Checklist of All species Identified as “Adventive” or “Exotic”

Total Records Found: 210
Acer tataricum YES kpalm1111: town of Alamosa, Alamosa Co, Main Street, 3 July 2023 Sapindaceae Tatar maple exotic
Achillea filipendulina [Achillea eupatorium] [Achillea filcifolia] [Tanacetum angulatum] YES Rebecca Husted Gimenez: Conejos, CO Antonito railway station grounds 10 Aug 2021 Asteraceae fernleaf yarrow, milfoil, nosebleed exotic
Agropyron cristatum [Agropyron cristatiforme] [Agropyron desertorum] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve 2 Sept 2014 Poaceae crested wheatgrass, crested wheat grass exotic
Agrostis gigantea [Agrostis alba subsp. gigantea] Vilfa gigantea], etc Poacea black bent, redtop bent exotic
Agrostis stolonifera [Agrostis alba var. stolonifera] [Agrostis capillaris var. stolonifera] etc. Poaceae creeping bentgrass, florin, carpet bentgrass exotic
Alcea rosea [Althea rosea] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side, 17 Sept 2021 Malvaceae hollyhock exotic, escaped
Alhagi maurorum [Alhagi camelorum] [Alhagi pseudalhagi] Fabaceae camel thorn exotic, noxious
Alopecurus geniculatus [Alopecurus pallescens] Poaceae water foxtail, marsh foxtail exotic
Alopecurus pratensis [Tozzettia pratensis] [Tozzettia vulgaris] Poaceae meadow foxtail exotic
Alyssum alyssoides [Clypeola alyssoides] Brassicaceae pale madwort exotic
Alyssum desertorum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork, vacant and parking lots 8 Sept 2017; 28 May 2019; 12 May 2021 Brassicaceae desert madword exotic
Alyssum simplex [Alyssum parvifolium var. micranthum] [Alyssum minus var. micranthum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, South Fork, vacant lot in South Fork 28 May 2019 Brassicaceae European alyssum exotic
Amaranthus hybridus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by CR 13 south of Del Norte 24 Sept 2022 Amaranthaceae smooth pigweed, green amaranth, slender pigweed, slim amaranth exotic
Amaranthus palmeri Yes Danel Long: Costilla Co, 17 air miles southeast of San Luis, 22 July 2021 Amaranthaceae carelessweed native, adventive
Anchusa azurea [Anchusa italica] Boraginaceae Italian bugloss, alkanet exotic
Anisantha tectorum [Bromus tectorum] YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Del Norte yard 27 Dec.2024 Poaceae cheatgrass, downy brome, downy chess, junegrass, bronce-grass exotic
Apium graveolens Apiaceae celery exotic, adventive
Arctium minus [Lappus minus] Asteraceae lesser burdock exotic, noxious
Artemisia biennis YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA, 8 Sept 2017; Rio Grande Co, dryig edge of Beaver Creek Reservoir 2 Sept 2020 Asteraceae biennial wormwood exotic, adventive
Asparagus officinalis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, streetside, 6 June 2014; Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2017 Asparagaceae asparagus exotic, escaped
Astragalus cicer YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, East Willow Creek above Creede 20 Sept 2016 Fabaceae chickpea milkvetch exotic
Atriplex hortensis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, in floodplain of the Rio Grande, 2 Aug 2015; 5 Oct 2017; 4 Oct 2022; Amaranthaceae garden orache exotic
Atriplex micrantha [Atriplex heterosperma] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Baca NWR 17 Aug 2021; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 18 Sept 2018, 9 Sept 2022; Saguache Co, Russell Lakes NWA 26 Sept 2019; Rio Grande Co, by parking lot of the Family Dollar store in Del Norte, 2 Aug 2022 Amaranthaceae twoscale saltbrush, Russian atriplex exotic
Atriplex patula Amaranthaceae spear saltbrush exotic
Atriplex rosea Amaranthaceae tumbling saltbrush exotic
Avena fatua [Avena hybrida] Poaceae wild oats, common wild oats exotic, noxious
Avena sativa [Avena byzantina] [Avena hybrida] Poaceae oats, cultivated oats exotic, escaped, commercial
Axyris amaranthoides Linnaeus YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, 1.6 air miles NW of Creede, 18 Aug 2022 Amaranthaceae Russian pigweed exotic
