [Erigeron uniflorus var. melanocephalus] YES Rich Haswell: 0.5 mile E of Elwood Pass, trail to Crystal Lake 2 Aug 2019 Asteraceae blackheaded fleabane YES
Erigeron nivalis [Erigeron acris var. debilis] Asteraceae northern fleabane yes
Erigeron philadelphicus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, parking area of store in Del Norte on Hwy 160, 31 Aug 2022 Asteraceae Philadelphia fleabane yes
Erigeron pinnatisectus [Erigeron compositus var. pinnatisectus] YES Rich Haswell: Grayback Pass, on rocky knoll near the Summitville Road and the radio-tower utility road 8 July 2019 Asteraceae pinnate-leaf fleabane YES
Erigeron pumilus YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, beside Hwy 17 near community of Fox Creek, 17 June 2016 Asteraceae shaggy fleabane YES
Erigeron scopulinus Asteraceae rock fleabane yes
Erigeron speciosus [Erigeron leptophyllus] [Erigeron micranthus] [ YES Rich Haswell: by natural pond along CR 14 at about 11,250' elevation 14 July 2020 Asteraceae aspen fleabane YES
Erigeron subtrinervis [Erigeron bakeri] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Conejos River 2 miles upstream from Mogote cpgd; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle SanFrancisco Creek trailhead 2 July 2021 Asteraceae three-veined fleabane YES
Erigeron tracyi [Erigeron colomexicanus] [Erigeron conmixtus] [Erigeron divergens var. cinereus] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, dry shelf by Shaw Lake 9 July 2020 Asteraceae Tracy’s daisy YES
Erigeron ursinus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Grayback Mountain 20 July 2015 Asteraceae Bear River fleabane YES
Erigeron vagus YES Scott F. Smith, San Juan Co, Stony pass, 22 July 2021 Asteraceae rambling fleabane YES
Erigeron vetensis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek 1.5 miles NE of South Fork 7 June 2021 Asteraceae early blue-top fleabane YES
Erigeron vreelandii [Erigeron platyphyllus] [Erigeron rudis] [Erigeron semirasus] Asteraceae Vreeland’s fleabane YES
Eriocoma hymenoides [Achnatherum hymenoides] [Oryzopsis hymenoides] [Eriocoma cuspidata] [Stipa hymenoides] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, north town limits of Del Norte, street side 1 Jan 2025 Poaceae Indian ricegrass, Indian rice grass yes
Eriocoma lettermanii [Achnatherum lettermanii] [Stipa lettermanii] YES Rich Hasell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte alley side 5 Jan 2025 Poaceae Letterman's needlegrass yes
Eriocoma nelsonii [Achnatherum nelsonii] [Stipa minor] [Stipa nelsonii] etc. Poaceae Columbia needlegrass, Nelson's needlegrass, subalpine needlegrass yes
Eriocoma perplexa [Stipa perplexa] [Achnatherum perplexum] Poaceae perplexing needlegrass yes
Eriocoma pinetorum [Achnatherum pinetorum] [Stipa pinetorum] Poaceae pine needlegrass yes
Eriocoma robusta [Achnatherum robustum] [Stipa robusta] [Stipa vaseyi] Poaceae sleepy grass, sleepygrass yes
Eriocoma scribneri [Stipa scribneri] [Achnatherum scribneri] Poaceae Scribner's needlegrass yes
Eriogonum alatum [Pterogonum alatum] YES Rich Haswell Alamosa Co, mile S of toll gate for the Great Sand Dunes NP 20 July 2021 Polygonaceae winged buckwheat YES
Eriogonum arcuatum [Eriogonum bakeri] YES Rich Haswell: Farmers Trail trailhead S of Creede, 21 May 2021 Polygonaceae Baker’s wild buckwheat, smartweed buckwheat YES
Eriogonum cernuum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by CR 15A north of Del Norte 21 Aug 2020 Polygonaceae nodding buckwheat YES
Eriogonum effusum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 8 miles W of Del Norte, meadow slope 18 Aug 2017 Polygonaceae spreading buckwheat YES
Eriogonum flavum [Eriogonum polyphyllum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Deep Creek trail S of Creede 11 Aug 2020 Polygonaceae golden buckwheat, Piper's buckwheat YES
Eriogonum jamesii YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, foothills just S of Del Norte 3 Aug 2020 Polygonaceae James’ buckwheat YES
Eriogonum lachnogynum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, ridge by Twelvemile road E of CR 38A 12 June 2021 Polygonaceae woollycup buckwheat YES
Eriogonum microtheca [Eriogonum microthecum] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Terrace Reservoir 26 July 2019 Polygonaceae slender buckwheat YES
Eriogonum racemosum YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Terrace Reservoir 26 July 2019 Polygonaceae redroot buckwheat YES
Eriogonum umbellatum YES Kevin Reilly: Conejos Co, Rio de los Pinos below Osier Station 21 June 2021 Polygonaceae sulphur-flower buckwheat YES
Eritrichium nanum [Eritrichium argenteum] [Eritrichium aretioides var. elongatum] [Eritrichium elongatum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, last slope before peak of Grayback Mountain 21 Aug 2014 Boraginaceae Arctic alpine forget-me-not, king-of-the-Alps YES
Erodium cicutarium [Geranium cicutarium] YES Rich Haswell: house yard in Del Norte 15 July 1203. Yes Geraniaceae common stork’s-bill, redstem filaree, pinweed Yes
Erysimum asperum [Cheiranthus asperum] [Cheirinia aspera] Brassicaceae western wallflower YES
Erysimum capitatum [Cheiranthus aridus] [Cheirinia arida] [Cheirinia asperrimas] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek N of South Fork 8 July 2019 Brassicaceae sanddune wallflower YES
Erysimum cheiranthoides YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 6 July 2016 Brassicaceae wormseed wallflower, treacle-mustard YES
Erysimum inconspicuum [Cheirinia inconspicua] [Erysimum asperum var. inconspicuum] [Erysimum parviflorum] Brassicaceae small wallflower YES
Erysimum repandum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, base of Limekiln Peak, between Monte Vista and Del Norte, along a hiking and biking trail, 6 July2021; Lookout Mt by Del Norte, by trail 10 July 2021 Brassicaceae spreading wallflower Yes
Erythranthe floribunda [Mimulus floribundus] YES Laurenhappy: Saguache Co, Deadman Creek, 4 July 2024 Phrymaceae many-flowered monkeyflower YES
Erythranthe geyeri [Mimulus geyeri] [Mimulus glabratus] [Erythranthe glabrata] [Mimulus jamesii] YES Rowan Nygard, Conejos Co, Sego SWA, 1 Sept 2024 Phrymaceae roundleaf monkeyflower YES
Erythranthe guttata [Mimulus guttatus] [Mimulus puberulus] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, top of Trujillo Reservoir 3 Aug 2020 Phrymaceae seep monkeyflower, common monkeyflower YES
Erythranthe minor [Erythranthe tilingii ][Mimulus tilingii] [Mimulus minor] YES: Loraine Yeatts Conejos Co, flank of Conejos Peak 7 Aug 2008 Phrymaceae Tiling’s monkeyflower YES
Escobaria vivipara [Pelecyphora vivipara] [Coryphantha vivipara] [Cactus vivipara] [Mammillaria vivipara] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Ridge E. of Elephant Rocks 26 June 2015 Yes Cactaceae nipple cactus Yes
Euohrosyne xanthiifolia [Cyclachaena xanthiifolia] [Cyclachaena xanthifolia] [Iva xanthiifolia] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 2 miles S of Los Mogotes cpgd 16 Aug 2020; Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, by Hwy 17 just E of Fox Creek community 2 Aug 2022 Asteraceae marsh elder, giant sumpweed, careless-weed yes
Euphorbia brachycera [Tithymalus brachycera] [Euohorbia montana] [Euphorbia odontadenia] [Euphorbia robusta] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 8 June 2017 Euphorbiaceae horned spurge YES
Euphorbia cyparissias [Tithymalus cyparissias] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 1.5 miles upstream from Mogote Campground 5 Sept 2015; 4 Sept 2021 Euphorbiaceae Cypress spurge YES
Euphorbia glyptosperma [Chamaesyce glyptosperma] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, foothill trail 0.6 miles S of Del Norte 23 Sept 2021 Euphorbiaceae ridge-seed sandmat YES
Euphorbia marginata [Dichrophyllum marginatum] [Lepadinia marginata] YES Susan Lamb: Costilla Co, San Luis, 10 Aug 2021 Euphorbiaceae snow-on-the-mountain YES
Euphorbia serpyllifolia [Euphorbia serpillifolia] [Chamaesyce serpyllifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by parking lot of restaurant in South Fork 27 Sept 2021 Euphorbiaceae thymeleaf sandmat YES
Euphorbia virgata [Euphorbia esula] [Euphorbia uralensis] [Tithymalus esulus] Euphorbiaceae leafy spurge Yes
Euthamia graminifolia [Chrysocoma graminifolia] Asteraceae flat-top goldentop YES
Euthamia occidentalis [Solidago occidentalis] Asteraceae western goldentop YES
Fallugia paradoxa [Fallugia micrantha] [Sieversia paradoxa] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, San Luis Hills, 2 miles NE of Flat Top mesa, in association with Tetradymia canescens, Eriogonum cernuum, Opuntia polycantha, typical sagebrush community 28 July 2021 Rosaceae Apache plume, ponil YES
Festuca arizonica [Festuca altaica subsp. arizonica] [Festuca ovina var. arizonica] Poaceae Arizona fescue, mountain bunchgrass, pinegrass yes
Festuca brachyphylla [Fesstuca brachyphylla var. coloradensis] [Festuca ovina var. borealis] [Festuca ovina subsp. brachyphylla] Poaceae short-leaved fescue, alpine fescue, callused fescue yes
Festuca earlei [Festuca brachyphylla var. utahensis] [Festuca brevifolia var. utahensis] Poaceae Earle's fescue yes
Festuca idahoensis [Festuca ovina] [Festuca ingrata] [Festuca occidentalis var. ingrata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Del Norte street side 5 Jan 2025 Poaceae Idaho fescue, blue bunchgrass yes
Festuca kingii [Leucopoa kingii] [Festuca confinis] [Hesperochloa kingii] [Poa kingii] [Wasatchia kingii] Poaceae King's fescue, spike fescue, spikegrass, Watson's fescue yes
Festuca minutiflora [Festuca ovina var minutiflora] [Festuca brachyphylla var. endotera] Poaceae smallflower fescue, little fescue yes
Festuca rubra [Festuca ovina subsp. rubra] [Festuca arenaria] etc. Poaceae red fescue yes
Festuca saximontana [Festuca ovina subsp. saximontana] [Festuca brachyphylla var. saximontana]] Poaceae Rocky Mountain fescue yes
Festuca thurberi [Festuca tolucensis subsp. thurberi] [Poa festucoides] Poaceae Thurber's fescue yes
Festuca trachyphylla Poaceae hard fescue yes
Fragaria vesca [Fragaria vesca subsp. americana] [Fragaria bracteata] [Fragaria americana] YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, 2 miles W of Fox Creek 2 Aug 2013 Rosaceae wild strawberry, woodland strawberry YES
Fragaria virginiana [Fragaria firma] [Fragaria glauca] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 17 July 2015 Rosaceae Virginia strawberry YES
Frasera speciosa YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake (in flower) 22 June2016 Gentianaceae monument plant YES
Fraxinus americana [Fraxinus biltmoreana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, yards 2018-2022 Oleaceae American ash YES
Gagea serotina [Lloydia serotina] [Bulbocodium serotinum] YES Matt Gerber: Continental Divide trail near Mt Hope 18 June 2017 Liliaceae common alplily, Snowdon's alplily YES
Gaillardia aristata YES Pandarollie: Conejos Co, above La Jara Creek 25 km southwest of La Jara, July 2021 Asteraceae blanketflower YES
Gaillardia pulchella [Gaillardia neomexicana] Yes Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Terrace Reservoir spillway 26 July 2019 Asteraceae Indian blanketflower, Indian basket yes
Gaillardia X grandiflora YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, south town limits of Villa Grove by Hwy 285, 24 Aug 2017 Asteraceae blanket flower yes
Galium aparine Rubiaceae bedstraw, cleavers, goosegrass, catchweed YES
Galium boreale [Galium septentrionale] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hope Creek burn, 18 June 2018 Rubiaceae northern bedstraw YES
Galium trifidum [Galium brandegeei] [Galium tinctorum var. subbiflorum] YES Mary M. McDonald: Conejos Co, De Herrera Lake 15 Aug 2022 Rubiaceae threepetal bedstraw YES
Galium triflorum [Galium flaviflorum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Creek W of South Fork, seep, 12 July 2017 Rubiaceae cudweed, fragrant bedstraw YES
Gaultheria humifusa [Vaccinium humifusum] Ericaceae alpine wintergreen YES
Gayophytum diffusum YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, off FSR 101, 2 miles NW of Hick Canyon 14 June 2016; 28 Aug 2018 Onagraceae spreading groundsmoke Yes
Gayophytum ramosissimum Onagraceae pinyon groundsmoke Yes
Genista lydia Yes Richard Haswell: Saguache Co, top of Poncha pass by Hwy 285, 8 June 2023 Fabaceae Lydian broom, dwarf broom, common woadwaxen yes
Gentianella acuta [Gentiana acuta] [Gentianella amarella subsp. acuta] [Gentianella strictiflora] YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, Big North Clear Creek Falls 8 Aug 2015 [var. heterosepala] Gentianaceae little gentian YES
Gentianella heterosepala [Gentianella amerela subsp. heterosepala] [Amarella heterosepala] [Gentiana heterosepala] [Gentianella amarella subsp. heterosepala] YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, near Grayback pass 23 Aug 2019 Gentianaceae Autumn dwarf gentian yes
Gentianodes algida [Gentiana algida][Dasystephana romanzovii] [Gentiana algida] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 20 Aug 2020 Gentianaceae Arctic gentian YES
Gentianopsis barbellata [Gentiana barbellatus[ [Anthopogon barbellatus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Crater Lake trail near Elwood Pass 5 Sept 2016 Gentianaceae perennial fringed gentian YES
Gentianopsis thermalis [Gentiana thermalis] [Gentiana detonsa] [Gentiana elegans] [Anthopogon elegans] [Gentianopsis detonsa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, south of Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 Gentianaceae Rocky Mountain fringed gentian YES
Geranium caespitosum [Geranium atropurpureum] [Geranium eremophilum] [Geranium fremontii] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Terrace Reservoir 26 July 2019 Geraniaceae purple cluster geranium, pineywoods geranium YES
Geranium richardsonii YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO Spring Gulch off Pool Table road 30 July 2015 Geraniaceae Richardson’s geranium YES
Geranium viscosissimum [Geranium nervosum] [Geranium strigosum] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, FSR 118(2) near the upper Rio de los Pinos 7/30/2015 Geraniaceae sticky geranium YES
Geum aleppicum [Geum decurrens] [Geum strictum var. decurrens] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Lake Fork trail 11 July 2017 Rosaceae yellow avens YES
Geum macrophyllum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek 2 July 2021 Rosaceae largeleaf avens YES
Geum rivale YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 30 July 2021, south side of Conejos River from FS Mogote campground on Hwy 17 Rosaceae purple avens YES
Geum rossii var. turbinatum [Acomastylis rossii] [Geum turbinatum] [Sieversia turbinata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 Rosaceae alpine avens, Ross’s avens YES
Geum triflorum YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, east of Carnero pass 1 July 2019 Rosaceae prairie smoke YES
Giliastrum acerosum [Gilia acerosa] [Gilia rigidula var. acerosa] Polemoniaceae bluebowls YES
Glandularia wrightii [Glandularia bipinnatifida] [Verbena wrightii] [Verbena ambrosiifolia] Verbenaceae Wright’s mock vervain YES
Gleditsia triacanthos YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Del Norte street side 23 June 2015 Fabaceae honey locust YES
Glyceria elata [Panicularis elata] [Glyceria nervata var. elata] [Paniculata elata] Poaceae tall mannagrass yes
Glycyrrhiza lepidota [Glycyrrhiza glutinosa] [Liquivita lepidota] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista Wildlife Refuge 7 July 2016; Del Norte street side 4 Dec 2023 (seedpods) Fabaceae wild liquorice YES
Gnaphalium exilifolium [Gnaphalium angustifolium] [Gnaphalium grayi] [Gnaphalium strictum] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Luders Creek below Luders Creek cpgd, 16 Sept 2015 Asteraceae slender cudweed YES
Gnaphalium palustre YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 15 July 2017 Asteraceae western marsh cudweed YES
Gnaphalium uliginosum YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Beaver Creek Reservoir, drying edge 2 Sept 2020 Asteraceae marsh cudweed YES
Goodyera oblongifolia [Goodyera decipiens] [Peramium menziesii] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Crystal Lakes S of Del Norte (only leaves) 22 Sept 2018 Orchidaceae western rattlesnake plantain, giant rattlesnake plantain YES
Goodyera repens [Peramium ophioides] [Satyrium repens] Orchidaceae dwarf rattlesnake plantain YES
Graphephorum canescens [Trisetum canescens] [Helictotrichon canescens] [Trisetum cernuum var. canescens] Poaceae tall trisetum, tall false oat yes
Graphephorum wolfi [Graphephorum brandegeei] [Trisetum wolfi] Poaceae Wolf's trisetum yes
Gratiola neglecta Plantaginaceae clammy hedgehyssop YES
Grindelia arizonica [Grindelia lacinata] [Grindelia neomexicana] [Grindelia scabra var. neomexicana] Asteraceae Arizona gumweed yes
Grindelia decumbens [Grindelia hirsutula] [Grindelia subincisa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 17 Sept 2019 Asteraceae reclined gumweed YES
Grindelia fastigiata YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between CR D5 and FSR 103(1)C, 17 Sept 2017; 20 Aug 2021 Asteraceae pointed gumweed YES
Grindelia hirsutula [Grindelia acutifolia] [Grindelia revoluta] etc. YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near Fox Creek 15 June 2016, 17 Sept 2022 Asteraceae hairy gumweed yes
Grindelia nuda var. aphanactis [Grindelia aphanactis] [Grindelia squarrosa var. aphanactis] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, rhyolite seep by Hwy 114 12.7 miles W of Saguach 17 July 2016 Asteraceae curlycup gumweed yes
Grindelia squarrosa [Donia squarrosa] [Grindelia aphanactis] [Grindelia nuda] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Saguace Co, Villa Grove, side of Hwy 285, 13 Aug 2013; Del Norte, Rio Grande Co, by defunct railroad tracks 28 Aug 2016 Asteraceae curly-top gumweed YES
Grindelia subalpina [Grindelia erecta] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake, sloping meadow beside lake 6 July 2015 Asteraceae subalpine gumweed YES
Gutierrezia sarothrae [Xanthocephalum sarothrae] Yes: Rich Haswell: Alamoss Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 18 Aug 2013; Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt by Del Norte 31 Aug 2020 Asteraceae broom snakeweed, snakebroom, escoba de la vibora YES
Gypsophila elegans YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte house garden 27 Sept 2017—26 Sept 2020 Caryophyllaceae baby’s breath yes
