Directions for Searching

Always clear before starting a new search.

Results of a search will appear below the search fields on the search page. To see a full single record, click on the Species name. In the last column, a linked “Yes” leads to a separate annotated page for the species, with photos and extended information.

Selecting more than one field will generate a Boolean “and’ search. So entering Erigeron into the Species field, Conejos into the Counties field, and Saguache into the Counties field will locate Erigerons that have been reported from both Conejos and Saguache counties. A Boolean ‘either/or” search requires separate searches. For example, first find Erigerons in Conejos County, then in a second search, find Erigerons in Saguache County.

IMPORTANT. By a county (e.g., “Saguache”) is meant only that part of the county included in the Rio Grande watershed. So records of plants from west of the Continental Divide in Saguache County are excluded in this database. See Maps for a delineation of county and Watershed boundaries.

Also see Maps for a delineation of the Geobotanical Regions.

By default, the outcome of a search is ordered by species name. An outcome can then be ordered by any of the search fields: see the “Sort By” function just above the results of a search.

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-For full list of all species treated, type EAE into the “family” field

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