Barbarea vulgaris [Erysimum barbarea] Brassicaceae bittercress, winter rocket exotic
Bassia hyssopifolia [Kochia hyssopifolia] [Suaeda hysspifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Great Sand Dunes 8 July 2014; Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2016 Yes Amaranthaceae ironweed, smotherweed, five-hook exotic
Bassia scoparia [Bassia sieversiana] [Kochia scoparia] [Kochia sieversiana] [Chenopodium scoparium] YES Rich Haswell: Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2017 Yes Amaranthaceae burningbush, kochia, alfalfa de pobre, morenita, Mexican fireweed exotic
Berteroa incana YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork 28 July 2013, Aug 2022 Yes Brassicaceae hoary alyssum exotic, noxious
Bidens frondosa [Brachyacaulis frondosus] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands, by pond 15 Aug 2017; 18 Sept 2020 Asteraceae devil’s beggarticks native, adventive
Blitum capitatum subsp. hastatum [Blitum hastatum] Blitum capitatum subsp hastatum] [Blitum capitatum] [Chenopodium capitatum var. parvicapitatum] [Chenopodium overi] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, CO below Big Meadows Reservoir 8 July 2020 Amaranthaceae strawberry-blite, beetberry exotic
Brassica juncea Brassicaceae Indian mustard, brown mustard exotic
Brassica napus Brassicaceae rapeseed, rutabaga exotic
Brassica rapa [Brassica campestris] [Sinapsis pekinensis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO yard of house in Del Norte 31 July 2022 Brassicaceae field mustard, rapeseed exotic
Bromus inermis [Bromopsis inermis] Poaceae smooth brome, Hungarian brome exotic
Bromus japonicus [Bromus arvensis var. japonicus] [Bromus patulus] Poaceae Japanese brome, Japanese chess exotic
Camelina microcarpa YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, FR 740 off of Hwy 14, beside dirt road 26 Aug 2021 Brassicaceae littlepod false flax exotic
Camelina rumelica Brassicaceae graceful false flax exotic
Campanula rapunculoides YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, house 20 June 2020 Campanulaceae creeping bellflower exotic
Cannabis sativa Cannabaceae hemp, marijuana exotic
Capsella bursa-pastoris [Bursa bursa-pastoris] [Thlaspi bursa-pastoris] YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co above Magote Cpgd 8 June 2016; Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, town of Del Norte, untended yard, 30 May 2021 Brassicaceae shepherd's purse exotic
Caragana arborescens YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Hicks Canyon by old homestead, 18 July 2014 (in fruit), 12 June 2015 (in flower) Fabaceae Siberian pea, Sibernian pea shrub exotic, escaped
Carduus nutans [Carduus theormeri] YES Rich Haswell: Luders Creek, 1 m. below Luders Cpgd 15 Sept 2015; Beaver Cr campground W of South Fork 12 July 2017 Asteraceae musk thistle exotic, noxious
Carum carvi YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte house, 29 May 2015 Apiaceae caraway exotic, noxious
Cenchrus longispinus [Cenhrus carolinus] Poaceae sandbur, spiny burr grass, mat sandbur, field sandbur, innocent weed, picco, gentle Annie native, adventive
Centaurea diffusa YES Randy Floyd: Rio Grande Co, CO southwest of South Fork along Hwy 160, 21 Aug 2019 Asteraceae diffuse knapweed exotic, noxious
Centaurea stoebe subsp. micranthos YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, cattle-grazed meadow by Baughman Creek 10.27 air miles NE of South Fork, 25 Sept 2019; Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek, 24 Sept 2022 Asteraceae spotted knapweed exotic, noxious
Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare [Cerastium vulgatum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr 5 June 2014; Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 Caryophyllaceae mouse-ear chickweed exotic
Cerastium nutans Caryophyllaceae nodding chickweed adventive
Chenopodiastrum simplex [Chenopodium simplex] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, edge of flower garden 30 July 2017 Amaranthaceae maple-leaf goosefoot native, adventive