Gypsophila scorzonerifolia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street embankment 11 Sept 2016 Yes Caryophyllaceae garden baby’s breath yes
Hackelia besseyi [Hackelia grisea] [Lappula besseyi] [Lappula grisea] Boraginaceae Bessey’s stickseed YES
Hackelia floribunda YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 6 miles E Cochetopa Pass 10 July 2015 Boraginaceae large-flowered stickseed YES
Halerpestes cymbalaria [Cyrtorhyncha cymbalaria] [Ranunculus cymbalaria] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead, bank of creek 2 July 2021 Ranunculaceae alkali buttercup, marsh buttercup Yes
Halogeton glomeratus [Anabasis glomerata] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 15 July 2017 Amaranthaceae wienerleaf Yes
Hedeoma drummondii Lamiaceae Drummond’s false pennyroyal YES
Hedysarum occidentale YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Moon Pass, open space in forested slope, 14 July 2021 Fabaceae western sweetvetch, western chainpod Yes
Helianthella parryi YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Pool Table Road 2 air miles NE of Wagon Wheel Gap 1 Aug 2014; Rio Grande Co, Bear Cr trailhead 13 air miles SW of Del Norte 23 Aug 2019 Asteraceae Parry’s little sunflower YES
Helianthella quinquenervis [Helianthella majuscula] [Helianthus quinquenervis]] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, meadow above Shaw Lake 22 June 2016 Asteraceae little sunflower YES
Helianthella uniflora [Helianthus uniflorus] YES Mary E. McDonald: La Manga Creek valley, Conejos Co, around 10,230' elev, dry grassland, 7/12/2014; 8/19/2017; 8/26/2021. Asteraceae common little sunflower YES
Helianthus annuus [Helianthus aridus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork vacant lot 28 July 2013; Del Norte private yard 17 Sept 2020 Asteraceae common sunflower YES
Helianthus nuttallii [Helianthus fascicularis] [Helianthus laetiflorus] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 12.7 miles W of Saguache by Hwy 114, 2 Sept 2019 Asteraceae Nuttall’s sunflower YES
Helianthus petiolaris [Helianthus petiolaris subsp. fallax] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Limekiln Peak 5.6 air miles SW of Del Norte 25 Aug 2019 Asteraceae prairie sunflower YES
Helictotrichon mortonianum [Arrhenatherum mortonianum] [Avena mortoniana] Poaceae alpine oatgrass, Morton's alpine oatgrass yes
Heliomeris multiflora [Viguiera multiflora] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Woman Creek 8.6 air miles NW of Del Norte 28 Aug 2014 Asteraceae showy goldeneye YES
Heliotropium curassavicum [Heliotropium spatulatum] [Heliotropium xerophilum] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 31 July 2018 Boraginaceae salt heliotrope YES
Heracleum maximum [Heracleum maximum ssp. sphondylium] [Heracleum sphondylium] [Heracleum lanatum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 14 May 2018 Apiaceae cow parsnip Yes
Hesperidanthus linearifolius [Schoenocrambe linearifolia] [Sisymbrium linearifolius] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, San Luis Hills 28 July 2021 Brassicaceae purple skeleton mustard YES
Hesperostipa comata [Stipa comata] Poaceae needle-and-thread grass yes
Hesperostipa neomexicana [Stipa neomexicana] Poaceae New Mexico feathergrass yes
Heterotheca hirsutissima [Heterotheca villosa var. nana] [Heterotheca villosa var. minor] [Heterotheca villosa var. minor?] [Chrysopsis horrida] [Heterotheca horrida] [Chrysopsis hirsutissima] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, quarry trailhead 4 miles E of Del Norte 31 July 2020 Asteraceae false goldenaster YES
Heterotheca paniculata [Heterotheca fulcrata var. fulcrata] [Heterotheca villosa] [Chrysopsis floribunda] [Heterotheca floribunda] [Heterotheca grandiflora] YES Marisa Szubryt Mineral Co, near Wagon Wheel Gap, 2 Sept 2023 Asteraceae false goldenaster yes
Heterotheca pedunculata [Chrysopsis bakeri] [Heterotheca villosa var. pedunculata] Yes Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 12 air mile ESE of South Fork 31 Aug 2017; 1 Sept 2022 Asteraceae false goldenaster yes
Heterotheca pumila [Chrysopsis pumila] [Chrysopsis cooperi] [Chrysopsis alpicola] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, just E of old Cochetopa pass 18 Aug 2022 Asteraceae alpine false goldenaster YES
Heterotheca villosa var. foliosa [Heterotheca foliosa] [Chrysopsis foliosa][Chrysopsis hirsutissima] Asterceae foliose false goldenaster, hairy false goldenaster YES
Heuchera parvifolia [Heuchera flavascens] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt near Del Norte 9 June 2014; Church Creek SW of South Fork, 20 June 2021 Saxifragaceae littleleaf alumroot YES
Hieracium fendleri [Chlorocrepis fendleri] [Heteropleura fendleri] Asteraceae Fendler’s hawkweed Yes
Hieracium triste [Hieracium gracile] [Pilosella tristis] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide 0.7 miles north of Wolf Creek Pass 28 July 2016 Asteraceae woolly hawkweed YES
Hippuris vulgaris YES Rich Haswell: in pond off CR14 6 miles SW of Del Norte 17 June 2020 Plantaginaceae common mare’s-tail YES
Holodiscus dumosus [Holodiscus discolor var. dumosus] [Sericotheca dumosa] [Spiraea dumosa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 Rosaceae bush ocean spray, mountain spray, rock-spiraea YES
Hordeum brachyantherum [Critesion brachyantherum] [Critesion jubatum subsp. breviaristatum] etc. Poaceae meadow barley yes
Hordeum jubatum [Critesion jubatum] [Elymus jubatum] Poaceae Foxtail barley, squirrel-tail grass yes
Hornungia procumbens [Hutchinsia proumbens] [Lepidium procumbens] Brassicaceae oval purse, prostrate hutchinsia YES
Humulus lupulus [Humulus neomexicanus] [Humulus americanus] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, below Terrace Reservoir (male plant) 26 July 2019 Cannabaceae hops, common hop YES
Hydrophyllum capitatum Hydrophyllaceae ballhead waterleaf, woolen-britches yes
Hydrophyllum fendleri [Hydrophyllum occidentale var. fendleri] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 18 June 2018 Hydrophyllaceae Fendler’s waterleaf YES
Hymenopappus filifolius YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek road N of South Fork 7 June 2021 Asteraceae Columbia cutleaf, fineleaf hymenopappus YES
Hymenopappus flavescens Asteraceae collegeflower YES
Hymenopappus newberryi [Leucampyx newberryi] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, FR 875 (to Moon Pass) 1 mile W of Poso cpgd, beside road 14 July 2021 Asteraceae Newberry’s hymenopappus Yes
Hymenoxys brandegeei [Rydbergia brandegeei] [Tetraneuris brandegeei] YES Loraine Yeatts Conejos Co, flank of Conejos Peak 7 Aug 2008 Asteraceae Brandegee’s rubberweed YES
Hymenoxys grandiflora [Rydbergia grandiflora] [Tetraneuris grandilora] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle between Poison and Bennett Pks 19 June 2017 Asteraceae old-man-of-the-mountain YES
Hymenoxys helenioides [Picradenia helenioides] Asteraceae intermountain rubberweed YES
Hymenoxys hoopesii [Dugaldia hoopesii] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds, SW of South Fork 23 July 2019 Asteraceae orange sneezeweed YES
Hymenoxys richardsonii [Picradenia richardsonii] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, seep beside Hwy 114, 12.7 miles W of Saguache 30 June 2020 Asteraceae pingue rubberweed YES
Hyoscyamus niger YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Embargo Creek road junction with Groundhog road, N of South Fork 26 July 2016 Solanaceae black henbane, stinking nightshade YES
Hypericum scouleri [Hypericum formosum var. scouleri] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, meadow above Beaver Creek Reservoir, 2 Sept 2020 Hypericaceae western St. John’s wort YES
Iliamna rivularis [Malva rivularia] Malvaceae streambank wild hollyhock YES
Ipomopsis aggregata YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, CO Penitente Canyon 21 Aug 2014 Polemoniaceae scarlet gilia YES
Ipomopsis laxiflora [Gilia laxiflora] [Gilia macombii var. laxiflora] YES Patrick Alexander: Saguache Co, 6 km east of Saguache, 5 June 2021 Polemoniaceae iron ipomopsis YES
Ipomopsis longiflora [Gilia longiflora] [Cantua longiflora] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 30 Aug 2017 Polemoniaceae flaxflowered gilia, long-flower ipomopsis YES
Ipomopsis multiflora [Gilia multiflora] [Ipomopsis polycantha] Polelmoniaceae manyflower ipomopsis yes
Ipomopsis tenuituba [Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. tenuituba] [Gilia tenuituba] Polemoniaceae slendertube skyrocket yes
Iris missouriensis [Iris arizonica] YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, North Clear Creek Falls 22 June 2017 Iridaceae western iris YES
Iva axillaris YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 24 Sept 2019 Asteraceae povertyweed, death weed, sumpweed YES
Ivesia gordonii [Horkelia gordonii] [Potentilla gordonii] Rosaceae Gordon's mousetail, alpine ivesia YES
Jamesia americana [Edwinia americana] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon 22 June 2014 Hydrangeaceae fivepetal cliffbush, waxflower YES
Juniperus communis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trail 9 air miles S of Del Norte 17 June 2015 Cupressaceae common juniper Yes
Juniperus monosperma [Juniperus gymnocarpa] [Juniperus mexicana var. monosperma] [Juniperus occidentalis var. monosperms] [Sabina monosperma] YES Russell Clark: Costilla Co, 4 km southeast of Fort Garland 25 May 2022 Cupressaceae one-seed juniper Yes
Juniperus scopulorum [Sabina scopulorum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Chico trail 0.25 miles S of Del Norte 3 March 2020 Cupressaceae Rocky Mountain juniper Yes
Kalmia microphylla [Kalmia polifolia var. microphylla] Ericaceae alpine laurel, bog laurel, swamp laurel YES
Koeleria macrantha [Koeleria cristata subsp. macrantha] [Aira macrantha] Poaceae prairie junegrass yes
Koeleria spicata [Trisetum spicatum] [Aira spicata] [Avena spicata] etc. Poaceae spike trisetum, narrow false oat yes
Krascheninnikovia lanata [Krascheninnikovia ceratoides subsp. lanata] [Ceratoides lanata] YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, within town limits of Del Norte, 18 May 2020 Amaranthaceae winterfat Yes
Lactuca canadensis YES Daniel Boyes: Costilla Co, 12.5 km northeast of San Luis, 17 Nov 2019 Asteraceae Canadian lettuce yes
Lactuca oblongifolia [Lactuca pulchella] [Mulgedium pulchellum] [Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella] [Lactuca pulchellum] [Sonchus pulchellus] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa Wildlife Preserve 11 Aug 2016; Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 Asteraceae blue lettuce YES
Lactuca serriola [Lactuca scariola] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept. 2017; Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 Asteraceae prickly lettuce YES
Ladeania lanceolata [Psoralidium lanceolatum] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes 18 July 2020 (fruiting) Fabaceae lemon scurfpea, wild lemonweed YES
Lappula redowskii [Lappula redowskii var. cupulata] [Lappula redowski var. occidentalis] [Lappula occidentalis var. occidentalis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, business lot 2 May 2021 Boraginaceae flatspine stickseed, stickweed, flatspine sheepbur, western stickseed YES
Lathyrus eucosmus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte House 10 June 2015 Fabaceae bush vetchling YES
Lathyrus lanszwertii var. leucanthus [Lathyrus leucanthus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, hunters camp 15 air miles SW of Del Norte 13 June 2013 Fabaceae Nevada sweetpea, peavine YES
Lathyrus latifolius YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 28 Aug 2016 [cultivated plant] Fabaceae everlasting pea, perennial peavine yes
Lemna minor YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, Rio Grande slough north of the river, 19 July2015. Araceae common duckweed Yes
Lemna minuta [Lemna minima] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 13 Sept 2018; Saguache Co, pond above Luders Campground, 30 June 2020 Araceae least duckweed Yes
Lemna turionifera YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, near Rio de los Pinos 31 Aug and 3 Sept 2022 Araceae turion duckweed Yes
Lepidium alyssoides [Lepidium montanum var. alyssoides] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, trailhead to Farmers trail 2.5 air miles SE of Creede 2 Aug 2021 Brassicaceae mesa pepperweed, mesa pepperwort YES
Lepidium appelianum [Cardaria pubescens] YES: kelccole: Conejos Co, near Morgan, southwest of Alamosa 21 July 2023 Brassicaceae hairy whitetop YES
Lepidium campestre [Thlaspi campestre] Brassicaceae field pepperweed YES
Lepidium chalepense [Lepidium chalepensis] [Cardaria chalepensis] [Lepidium draba subsp. chalepensis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by irrigation canal 11 July 2015 Brassicaceae lenspod whitetop Yes
Lepidium densiflorum [Lepidium apetalum] [Lepidium ramosum] [Lepidium elongatum] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP, Pinyon Flats cpgd 26 Juine 2016; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte flower garden 29 June 2022 Brassicaceae prairie pepperweed, common pepperweed YES
Lepidium draba [Cardaria draba] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Rio Grande Nature Preserve near Alamosa 7 July 2016 Brassicaceae short whitetop, hoary cress, Thanet cress YES
Lepidium latifolium [Cardaria latifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, under Hwy 240 bridge over the Rio Grande 28 July 2021 Brassicaceae tall whitetop, iron weed, broad-leaved whitetop YES
Lepidium montanum [Lepidium jonesii] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Farmers trail SW of Creede 26 May 2021; Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 Brassicaceae mountain pepperweed YES
Lepidium ramosissimum [Lepidium bourgeauanum] [Lepidium densiflorum var. macrocarpum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 15 June 2018 Brassicaceae many-branched pepperweed YES
Lepidium virginicum [Lepidium glaucum] [Lepidium hirsutum] [Lepidium intrmedium] [Lepidium medium] YE Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes Wildlife Preserve 3 July 2016; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 24 June 2023; Mary McDonald: Conejos Co, near Mogote cpgd 17-23 June 2023 Brassicaceae least pepperwort, Virginia pepperweed YES
Leptosiphon nuttallii [Linanthastrum nuttallii] [Gilia nuttallii] [Linanthus nuttallii] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide north of Wolf Creek Pass 6 Aug 2014 Polemoniaceae Nuttall’s linanthus, Nuttall's desert-trumpet YES
Leucanthemum vulgare YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 23 Aug 2013; 3 Sept 2022 Asteraceae field daisy, oxeye daisy YES
Leucosyris parviflora [Arida parviflora] [Machaeranthera parviflora] [Aster parvulus] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca cpgd 23 Aug 2014 Asteraceae small desert tansy YES
Lewisia nevadensis [Lewisia pygmaea var. nevadensis] [Calandrinia nevadensis] Montiaceae Nevada bitterroot YES
Lewisia pygmaea [Oreobroma pygmaea] [Talinum pygmaeum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO Big Meadows Reservoir north side 28 May 2016 Montiaceae alpine lewisia, pygmy bitterroot YES
Leymus ambiguus [Elymus ambiguus] [Elymus villiflorus] [Leymus innovatus subsp. ambiguus] Poaceae Colorado wildrye yes
Leymus cinereus [Elymus cinereus] [Elymus piperi] etc. Poaceae Great Basis wildrye yes
Leymus triticoides [Elymus condensatus var. triticoides] [Elymus triticoides] etc. Poaceae beardless wildrye, creeping wildrye yes
Liatris punctata [Lacinaria punctata] YES "lycurgust": Saguache Co, near Valley View Hot Springs, 10 Aug 2024 Asteraceae gay feather, cachana YES
Ligusticum filicinum YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Continental Divide trail at Cumbres Pass 9 July 2021 Apiaceae fernleaf licorice-root yes
Ligusticum porteri YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek 18 June 2018 Apiaceae lovage, oshá, bear root, bear medicine Yes
Lilium philadelphicum [Lilium andinum] [Lilium montanum] [Lilium umbellatum] Liliaceae wood lily YES
Limosella aquatica YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, pond in old gravel pit NE of Del Norte, 28 Aug 2020; by and in pond of unused gravel pit NW of Del Norte 18 Sept 2022; Conejos Co, below beaver dam, Conejos River 7 Sept 2021 Scrophulariaceae water mudwort YES
Linanthus pungens [Leptodactylon pungens] [Leptodactylon brevifolium] [Cantua oungens] [Gilia pungens] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek NE of South Fork 7 June 2021 Polemoniaceae prickly-phlox, granite gilia YES
Linaria dalmatica [Antirrhinum dalmaticum] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, along FSR 129(1)C, 17 Aug 2019 Plantaginaceae Dalmatian toadflax YES
Linaria vulgaris YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Willow Creek above Creede, along old mining road 2 Aug 2021 Plantaginaceae toadflax, butter-and-eggs YES
Lindernia dubia [Gratiola anagallidea] [Gratiola dubia] [Lindernia anagallidea] Lindernaceae yellowseed false pimpernell YES
Linnaea borealis [Linnaea borealis var. americana] [Linnaea americana] [Linnaea americana var. borealis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, logging road N of Bear Creek trail 19 miles SW of Del Norte 15 July 2014 Yes Caprifoliaceae twin-flower Yes
Linum aristatum [Cathartolinum aristatum] Linaceae bristle flax yes
Linum australe [Linum aristatum var. australe] [Carthartolinum australe] [Mesynium aristatum] YES Rich Haswell: On Carnero Pass road 7 miles W of Penitente Canyon turnoff 3 July 2019; Deep Creek trail SE of Creed 11 Aug 2020; near Hick's canyon Conejos Co 23 June 2021 below Terrace Reservoir in meadow Yes Linaceae yellow flax Yes
Linum lewisii [Adenolinum lewisii] [Linum perenne var. lewisii] YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, North Clear Creek Falls 22 June 2017 Yes Linaceae blue flax Yes
Linum perenne YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek 1.5 air miles NE of South Fork 8 June 2021 Linaceae perennial flax yes
Lithophragma tenellum [Lithophragma australe] [Lithophragma tenella] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, dry open meadow by Forest Service Road 101, 8,6500' elev. 19 June2019 Saxifragaceae slender woodland star YES
Lithospermum incisum [Lithospermum angustifolium] [Lithospermum linearifolium] [Lithospermum oblongum] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon 26 May 2018 Boraginaceae fringed puccoon, fringed stoneseed YES
