Single Record
Participant Info
- Species
- Viola rafinesquii [Viola biflora]
- Family
- Violaceae
- CommonName
- Arctic yellow violet, alpine yellow violet
- Presence
- Yes
- Status
- native
- EarliestDate
- 1998
- LatestDate
- 1999
- Ecosystem
- subalpine, tundra
- Geobotanical
- NCristos
- Counties
- Alamosa, Saguache
- Passes
- Music
- WildlifePreserves
- Other Localities
- PhotoRecords
- Comments
- NEED IN SITU PHOTOS. Viola rafinesquii [traditionally known as Viola bicolor] is a high-altitude violet endemic to Colorado, usually found in the Front Range. Of the four Watershed vouchers, three are from the east side of the Valley (1998-1999). Two of them from Alamosa Co near south Zapata lake, and one from Saguache Co, “up Sand Creek from Music Pass to Peak.” A fourth record (1983) possibly is misidentified, from a "ditchbank" 7 miles SW of Alamosa, although this location lies within the elevation range given by Ackerfield. The Watershed locations, of course, would be the only ones within the entire Rio Grande drainage.
- Annotation