Chorispora tenella YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte stree verges 8 May 2019 Yes Brassicaceae blue mustard, musk mustard, cross flower exotic
Cichorium intybus YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, along Hwy 17, 10 July 2014; Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, road to Terrace Reservoir 26 July 20192019) Asteraceae chickory, cornflower exotic
Cirsium arvense [Breea arvense] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork, vacant lot, 4 Sept 2013; 8 miles S of Del Norte by CR 13 23 Aug 2020 Asteraceae creeping thistle, field thistle, Canadian thistle exotic, noxious
Cirsium vulgare YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, near the confluence of the Conejos River and Fox Creek 2 Aug 2015;2 Sept 2015 Asteraceae bull thistle exotic, noxious
Clematis orientalis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista, Dos Rios Restaurant 18 July 2013; Del Norte street side Aug 2015 to 29 Sept 2022 Ranunculaceae oriental clematis, orangepeel clematis exotic, noxious
Conium maculatum YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on the Conejos River between Mogote and Aspen Glade cpgd 23-28 July 2017 Apiaceae poison hemlock exotic, noxious
Convolvulus arvensis [Convolvulus ambigens] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte house 18 June 2013 Convolvulaceae field bindweed, morning glory, withy wind, creeping jenny, devil's guts exotic, noxious
Corispermum hyssopifolium [Chorispermum hyssopifolium] Amaranthaceae hyssop-leaved bugseed exotic
Cynoglossum officinale YES: Mary McDonald, Archuleta Co, near Cumbres pass, 2021; Mele Avery, Saguache Co, Valley View Hot Springs, 2022 Boraginaceae houndstongue exotic, noxious
Dactylis glomerata [Bromus glomeratus] [Festuca glomerata] etc. Poaceae orchard grass, cocksfoot exotic
Datura stramonium [Datura tatula] Solanceae jimsonweed, thorn apple, devil’s snare exotic
Descurainia sophia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte lot by Hwy 160, 4 May 2021 (young plant) Brassicaceae flixweed, herbe-Sophia, tansy exotic, noxious
Draba nemorosa Brassicaceae woodland draba native, exotic
Dysphania botrys [Chenopodium botrys] [Teloxys botrys] [Ambrosia mexicana] Amaranthaceae sticky goosefoot, Jerusalem-oak, feathered geranium exotic
Echinochloa crus-galli [Echinochloa crusgalli] [Panicum crusgalli] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Baca National Wilflife Refuge 17 Aug 2021 Poaceae barnyard grass, Japanese millet exotic
Elaeagnus angustifolia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 4 June 2020 Caprifoliaceae Russian olive exotic, noxious
Eleusine indica [Cynosurus indicus] Poaceae Indian goosegrass, yard grass, crowfoot grass exotic
Elymus repens [Agropyron repens] [Elytrigia repens] [Triticum repens] etc. Poaceae quackgrass, couchgrass, couch grass, quitch, twitch, witchgrass exotic
Eragrostis barrelieri Poaceae Mediterranean lovegrass exotic
Eragrostis ciianensis [Eragrostis major] [eragrostis megastachya] [Poa cilianensis] Poaceae stinkgrass, stink-grass exotic
Eragrostis minor [Eragrostis cilianensis subsp. pooides] etc. Poaceae little lovegrass exotic
Erigeron canadensis [Conyza canadensis] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WP 22 July 2016; Rio Grande Co, abandoned gravel pit one mile NE of Del Norte 27 July 2021 Asteraceae horseweed exotic
Erigeron philadelphicus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, parking area of store in Del Norte on Hwy 160, 31 Aug 2022 Asteraceae Philadelphia fleabane native, adventive
Erodium cicutarium [Geranium cicutarium] YES Rich Haswell: house yard in Del Norte 15 July 1203. Yes Geraniaceae common stork’s-bill, redstem filaree, pinweed adventive, noxious
Erysimum cheiranthoides YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 6 July 2016 Brassicaceae wormseed wallflower, treacle-mustard exotic
Erysimum repandum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, base of Limekiln Peak, between Monte Vista and Del Norte, along a hiking and biking trail, 6 July2021; Lookout Mt by Del Norte, by trail 10 July 2021 Brassicaceae spreading wallflower exotic
