Single Record
Participant Info
- Species
- Delphinium nuttallianum [Delphinium nelsonii]
- Family
- Ranunculaceae
- CommonName
- Nuttall's larkspur, twolobe delphinium
- Presence
- Yes
- Status
- native
- EarliestDate
- 1899
- LatestDate
- 1992
- Ecosystem
- montane
- Geobotanical
- SSanjuans
- Counties
- Conejos, Archuleta
- Passes
- Cumbres
- WildlifePreserves
- Other Localities
- PhotoRecords
- Comments
- NEED IN SITU PHOTOS. For Nuttall's larkspur, there are only four records for the Watershed, all from the Conejos River and the Rio de los Pinos in Conejos Co, with elevations ranging from 7,875' to 10,500' (1899 to 2019). Delphinium nuttallianum is spread widely throughout all states west of the Great Plains. In New Mexico it follows the Rio Grande drainage nearly to the border with Mexico, but no farther into Texas.
- Annotation