Lithospermum multiflorum [Lithospermum cognatum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, West Fork of Pinos Creek 15 July 2014 Boraginaceae manyflowered puccoon YES
Lithospermum ruderale Boraginaceae western stoneseed YES
Lobularia maritima YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard, 22 Aug 2020 Brassicaceae sweet alyssum yes
Lolium perenne Poaceae perennial ryegrass, English ryegrass yes
Lolium pratense [Schedonorus pratensis] [Festuca pratensis] [Bromus pratensis] etc. Poaceae meadow ryegrass, meadow fescue yes
Lomatium dissectum [Lomatium multifidum] [Lomatium dissectum var. dissectum] [Leptotaenia dissecta] [Ferula dissecta] Apiaceae giant lomatium, fernleaf desert-parsley yes
Lomatium grayi Apiaceae Gray's biscuitroot, desert parsley, milfoil lomatium, yes
Lomatium triternatum [Lomatium simplex] Apiaceae nineleaf biscuitroot yes
Lomatogonium rotatum YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, vicinity of North Pass 23 Aug 2015; vicinity of Carnero Pass 23 Aug 2015 Gentianaceae marsh felwort YES
Lonicera involucrata [Distegia involucrata] [Xylosteon involucratum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 26 Aug 2019 Caprifoliaceae twinberry, black honeysuckle YES
Lonicera tatarica YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard 900 block S Columbia 28 July 2018 Caprifoliaceae Tartarian honeysuckle Yes
Lorandersonia linifolia [Chrysothamnus linifolius] [Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus var. linifolius] [Ericameria linifolia] Asteraceae lineleaf rabbitbrush yes
Lupinus ammophilus [Lupinus polyphyllus var. ammophilus] Fabaceae sand lupine YES
Lupinus argenteus [Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, just E of Moon pass 14 July 2021 Fabaceae silvery lupine Yes
Lupinus bakeri [Lupinus sericeus] Fabaceae Baker’s lupine YES
Lupinus caespitosus var. utahensis [Lupinus lepidus var. utahensi] [Lupinus lepidus subsp. caespitosus] YES Carol English: Saguache Co, Crestone street side 21 sept 2020 Fabaceae stemless dwarf lupine, Utah lupine Yes
Lupinus caudatus [Lupinus argenteus var. argophyllus] [Lupinus caudatus subsp. argophyllus] [Lupinus aduncus] [Lupinus helleri] YES Rich Haswell: Costilla Co, 3 miles E of Fort Garland 11 June 2015 Fabaceae tallcup lupine, Kellogg's lupine YES
Lupinus kingii [Lupinus argillaceus] [Lupinus sileri] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, CR 250 above Terrace Reservoir 26 July 2019 Fabaceae King’s lupine YES
Lupinus parviflorus [Lupinus argenteus var. parviflorus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 2 July 2021 Fabaceae lodgepole lupine YES
Lupinus polyphyllus [Lupinus prunophilus] [Lupinus ammophilus] [Lupinus crassus] Fabaceae bigleaf lupine, manyleaf lupine yes
Lupinus prunophilus [Lupinus polyphyllus var. prunophilus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek in aspen grove 2 July 2021 Fabaceae hairy bigleaf lupine YES
Lupinus pusillus [Pusillus rubens] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NPM 22 June 2019 Fabaceae dwarf lupine, rusty lupine YES
Lupinus sericeus [Lupinus amplus] [Lupinus bakeri] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Buffalo Pass campground 23 Aug 2016 Fabaceae silky lupine YES
Lupinus wyethii [Lupinus polyphyllus var. humicola] Fabaceae Wyeth’s lupine yes
Lycium barbarum [Lycium halimifolium] [Lycium vulgare] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street sides; 11 July 2014; 1 June 2022 Solanaceae wolfberry, matrimony-vine YES
Lycopus asper [Lycopus lucidus] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 20 Sept 2020 Lamiaceae rough bugleweed YES
Lygodesmia juncea [Prenanthes juncea] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, By Hwy 150, 0.9 miles SW of entrance to the Great Sand Dunes NP, 20 July 2021 Asteraceae rush skeletonweed Yes
Lysimachia ciliata Yes Alec McKeand: Conejos Co, Conejos River north of Sego Springs SWA 25 Aug 2023 Primulaceae fringed loosestrife yes
Lysimachia maritima [Glaux maritima] [Glaucoides maritima] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, along road marking the north edge Russell Lakes Wildlife Preserve 11 July 2016 Myrsinaceae sea milkwort, black saltwort Yes
Machaeranthera tanacetifolia [Aster tanacetifolius] [Dieteria coronopifolia] [Machaeranthera coronopifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, along wash crossing hwy to Sand Dunes 1.1 miles SW of entrance 20 July 2021 Asteraceae Tahoka daisy, tansyleaf tansyaster Yes
Madia glomerata YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, along Hwy 17, east edge of Los Mogotes 7 Sept 2016, 31 July 2018 Asteraceae mountain tarweed YES
Maianthemum racemosum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, West Fork of Pinos Creek at Bear Creek trail 4 June 2018 Asparagaceae false Solomon’s seal YES
Maianthemum stellatum [Convallaria stellata] [Smilacina stellata] [Vagnera stellata] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake, July 5 2018 Asparagaceae starry false Solomon’s seal YES
Malus domestica [Malus pumila] [Malus communis] [Malus sylvestris] [Pyrus malus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard, 2014-2023 Rosaceae common apple, apple tree YES
Malva neglecta [Malva rotundifolia] YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, Elk Creek campground, 6 July 2016; Rich Haswell, Del Norte street side 20 July 2020l Malvaceae cheeseweed, buttonweed, cheeseplant YES
Marrubium vulgare YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on Hwy 17, 1 mile E of Fox Creek community 17-20 Sept 2017 Lamiaceae common horehound, white horehound YES
Matricaria discoidea [Matricaria matricarioides] YES Rich Haswell, Saguache Co, FR740 one mile S of HWY 14, 26 Aug 2021; Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 2 Oct 2018 Asteraceae pineapple weed YES
Medicago lupulina YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, bank of the Rio Grande by Hwy 142 28 July 2021 Fabaceae black medick, hop-trefoil, hop-medick YES
Medicago sativa [Medicago falcata] YES Rich Haswell: streetside, Del Norte 1 May 2021; albino form Del Norte, street side 22 June 2018 Fabaceae alfalfa, lucerne Yes
Melica porteri Poaceae Porter's melic, Porter's melicgrass yes
Melilotus albus [Melilotus officinale subsp. albus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Embargo Road at Embargo Creek 26 July 2016 Fabaceae white sweetclover yes
Melilotus officinalis [Trifolium melilotus-officinalis] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands N of Alamosa 18 Sept 2020; Nick Moore: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WPA 17 July 2022 (iNaturalist observation 127148431) Fabaceae yellow sweetclover YES
Mentha arvensis [Mentha canadensis] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 16 July 2018 Lamiaceae field mint, wild mint, corn mint YES
Mentha spicata [Mentha crispa] [Mentha crispata] [Mentha viridis] Lamiaceae spearmint, garden mint YES
Mentzelia albicaulis [Acrolasia albicaulis] [Acrolasia parviflora] Mentzelia parviflora] [Mentzelia mojavensis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Del Norte 12 May 2021 Loasaceae white-stemmed blazingstar YES
Mentzelia dispersa [Mentzelia albicaulis var. integrifolia] [Mentzelia pinetorum] Loasaceae Nevada blazingstar yes
Mentzelia laciniata [Nuttallia lacinata] [Touterea laciniata] Loasaceae cutleaf blazingstar YES
Mentzelia multiflora [Mentzelia lutea] [Mentzelia pumila] [Nuttallia multiflora] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt near Del Norte 16 Aug 2021 Loasaceae Adonis blazingstar YES
Mentzelia nuda [Mentzelia stricta] [Bartonia nuda] [Nuttallia nuda] Loasaceae bractless blazingstar YES
Mentzelia procera [Mentzelia pumila var. procera] YES Matt Langemeier: Alamosa Co, junction of Hwy 150 and Zapata Falls road, 24 Sept 2023 Loasaceae upright blazingstar yes
Mentzelia rusbyi [Nuttallia rusbyi] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt just SW of Del Norte 12 Oct 2018 Loasaceae Rusby’s blazingstar YES
Mentzelia speciosa [Mentzelia sinuata] [Mentzelia aurea] [Nuttallia sinuata] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO Farmers Trail trailhead S of Creede 2 Aug 2021 Loasaceae jeweled blazingstar YES
Menyanthes trifoliata YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, pond at Cumbres pass 16 July 2022 Menyanthaceae buckbean, marsh trefoil, bogbean YES
Mertensia bakeri [Mertensia amoena] [Mertensia lanceolata var. nivalis] Yes: Patrick Alexander: Conejos Co, South Elk Creek, 1 July 2018 Boraginaceae Baker's bluebells yes
Mertensia brevistyla [Mertensia fusiformis] [Mertensia fendleri var. fendleri] [Mertensia alpina var. brevistyla]t YES Rich Haswell: Penitente Canyon, Saguache Co, June 2018; 2014. Boraginaceae short-styled bluebell YES
Mertensia ciliata [Pulmonaria ciliata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 3 miles S of Grayback Mt 29 June 2017 Boraginaceae tall fringed bluebell, mountain bluebell YES
Mertensia franciscana [Mertensia alba] [Mertensia grandis] YES Richard Haswell: Fuchs Reservoir, Rio Grande Co, 20 July 2013 Boraginaceae Franciscan bluebell YES
Mertensia lanceolata [Mertensia fusiformis] [Mertensia viridis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, road to Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead, north of Del Norte, 6 June 2014; Rock Creek cpgd, 4 July 2016 Boraginaceae lanceleaf bluebells YES
Mertensia lateriflora YES: Lauren, Saguache Co, Poncha Pass, 25 May 2023 Boraginaceae Alpine bluebells yes
Mertensia ovata var. caelestina] [Mertensia caelestina] [Mertensia viridis var. caelestina] [Mertensia lanceolata var. caelestina] Boraginaceae ovate bluebells yes
Mertensia viridis [Mertensia perplexa] [Mertensia bakeri] [Mertensia fusiformis] [Mertensia lanceolata var. nivalis] [Mertensia oblongifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, base of Alberta Peak S of Wolf Creek pass 28 July 2016 Boraginaceae Baker's bluebell YES
Micranthes odontoloma [Micranthes arguta] [Saxifraga odontoloma] [Saxifraga arguta] [Saxifraga punctata] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, above Tucker Ponds, 23 July 2029 Saxifragaceae brook saxifrage YES
Micranthes oregana [Saxifraga oregona] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, southwest slope of Bennett Mt 22 July 2014 Saxifragaceae bog saxifrage YES
Micranthes rhomboidea [Saxifraga rhomboidea] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 23 Aug 2019 Saxifragaceae snowball saxifrage YES
Microseris nutans [Scorzonella nutans] Asteraceae nodding microseris, silverpuffs yes
Mirabilis albida [Allionia albida] [Allionia hirsuta] [Oxybaphus albidus] [Oxybaphus hirsutus] [Mirabilis hirsuta] Nyctaginaceae white four-o'clock yes
Mirabilis linearis [Oxybaphus linearis] [Mirabilis hirsuta] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, one mile N of Del Norte 21 Aug 2020 Nyctaginaceae narrowleaf four-o’clock YES
Mirabilis multiflora [Oxybaphus multiflorus] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, road to La Garita N of Del Norte 14 July 2021 Nyctaginaceae Colorado four-o’clock YES
Mirabilis nyctaginea [Allionia nyctaginea] [Oxybaphus nyctagineus] Nyctaginaceae heartleaf four-o’clock YES
Mirabilis oxybaphoides [Allionia oxybaphoides] [Oxybaphus wrightii] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, base of volcanic dyke, NW of Del Norte 17 June 2017 Nyctaginaceae smooth spreading four-o’clock YES
Moehringia lateriflora [Arenaria lateriflora] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr trailhead, by water 21 July 016 Yes Caryophyllaceae bluntleaf sandwort Yes
Monarda fistulosa [Monarda mollis] [Monarda comata] [Monarda menthifolia] [Monarda stricta] Yes pandasniper: Conejos Co south of La Jara Reservoir Sept 2021 Lamiaceae wild bergamot, beebalm yes
Monarda pectinata [Monarda citriodora var. pectinata] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 31 July 2018 Lamiaceae plains beebalm YES
Moneses uniflora [Pyrola uniflora] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek S of Del Norte 17 July 2016 Ericaceae woodnymph, single delight YES
Montia chamissoi [Claytonia chamissoi] [Crunocallis chamissoi] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Cathedral cpgd, Embargo Cr 23 July 2016 Montiaceae water miner’s-lettuce YES
Muhlenbergia alopecuroides [Lycurus setosus] [Pleopogon setosus] Poaceae bristly wolftail, bristly wolfstail yes
Muhlenbergia andina [Calamagrostis andina] Poaceae foxtail muhly yes
Muhlenbergia asperifolia [Sporobolus asperifolius] [Vilfa aperifolia] Poaceae scratchgrass, scratch-grass, scratch grass yes
Muhlenbergia brevis Poaceae short muhly yes
Muhlenbergia filiculmis Poaceae slimstem muhly yes
Muhlenbergia filiformis [Muhlenbergia idahoensis] [Muhlenbergia simplex] Poaceae pull-up muhly yes
Muhlenbergia minutissima [Sporobolus confusus] [Agrostis minutissima] Poaceae annual muhly yes
Muhlenbergia montana [Muhlenbergia trifida] [Calycodon montanum] Poaceae mountain muhly yes
Muhlenbergia paniculata [Schedonnardus paniculatus] [Lepturus paniculatus] Poaceae tumblegrass yes
Muhlenbergia pungens Poaceae sandhill muhly, ring muhly yes
Muhlenbergia richardsonis [Muhlenbergia squarrosa] [Vilfa richardsonis] Poaceae mat muhly, soft-leaf muhly yes
Muhlenbergia torreyi YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Spanish Trail Monument on Hwy 160, 5 uly 2021 Poaceae ring muhly yes
Muhlenbergia wrightii Poaceae spike muhly yes
Munroa squarrosa YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte alley way, 5 Jan 2025 Poaceae false buffalograss, false buffalo grass yes
Myosotis scorpioides [Myosotis palustris] Boraginaceae forget-me-not, mouse ear yes
Myosurus minimus [Ranunculus myosurus] [Ranunculus minimus] YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, FSR 101, 7 miles above Hicks Canyon 28 May 2021 Ranunculaceae tiny mousetail yes
Myriophyllum sibiricum [Myriophyllum exalbescens] [Myriophyllum spicatum subsp. exalbescens] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, The Rio Grande, in running water by the west bank where Hwy 128 crosses 28 July 2021; Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands Wildlife Preserve, edge of pond 13 Sept 2018 Haloragaceae shortspike water-milfoil YES
Myriophyllum spicatum Haloragaceae spiked water-milfoil YES
Nabalus racemosa [Prenanthes racemosa] Asteraceae rattlesnake-root yes
Nama dichotoma [Nama dichotomum] [Conanthus angustifolius] [Hydrolea dichotoma] [Marilaunidium hispidum] YES Katherine Zybko: Saguache Co, the Great Sand Dunes NP, 24 and 30 July 2021. Namaceae [Hydrophyllaceae] wishbone fiddleleaf YES
Nassella viridula [Stipa viridula] Poaceae green needlegrass yes
Nasturtium officinale [Sisymbrium nasturtium-acquaticum] [Rorippa nasturtium] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 30 May 2020 Brassicaceae watercress YES
Neoparrya lithophila [Aletes lithophilus] YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, hillside just W of Del Norte town limit, 20 May 2016 Apiaceae Bill’s parsley Yes
Neottia cordata [Listera cordata] [Listera nephrophylla] Orchidaceae lesser twayblade YES
Nepeta cataria YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte driveway side 28 May 2019 Lamiaceae catnip yes
Noccaea fendleri var.glauca [Noccaea montana] [Thlaspi montanum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Elwood pass 2 Sept 2019 Brassicaceae pennycress, wild candytuft YES
Nuphar polysepala [Nuphar lutea] [Nymphaea polysepala] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Cumbres Pass, natural pond, 24 July 2016; Rich Haswell Conejos Co, mattress bog pond at Cumbres pass 2 Aug 2022 Nymphaeaceae spatterdock Yes
Oenothera albicaulis [Anogra albicaulis] [Oenothera ctenophylla] YES croot: Saguache Co, CO, 8 km south of Crestone, 4 May 2020 Onagraceae whitestem evening primrose Yes
Oenothera cespitosa [Oenothera caespitosa] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Biedell Creek north of La Garita 31 May 2019 Onagraceae tufted evening primrose YES
Oenothera coronopifolia [Anogra coronopifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, street verge, 29 May 2021 Onagraceae cutleaf evening-primrose Yes
Oenothera elata [Oenothera hookeri] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 7 miles W of Center, irrigation ditch 30 June 2018 [var. hookeri] Onagraceae Hooker’s evening primrose YES
Oenothera flava [Lavauxia flava] [Oenothera taraxacoides] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Creek Reservoir 7 July 2020 Onagraceae yellow evening primrose, longtubed evening primrose YES
Oenothera macrocarpa [Megapterium macrocarpum] [Megapterium nuttallianum] YES Scott Smith: Saguache Co, by Hwy 285 north of Villa Grove 14 July 2017 Onagraceae Missouri evening primrose, Ozark sundrops, bigfruit evening primrose, fluttermill yes
Oenothera nuttallii YES "sgell": Alamosa Co, southwest of the entrance to the Great Sand Dunes NPP, 4 July 2024 Onagraceae Nuttall’s evening primrose yes
Oenothera pallida [Oenothera trichocalyx] [Oenothera runcinata] [Oenothera albicaulis var. runcinata] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, just south of Del Norte, 14-16 July 2023 (var. trichocalyx); Scott F. Smith, west of Villa Grove, 16 June 2024. Onagraceae pale evening-primrose Yes
Oenothera suffrutescens [Gaura coccinea] [Gaura epiobioides] [Gaura glab ra] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, junction of Groundhog and Embargo Creek roads 8 July 2021 Onagraceae scarlet beeblossom YES
Oenothera villosa [Gaura villosa] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Junction of Hwy 160 and Big Meadows Reservoir road 5 July 2016 Onagraceae hairy evening-primrose YES
Onobrychis viciifolia YES Rozemarijn Bradshaw Saguache Co, within town limits of Saguache, 11 June 2021 Fabaceae sainfoin yes
Opuntia polyacantha [Opuntia erinacea var. utahensis] [Opuntia trichophora] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Quarry trail E of Del Norte 24 June 2017 Yes Cactaceae prickly pear, starvation cactus Yes
Oreocarya glomerata [Myosotis glomerata] [Eritrichium glomeratum] [Oreocarya celosioides]] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, quarry trail 4.7 air miles E of Del Norte 24 June 2017; Pronghorn Ranch 4 miles south of Del Norte, 24 Aug 2024) Boraginaceae calcareous cryptantha YES