Euphorbia cyparissias [Tithymalus cyparissias] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 1.5 miles upstream from Mogote Campground 5 Sept 2015; 4 Sept 2021 Euphorbiaceae Cypress spurge exotic, noxious
Festuca trachyphylla Poaceae hard fescue exotic
Fraxinus americana [Fraxinus biltmoreana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, yards 2018-2022 Oleaceae American ash adventive
Gaillardia X grandiflora YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, south town limits of Villa Grove by Hwy 285, 24 Aug 2017 Asteraceae blanket flower exotic, escaped
Genista lydia Yes Richard Haswell: Saguache Co, top of Poncha pass by Hwy 285, 8 June 2023 Fabaceae Lydian broom, dwarf broom, common woadwaxen exotic, escaped
Gleditsia triacanthos YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, CO Del Norte street side 23 June 2015 Fabaceae honey locust exotic
Gnaphalium uliginosum YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Beaver Creek Reservoir, drying edge 2 Sept 2020 Asteraceae marsh cudweed exotic
Gypsophila elegans YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte house garden 27 Sept 2017—26 Sept 2020 Caryophyllaceae baby’s breath exotic
Gypsophila paniculata Caryophyllaceae tall baby's breath exotic, escaped
Gypsophila scorzonerifolia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street embankment 11 Sept 2016 Yes Caryophyllaceae garden baby’s breath exotic
Halogeton glomeratus [Anabasis glomerata] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands 15 July 2017 Amaranthaceae wienerleaf exotic, noxious
Helianthus ciliaris Asteraceae Texas blueweed native, adventive
Hyoscyamus niger YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Embargo Creek road junction with Groundhog road, N of South Fork 26 July 2016 Solanaceae black henbane, stinking nightshade exotic, noxious
Iberis amara "farafadler", 6 km SSE of Crestone, 2 Oct 2024 Brassicaceae rocket candytuft exotic, escaped
Lactuca canadensis YES Daniel Boyes: Costilla Co, 12.5 km northeast of San Luis, 17 Nov 2019 Asteraceae Canadian lettuce native, adventive
Lactuca serriola [Lactuca scariola] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept. 2017; Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek trailhead 16 July 2021 Asteraceae prickly lettuce exotic
Lappula squarrosa [Lappula echinata] Boraginaceae European stickseed exotic
Lathyrus latifolius YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 28 Aug 2016 [cultivated plant] Fabaceae everlasting pea, perennial peavine exotic
Lepidium appelianum [Cardaria pubescens] YES: kelccole: Conejos Co, near Morgan, southwest of Alamosa 21 July 2023 Brassicaceae hairy whitetop exotic
Lepidium campestre [Thlaspi campestre] Brassicaceae field pepperweed exotic
Lepidium chalepense [Lepidium chalepensis] [Cardaria chalepensis] [Lepidium draba subsp. chalepensis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by irrigation canal 11 July 2015 Brassicaceae lenspod whitetop exotic
Lepidium draba [Cardaria draba] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Rio Grande Nature Preserve near Alamosa 7 July 2016 Brassicaceae short whitetop, hoary cress, Thanet cress exotic, noxious
Lepidium latifolium [Cardaria latifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, under Hwy 240 bridge over the Rio Grande 28 July 2021 Brassicaceae tall whitetop, iron weed, broad-leaved whitetop exotic, noxious
Lepidium perfoliatum Brassicaceae clasping pepperweed exotic
Leucanthemum vulgare YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 23 Aug 2013; 3 Sept 2022 Asteraceae field daisy, oxeye daisy exotic, noxious
Levisticum officinale Apiaceae lovage exotic
Linaria dalmatica [Antirrhinum dalmaticum] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, along FSR 129(1)C, 17 Aug 2019 Plantaginaceae Dalmatian toadflax exotic, noxious
Linaria vulgaris YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Willow Creek above Creede, along old mining road 2 Aug 2021 Plantaginaceae toadflax, butter-and-eggs exotic, noxious
