Single Record
Participant Info
- Species
- Populus acuminata [Populus X acuminata]
- Family
- Salicaceae
- CommonName
- lanceleaf cottonwood
- Presence
- Status
- native
- EarliestDate
- 1930
- LatestDate
- 1981
- Ecosystem
- basin, montane, urban
- Geobotanical
- SSanjuans, NCristos, UBasin, LBasin
- Counties
- Alamosa, Conejos
- Passes
- WildlifePreserves
- Great Sand Dunes
- Other Localities
- Alamosa (town)
- PhotoRecords
- Comments
- NEED IN SITU PHOTOS. Populus acuminata may be more common in the Watershed than the few collections suggest. It has been recorded from the Great Sand Dunes (1941), Adams State College campus (1951), Medano Creek (1981), and the Conejos River (1981). BONAP shows the USA range of Populus acuminata as mainly the Rockies, from the Canadian to the Mexican border, with an extension down the Rio Grande drainage into the Big Bend country of Texas. Traditionally the species was thought to be a hybrid between Populus angustifolia and P. deltoides, but according to John Kartesz of BONAP, it is now recognized as a full species.
- Annotation