Oreocarya suffruticosa var. jamesii [Oreocarya suffruticosa var. suffruticosa] [Oreocarya cinerea var. jamesii] [Cryptantha jamesii] [Crypantha cinerea] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, San Luis Hills, saddle between the Conejos and Rio Grande rivers beside Hwy 142, in assocation with O. suffruticosa var. pustulosa 28 July 2021 Boraginaceae James’s catseye YES
Oreocarya suffruticosa var. pustulosa [Oreocarya pustulosa; Oreocarya cinerea] [Cryptantha jamesii var. pustulosa] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, saddle between Conejos River and the Rio Grande River near Hwy 142, San Luis Hills 28 July 2021 Boraginaceae San Juan cryptantha YES
Oreocarya virgata [Cryptantha virgata] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon 26 June 2015 [previous season's plant] Boraginaceae miner’s candle YES
Oreocarya weberi YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, rhyolite escarpment 5 miles E of CR14 and Hwy114 junction 17 July 2016 Boraginaceae Weber’s oreocarya YES
Oreochrysum parryi [Haplopappus parryi] [Solidago parryi] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide trail N of Wolf Creek pass 6 Aug 2014 Asteraceae Parry’s goldenrod YES
Oreoxis bakeri [Cymopterus bakeri] YES LoraIne Yeatts: Conejos Co, flank of Conejos Peak 7 Aug 2008 Apiaceae Baker’s alpine parsley Yes
Orthilia secunda [Pyrola secunda] [Ramischia secunda] [Orthilia obtusada] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 31 July 2017 Ericaceae one-sided wintergreen YES
Orthocarpus luteus YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Taylor Canyon meadow near Luders Creek Cpgd, 26 Aug 2021; Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2017 Orobanchaceae yellow owl clover YES
Orthocarpus purpureoalbus YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 1 Aug 2014; off of Forest Service Road 103(2)B between Los Mogotes and the New Mexico border Orobanchaceae purple owl clover YES
Oryzopsis asperifolia [Urachne asperifolia] [Oryzopsis aspera] etc. Poaceae roughleaf ricegrass, winter grass yes
Osmorhiza berteroi [Osmorhiza chilensis] [Osmorhiza nuda] [Washingtonia divaricata] Apiaceae sweet cicely Yes
Osmorhiza depauperata [Osmorhiza obtusa] [Washingtonia obtusa] YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 Apiaceae blunt sweet cicely Yes
Oxybasis glauca [Chenopodium glaucum] YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, pond 6 miles SW of Del Norte, 17 June 2020 Yes Amaranthaceae oakleaf goosefoot Yes
Oxybasis rubra [Chenopodium rubrum] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands, 15 July 2017 Yes Amaranthaceae red goosefoot Yes
Oxypolis fendleri [Archemora fendleri] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek trail 13.3 air miles SW of Del Norte 17 June 2020 Apiaceae cowbane Yes
Oxyria digyna [Rumex digynus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 20 July 2015 Polygonaceae alpine sorrel YES
Oxytropis borealis [Oxytropis viscida] [Aragallus viscidulus] [Oxytropis gaspensis] [Oxytropis ixodes] etc. Fabaceae boreal locoweed YES
Oxytropis campestris [Oxytropis monticola var. spicata] Fabaceae field locoweed YES
Oxytropis deflexa var. pulcherrima [Oxytropis deflexa var. deflexa] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, North Pass Hwy 114, 22 June 2017 Fabaceae nodding locoweed YES
Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea [Aragallus pinetorum] [Oxytropis pinetorum] [Oxytropis vegana] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 4 miles NW of junction of FSR 250 and Hwy 17, 18 July 2022 Fabaceae silky nodding locoweed yes
Oxytropis lambertii [Aragallus articulatus] [Oxytropis bilocularis] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO Cottonwood Grove SE of Creede 28 June 2019 Fabaceae purple locoweed YES
Oxytropis parryi [Aragallus parryi] [Astragalus parryanus] Fabaceae Parry’s locoweed YES
Oxytropis podocarpa [Aragallus hallii] [Aragallus inflatus] [Aragallus podicarpa] [Spiesia podocarpa] etc. Fabaceae stalkpod locoweed YES
Oxytropis sericea [Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, ± 4 road miles E of Saguache on Hwy 285, along both sides of highway, 3 June 2021 Fabaceae white locoweed, silky crazyweed Yes
Oxytropis splendens [Aragallus splendens] [Oxytropis richardsonii] [Oxytropus splendens] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Luder's Creek cpgd 17 July 2016 Fabaceae whorled locoweed YES
Ozomelis stauropetala [Mitella stauropetala] [Mitella stenopetala] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 18 June 2015 Saxifragaceae sideflowered mitrewort YES
Packera cana [Senecio hallii var. discoidea] [Senecio canus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co., Burro Creek trail, Pinos Creek 4 June 2014 Asteraceae woolly groundsel YES
Packera crocata [Packera dimorphophylla] [Senecio crocatus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, mesic meadow 1.1 air miles WSW of Grayback pass 6 July 2022 Asteraceae saffron ragwort YES
Packera dimorphophylla [Packera crocata] YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, near Elwood Pass 9 June 2016; Mineral Co, Shaw Lake July 6 2018 Asteraceae two-leaf groundsel YES
Packera fendleri [Senecio fendleri] [Senecio canovirens] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, trail to North Crestone Lake 30 Aug 2014; Mineral Co, Farmer's trail trailhead S of Creede 2 Aug 2021 Asteraceae Platte groundsel YES
Packera multilobata [Senecio multilobatus] [Senecio leucoreus] [Senecio lynceus] etc. YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 6 July 2016 Asteraceae lobeleaf groundsel YES
Packera neomexicana [Senecio eurypterus] [Senecio neomexicana] YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Alder Creek north of South Fork, 5 July 2020 Asteraceae New Mexico groundsel yes
Packera paupercula [Senecio pauperculus] [Senecio flavovirens] Asteraceae balsam groundsel YES
Packera porteri YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 14 July 2016 Asteraceae Porter’s groundsel YES
Packera pseudaurea YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co Shaw Lake 7/8/2020; Rio Grande Co, 0.2 miles S of Grayback pass 8/5/2021 Asteraceae falsegold groundsel YES
Packera streptanthifolia [Senecio acutidens] [Senecio cymbalarioides] [Packer oödes] YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, below Trujillo Reservoir dam 11 Aug 2017 Asteraceae Rocky Mountain groundsel YES
Packera thurberi [Packera tridenticulata] [Senecio oblanceolatus] [Senecio remifolius] [Senecio thurberi] [Senecio neomexicanus] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Willow Creek above Creede 6 June 2017 Asteraceae Thurber’s groundsel, three-toothed ragwort Yes
Packera werneriifolia [Packera saxosa] [Senecio aureus] [Senecio pentadontus] [Senecio saxosus] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hunters Lake, SWW of South Fork, 2 July 2014; Rio Grande Co Burro trail 4 June 2014 Asteraceae alpine groundsel YES
Panicum capillare [Panicum barbipulvinatum] Poaceae witchgrass, witch-grass yes
Papaver coloradense [Papaver kluanense] [Papaver radicatum subsp. kluanensis] [Papaver nudicaule var. coloradense] [Papaver nudicaule var. coloradense Papaveraceae alpine poppy, Colorado poppy Yes
Papaver orientale YES "bounceoffwalls": Rio Grande Co, end of Castle Rock Creek Road southwest of Del Norte 23 June 2018 Papaveraceae Oriental poppy yes
Parietaria pensylvanica [Parietaria obtusa] [Parietaria floridana] Urticaceae Pennsylvania pellitory YES
Parnassia fimbriata YES Jacob Penner: Cottonwood Creek, Sangre de Cristos, Saguache Co, 15 June 2020 Celastraceae [Parnassiaceae] fringed grass-of-Parnassus YES
Parnassia palustris [Parnassia parviflora] Celastraceae [Parnassiaceae] small-flowered grass-of-Parnassus YES
Paronychia pulvinata YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt. 8 July 2019 Caryophyllaceae Rocky Mountain nailwort YES
Paronychia sessiliflora YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt. by Del Norte 14 June 2017 Caryophyllaceae low nailwort, creeping nailwort YES
Parthenium alpinum [Bolophyta alpina] Asteraceae alpine feverfew YES
Parthenocissus inserta [Parthenocissus vitacea var. inserta] Vitaceae woodbine, thicket creeper YES
Parthenocissus quinquefolia [Hedera quinquefolia] [Parthenocissus inserta] [Vitis inserta] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, covering side of brick building on main street 4 July 2017 Vitaceae Virginia creeper, Victoria creeper, five-finger ivy YES
Paxistima myrsinites [Pachystima myrsinites] [Ilex myrsinites] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creak trail S of Del Norte (in flower) 15 May 2017 Celastraceae Oregon boxleaf, mountain lover YES
Pectiantia pentandra [Mitella pentandra] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO stream feeding Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 Saxifragaceae five-stamen mitrewort, five-point bishop’s cap, bishop’s mitrewort YES
Pectis angustifolia YES Janis Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Woman Creek road, 24 Aug 2014 Yes Asteraceae lemonscent, cinchweed Yes
Pedicularis bracteosa [Pedicularis paysoniana] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Luders Campground 17 July 2016 Scrophulariaceae bracted lousewort YES
Pedicularis crenulata YES Hannah Floyd: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes, 17 June 2021 Scrophulariaceae meadow lousewort YES
Pedicularis fluviatilis [Pedicularis canadensis var. fluviatilis]] Scrophulariaceae Canadian lousewort YES
Pedicularis groenlandica [Oligosporus groenlandicus] [Elephantella groenlandica] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 Scrophulariaceae elephanthead lousewort, elephant’s head YES
Pedicularis parryi [Pedicularis mogollonica] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 3 m. S of Grayback Mountain 17 July 2020 Scrophulariaceae Parry’s lousewort YES
Pedicularis procera [Pedicularis grayi] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 18 June 2018 Scrophulariaceae fernleaf lousewort YES
Pedicularis racemosa YES Rich Haswell Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 9 Aug 2020 Scrophulariaceae sickletop lousewort YES
Pedicularis scopulorum [Pedicularis sudetica subsp. scopulorum] Scrophulariaceae sudetic lousewort YES
Pediocactus simpsonii [Echinocactus simpsonii] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Pinos Cr. flowering 19 May 2014; Alamosa Co, by dry wash at south edge of the Great Sand Dunes NM, not flowering, 20 July 2021 Yes Cactaceae ball cactus Yes
Penstemon angustifolius [Penstemon caudatus] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes, head of Mosca Creek trail 29 July 2019 Plantaginaceae narrow-leaved penstemon YES
Penstemon auriberbis Plantaginazeae Colorado beardtongue YES
Penstemon barbatus [Chelone barbata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek N of South Fork 6 July 2019 Plantaginaceae scarlet penstemon YES
Penstemon bleaklyi YES: Scott F. Smith Costilla Co, Trinchera Peak 14 Aug 2014 Plantaginaceae Bleakly's penstemon yes
Penstemon eatonii Plantaginaceae Eaton’s penstemon YES
Penstemon glaber [includes var. alpinus and var. brandegeei] Plantaginaceae sawpetal penstemon Yes
Penstemon glaber var. alpinus YES Mary McDonald: Trujillo Meadows Reservoir, 30 Aug 2022, 9 Sept 2024 Plantaginaceae sawpetal penstemon yes
Penstemon glabrescens [Penstemon crandallii subsp. glabrescens][P. fremontii var. glabrescens] [Penstemon linarioides subsp. taosensis] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Hicks Canyon 23 June 2021 Plantaginaceae Fremont’s beardtongue YES
Penstemon griffinii YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, CR 630 3 miles N of CR 15 29 June 2021 Plantaginaceae Griffin’s penstemon YES
Penstemon hallii YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood Pass 2 Aug 2019 Plantaginaceae Hall’s penstemon YES
Penstemon harbourii Plantaginaceae Harbour’s penstemon YES
Penstemon linarioides Yes: pandarollie: Conejos Co, 3.2 km northwest of Ponderosa cpgd, June 2021 Plantaginaceae toadflax penstemon YES
Penstemon palmeri YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 3 miles S of Villa Grove by Hwy 285, 28 June 2014 Plantaginaceae crested beardstongue, fuzzytongue penstemon Yes
Penstemon procerus [Penstemon confertus var. procerus] Yes Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, south side of Big Meadows Reservoir, 20 July 2023 Plantaginaceae littleflower penstemon, pincushion beardtongue yes
Penstemon ramaleyi [Penstemon crandallii var. ramaleyi] [Penstemon crandallii subsp. glabrescens] YES: Richard Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Woman's Creek road, 11 June 2017 Plantaginaceae Ramaley’s penstemon YES
Penstemon rydbergii [Penstemon procerus] [Penstemon lacerellus] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, in gravel by dam for Trujillo Reservoir, near Cumbres Pass, June 7 2021; Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, near Big Meadows Reservoir 7 Sept 2020 Plantaginaceae Rydberg’s penstemon Yes
Penstemon secundiflorus [Penstemon unilateralis] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Dry Creek Road south of Creede 28 June 2019 Plantaginaceae side-bells penstemon YES
Penstemon strictiformis [Penstemon strictus subsp. strictiformis] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, turnoff to Lake Divide trailhead, hwy 160, 23 7 2019 Plantaginaceae Mancos penstemon Yes
Penstemon strictus YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Osier Park, meadow above station, 7 July 2021 Plantaginaceae Rocky Mountain bearstongue Yes
Penstemon virens Plantaginaceae Front Range penstemon YES
Penstemon virgatus subsp. asa-grayi [Penstemon unilateralis] [Penstemon virgatus var. asa-grayi] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mountain just south of Del Norte 16 Aug 2013 yes Plantaginaceae oneside penstemon Yes
Penstemon virgatus subsp. virgatus [Penstemon virgatus] [Penstemon unilateralis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek N of South Fork 6 July 2019; junction of Cathedral Creek Road and Groundhog Road, 8 miles NW of South Fork, 20 feet from road, associated with Tetradymia, Rosa, Verbena, Erigeron 8 July 2021 Yes Plantaginaceae wand Penstemon Yes
Penstemon whippleanus [Penstemon arizonicus] [Penstemon stenosepalus] YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mountain (budding) 20 July 2015 Plantaginaceae Whipple’s beardtongue YES
Pericome caudata [Pericome glandulosa] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon 25 July 2015 Asteraceae mountain tail-leaf YES
Peritoma multicaulis [Cleome multicaulis] [Cleomella multicaulis] YES Rich Haswell: Blanca Wetlands 18 Sept 2020 Cleomaceae Mexican beeplant YES
Peritoma serrulata [Cleome serrulata] [Cleomella serrulata] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Woman's Creek road 24 Aug 2014 Cleomaceae Rocky Mountain beeplant, stinking clover YES
Persicaria amphibia [Persicaria coccinea] [Polygonum amphibium] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, irrigation dtich by Willow Meadow, Baca NWR 17 Aug 2021; Conejoa Co, bank of the Rio Grande by Hwy 42 bridge 28 July 2021 Polygonaceae aquatic smartweed, scarlet smartweed YES
Persicaria hydropiper [Polygonum hydropiper] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, slough of the Rio Grande 15 Aug 2018 Polygonaceae waterpepper, marsh pepper knotweed YES
Persicaria lapathifolia Persicaria lapanthifolia [Polygonum lapanthifolia] [Polygonum incarnatum] [Polygonum linicola] etc, YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, north boundary of Russell Lakes SWA by old irrigation canal 9 Sept 2022 Polygonaceae pale smartweed YES
Persicaria maculosa [Persicaria persicaria] [Polygonum persicaria] [Persicaria vulgaris] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Sherman Lake E of Monte Vista 13 Aug 2016 Polygonaceae Lady's-thumb knotweed YES
Persicaria pensylvanica [Polygonum pensylvanicum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, gravel pit 1.5 miles NE of Del Norte, 26 Aug 2020 Polygonaceae Pennsylvania smartweed, pinkweed YES
Petasites frigidus Asteraceae arrowleaf sweet coltsfoot yes
Phacelia alba [Phacelia neomexicana var. alba] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mountain just S of Del Norte 4 Sept 2021 (seeds); Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon 25 July 2015 Hydrophyllaceae white phacelia YES
Phacelia bakeri [Phacelia crenulata var. bakeri] YES Scott F. Smith: Stony pass, San Juan Co, 22 July 2021; Rich Haswel: East Willow Creek, Mineral Co, 4 Sept 2013 above Creede Hydrophyllaceae Baker’s phacelia YES
Phacelia campanularia Hydrophallaceae California bluebell, desertbells YES
Phacelia denticulata YES Kristen Warren: Saguache Co, 7 air miles SW of Saguache, 24 Aug 2024 Hydrophyllaceae Rocky Mountain phacelia YES
Phacelia glandulosa Hydrophyllaceae glandular phacelia YES
Phacelia hastata [Phacelia leptosepala] [Phacelia leucophylla] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide north of Wolf Creek Pass 6 Aug 2014 Hydrophyllaceae silverleaf phacelia YES
Phacelia heterophylla [Phacelia magellanica var. heterophylla] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 14 Aug 2017 Hydrophyllaceae wand phacelia YES
Phacelia neomexicana YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, north ridge of Hicks Canyon off FSR 101 1 Aug 2014; Scott F. Smith: Saguache Co, junction of Hwy 285 and CR EE, 25 June 2024 Hydrophyllaceae New Mexico scorpion-weed YES
Phacelia sericea [Eutoca sericea] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood Pass 2 Aug 2019 Hydrophyllaceae silky phacelia, purple fringe YES
Phemeranthus confertiflorus [Phemeranthus parviflorus] [Talinum confertiflorum] [Talinum parviflorum] etc. YES Katherine Zybko: Saguache Co, Great Sand Dunes NPP, Deadman's Creek, 31 July 2021; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Montiaceae fameflower, flamethrower, sunbright, rock rose, rock pink, phemeranthus YES
Phleum alpinum [Phleum commutatum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Wolf Creek Pass 29 July 2016 Poaceae Alpine timothy, Alpine cat's-tail yes
Phleum pratense [Phleum nodosum var. pratense] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle Frisco Creek trailhead 4 July 2014 Poaceae Timothy, Timothy grass, meadow cat's-tail yes
Phlox condensata [Phlox caespitosa var. condensata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 11 June 2014 Polemoniaceae alpine phlox YES
Phlox hoodii [Phlox canescens] [Phlox hoodii var. canescens] [Phlox bryiodes] [Phlox lantana] [Phlox muscoides] Yes Patrick Alexander: Conejos Co, Flattop Mesa, 28 May 2022 Polemoniaceae carpet phlox yes