Linum perenne YES Richard Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Bear Creek 1.5 air miles NE of South Fork 8 June 2021 Linaceae perennial flax exotic, escaped
Lobularia maritima YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard, 22 Aug 2020 Brassicaceae sweet alyssum exotic
Lolium perenne Poaceae perennial ryegrass, English ryegrass exotic
Lolium pratense [Schedonorus pratensis] [Festuca pratensis] [Bromus pratensis] etc. Poaceae meadow ryegrass, meadow fescue exotic
Lonicera tatarica YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard 900 block S Columbia 28 July 2018 Caprifoliaceae Tartarian honeysuckle exotic
Lycium barbarum [Lycium halimifolium] [Lycium vulgare] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street sides; 11 July 2014; 1 June 2022 Solanaceae wolfberry, matrimony-vine exotic
Malus domestica [Malus pumila] [Malus communis] [Malus sylvestris] [Pyrus malus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard, 2014-2023 Rosaceae common apple, apple tree exotic
Malva neglecta [Malva rotundifolia] YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, Elk Creek campground, 6 July 2016; Rich Haswell, Del Norte street side 20 July 2020l Malvaceae cheeseweed, buttonweed, cheeseplant exotic
Marrubium vulgare YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on Hwy 17, 1 mile E of Fox Creek community 17-20 Sept 2017 Lamiaceae common horehound, white horehound exotic
Matricaria discoidea [Matricaria matricarioides] YES Rich Haswell, Saguache Co, FR740 one mile S of HWY 14, 26 Aug 2021; Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 2 Oct 2018 Asteraceae pineapple weed exotic
Medicago lupulina YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, bank of the Rio Grande by Hwy 142 28 July 2021 Fabaceae black medick, hop-trefoil, hop-medick exotic
Medicago sativa [Medicago falcata] YES Rich Haswell: streetside, Del Norte 1 May 2021; albino form Del Norte, street side 22 June 2018 Fabaceae alfalfa, lucerne exotic
Melilotus albus [Melilotus officinale subsp. albus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Embargo Road at Embargo Creek 26 July 2016 Fabaceae white sweetclover exotic
Melilotus officinalis [Trifolium melilotus-officinalis] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands N of Alamosa 18 Sept 2020; Nick Moore: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WPA 17 July 2022 (iNaturalist observation 127148431) Fabaceae yellow sweetclover exotic
Mentha arvensis [Mentha canadensis] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NP 16 July 2018 Lamiaceae field mint, wild mint, corn mint exotic
Mentha spicata [Mentha crispa] [Mentha crispata] [Mentha viridis] Lamiaceae spearmint, garden mint exotic, adventive
Myosotis scorpioides [Myosotis palustris] Boraginaceae forget-me-not, mouse ear exotic
Myriophyllum spicatum Haloragaceae spiked water-milfoil exotic, noxious
Nasturtium microphyllum [Rorippa microphylla] [Nasturtium uniseriatum] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, seep below Hwy 114, 12.7 air miles W of Saguache 2 Sept 2019 Brassicaceae small-leafed water cress exotic
Nasturtium officinale [Sisymbrium nasturtium-acquaticum] [Rorippa nasturtium] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA 30 May 2020 Brassicaceae watercress exotic
Nepeta cataria YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte driveway side 28 May 2019 Lamiaceae catnip exotic
Oenothera macrocarpa [Megapterium macrocarpum] [Megapterium nuttallianum] YES Scott Smith: Saguache Co, by Hwy 285 north of Villa Grove 14 July 2017 Onagraceae Missouri evening primrose, Ozark sundrops, bigfruit evening primrose, fluttermill adventive
Onobrychis viciifolia YES Rozemarijn Bradshaw Saguache Co, within town limits of Saguache, 11 June 2021 Fabaceae sainfoin exotic
Onopordum acanthium Asteraceae Scotch thistle exotic
Panicum miliaceum Poaceae proso millet, broomcorn millet, hog millet, etc. adventive, escaped
Papaver orientale YES "bounceoffwalls": Rio Grande Co, end of Castle Rock Creek Road southwest of Del Norte 23 June 2018 Papaveraceae Oriental poppy exotic, escaped