Phlox longifolia [Phlox cortezana] [Phlox grayi] [Phlox tenuis] etc. YES L. Barrow Saguache Co, near Colorado College Baca Campus, 11 July 2024 Polemoniaceae longleaf phlox YES
Phlox multiflora YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mountain just SW of Del Norte 25 May 2016 Polemoniaceae flowery phlox, mountain phlox yes
Phlox pulvinata [Phlox caespitosa subsp. pulvinata] [Phlox variabilis] [Phlox sibirica subsp. pulvinata] YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, North Clear Creek Falls 23 May 2016 Polemoniaceae cushion phlox YES
Phragmites australis [Phragmites communis] Poaceae common ewws yes
Physalis hederifolia [Physalis hederaefolia] [Physalis comata] [Physalis fendleri] Solanaceae ivyleaf groundcherry yes
Physalis neomexicana [Physalis sulcata var. neomexican] [Physalis foetens var. neomexicana] Yes Stinglessbee: Saguavhe Co, 1 km north of Penitente Canyon cpgd 27 Aug 2022; Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 50 meters south of Penitente Canyon parking area, 21 Nov 2024 Solanaceae New Mexican ground-cherry yes
Physaria acutifolia YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, 2 miles S of Creede, 23 July 2020 Yes Brassicacea sharpleaf twinpod Yes
Physaria calcicola [Lesquerella calcicola] YES Rich Haswell: Quary trail, east of Del Norte, 10 June 2019 Yes Brassicaceae Rollins Rocky Mountain bladderpod Yes
Physaria floribunda YES Scott F. Smith Costilla Co, 4 km west of Forbes Park and 2 km north of Hwy 160 Brassicaceae pointtip twinpod YES
Physaria montana [Lesquerella montana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Elephant Rock 6 miles NNE of Del Norte 5 June 2019 Brassicaceae mountain bladderpod YES
Physaria rectipes [Lesquerella rectipes] Brassicaceae straight bladderpod yes
Physaria scrotiformis Brassicaceae silver twinpod YES
Physaria vitulifera YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, S of Creede, rocky slope 0.25 mile NE of the Rio Grande 23 July 2020; Jan Haswell, same location, 2 Aug 2021 Brassicaceae fiddleleaf bladderpod, fiddleleaf twinpod YES
Physocarpus monogynus [Spiraea monogyna] [Opulaster monogynus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek, south of cemetery, east bluffs 23 May 2018 Rosaceae mountain ninebark, low ninebark YES
Picea engelmannii YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 23 June 2020 Pinaceae Engelmann spruce Yes
Picea pungens [Picea parryana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, SE slope above Upper Beaver Creek cpgd 10 June 2020 Pinaceae Colorado blue spruce Yes
Picradeniopsis multiflora [Schkuhria multiflora] [Bahia neomexicana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork 17 Sept 2017; street side Del Norte 5 Sept 2022 Asteraceae many-flower false threadleaf YES
Picradeniopsis oppositifolia [Bahia oppositifolia] [Trichophyllum oppositifolium] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 6 Miles NW of Del Norte 17 July 2013 Asteraceae northern bahia, oppositeleaf bahia YES
Picradeniopsis woodhousei [Achyropappus woodhousei] [Bahia woodhousei] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Fox Creek, beside Hwy 17 15 July 2015, 15 Sept 2022 Asteraceae Woodhouse's false bahia yes
Pilosella aurantiaca [Hieracium aurantiacum] Yes "gravelghost": Rio Grande Co, 5 km southeast of Del Norte Peak, 8 Aug 2023 Asteraceae orange hawkweed YES
Pinus aristata YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, junction of Hwy 160 and FR 380, 20 Oct 2020 Pinaceae Rocky Mountain bristlecone Yes
Pinus contorta YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Cochetopa pass 30 June 2020 Pinaceae lodgepole Yes
Pinus edulis [Pinus cembriodes var. edulis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Chico trail just S of Del Norte 3 March 2020 Pinaceae pinyon pine Yes
Pinus flexilis [Apinus flexilis] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, junction of Hwy 160 and FR 380 20 Oct 2020 Pinaceae limber pine Yes
Pinus ponderosa [Pinus brachyptera] YES Rich Haswell: San Francisco Creek (medicine tree) 13 May 2020 Pinaceae ponderosa Yes
Piperia dilatata [Platanthera dilatata] [Habenaria dilatata] [Limnorchis borealis] Orchidaceae bod candle, tall white bog orchid yes
Piptatheropsis macrantha [Piptatherum micranthum] [Oryzopsis micrantha] [Urachne micrantha] Poaceae littleseed ricegrass yes
Plagiobothrys hispidulus [Plagiobothrys scouleri var. hispidulus]] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Creek Reservoir, drying edge 11 July 2016; Craig Martin, Conejos Co, Elk Creek, 6 Aug 2020 Boraginaceae popcorn flower, Scouler's popcorn flower YES
Plantago eriopoda Yes Kyle Jackson: Alamosa Co, near Medano Ranch, Great Sand Dunes PP, 16 June 2019 Plantaginaceae redwool plantain Yes
Plantago lanceolata YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, South Fork vacant lot 28 july 2013 Plantaginaceae ribwort plantain, lanceleaf plantain, English plantain YES
Plantago major YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Rio Grande floodplain by 142 bridge in Del Norte 28 July 2021 Plantaginaceae common plantain, broadleaf plantain, greater plantain, white-man’s foot YES
Plantago tweedyi Yes Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 1.05 miles WSW of Grayback Pass 17 Aug 2023 Plantaginaceae Tweedy’s plantain YES
Platanthera aquilonis [Platanthera hyperborea] [Habenaria hyperborea] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Turcker Ponds 23 July 2019 Orchidaceae northern green orchid YES
Platanthera huronensis [Orchis huronensis] [Limnorchis hyperborea] [Platanthera hyperborea var. huronensis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, SW side of Bennett Peak 22 July 2014 Orchidaceae Lake Huron green bog orchid, tall northern green orchid YES
Platanthera obtusata [Lysiella obtusata] [Habenaria obtusata] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, 31 July 2017 Yes Orchidaceae one-leaf bog orchid Yes
Platanthera purpurascens [Platanthera tescamnis] [Habenaria neomexicana] [Limnorchis purpurascens] [Platanthera hyberborea var. purpurascens] [Platanthera stricta] [Platanthera saccata] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, above Upper Tucker Pond 23 July 2019 Orchidaceae purple-petal bog orchid YES
Platanthera sparsiflora [Platanthera tescamnis] [Limnorchis sparsiflora] [Limnorchis laxiflora] etc. Orchidaceae sparsely flowered bog orchid YES
Platanthera tescamnis [Platanthera sparsiflora[ YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, upper Tucker Pond 23 July 2019 Orchidaceae intermountain bog orchid, yellow rein orchid, Great Basin bog orchid YES
Pneumonanthe affinis [Gentiana affinis] [Gentiana bigelovii] [Dasystephana affinis] Gentianaceae Rocky Mountain gentian YES
Pneumonanthe parryi [Gentiana parryi] [Dasystephana parryi] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 23 Aug 2019 Gentianaceae bottle gentian YES
Poa abbreviata [Poa jordalii] [Poa pattersonii] Poaceae Patterson bluegrass yes
Poa alpina Poaceae alpine bluegrass, alpine meadow-grass yes
Poa annua Poaceae annual bluegrass yes
Poa arctica [Poa cenisia subsp. arctica] Poaceae Arctic bluegrass yes
Poa arida [Poa fendleriana var. arida] [Poa glaucifolia] [Poa pseudopratensis] Poaceae plains bluegrass yes
Poa compressa [Panelon compressum] Poaceae Canada bluegrass, wiregrass, flattened meadow-grass yes
Poa cusickii [Poa epilis subsp pallida] [Poa alpina var purpurascens] etc. Poaceae Cusick's bluegrass yes
Poa fendleriana [Atropis enleriana] [Eragrostis fendleriana] [Panicularia fendleriana] etc. Poaceae muttongrass, longtongue muttongrass yes
Poa glauca [Catabrosa pauciflora] [Paneion glaucum] [Poa anadyrica] [Poa blytti] etc. Poaceae glaucous bluegrass, glaucous meadow-grass, white bluegrass yes
Poa interior [Paneion interius] [Poa nemoralis subsp. interior] Poaceae inland bluegrass, interior bluegrass yes
Poa leptocoma [Poa stenantha var. leptocoma] [Poa crandallii] [Poa reflexa] Poaceae marsh bluegrass, western bog bluegrass yes
Poa lettermanii [Atropis lettermanii] [Puccinellia lettermanii] [Poa brandergi] [Poa montevansii] etc. Poaceae Letterman's bluegrass yes
Poa palustris [Poa crocata] [Poa eyerdamii] [Poa triflore] Poaceae fowl bluegrass yes
Poa pratensis [Paneion pratense] [Poa angustifolia subsp. pratensis] [Poa agassizensis] Poaceae Kentucky bluegrass, bluegrass, sweet meadow-grass yes
Poa reflexa [Pos leptocoma var. reflexa] Poaceae nodding bluegrass yes
Poa secunda [Poa sandbergii] [Poa ampla] [Poa brachyglossa] etc. Poaceae Sandberg bluegrass, secund bluegrass, alkali bluegrass yes
Poa tracyi [Poa autumnus var. robusta] [Poa nervosa, var. tracyi] etc. Poaceae Tracy's bluegrass yes
Poa trivialis [Poa attica] [Poa stolonifera] [Aira semneutra] [Phalaris semineutra] etc. Poaceae rough bluegrass yes
Poa wheeleri [Poa nervosa] Poaceae Wheeler's bluegrass yes
Podagrostis humilis [Agrostis humilis] Poaceae Alpine bentgrass yes
Podistera eastwoodiae YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt, 23 June 2020 Apiaceae Eastwood’s podistera Yes
Polemonium brandegeei [Gilia brandegeei] [Polemonium mellitum] [Polemonium viscosum YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Willow Creek above Creede 28 June 2019 Polemoniaceae Brandegee’s Jacob’s-ladder YES
Polemonium confertum [Polemonium grayanum] [Polemonium viscosum var. grayanum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood Pass 2 Aug 2019 Polemoniaceae Rocky Mountain Jacob's-ladder YES
Polemonium foliosissimum [Polemonium molle] [Polemonium flavum] [Polemonium filicinum] [Polemonium pterospermum] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Creek 9 July 2014 Polemoniaceae towering Jacob's-ladder YES
Polemonium occidentale [Polemonium caeruleum subsp. occidentale] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, to of Million Reservoir 11 Aug 2022 Polemoniaceae western Jacob’s ladder YES
Polemonium pulcherrimum [Polemonium delicatum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 2 miles S of Grayback pass 6 Aug 2016 Polemoniaceae showy Jacob’s ladder, skunk-leaved polemonium YES
Polemonium viscosum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 11 June 2014 Polemoniaceae sky pilot, skunkweed YES
Polygonum argyrocoleon YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 2 miles SW of Los Mogotes 10-11 Sept 2022 Polygonaceae silversheath knotweed YES
Polygonum aviculare [Polygonum arenastrum] [Polygonum buxiforme] [Polygon neglectum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte sidewalk 9 Oct 2019 Polygonaceae Devil’s shoestrings, prostrate knotweed YES
Polygonum douglasii [Polygonum montanum] [Polygonum tenue var. latifolium] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, meadow near Mogote Cpgd, 3 Aug 2017 Polygonaceae Douglas’s knotweed YES
Polygonum erectum [Polygonum erectum var. achoreum] [Polygonum aviculare var. erectum] [Polygonum achoreum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, vacant space near floodplain of the Rio Grande 9 Oct 2019 Polygonaceae erect knotweed yes
Polygonum ramosissimum Polygonaceae bushy knotweed YES
Polygonum sawatchense [Polygonum douglasii subsp. johnstonii] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Terrace Reservoir 26 July 2019 Polygonaceae Sawatch knotweed YES
Polypogon monspeliensis [Agrostis alopecuroides] [Alopecurus monspeliensis] [Phalaris aristata] etc. Poaceae annual rabbitsfoot grass, annual beards-grass yes
Populus acuminata [Populus X acuminata] Salicaceae lanceleaf cottonwood YES
Populus alba Salicaceae white poplar yes
Populus angustifolia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, town of Del Norte near Rio Grande 10 July 2020 Salicaceae narrowleaf cottonwood YES
Populus balsamifera [Populus trichocarpa] [Populus hastata] [Populus cadicans] [Populus tacamahacca] Salicaceae balsam popular YES
Populus deltoides [Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera] [Populus deltoides subsp. wislizeni] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 9th street and Spruce, 24 May 2020 Salicaceae Eastern cottonwood, Plains cottonwood Yes
Populus nigra YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte 20 April 2019; 30 June 2021 Salicaceae Lombardy popular, black popular Yes
Populus tremuloides [Populus aurea] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, FR 332 above Beaver Creek Reservoir 27 Nov 2021 Salicaceae quaking aspen YES
Portulaca grandiflora YES Russell Clark: Conejos Co, 7 km SSE of Sanford, Oct 2023 Portulacaceae rose moss yes
Portulaca oleracea [Portulaca retusa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte house, edge of garden plot 14 Aug 2021 Portulacaceae common purslane, verdolaga, red root YES
Potamogeton alpinus Potamogetonaceae alpine pondweed YES
Potamogeton crispus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir 9 Aug 2018; 10 Oct 2020 Yes Potamogetonaceae curly pondweed Yes
Potamogeton epihydrus Potamogetonaceae ribbonleaf pondweed yes
Potamogeton foliosus YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA artesian fed ditch 9/20/2020 Potamogetonaceae leafy pondweed YES
Potamogeton gramineus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, in back of the Sunflour Cafe in Monte Vista 28 July 2021, 11 July 2022 Potamogetonaceae variable-leaf pondweed YES
Potamogeton natans YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, eddy of an irrigation ditch behind the Sunflour Café on Hwy 285 1 mile N of Monte Vista 28 July 2021 Potamogetonaceae floating pondweed Yes
Potamogeton nodosus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista Wildlife Preserve 21 June 2016 Potamogetonaceae long-leaved pondweed YES
Potamogeton praelongus Potamogetonaceae whitestem pondweed YES
Potamogeton pusillus [Potamogeton berchtoldii] Potamogetonaceae small pondweed YES
Potentilla ambigens YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Farmers trailhead 23 July 2020 Rosaceae silkyleaf cinquefoil YES
Potentilla anserina [Argentina anserina] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Russell Lakes State Wildlife Area 29 May 2015; Saguache Co, Willow Meadow, Baca NWR, beside irrigation ditch 17 Aug 2021 Rosaceae silver cinquefoil, silverweed YES
Potentilla bicrenata [Potentilla concinna var. bicrenata] YES Rich Haswell:Rio Grande Co, Lost Lake, SE of South Fork 9 June 2015 Rosaceae elegant cinquefoil YES
Potentilla biennis Rosaceae biennial cinquefoil Yes
Potentilla bipinnatifida YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Church Creek just before it flows into the South Fork of the Rio Grande, half mile S of South Fork, 27 June 2021 Rosaceae tansy cinquefoil Yes
Potentilla concinna [Potentilla divisa] [Potentilla oblanceolata] [Potentilla proxima] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 23 June 2020 Rosaceae elegant cinquefoil YES
Potentilla crinita [Potentilla lemmoni] Rosaceae bearded cinquefoil YES
Potentilla effusa [Potentilla hippiana var. effusa] Rosaceae branched cinquefoil YES
Potentilla glaucophylla [Potentilla diversifolia var. glaucophylla]] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, meadow by pond on Hwy 14 N of Grayback Mt 23 Aug2019 Rosaceae blueleaf cinquefoil YES
Potentilla gracilis [Potentilla elmeri] [Potentilla fastigiata] [Potentilla jucunda] [Potentilla nuttallii var. glabrata] [Potentilla pectinisecta] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021. Rosaceae slender cinquefoil YES
Potentilla hippiana [Potentilla diffusa] [Potentilla propinqua] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Osier Station 7 July 2021 Rosaceae woolly cinquefoil YES
Potentilla hippiana X Potentilla pulcherrima [Potentilla gracilis var. hippianoides] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, confluence of Chruch Creek and South Fork of the Rio Ground 29 June 2021 Rosaceae woolly cinquefoil hybrid yes
Potentilla hookeriana [Potentilla nivea var. hookeriana] [Potentilla nivea subsp. hookeriana] Rosaceae Hooker's cinquefoil yes
Potentilla nivea [Potentilla uniflora] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mountain 8 July 2019 Rosaceae alpine cinquefoil Yes
Potentilla norvegica [Potentilla monspeliensis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, north side of the Rio Grande at Del Norte, by irrigation canal 12 June 2021 Rosaceae Norwegian cinquefoil YES
Potentilla ovina Rosaceae sheep cinquefoil yes
Potentilla pensylvanica [Potentilla strigosa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Creek Reservoir 7 July 2020 Rosaceae Pennsylvania cinquefoil, prairie cinquefoil YES
Potentilla plattensis Rosaceae Platte River cinquefoil YES
Potentilla pulcherrima [Potentilla gracilis var. pulcherrima] [Potentilla filipes] [Potentilla diversifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 Rosaceae beautiful cinquefoil YES
Potentilla rivalis [Potentilla leucocarpa] [Potentilla millegrana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by pond of abandoned gravel pit NE of Del Norte 4 July 2022; edge of Beaver Creek Reservoir 12 Aug 2022 Rosaceae brook cinquefoil, river cinquefoil YES
Potentilla saximontana [Potentilla rubricaulis] [Potentilla hookeriana] YES Richard Haswell: Minersal Co, Lobo Point north of Wolf Creek Pass, 4 Aug 2023 Rosaceae Rocky Mountain cinquefoil, red-stemmed cinquefoil YES
Potentilla subgorodkovii [Potentilla nivea] [Potentilla uniflora] Rosaceae oneflower cinquefoil Yes
Potentilla subjuga [Potentilla concinnus var. subjuga] [Potentilla rubripes] Rosaceae Colorado cinquefoil YES
Potentilla supina subsp. paradoxa [Potentilla paradoxa] Rosaceae bushy cinquefoil YES
Primula angustifolia YES Daniel Boyes: Alamosa Co, northwest flank of Blanca Peak, South Zapata Lake trail, elev 11,800', 9 March 2024 Primulaceae alpine primrose YES
Primula parryi YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 23 Aug 2019 Primulaceae Parry’s primrose YES
Prosartes trachycarpa [Disporum trachycarpum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir (in berry) 19 June 2017 Liliaceae rough-seeded fairybell YES
Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata [Prunella pennsylvanica var. lanceolata] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 Lamiaceae heal-all, selfheal yes
Prunus pensylvanica [Prunus corymbulosa] Rosaceae pin-cherry, fire cherry YES
Prunus virginiana [Padus virginiana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO confluence of Church Creek and South Fork of the Rio Grande 29 June 2021 Rosaceae chokecherry, bitterberry YES
Pseudostellaria jamesiana [Torreyostellaria jamesiana] [Stellaria jamesiana] [Alsine jamesiana] YES Katherine Zybko: Saguache Co, 12.2 miles southwest of Crestone, 22 June 2023 Caryophyllaceae tuber starwort, sticky starwort YES
Pseudotsuga menziesii [Pseudotsuga mucronata] [Pinus taxifolia var. glauca] [Pseudotsuga taxifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 6 March 2020 Pinaceae Douglas-fir Yes
Ptelea trifoliata [Ptelea cognata] [Ptelea confinis] etc. Rutaceae hoptree, stinking ash, skunk bush yes
Pterospora andromedea YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, the Conejos River between Mogote and Aspen Glade campgrounds 24 Aug 2020 Ericaceae pinedrops, Albany beechdrops, giant bird’s nest YES
Puccinellia nuttalliana [Atropis airoides] [Atropis nuttalliana] [Festuca nuttalliana] etc. Poaceae Nuttall's alkali grass yes
Pulsatilla patens [Pulsatilla nuttalliana] [Anemone patens var. multiflora] [Anemone pulsatilla] [Pulsatilla hirsutissima] [Pulsatilla ludoviciana] [Pulsatilla nuttalliana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Creek SW of South Fork, meadow 23 May 2019 Ranunculaceae pasque flower, cutleaf anemone, Nuttall's pasque flower YES
Purshia tridentata [Cowania stansburiana] YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co Along FSR 103(2)B near NM border 7/11/2019; 7/14/2021 Rosaceae bitterbrush yes
Pyrola asarifolia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek S of Del Norte, 17 July 2016 Ericaceae pink wintergreen YES
Pyrola chlorantha [Pyrola virens] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservpor 14 Aug 2017 Ericaceae greenflowered wintergreen YES
Pyrola minor [Erxlebenia minor] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by beaver pond on FR 332, 14 July 2020 Ericaceae snowline wintergreen, lesser wintergreen YES
Pyrola picta [Pyrola aphylla] [Pyrola dentata] Ericaceae white-sided wintergreen YES
Pyrrocoma clementis [Happlopappus clementis] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, meadow by FR 528, elev. 11,140', 12 July 2016 Asteraceae tranquil goldenweed YES
Pyrrocoma crocea [Happlopappus croceus] [Pyrrocoma amplectens] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near Hwy 17 between Fox Creek and Forest Service Rd 250 25 July 2013 Asteraceae curlyhead goldenweed YES
Pyrrocoma lanceolata [Donia lanceolata] [Haplopappus lanceolatus] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 18 Sept 2019 Asteraceae lanceleaf goldenweed YES
Pyrrocoma uniflora YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Hansons Mill at the end of Pool Table Road 30 July 2015 Asteraceae plantain goldenweed YES
Quercus gambelii [Quercus gunnisonii] [Quercus leptophylla] etc. YES "samuel s": Saguache Co, near Pinyon Flats cpgd in the Great Sand Dunes NPP, 29 June 2024 Fagaceae Gambel oak YES
Ranunculus abortivus YES Craig Martin: Alamosa Co, 1.2 miles east of Mosca Creek trailhead 9 June 2023 Ranunculaceae littleleaf buttercup, kidneyleaf buttercup Yes
Ranunculus acriformis Ranunculaceae sharp buttercup yes
Ranunculus alismifolius YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 1.1 m. S of Grayback Mt, wet forest opening beside road, 23 June 2020 Ranunculaceae water plantain buttercup YES
Ranunculus cardiophyllus [Ranunculus nudans] [Ranunculus subsagittatus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 29 June 2019 Ranunculaceae heartleaf buttercup YES
Ranunculus eschscholtzii Ranunculaceae Eschscholtz’s buttercup YES
Ranunculus flammula [Ranunculus reptans] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hunters Lake 8 Aug 2014 Ranunculaceae creeping buttercup, banewort YES
Ranunculus glaberrimus YES Kathy Biddle: Conejos Co, near Cumbress Pass, 17 June 2023 Ranunculaceae sagebrush buttercup yes
Ranunculus gmelinii [Ranunculus purshii] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, side channel of the Conejos River 29 Sept 2022 Ranunculaceae Gmelin’s buttercup YES
Ranunculus hyperboreus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir SW of South Fork 26 Aug 2018; Saguache Co, natural pond W of Luders Creek cpgd 22 Aug 2022 Ranunculaceae high northern buttercu0p, arctic buttercup YES
Ranunculus inamoenus [Ranunculus micropetalus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Pinos Creek 10 June 2018 Ranunculaceae graceful buttercup YES
Ranunculus longirostris [Ranunculus aquatilis] Ranunculaceae longbeak buttercup, white water-crowfoot YES
Ranunculus macauleyi YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, just north of Grayback pass in snow melt and rock fell 5 July 2022 Ranunculaceae Macauley's buttercup YES
Ranunculus macounii YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Cr 30 June 2018 Ranunculaceae Macoun’s buttercup YES
Ranunculus pedatifidus Ranunculaceae northern buttercup YES
Ranunculus pensylvanicus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead, 10 miles S of Del Norte, by stream 20 Aug 2021; Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, beaver dam on Conejos River 7 Sept 2021 Ranunculaceae Pennsylvania buttercup YES
Ranunculus repens YES Madison Brown: Alamosa Co, by Mosca Creek near trailhead in the Great Sand Dunes NPP, 3 May 2024 Ranunculaceae creeping buttrcup YES
Ranunculus sceleratus [Hecatonia sceleratus] [Ranunculus earlei] YES Duane A. Dyer: Conejos Co, Cumbres pass 20 June 2023 Ranunculaceae cursed buttercup, blister buttercup YES
Ranunculus trichophyllus [Batrachium aquatile; Ranunculus aquatilis] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Baca NWR, Ditch #9 17 Aug 2021 Ranunculaceae water-crowfoot YES
Ranunculus uncinatus [Ranunculus earlei] YES Maryn E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Conejos River, 3.5 miles upstream from Mogote campground 29 June 2015 Ranunculaceae woodland buttercup YES
Ratibida columnifera [Ratibida columnaris] [Rudbeckia columnaris] [Rudbeckia columnifera] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, by top of spillway to Terrace Reservoir 26 July 2019 Asteraceae prairie coneflower, Mexican hat YES
Redfieldia flexuosa [Muhlenbergia multiflora] [Redfieldia multiflora] [Gnaphephorum flexuosum] Poaceae blowout grass, blow-out grass yes
Reseda lutea YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, CR 38, 7 July 2014 Yes Resedaceae yellow mignonette, wild mignonette, cutleaf mignonette Yes
Reseda luteola Resedaceae dyer’s rocket, dyer’s weed, weld yes
Rhamnus cathartica [Cervispina cathartia] Rhamnaceae common buckthorn yes
Rhaponticum repens [Acroptilon repens] [Centaurea repens] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa NWR 26 July 2019; Rio Grande Co, South Fork beside Hwy 160 28 July 2013 Asteraceae Russian knapweed YES
Rheum rhabarbarum Polygonaceae rhubarb yes
Rhinanthus minor [Rhinanthus crista-galli] [Rhinanthus rigidus] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co FSR 250, 3 miles from junction with Hwy 17, 25 July 2018; 18 July 2022 Orobanchaceae yellow-rattle, hayrattle, cockscomb YES
Rhodiola integrifolia [Tolmachevia integrifolia] [Sedum integrifolium] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, saddle between Poison and Bennett peaks 19 June 2017 Uvulariaceae king’s crown, western roseroot, ledge stonecrop YES
Rhodiola rhodantha [Clementsia rhodantha] YES Janis Haswell: Rio Grande Co, wet meadow 0.5 mile S of Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 Uvulariaceae redpod stonecrop, queen’s crown YES
Rhus aromatica [Rhus trilobata] [Schmaltzia affinis] [Schmaltzia anisophylla] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Chico trail just S of Del Norte 3 May 2019 Anacardiaceae fragrant sumac, skunkbush sumac Yes
Ribes aureum [Ribes odoratum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, base of bluff by Hwy 160, 18 May 2019 Grossulariaceae golden currant YES
Ribes cereum [Ribes inebrians] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, rhyolite bluff just west of Del Norte 23 May 2021 Grossulariaceae squaw currant, squaw bush, waxy currant YES
Ribes inerme [Grossularia inermis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Church Creek just SW of South Fork 29 June 2021 Grossulariaceae mountain currant YES
Ribes lacustre [Ribes oxyacanthoides] Grossulariaceae swamp currant, prickly currant YES
Ribes laxiflorum [Ribes coloradense] YES YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Fuchs Reservoir, 30 June 2015; 7 Aug 2015 Grossulariaceae trailing currant YES
Ribes leptanthum [Grossularia leptantha] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 May 2019 Grossulariaceae trumpet gooseberry YES
Ribes montigenum YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hunters Lake 2 July 2014 Grossulariaceae mountain gooseberry, red prickly currant YES
Ribes wolfii YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 0.25 miles S of the Conejos River 3 June 20; Kara Carragher: Conejos Co, Roarding Gulch confluence with Conejos River, 5 July 202314 Grossulariaceae Wolf’s currant YES
Robinia neomexicana [Robinia neomexicana X Robinia pseudoacacia] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, on pioneer house lot Columbia and Ninth 26 May 2020 Fabaceae New Mexican locust Yes
Robinia pseudoacacia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grnde Co, Del Norte, 10th street 1 June 2020; 10 July 2021 Fabaceae black locust, false acacia Yes
Rorippa alpina [Rorippa curvipes var. rorippa] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Alberta Peak S of Wolf Creek pass 28 July 2016 Brassicaceae alpine yellowcress YES
Rorippa curvipes [Rorippa truncata] [Rorippa sinuata var. truncata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, bank of Beaver Creek, Upper Beaver Creek cpgd 26 July 2018 Brassicaceae bluntleaf yellowcress YES
Rorippa palustris [Rorippa palustris subsp. hispida] [Rorippa islandica] [Nasturtium palustre] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, side channel of the Rio Grande by Del Norte river walk, overhanging water 12 July 2021 Brassicaceae bog yellowcress Yes
Rorippa sinuata [Radicula sinuata] [Nasturtium sinuatum] [Nasturtium brachycarpum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, gravel pit 1.76 air miles NE of Del Norte 20 June 2021 Brassicaceae spreading yellowcress YES
Rorippa sphaerocarpa [Nasturtium sphaerocarpum] [Radicula sphaerocarpa] [Rorippa obtusa var. sphaerocarpa] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, growing in the drying edge of a lake in the Russell Lakes SWA 18 Sept 2019; edge of Beaver Reservoir 2 Sept 2020 Yes Brassicaceae roundfruit yellowcress Yes
Rosa acicularis [Rosa sayi] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co 0.5 miles from start of FSR 101 2 July 2020 Rosaceae prickly rose YES
Rosa nutkana [Rosa blanda] [Rosa woodsii] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Carnero Creek 8 miles W of La Garita, 13 June 2020 Rosaceae Nutka rose YES
Rosa woodsii [Rosa blanda] [Rosa manca] [Rosa woodsii subsp. manca] [Rosa woodsii subsp. woodsii] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Conejos River between Mogote and Aspen Glade cpgds 5 July 2022; Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Carnero Creek 8 miles NNW of La Garita 11 June 2020 Rosaceae Woods' rose YES
Rubus deliciosus [Bossekia deliciosa] [Oreobatus deliciosus] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Creek 9 July 2014 Rosaceae Boulder raspberry YES
Rubus idaeus [Rubus aliceae] [Rubus arizonicus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, confluence of Chruch Creek and South Fork of the Rio Grande 29 June 2021, 2017 Rosaceae raspberry, red raspberry YES
Rubus nutkanus [Rubus parviflorus] [Rubacer parviflorus] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between Mogote campground and Bear Creek housing off Hwy 17, Aug 2013 and Aug 2014; Rosaceae thimbleberry YES
Rudbeckia hirta [Rudbeckia flava] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by Hwy 160 near South Fork 15 Sept 2016 Asteraceae brown-eyed Susan YES
Rudbeckia lacinata [Rudbeckia latissima] [Rudbeckia ampla] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Cr campground W of South Fork 12 July 2017 Asteraceae goldenglow coneflower YES
Rumex acetosella YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019; Big Meadows Reservoir, beside parking lot at trailhead 8 Aug 2019 Yes Polygonaceae sheep’s sorrel, red sorrel Yes
Rumex californicus [Rumex salicifolius var. denticulatus] Polygonaceae toothed willow dock Yes
Rumex crispus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte, between sidewalk and buillding 15 May 20121 Polygonaceae curly dock, sour dock, yellow dock YES
Rumex densiflorus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 2 miles S of Grayback Mt. 30 June 2017 Polygonaceae wild rhubarb YES
Rumex fueginus [Rumex maritimus] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, muddy edge of Russell Lake 20 Sept 2019 Polygonaceae Tierra del Fuego dock, golden dock, American dock YES
Rumex occidentalis [Rumex aquaticus var. fenestratus] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 5 m. E of the junction of Hwy 114 and CR 14, rhyolite cliff seep 18 July 2016 Polygonaceae western dock YES
Rumex triangulivalvis [Rumex salicifolius subsp. triangulivalvis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by CR 14, 5.3 air miles SW of Del Norte 17 June 2020 Polygonaceae Mexican dock YES
Ruppia spiralis [Ruppia cirrhosa] [Ruppia maritima] Ruppiaceae spiral ditchgrass, spiral tasselweed YES
Sabulina macrantha [Alsinanthe macrantha] [Minuartia macrantha] [Alsinopsis macrantha] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, Elwood pass 2 Sept 2019 Caryophyllaceae House’s mock sandwort YES
Sabulina rubella [Minuartia rubella] [Tryphane rubella] Caryophyllaceae beautiful sandwort, mountain sandwort, boreal stitchwort, Arctic sandwort YES
Sagina caespitosa [Sagina nivalis var. caespitosa] [Spergella caespitosa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, tundra, vicinity of Grayback pass 14 July 2016; 8 July 2019 Caryophyllaceae tufted pearlwort yes
Sagina saginoides [Spergula saginoides] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co near La Manga Creek 1 mile N of Hwy 17 and FSR 118, 2 Aug 2022 Caryophyllaceae alpine pearlwort YES
Sagittaria cuneata [Sagittaria arifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 3 July 2016 Alismataceae arumleaf arrowhead Yes
Salicornia rubra [Salicornia europaea subsp. rubra] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA saline playa 23 Aug 2014; Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 13 Sept 2018 Amaranthaceae red swampfire Yes
Salix amygdaloides Yes Suzanne Dingwell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa NWP 23 Sept 2023 Salicaceae peach-leaf willow yes
Salix arizonica YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, along La Manga Creek 12 June 2022 Salicaceae Arizona willow Yes
Salix babylonica YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Cp, 2.6 miles W of Del Norte, on Hwy 160, 26 May 2020 Salicaceae weeping willow Yes
Salix bebbiana [Salix perrostrata] [Salix rostrata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by side channel of Rio Grande, south side of river 22 May 2020 Salicaceae Bebb's willow YES
Salix boothii [Salix myrtillifolia] [Salix pseudocordata] Salicaceae Booth’s willow YES
Salix brachycarpa YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hope Creek and road to Shaw Lake from Big Meadow Reservoir 9 June 2020 Salicaceae shortfruit willow YES
Salix cascadensis [Salix tenera] Salicaceae cascade willow yes
Salix drummondiana [Salix subcaerulea] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near Trujillo Reservoir dam 10 June 2022 Salicaceae Drummond’s salix YES
Salix exigua YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte by Rio Grande 15 June 2020 Salicaceae coyote willow, narrowleaf willow YES
Salix geyeriana YES: FrontRangeWildflowers: Hinsdale Co, Thirtymile cpgd, 11 July 2020; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Tewksbury trailhead, 26 May 2020 Salicaceae Geyer’s salix YES
Salix glauca [Salix glaucops] [Salix pseudolapponum] [Salix villosa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek 2 miles N of South Fork 21 May 2020 Salicaceae gray willow, grayleaf willow YES
Salix irrorata Salicaceae blue-stem willow YES
Salix lasiandra [Salix lucida subsp. lasiandra] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by Rio Grande 22 May 2020 Salicaceae Pacific willow YES
Salix ligulifolia [Salix eriocephala var. ligulifolia] [Salix lutea var. ligulifolia] YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, river walk, 22 May 2020 Salicaceae strapleaf willow YES
Salix lutea [Salix eriocephala subsp. mackenzieana var. watsonii] Salicaceae yellow willow yes
Salix monticola [Salix cordata var. monticola] [Salix padophylla] [Salix pseudomonticola] YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co., upper end of Million Reservoir, west of South Fork, 22 May 2020 Salicaceae mountain willow YES
Salix nivalis [Salix reticulata var. nivalis] [Salix saximontana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Pass (in seed) 16 Aug 2017 Salicaceae snow willow YES
Salix petrophila [Salix arctica subsp. petraea] [Salix arctica var. petrophila] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide south of Wolf Creek Pass 18 July 2014 Salicaceae alpine willow, Rocky Mountain willow YES
Salix planifolia [Salix monica] [Salix phylicifolia var. monica] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by beaver pond west of Crystal Lakes 23 June 2020 Salicaceae planeleaf willow, tea-leaf willow, diamondleaf willow YES
Salix scouleriana YES pandarollie: Conejos Co, 1 mile east of Rocky Mountain Lodge, Sept 2021 Salicaceae Scouler’s willow YES
Salix wolfii YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on FSR 114 near La Manga Creek, 16 June 2022 Salicaceae Wolf’s willow YES
Salix x fragilis [Salix fragilis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte, old planted trees and young shoots throughout the town, 20 May 2020 Salicaceae crack willow Yes
Salsola collina Amaranthaceae slender Russian thistle Yes
Salsola paulsenii [Salsola pestifer] [Kali paulsenii] YES: iNaturalist observation #183924205, Costilla Co, 1.6 km south of bridge over the Rio Grande; iNaturalist observation #131687707, Alamosa Co, 16.7 air miles ENE of Alamosa Amaranthaceae barbwire Russian thistle yes
Salsola tragus [Kali tragus] [Salsola australis] [Salsola kali] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, within town limits of Del Norte, 24 Aug 2020 Amaranthaceae prickly Russian thistle, windwitch, tumbleweed Yes