Parthenocissus quinquefolia [Hedera quinquefolia] [Parthenocissus inserta] [Vitis inserta] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, covering side of brick building on main street 4 July 2017 Vitaceae Virginia creeper, Victoria creeper, five-finger ivy adventive
Pastinaca sativa Apiaceae wild parsnip exotic
Penstemon palmeri YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 3 miles S of Villa Grove by Hwy 285, 28 June 2014 Plantaginaceae crested beardstongue, fuzzytongue penstemon native, adventive
Persicaria hydropiper [Polygonum hydropiper] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, slough of the Rio Grande 15 Aug 2018 Polygonaceae waterpepper, marsh pepper knotweed exotic
Persicaria maculosa [Persicaria persicaria] [Polygonum persicaria] [Persicaria vulgaris] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Sherman Lake E of Monte Vista 13 Aug 2016 Polygonaceae Lady's-thumb knotweed exotic
Phacelia campanularia Hydrophallaceae California bluebell, desertbells adventive
Phleum pratense [Phleum nodosum var. pratense] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Middle Frisco Creek trailhead 4 July 2014 Poaceae Timothy, Timothy grass, meadow cat's-tail exotic, commercial
Physalis philadelphica Solanaceae Mexican groundcherry, tomotillos exotic
Pilosella aurantiaca [Hieracium aurantiacum] Yes "gravelghost": Rio Grande Co, 5 km southeast of Del Norte Peak, 8 Aug 2023 Asteraceae orange hawkweed exotic, noxious
Plantago lanceolata YES Rich Haswell Rio Grande Co, South Fork vacant lot 28 july 2013 Plantaginaceae ribwort plantain, lanceleaf plantain, English plantain exotic
Plantago major YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Rio Grande floodplain by 142 bridge in Del Norte 28 July 2021 Plantaginaceae common plantain, broadleaf plantain, greater plantain, white-man’s foot exotic
Poa annua Poaceae annual bluegrass exotic
Poa compressa [Panelon compressum] Poaceae Canada bluegrass, wiregrass, flattened meadow-grass exotic
Poa pratensis [Paneion pratense] [Poa angustifolia subsp. pratensis] [Poa agassizensis] Poaceae Kentucky bluegrass, bluegrass, sweet meadow-grass native, exotic
Poa trivialis [Poa attica] [Poa stolonifera] [Aira semneutra] [Phalaris semineutra] etc. Poaceae rough bluegrass exotic
Polygonum argyrocoleon YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 2 miles SW of Los Mogotes 10-11 Sept 2022 Polygonaceae silversheath knotweed exotic
Polypogon monspeliensis [Agrostis alopecuroides] [Alopecurus monspeliensis] [Phalaris aristata] etc. Poaceae annual rabbitsfoot grass, annual beards-grass exotic
Populus alba Salicaceae white poplar exotic, commercial
Populus nigra YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte 20 April 2019; 30 June 2021 Salicaceae Lombardy popular, black popular exotic
Potamogeton crispus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir 9 Aug 2018; 10 Oct 2020 Yes Potamogetonaceae curly pondweed exotic
Ranunculus repens YES Madison Brown: Alamosa Co, by Mosca Creek near trailhead in the Great Sand Dunes NPP, 3 May 2024 Ranunculaceae creeping buttrcup exotic
Reseda lutea YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, CR 38, 7 July 2014 Yes Resedaceae yellow mignonette, wild mignonette, cutleaf mignonette exotic
Reseda luteola Resedaceae dyer’s rocket, dyer’s weed, weld exotic
Reseda odorata Resedaceae common mignonette, garden mignonette, sweet reseda exotic, commercial
Rhamnus cathartica [Cervispina cathartia] Rhamnaceae common buckthorn exotic
Rhaponticum repens [Acroptilon repens] [Centaurea repens] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Alamosa NWR 26 July 2019; Rio Grande Co, South Fork beside Hwy 160 28 July 2013 Asteraceae Russian knapweed exotic, noxious
Rheum rhabarbarum Polygonaceae rhubarb exotic, escaped
Robinia pseudoacacia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grnde Co, Del Norte, 10th street 1 June 2020; 10 July 2021 Fabaceae black locust, false acacia native, adventive