Salvia reflexa [Salvia lancifolia] YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, beside Hwy 17 between Mogote and Fox Creek, cliff side 1 Oct 2020 Lamiaceae Rocky Mountain sage YES
Sambucus nigra [Sambucus caerulea] [Sambucus cerulea] [Sambucus mexicana] Viburnaceae [Adoxaceae] blue elberberry Yes
Sambucus racemosa [Sambucus melanocarpa] [Sambucus microbotrys] [Sambucus pubens] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 26 Aug 2019 Viburnaceae [Adoxaceae] red elderberry Yes
Saponaria officinalis YES Rich Haswell: Del Norte 10 Oct 2016 [by street, escaped?) Caryophyllaceae bouncing bet YES
Sarcobatus vermiculatus [Batis vermiculata] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 7 Aug 2018 Sarcobataceae greasewood, seepwood, saltbush YES
Saxifraga adscendens [Muscaria adscendens] [Saxifraga oregonensis] Saxifragaceae wedgeleaf saxifrage YES
Saxifraga austromontana [Saxifraga bronchialis] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO above Cathedral cpgd on Embargo Creek 26 July 2016 Saxifragaceae matted saxifrage, spotted saxifrage YES
Saxifraga cernua Saxifragaceae nodding saxifrage YES
Saxifraga cespitosa [Saxifraga caespitosa] [Muscaria monticola] [Muscaria delicatula] etc. Saxifragaceae tufted saxifrage YES
Saxifraga chrysantha [Hirculus serpyllifolis subsp. chrysantha] [Leptasea chrysantha] [Saxifraga serpillifolia var. chrysantha] etc. Saxifragaceae golden saxifrage YES
Saxifraga debilis [Saxifraga rivularis] [Saxifraga hyperborea subsp. debilis] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 20 June 2015 Saxifragaceae highland saxifrage, weak saxifrage, alpine brook saxifrage YES
Saxifraga flagellaris [Hirculus platysepalus subsp. crandallii] [Leptasea crandallii] [Saxifraga crandallii] Yes Joseph Kleinkopf: Rio Grande Co, west side of Grayback Mountain near the utility road 12 July 2023 Saxifragaceae whiplash saxifrage YES
Saxifraga hirculus [Hirculus prorepens] [Hirculus ranunculoides] Saxifragaceae yellow marsh saxifrage yes
Schizachyrium scoparium [Andropogon praematurus] [Andropogon scoparius] Poaceae little bluestem, beard grass, prairie beard grass yes
Scrophularia lanceolata [Scrophularia occidentalis] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes 6 June 2017 Scrophulariaceae lanceleaf figwort, early figwort YES
Scutellaria epilobiifolia [Scutellalria galericulata] [Scutellaria galericulata var. epilobiifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes Wildlife Preserve 22 July 2016 Lamiaceae marsh skullcap YES
Sedum lanceolatum [Amerosedum lanceolatum] [Sedum stenopetalum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 14 Aug 2017 Crassulaceae yellow stonecrop, spearleaf stonecrop YES
Senecio amplectens [Ligularia amplectens] [Ligularia holmii] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Alberta Peak S of Wolf Creek Pass 9/6/2016 Asteraceae showy alpine ragwort YES
Senecio atratus YES YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, alongside road, near Fuchs Reservoir 20 July 2013 Asteraceae tall blacktip ragwort YES
Senecio bigelovii [Ligularia bigelovii] [Senecio accedens] [Senecio scopulinus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 1 mile S of Grayback Pass 8/12/2020 Asteraceae nodding groundsel YES
Senecio crassulus [Senecio lapathifolius] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood Pass 2 Aug 2019 Asteraceae mountain-meadow ragwort YES
Senecio eremophilus [Senecio ambrosioides] [Senecio kingii] [Senecio macdougalii] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, East Willow Creek above Creede 2 Aug 2021 Asteraceae desert ragwort YES
Senecio fremontii [Senecio blitoides] [Senecio carthamoides] [Senecio fremontii var. blitoides] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hunters Lake, 11 air miles SWW of South Fork, 8 Aug 2014 Asteraceae dwarf mountain ragwort YES
Senecio integerrimus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Trout Creek trailhead, SW of South Fork, sloping meadow, 30 May 2021 Asteraceae lamb’s tongue ragwort Yes
Senecio pudicus [Senecio cernuus] [Ligularia pudica] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Creek 0.5 miles from trailhead 28 July 2017 Asteraceae bashful ragwort YES
Senecio serra [Senecio admirabilis] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, just E of Carnero Pass 23 Aug 2015 Asteraceae tall ragwort YES
Senecio soldanella [Ligularia soldanella] YES Rich Haswell: Grayback Mountain, Rio Grande Co, 14 July 2016 Astersceae Colorado ragwort YES
Senecio spartioides [Senecio multicapitatus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Pinos Creek Road 28 July 2017; Rio Grande Co, town of Del Norte, edge of parking lot 12 Aug 2021 Asteraceae broom-like ragwort YES
Senecio taraxacoides [Ligularia taraxacoides] [Senecio amplectens var. taraxacoides] YES Loraine Yeatts Conejos Co, flank of Conejos Peak 7 Aug 2008 Asteraceae dandelion ragwort YES
Senecio triangularis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, mesic meadow, 0.5 miles S of Grayback Pass 5 Aug 2021 Asteraceae arrowleaf ragwort YES
Senecio vulgaris YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte alleys and yards 16 July 2014; observed also in 2020 Asteraceae common groundsel YES
Senecio wootonii YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 29 May /2017 Asteraceae Wooton’s ragwort YES
Sesuvium verrucosum [Sesuvium sessile] YES Alec Gaudiesus: Alamosa Co, CO San Luis Lake 11 July 2024 Aizoaceae western sea purslane Yes
Setaria viridis [Chaetochloa viridis] [Panicum viride] Poaceae green foxtail, green bristlegrass, wild foxtail millet yes
Shepherdia argentea [Lepargyrea argentea] [Hippophaë argentea] Elaeagnaceae silver buffaloberry Yes
Shepherdia canadensis [Lepargyrea canadensis] [Hippophaë canadensis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr, quarter mile from trailhead, in aspen grove, male plant in flower 24 May 2020 Elaeagnaceae russet buffaloberry, bullberry, rabbitberry, beef-suet tree YES
Sibbaldia procumbens [Potentilla sibbaldii] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 23 Aug 2019 Rosaceae creeping sibbaldia YES
Sidalcea candida YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Lake Trail trailhead on Hwy 160, 5 Aug 2019 Malvaceae white checkermallow YES
Sidalcea neomexicana [Sidalcea parviflora var. thurberi] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek north of South Fork 8 July 2019 Malvaceae New Mexico checkermallow, Rocky Mountain checkermallow YES
Silene acaulis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 8 July 2019 Caryophyllaceae moss campion, moss catchfly YES
Silene drummondii [Lychnis drummondii] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, south side of Bennett Peak 22 July 2014 Caryophyllaceae Drummond’s campion YES
Silene hitchguirei [Gastrolychnis hitchguirei] [Lychnis apetala var. montana] [Lychnis montana] [ Silene montana] Caryophyllaceae mountain campion Yes
Silene latifolia [Lychnis alba] [Melandrum album] [Silene latifolia subsp. alba] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by the parking-area latrine at the trailhead for the north trail around Big Meadows Reservoir 26 Aug 2019 Caryophyllaceae white campion YES
Silene menziesii [Anotites menziesii] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir, 17 July 2015 Caryophyllaceae Menzies catchfly YES
Silene scouleri [Silene scouleri subsp. hallii] [Silene concolor] [Silene hallii] [Silene scouleri var. concolor] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 31 July 2016 Caryophyllaceae simple campion, Scouler's catchfly YES
Sinapis alba [Brassica hirta] [ Brassica alba] [Rorippa coloradensis] Brassicaceae white mustard yes
Sinapis arvensis [Brassica arvensis] [Brassica kaber] Brassicaceae charlock mustard, field mustard, wild mustard YES
Sisymbrium altissimum [Noria altissima] YES Richard Haswell: Conejos Co, junction of Hwy 17 and CR 101, 23 June 2021 Brassicaceae tall tumblemustard, Jim Hlll mustard YES
Sisymbrium linifolium [Schoenocrambe linifolia] [Nasturtium linifolium] [Erysimum glaberrimum] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 25 Juy 2014; Beaver Creek Reservoir 7 July 2020; Del Norte yard 30 Sept 2024 Brassicaceae flaxleaf hedge mustard Yes
Sisymbrium loeselii YES Mary McDonald: Conejos Co, 4 km south of Fox Creek community, 25 Sept 2023 Brassicaceae Loesel's rocket yes
Sisyrinchium demissum YES Katherine Zybko, Saguache Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 26 June 2022 Iridaceae stiff blue-eyed grass YES
Sisyrinchium idahoense [Sisyrinchium occidentale] Iridaceae Idaho blue-eyed grass YES
Sisyrinchium montanum YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on the Conejos River 2 miles upstream of FSR 250 and Hwy 17, 6 July 2021 Iridaceae Rocky Mountain stargrass YES
Sisyrinchium pallidum Iridaceae pale stargrass YES
Sium suave YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WP 20 Sept 2020 Apiaceae water parsnip Yes
Smelowskia americana [Smelowskia calycina var. americana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 14 July 2016 Brassicaceae alpine Smelowskia YES
Solanum physalifolium [Solanum physalifolium var. nitidisacatum] [Solanum nitidisaccatum] [Solanum americanum] [Solanum nigrum] [Solanum sarrachoides] [Solanum styleanum] YES Rich Haswell; Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek Rd N of South Fork 13 Sept 2017] Solanaceae Argentine nightshade, hoe nightshade YES
Solanum rostratum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del norte street sides, 11 July 2019, 30 July 2021, 15 July 2022 Yes Solanaceae buffalobur, Colorado bur, Kansas thistle Yes
Solanum triflorum YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes 13 Sept 2017; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte mulch bin 24 June 2019 Solanaceae cutleaf nightshade YES
Solidago altissima [Solidago canadensis var. scabra] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between Aspen Glade and Mogote campgrounds 22 July 2015; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte park on north side of the Rio Grand 17 Aug 2022 Asteraceae tall goldenrod YES
Solidago gigantea [Doria dumetorum] [Solidago cliliae] [Solidago serotina var. gigantea] etc. Asteraceae giant goldenrod yes
Solidago lepida [Solidago canadensis] [Solidago elongata] Asteraceae Canada goldenrod YES
Solidago missouriensis [Soliago concinna] [Solidago duriuscula] [Solidago glaberrima] [etc.] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near the Conejos River, one mile downstream from Aspen Glade campground 31 July 2017 Asteraceae Missouri goldenrod YES
Solidago multiradiata [Aster multiradiatus] [Solidago algida] [Solidago ciliosa] ec.t YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co. South slope of Bennett Mt 22 July 2014 Asteraceae Rocky Mountain goldenrod YES
Solidago nana [Aster nanus] [Solidago nivea] Asteraceae alpine goldenrod YES
Solidago nemoralis YES Cassidy Johnson: Rio Grande Co, 2.5 air miles southwest of South Fork, 4 April 2024 Asteraceae common goldenrod, gray goldenrod, old field goldenrod yes
Solidago pallida [Solidago speciosa var. pallida] [Aster speciosus subsp. pallida] Asteraceae showy goldenrod, noble goldenrood yes
Solidago simplex [Solidago spathulata] [Solidago gigantea[ [Solidago glutinosa] [etc.] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 12 Aug 2020 Asteraceae Mt. Alpert goldenrod, sticky goldenrod YES
Solidago velutina [Solidago canadensis] [Solidago californica] [Solidago sparsiflora] [Aster sparsiflorus] etc. YES Rich and Jan Haswell: Mineral Co, Farmers trailhead S of Creede 2 Aug 2021 Asteraceae three-nerve goldenrod YES
Sonchus arvensis [Sonchus uliginosus] [Sonchus arvensis var. arvensis] [Sonchus arvensis var. uliginosus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte by railroad tracks 28 Aug 2016 Asteraceae perennial sow thistle YES
Sonchus asper Asteraceae prickly sow thistle YES
Sonchus oleraceus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by slough of the Rio Grande near Del Norte 11 Aug 2018 Asteraceae common sow thistle, hare’s colwort YES
Sorbus scopulina [Sorbus dumosa] Rosaceae Greene’s mountain ash, Western mountain ash YES
Sparganium angustifolium [Sparganium multipedunculatum] Typhaceae narrow-leaf bur-reed YES
Sparganium emersum YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds, SW of South Fork, 20 Aug 2016; 10 Sept 2021 Tyophaceae emergent bur-reed Yes
Sparganium eurycarpum Typhaceae broadfruit bur-reed Yes
Sparganium natans [Sparganium minimum] Typhaceae least bur-reed Yes
Spartina gracilis Poaceae alkali cordgrass yes
Spergularia rubra [Arenaria rubra] [Tissa rubra] Yes Mary E. McDonald: along Forest Service road 113 "just below La Manga Pass off Hwy 117, 5 July2014; Rich Haswell, Conejos Co, Platoro 7 July 2021; Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, logging road above La Manga Creek 2 Aug 2022; Rich Haswell, by natural pond at Cumbres pass 2 Aug 2022 Caryophyllaceae red sandspurry YES
Sphaeralcea coccinea [Malva coccinea] [Malvastum coccineum] [Sphaeralcea dissecta] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Biedell Creek N of La Garita 31 May 2019 Malvaceae scarlet globemallow YES
Sphaeralcea fendleri [Sphaeralcea leiocarpa] [Sphaeralcea tripartita] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Penitente Canyon parking area 25 July 2018 Malvaceae Fendler’s globemallow YES
Sphaeralcea parvifolia [Sphaeralcea arizonica] [Sphaeralcea marginata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 2 miles E of South Fork by Hwy 160, 26 June 2019 Malvaceae small-leafed globemallow yes
Sphaerophysa salsula [Swainsonia salsula] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, 3 air miles SW of Monte Vista (over-wintered pods still attached) 28 March 2019 Fabaceae alkali Swainson pea, buyan, Austrian peaweed YES
Sphenopholis obtusata [Aira obtusa] [Aira obtusata] [Airopsis obtusata] etc. Poaceae prairie wedgescale, prairie wedgegrass yes
Spiranthes romanzoffiana [Ibidium strictum] Yes: Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, wetland off Forest Service Road 113, just below La Manga Pass, 20 July 2021; Rich Haswell and Mary McDonald, natural pond at Cumbres pass 2 Aug 2022 Orchidaceae hooded ladies’ tresses YES
Spirodela polyrhiza [Spirodela polyrrhiza] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, old irrigation ditch behind the Sunflour Café by Hwy 285 1 mile N of Monte Vista 13 July 2021 Araceae common duckmeat Yes
Sporobolus airoides [Agrostis airoides] Yes: Richard Haswell, Del Norte driveway, 17 Dec 2024 Poaceae alkali sacaton yes
Sporobolus contractus [Sporobolus cryptandrus] Poaceae spike dropseed yes
Sporobolus cryptandrus [Agrostis cryptandra] Poaceae sand dropseed yes
Sporobolus hookerianus [Spartina gracilis] Poaceae alkali cordgrass, alkali cord-grass yes
Stachys pilosa [Stachys palustris] [Stachys scopulorum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, ditch by Hwy 160 between Del Norte and South Fork 7 May 2016 Lamiaceae hairy hedgenettle YES
Stellaria calycantha [Stellaria borealis var. simcoei] Caryophyllaceae northern starwort YES
Stellaria crassifolia Caryophyllaceae thick-leaved starwort YES
Stellaria irrigua [Stellaria umbellata] [Alsine baicalensis] [Stellaria weberi] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, one mile E of Shaw Meadow on CR 359, 24 June 2015; Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 19 June 2018 Caryophyllaceae umbrella starwort, Altai starwort YES
Stellaria longifolia [Alsine longifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 Caryophyllaceae longleaf starwort YES
Stellaria longipes [Alsine laeta] [Alsine longipes] [Stellaria laeta] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Cochetopa pass 30 June 2020 Caryophyllaceae longstalk starwort YES
Stellaria media [Alsine media] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, in lawn of Del Norte private property 15 July 2013; 4 Sept 2014; 25 June 2021; 19 July 2022 Caryophyllaceae common chickweed, stitchwort Yes
Stellaria obtusa [Alsine obtusa] [Alsine viridula] [Alsine washingtoniana] Caryophyllaceae Rocky Mountain starwort yes
Stellaria sanjuanensis [Stellaria irrigua] [Alsine polygonoides] YES Loraine Yeatts: Conejos Co, flank of Conejos Peak 7 Aug 2008 Caryophyllaceae Altai starwort YES
Stephanomeria pauciflora [Prenanthes pauciflora] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes 22 July 2015; Saguache Co, 6 miles W. of La Garita 11 Aug 2020 Asteraceae brownplume wirelettuce Yes
Streptopus amplexifolius [Uvularia amplexifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 7 June 2017 Liliaceae clasping twistedstalk, watermelon berry YES
Stuckenia filiformis [Potamogeton filiformis var. alpinus] YES Rich Haswell Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA Ditch to pond off CR 48, 20 Sept 2020 Potamogetonaceae fineleaf pondweed YES
Stuckenia pectinata [Potamogeton pectinatus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, abandoned gravel pit pond, 1.5 NE of Del Norte 8/22/2021 Potamogetonaceae sago pondweed, fennel pondweed YES
Suaeda calceoliformis [Chenopodium calceoliforme] [Suaeda depressa] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, 0.5 miles W of Alalmosa by alkaline run-off pool 30 Sept 2020 Amaranthaceae Pursh seepweed, horned seablite Yes
Suaeda nigra [Chenopodium nigrum] [Dondia moquini] [Dondia diffusa] [Suaeda suffrutescens] etc. Amaranthaceae bush seepweed Yes
Suckleya suckleyana [Obione suckleyana] Amaranthaceae poison suckleya yes
Swertia perennis [Swertia palustris] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 1 mile S of Grayback pass 23 Aug 2019 Gentianaceae star gentian YES
Symphoricarpos albus Caprifoliaceae white snowberry, common snowberry, mountain snowberry yes
Symphoricarpos occidentalis [Symphoricarpos fragrans] Caprifoliaceae Western snowberry yes
Symphoricarpos oreophilus [Symphoricarpos rotundifolius] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, by the Conejos River near the confluence of Fox Creek 18 June 2015; 22 Sept 2021 Caprifoliaceae mountain snowberry YES
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius [Symphoricarpos oreophilus] [Symphoricarpos palmeri] [Symphoricarpos utahensis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Shaw Meadow SE of South Fork 1 mile S of Hwy 160, 25 June 2019 Caprifoliaceae roundleaf snowberry YES
Symphyotrichum ascendens [Aster ascendens] [Aster vallidola] [Aster chilensis subsp. ascendens] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Saguache city park 8 Sept 2014; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard 29 Aug 2019 Asteraceae western aster YES
Symphyotrichum ciliatum [Aster brachyactis] [Erigeron ciliatus] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 18 Sept 2019 Asteraceae rayless alkali aster YES
Symphyotrichum eatonii [Aster oregonus] [Aster foliaceus var. eatonii] etc. Asteraceae Eaton’s aster YES
Symphyotrichum ericoides [Aster ericoides] [Aster hebecladus] [Aster multiflorus] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Hicks Canyon, 11 Aug 2024 Asteraceae heath aster YES
Symphyotrichum falcatum [Aster falcatus] Asteraceae white prairie aster YES
Symphyotrichum foliaceum [Aster foliaceus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by CR 14 S of Grayback pass 6 Aug 2016 Asteraceae leafy aster, alpine leafybract aster YES
Symphyotrichum frondosum [Aster frondosus] [Aster woodhousei] [Brachyactis frondosum] [Bractyactis woodhousei] [Tripolium frondosum] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 18 Sept 2019 Asteraceae short-rayed alkali aster YES
Symphyotrichum laeve [Aster laevis var. geyeri] Asteraceae smooth aster YES
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum [Aster hesperius] [Aster caerulescens var. wootonii] [Aster laetivirens var. wootonii] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa Wildlife Preserve 11 Aug 2016 Asteraceae panicled aster YES
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae Asteraceae New England aster yes
Symphyotrichum porteri [Aster porteri] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co., edge of Home Lake east of Buena Vista 13 Aug 2016 Asteraceae Porter’s aster YES
Symphyotrichum spathulatum [Aster spathulatus] [Aster corymbiformis] [Aster fremontii] [Aster occidentalis] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds, forest opening by pond 10 Sept 2021 Asteraceae western mountain aster YES
Symphytum officinale Boraginaceae common comfrey yes
Tamarix chinensis [Tamarix ramosissima] [Tamarix pentandra] yes Richard Haswel: by human-made pond, Upper Basin, Rio Grande Co, 1 Sept 2024 Tamaricaceae salt-cedar, Chinese tamarisk, five-stamen tamarisk YES
Tanacetum balsamita Asteraceae costmary, alecost, balsam herb, Bible leaf YES
Tanacetum vulgare YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, lower end of Foreset Service Rd 103 30 Aug 2021 Asteraceae common tansy YES
Taraxacum ceratophorum [Taraxacum ovinum] [Leontoon ceatophorus] [Taraxacum ambigens var. fultius] etc. YES Craig Martin: Conejos Co, headwaters of Manga Creek, 5 Aug 2020 Asteraceae horned dandelion YES
Taraxacum eriophorum [Taraxacum olympicum] [Taraxacim ceratophorum] Asteraceae woolbearing dandelion YES
Taraxacum erythrospermum [Taraxacum laevigatum var. erythrospermum] [Taraxacum officinale var. erythrospermum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte between street and lawn 18 June 2023 Asteraceae red-seeded dandelion YES
Taraxacum officinale YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard 1 June 2019 Asteraceae common dandelion YES
Taraxacum scopulorum [Taraxacum lyratum] Asteraceae alpine dandelion YES
Tetradymia canescens [Tetradymia inermis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, junction of Groundhog and Embargo Creek roads 8 July 2021 Asteraceae spineless horsebrush YES
Tetraneuris acaulis var caespitosa [Hymenoxys acaulis var. caespitosa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co Del Norte saddle 1.2 miles west of town 28 April 2020 Asteraceae stemless four-nerve daisy YES
Tetraneuris acaulis var. acaulis [Actinea acaulis] [Actinella acaulis] [Hymenoxys acaulis] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, quarry trail 4.8 air miles E of Del Norte 10 June 2019 Asteraceae stem-less four-nerved daisy yes
Teucrium canadense [Teucrium occidentale] Lamiaceae American germander, western germander, wood sage yes
Thalictrum alpinum [Thalictrum cheilanthoides] Thalicraceae alpine meadow-rue YES
Thalictrum fendleri [Thalictrum wrightii] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Church Creek just SW of South Fork 29 June 2021 Thalicraceae Fendler’s meadow-rue YES
Thalictrum sparsiflorum Thalicraceae fewflower meadow-rue YES
Thalictrum venulosum Thalicraceae meadowrue yes
Thelesperma filifolium [Thelesperma formosum] [Thelesperma intermedium] [Thelesperma trifidum] [Coreopsis trifida] YES Rich Haswell: Great Sand Dunes 2 July 2013 Yes Asteraceae stiff greenthread Yes
Thelesperma subnudum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Ridge E. of Elephant Rocks 26 June 2015 Yes Asteraceae Havajo tea Yes
Thelypodium integrifolium [Pleurophragma gracilipes] YES Katherine Zybko: Saguache Co, Indian Spring, Great Sand Dunes NPP 25 June 2022 Brassicaceae entireleaf thelypody YES
Thermopsis divaricarpa [Thermopsis pinetorum] [Thermopsis rhombifolia var. divaricarpa] Fabaceae spreadfruit goldenbanner YES
Thermopsis montana [Thermopsis rhombifolia var. montana] [Thermopsis pinetorum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 9 July 2020 Fabaceae mountain goldenbanner, golden-pea YES
Thermopsis rhombifolia [Thermopsis arenosa] [Thermopsis rhombifolia var. rhombifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, just N of Del Norte 28 April 2021 Fabaceae prairie goldenbanner, prairie golden-pea YES
Thlaspi arvense YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, side of Hwy 14 as it passes Luders Creek campground 25 Aug 2021; Rio Grande Co, on trail to Million Reservoir 11 Aug 2022 Brassicaceae fanweed, field pennycress YES
Tonestus pygmaeus [Haplopappus pygmaeus] [Stenotus pygmaeus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, FR 380 near Elwood Pass 2 Aug 2019 Asteraceae pygmy goldenweed, pygmy serpentweed YES
Torreyochloa pallida [Glyceria pallida] [Panicularia pallida] [Poa dentata] etc. Poaceae pale false mannagrass, weak manna grass yes
Townsendia eximia Asteraceae tall townsend’s daisy YES
Townsendia exscapa [Aster exscapus] [Townsendia sericea] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr. trailhead 26 April 2014; 12 June 2014 Asteraceae stemless Easter daisy, stemless Townsend's daisy YES
Townsendia grandiflora YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Forest Ser;vice Road 101 31 May 2014 Asteraceae largeflower Easter daisy yes
Townsendia hookeri [Towensendia nuttallii] Asteraceae Hooker’s townsend daisy YES
Townsendia leptotes [Townsendia sericea var. leptotes] Asteraceae slender townsend’s daisy YES
Townsendia rothrockii Asteraceae Rothrock’s townsend daisy YES
Tradescantia occidentalis [Tradescantia virginiana var. occidentalis] YES Bonnie Webster: Saguache Co, Creston street side, 2 July 2019 Commelinaceae prairie spiderwort yes
Tragopogon dubius YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, private yard, Del Norte 23 June 2019 Asteraceae Western salsify YES
Tragopogon pratensis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, house 17 June 2013; Hinsdale Co, Clear Creek Falls 22 June 2017 Asteraceae meadow salsify YES
Trautvetteria caroliniensis YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Red Lake Trail above La Manga Pass 2014; Rich Haswell, Conejos Co, Red Lake trailhead 3 Aug 2020 Ranunculaceae Caroline bugbane, false bugane, tasselrue YES
Tribulus terrestris YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 11th street 7 July 2014 to 14 Sept 2022 Yes Zygophyllaceae puncturevine, caltrops, goat’s-head, devil’s eyelashes, tackweed Yes
Trifolium attenuatum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 8 July 2019 Fabaceae subalpine clover Yes
Trifolium brandegeei YES Lisa Lou: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek valley, el. 8,500' 23 June 2021 Fabaceae Brandegee’s clover Yes
Trifolium dasyphyllum YES Rich Haswell: Mineral, Continental Divide trail north of Wolf Creek Pass 20 Aug 2016 Fabaceae shaggy-leaf clover YES
Trifolium fragiferum YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, in floodplain of the Rio Grande, below bridge on Hwy 142, west side of the river 7/28/2021 Fabaceae strawberry clover yes
Trifolium hybridum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Nortel bank of the Rio Grande 12 July 2021 Fabaceae Alsike clover YES
Trifolium incarnatum Yes Audra McKay-Webster, Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek 1.76 air miles northeast of South Fork, 4 Aug 2020 Fabaceae crimson colver yes
Trifolium longipes [Trifolium rusbyi subsp. reflexum] [Trifolium rydbergii] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Hanson's Mill at end of Pool Table Rd 30 July 2015 Fabaceae longstalk clover YES
Trifolium mucronatum [Trifolium wormskioldii var. arizonicum] [Trifolium arizonicum] [Trifolium lacerum] Fabaceae cusp clover YES
Trifolium nanum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mt 24 June 2014 Fabaceae dwarf clover YES
Trifolium parryi YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, near Elwood pass 2 Aug 2019 Fabaceae Parry’s clover YES
Trifolium pratense YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, San Francisco Creek, beside trail, 18 July 2018 Fabaceae red clover YES
Trifolium repens YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek trail 20 Aug 2021 Fabaceae field clover, Dutch white clover YES
Trifolium wormskioldii [Trifolium wormskjoldii] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WP 24 July 2016 Fabaceae cow clover YES
Triglochin maritima [Triglochin concinna] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 20 Sept 2020 Juncaginaceae seaside arrowgrass YES
Triglochin palustris [Triglochin palustre] YES Katherine Zybko Saguache Indian Spring, Great Sand Dunes NPP, 25 June 2023 Juncaginaceae slender arrowgrass YES
Tripleurospermum inodorum [Matricaria inodora] [Chamomilla inodora] [Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora] [Tripleurospermum maritimum] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Above Creede by Willow Cr. 4 July 2014; Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near Elk Creek cpgd 29 Sept 2015 Asteraceae scentless mayweed, wild chamomile YES
Tripterocalyx micranthus [Abronia micrantha] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, the Great Sand Dunes 17 Aug 2015 Nyctaginaceae smallflower sand verbena YES
Trollius albiflorus [Trollius laxus subsp. albiflorus] [Trollius laxus] [Trollius americanus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 3 miles S of Grayback Mt, wet meadow 14 July 2020 Ranunculaceae western globeflower Yes
Turritis glabra [Arabis glabra] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake, SW of South Fork, 22 June 2016 Brassicaceae tower mustard Yes
Typha latifolia YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russel Lakes SWA 20 April 2019 Typhaceae broad-leaved cat-tail YES
Ulmus pumila YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, private yard 28 June 2021 Ulmaceae Siberian elm YES
Urtica gracilis [Urtica dioica subs. gracilis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, road to Middle San Francisco Creek trailhead 5 Sept 2021 Urticaceae California nettle, American stinging nettle, itchweed YES
Utricularia macrorhiza [Utricularia vulgaris] [Utricularia macrorhiza subsp. vulgaris] Yes "Ghostwheel": Alamosa Co, less than a mille NE of Alamosa NWP, 1 July 2024 Lentibulariaceae greater bladderwort YES
Utricularia minor Lentibulariaceae lesser bladderwort yes
Utricularia ochroleuca [Utricularia occidentalis] [Utricularia minor] Lentibulariaceae yellowish-white bladderwort YES
Vaccinium cespitosum [Vaccinium caespitosum] YES Nick Moore: Conejos Co, just south of Red Lake, 4 July 2023 Ericaceae dwarf bilberry YES
Vaccinium myrtillus [Vaccinium oreophilum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, on FR 332, 23 June 2020 Ericaceae bilberry, whortleberry, European blueberry YES
Vaccinium scoparium YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, volcanic ridge east of CR 384, 26 June 2015 Ericaceae grouse whortleberry, grouseberry, littleleaf huckleberry YES
Valeriana acutiloba [Valeriana capitata var. acutiloba] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek three miles from trailhead June 5 2014 Caprifoliaceae [Valerianaceae] sharpleaf valerian, downy-fruit valerian YES
Valeriana arizonica [Valeriana acutiloba var. ovata] [Valeriana ovata] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Mosca Creek, in flower 22 June 2019 Caprifoliaceae [Valerianaceae] Arizona valerian YES
Valeriana edulis [Valeriana trachycarpa] YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, North Clear Creek Falls meadow 20 June 2017 Caprifoliaceae [Valerianaceae] tobacco root, edible valerian YES
Valeriana occidentalis YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 Caprifoliaceae [Valerianaceae] western valerian YES
Veratrum californicum [ Veratrum speciosum] [Veratrum tenuipetalum] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Res, upper end 29 May 2017 Melanthiaceae false hellebore, Western skunk cabbage, corn lily YES
Verbascum thapsus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard 24 July 2010; old gravel pit NE of Del Norte 26 Aug 2020 Scrophulariaceae common mullein, great mullein YES
Verbena bracteata [Verbena bracteosa] [Verbena confinis] [Verbena umbricata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, trail through foothills just S of Del Norte 19 June 2019 Verbenaceae bigbract vervain, prostrate vervain, carpet vervain YES
Verbena macdougalii YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, both sides of Hwy 160 at the Spanish Trail turnout between Monte Vista and Del Norte 7 May 2021 Verbenaceae hillside vervain, MacDougal's verbena Yes
Verbesina encelioides [Ximenesia encelioides] [Ximenesia exauriculata] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, quarry trail E of Del Norte 4 Oct 2020 Asteraceae cowpen daisy, crownbeard, ironweed YES
Veronica alpina [Synthyris alpina] [Besseya alpina] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback Mountain 8 July 2019 Scrophulariaceae alpine kittentails YES
Veronica americana YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir 28 Aug 2020 Plantaginaceae American speedwell, American brooklime YES
Veronica anagallis-aquatica [Veronica catenata] [Veronica micromera] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Bauchmann Creek, 10 air miles NE of South Fork 25 Sept 2019 Plantaginaceae water speedwell YES
Veronica peregrina [Veronica xalapensis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, gravel pit NE of Del Norte 21 June 2021 Plantaginaceae hairy purslane speedwell, neckweed YES
Veronica persica Plantaginaceae Persian speedwell yes
Veronica plantaginea [Synthyris plantaginea [Besseya plantaginea] [Besseya arizonica] YES Rich Haswell: On Carnero Creek below guard station, Carnero Pass road 3 July 2019 Scrophulariaceae White River coraldrops, white kittentail YES
Veronica serpyllifolia [Veronica serpyllifolia var. humifusa] [Veronicastrum serpyllifolium subsp. humifusum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, stream flowing north into Embargo Creek 26 July 2016 Plantaginaceae thymeleaf speedwell YES
Veronica wormskjoldii [Veronica nutans] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by beaver pond west of Crystal Lakes 14 July 2020 Plantaginaceae American alpine speedwell YES
Vesper constancei [Cymopterus constancei] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, foothills just S of Del Norte, 18 May 2019 Apiaceae dusty maiden Yes
Vexibia nuttalliana [Sophora nuttalliana] [Sophora sericea] [Vexibia sericea] YES Rich Haswell: south of Saguache (Saguache Co) by Hwy 285 June-July 2023 Fabaceae necklace pod, white loco weed, sillky sophora YES
Vicia americana YES Rich Haswell Mineral Co, beside Hwy 160, 10 road miles SW of South Fork 10 June 2020 Fabaceae American vetch YES
Vicia sativa [Vicia angustifolia] Fabaceae garden vetch YES
Viola adunca [Viola labradorica] [Viola bellidiflora] [Viola montanensis] [Viola puberulera] [Viola retroscabra] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake July 6 2018 Violaceae hookedspur violet, sand violet, western dog violet YES
Viola macloskeyi [Viola pallens] [Viola rotundifolia var. pallens] Violaceae MacKloskey’s violet, northern white violet YES
Viola nephrophylla [Viola sororia] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, edge of upper Tucker Pond 23 July 2019 Violaceae common blue violet YES
Viola palustris [Viola renifolia] [Viola macloskeyi] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near Cumbres pass 19 June 2022; 28 June 2023 Violaceae marsh violet Yes
Viola rafinesquii [Viola biflora] Violaceae Arctic yellow violet, alpine yellow violet Yes
Viola renifolia [Viola palustris] [Viola macloskeyi] Violaceae kidney-leaved violet YES
Viola rugulosa [Viola canadensis var. rugulosa] [Viola rydbergii] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 Violaceae Canadian violet YES
Viola tricolor YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, between street and yard 28 May 2015 Violaceae wild pansy, Johnny-jump-up, hearts-ease yes
Viola x williamsii YES Jamie Smith: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista, growing in sidewalk crack, 13 July 2019 Violaceae hybrid horned pansy, tufted pansy yes
Wyethia arizonica YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, slope by Hwy 17 near Cumbres Pass 15 June 2021 Asteraceae Arizona mule's-ears YES
Xanthisma coloradoense [Machaeranthera coloradoensis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, along utility road to Grayback Mt off CR14, 21 Aug 2014 Asteraceae Colorado aster YES
Xanthisma gracile Asteraceae slender goldenweed YES
Xanthisma spinulosum [Machaeranthera spinulosa] [Machaeranthera pinnatifida] [Amellus spinulosus] [Haplopappus spinulosus] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, house 17 July 2013; Rio Grande Co, base of Limekiln Peak 7 May 2021 Asteraceae tansy aster YES
Xanthium strumarium YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWP 10 July 2016; Conejos Co, bank of the Rio Grande at Hwy 142, 28 Sept 2021 Yes Asteraceae rough cocklebur, clotbur Yes
Yucca baileyi YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, Rd 5045 near the old Martinez cemetery 28 June 2019; 3 July 2019 Asparagaceae Bailey’s yucca YES
Yucca glauca [Yucca angustifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Biedell Creek N of La Garita 27 May 2019 Asparagaceae Great Plains yucca, soapweed Yes
Zannichellia palustris YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 7 Sept 2018 Zannichelliaceae horned pondweed YES
Zea mays Poaceae maize, corn yes