Rumex acetosella YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019; Big Meadows Reservoir, beside parking lot at trailhead 8 Aug 2019 Yes Polygonaceae sheep’s sorrel, red sorrel exotic
Rumex crispus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte, between sidewalk and buillding 15 May 20121 Polygonaceae curly dock, sour dock, yellow dock exotic
Salix babylonica YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Cp, 2.6 miles W of Del Norte, on Hwy 160, 26 May 2020 Salicaceae weeping willow exotic
Salix x fragilis [Salix fragilis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, Del Norte, old planted trees and young shoots throughout the town, 20 May 2020 Salicaceae crack willow exotic, escaped
Salsola collina Amaranthaceae slender Russian thistle exotic
Salsola paulsenii [Salsola pestifer] [Kali paulsenii] YES: iNaturalist observation #183924205, Costilla Co, 1.6 km south of bridge over the Rio Grande; iNaturalist observation #131687707, Alamosa Co, 16.7 air miles ENE of Alamosa Amaranthaceae barbwire Russian thistle exotic
Salsola tragus [Kali tragus] [Salsola australis] [Salsola kali] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, within town limits of Del Norte, 24 Aug 2020 Amaranthaceae prickly Russian thistle, windwitch, tumbleweed exotic
Saponaria officinalis YES Rich Haswell: Del Norte 10 Oct 2016 [by street, escaped?) Caryophyllaceae bouncing bet exotic, escaped, noxious
Senecio vulgaris YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte alleys and yards 16 July 2014; observed also in 2020 Asteraceae common groundsel exotic
Setaria viridis [Chaetochloa viridis] [Panicum viride] Poaceae green foxtail, green bristlegrass, wild foxtail millet exotic, noxious
Silene latifolia [Lychnis alba] [Melandrum album] [Silene latifolia subsp. alba] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by the parking-area latrine at the trailhead for the north trail around Big Meadows Reservoir 26 Aug 2019 Caryophyllaceae white campion exotic
Silybum marianum [Carduus marianus] Asteraceae milk thistle exotic
Sinapis alba [Brassica hirta] [ Brassica alba] [Rorippa coloradensis] Brassicaceae white mustard exotic
Sinapis arvensis [Brassica arvensis] [Brassica kaber] Brassicaceae charlock mustard, field mustard, wild mustard native, exotic
Sisymbrium altissimum [Noria altissima] YES Richard Haswell: Conejos Co, junction of Hwy 17 and CR 101, 23 June 2021 Brassicaceae tall tumblemustard, Jim Hlll mustard exotic
Sisymbrium loeselii YES Mary McDonald: Conejos Co, 4 km south of Fox Creek community, 25 Sept 2023 Brassicaceae Loesel's rocket exotic
Solanum physalifolium [Solanum physalifolium var. nitidisacatum] [Solanum nitidisaccatum] [Solanum americanum] [Solanum nigrum] [Solanum sarrachoides] [Solanum styleanum] YES Rich Haswell; Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek Rd N of South Fork 13 Sept 2017] Solanaceae Argentine nightshade, hoe nightshade exotic
Sonchus arvensis [Sonchus uliginosus] [Sonchus arvensis var. arvensis] [Sonchus arvensis var. uliginosus] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte by railroad tracks 28 Aug 2016 Asteraceae perennial sow thistle exotic, noxious
Sonchus asper Asteraceae prickly sow thistle exotic
Sonchus oleraceus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by slough of the Rio Grande near Del Norte 11 Aug 2018 Asteraceae common sow thistle, hare’s colwort exotic
Spergularia rubra [Arenaria rubra] [Tissa rubra] Yes Mary E. McDonald: along Forest Service road 113 "just below La Manga Pass off Hwy 117, 5 July2014; Rich Haswell, Conejos Co, Platoro 7 July 2021; Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, logging road above La Manga Creek 2 Aug 2022; Rich Haswell, by natural pond at Cumbres pass 2 Aug 2022 Caryophyllaceae red sandspurry exotic
Sphaerophysa salsula [Swainsonia salsula] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, 3 air miles SW of Monte Vista (over-wintered pods still attached) 28 March 2019 Fabaceae alkali Swainson pea, buyan, Austrian peaweed exotic, noxious
Stellaria media [Alsine media] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, in lawn of Del Norte private property 15 July 2013; 4 Sept 2014; 25 June 2021; 19 July 2022 Caryophyllaceae common chickweed, stitchwort exotic
Symphytum officinale Boraginaceae common comfrey exotic
Tamarix chinensis [Tamarix ramosissima] [Tamarix pentandra] yes Richard Haswel: by human-made pond, Upper Basin, Rio Grande Co, 1 Sept 2024 Tamaricaceae salt-cedar, Chinese tamarisk, five-stamen tamarisk exotic, noxious
Tanacetum balsamita Asteraceae costmary, alecost, balsam herb, Bible leaf exotic
Tanacetum vulgare YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, lower end of Foreset Service Rd 103 30 Aug 2021 Asteraceae common tansy exotic, noxious
Taraxacum erythrospermum [Taraxacum laevigatum var. erythrospermum] [Taraxacum officinale var. erythrospermum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte between street and lawn 18 June 2023 Asteraceae red-seeded dandelion exotic
Taraxacum officinale YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard 1 June 2019 Asteraceae common dandelion exotic
Thlaspi arvense YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, side of Hwy 14 as it passes Luders Creek campground 25 Aug 2021; Rio Grande Co, on trail to Million Reservoir 11 Aug 2022 Brassicaceae fanweed, field pennycress exotic
Tragopogon dubius YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, private yard, Del Norte 23 June 2019 Asteraceae Western salsify exotic
Tragopogon porrifolius Asteraceae purple salsify exotic
Tragopogon pratensis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, house 17 June 2013; Hinsdale Co, Clear Creek Falls 22 June 2017 Asteraceae meadow salsify exotic
Tribulus terrestris YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 11th street 7 July 2014 to 14 Sept 2022 Yes Zygophyllaceae puncturevine, caltrops, goat’s-head, devil’s eyelashes, tackweed exotic, noxious
Trifolium fragiferum YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, in floodplain of the Rio Grande, below bridge on Hwy 142, west side of the river 7/28/2021 Fabaceae strawberry clover exotic
Trifolium hybridum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Nortel bank of the Rio Grande 12 July 2021 Fabaceae Alsike clover exotic
Trifolium incarnatum Yes Audra McKay-Webster, Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek 1.76 air miles northeast of South Fork, 4 Aug 2020 Fabaceae crimson colver exotic
Trifolium pratense YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, San Francisco Creek, beside trail, 18 July 2018 Fabaceae red clover exotic
Trifolium repens YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Creek trail 20 Aug 2021 Fabaceae field clover, Dutch white clover exotic
Tripleurospermum inodorum [Matricaria inodora] [Chamomilla inodora] [Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora] [Tripleurospermum maritimum] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Above Creede by Willow Cr. 4 July 2014; Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near Elk Creek cpgd 29 Sept 2015 Asteraceae scentless mayweed, wild chamomile exotic, noxious
Typha angustifolia Typhaceae narrowleaf cat-tail exotic
Ulmus pumila YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, private yard 28 June 2021 Ulmaceae Siberian elm exotic, noxious
Verbascum thapsus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard 24 July 2010; old gravel pit NE of Del Norte 26 Aug 2020 Scrophulariaceae common mullein, great mullein exotic, noxious
Verbena stricta Verbenaceae hoary verbena native, adventive
Veronica anagallis-aquatica [Veronica catenata] [Veronica micromera] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Bauchmann Creek, 10 air miles NE of South Fork 25 Sept 2019 Plantaginaceae water speedwell exotic
Veronica persica Plantaginaceae Persian speedwell exotic
Vicia sativa [Vicia angustifolia] Fabaceae garden vetch exotic
Viola tricolor YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, between street and yard 28 May 2015 Violaceae wild pansy, Johnny-jump-up, hearts-ease exotic, escaped
Zygophyllum fabago Zygophyllaceae Syrian bean-caper exotic