New County Records for the Rio Grande Watershed in Colorado

November 2022

This is a list of species from the Rio Grande watershed of Colorado that contributors to this site have documented with photorecords—species whose county provenance is new to the distribution maps of Jennifer Ackerfield, Flora of Colorado, second edition, November 2022; of the Biota of  North American Program (BONAP), November 2022; or of  SEINet, November 2022.

This list is automatically updated, and no doubt it will grow. Another way to access the current list is to type “would add” (without the quotation marks) into the Comments field of the basic search page.

Total Records Found: 77
Alyssum desertorum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork, vacant and parking lots 8 Sept 2017; 28 May 2019; 12 May 2021 desert madword
Alyssum simplex [Alyssum parvifolium var. micranthum] [Alyssum minus var. micranthum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande, South Fork, vacant lot in South Fork 28 May 2019 European alyssum
Amaranthus powellii YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, by dirt street 4 Aug 2014; 3 Sept 2021 Powell’s pigweed
Ambrosia psilostachya YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, dam to Trujillo Reservoir 30 Aug 2022 Cuman ragweed, western ragweed
Ambrosia tomentosa [Franseria discolor] [Franseria tomentosa] [Gaertmeria tomentosa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, edge of pond in abandoned gravel pit 4 July 2022 skeletonleaf bur ragweed
Artemisia norvegica [Artemisia norvegica var. saxitilis] [Artemisia arctica] [Artemisia norvegica subsp. saxitilis} YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Grayback pass 5 Aug 2021 mountain sagewort
Artemisia nova [Artemisia arbuscula subsp. nova] [Artemisia tridentata var. nova] [Seriphidium novum] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, three miles S of Hwy 17, 28 Aug 2022 black sageberush
Atriplex dioica [Atriplex subspicata] [Atriplex patula subsp. subspicata] YES Rich Haswell: Russell Lakes SWA, junction of Hwy 285 and CR N, in ditch, 9/26/2019 thickleaf orach
Atriplex hortensis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, in floodplain of the Rio Grande, 2 Aug 2015; 5 Oct 2017; 4 Oct 2022; garden orache
Atriplex micrantha [Atriplex heterosperma] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Baca NWR 17 Aug 2021; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 18 Sept 2018, 9 Sept 2022; Saguache Co, Russell Lakes NWA 26 Sept 2019; Rio Grande Co, by parking lot of the Family Dollar store in Del Norte, 2 Aug 2022 twoscale saltbrush, Russian atriplex
Bassia hyssopifolia [Kochia hyssopifolia] [Suaeda hysspifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Great Sand Dunes 8 July 2014; Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2016 Yes ironweed, smotherweed, five-hook
Berula erecta [Berula incisa] [Sium erectum] [Sium incisum] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWA, by an old irrigation ditch, 8 Sept 2017 cutleaf waterparsnip
Bidens tripartita [Bidens comosa] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake dried margin 8 Aug 2014 strawstem beggarticks
Caragana arborescens YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Hicks Canyon by old homestead, 18 July 2014 (in fruit), 12 June 2015 (in flower) Siberian pea, Sibernian pea shrub
Centaurea stoebe subsp. micranthos YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, cattle-grazed meadow by Baughman Creek 10.27 air miles NE of South Fork, 25 Sept 2019; Rio Grande Co, Middle San Francisco Creek, 24 Sept 2022 spotted knapweed
Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare [Cerastium vulgatum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr 5 June 2014; Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019 mouse-ear chickweed
Chenopodium pratericola [Chenopodium desiccatum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte by Hwy 160, 15 Aug 2014 Yes desert goosefoot
Chenopodium watsonii [Chenopodium glabrescens] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt just SW of Del Norte, 8 Aug 2014; Elephant Rocks N of Del Norte 2 Oct 2018; Saguache Co, Saguache town park, 28 July 2020 Yes stinky goosefoot
Chrysothamnus depressus [Ericameria depressa] YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, FSR 103(1) C, 4 Sept 2021 dwarf rabbitbrush
Cichorium intybus YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, along Hwy 17, 10 July 2014; Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, road to Terrace Reservoir 26 July 20192019) chickory, cornflower
Circaea alpina YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, SW of South Fork 31 July 2018 Yes small enchanter’s nightshade
Cirsium canescens YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near FS 103 (2)B, around 8,300' elev, sunny grassland 1 Aug 2021 creamy thistle
Cirsium ochrocentrum [Carduus ochrocentrus] [Cnicus neomexicanus] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Natural Arch south of La Garita, 17 July 2013; Rio Grande Co, Church Creek near South Fork, 19 July 2020 yellowspine thistle
Clematis orientalis YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Monte Vista, Dos Rios Restaurant 18 July 2013; Del Norte street side Aug 2015 to 29 Sept 2022 oriental clematis, orangepeel clematis
Conium maculatum YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, on the Conejos River between Mogote and Aspen Glade cpgd 23-28 July 2017 poison hemlock
Crassula aquatica [Tillaea aquatica] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by and in pond of an unused gravel pit NW of Del Norte 29 Aug 2020; 14 Sept 2020; 18 Sept 2022 Yes pigmyweed
Cyclachaena xanthiifolia [Cyclachaena xanthifolia] [Iva xanthiifolia] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 2 miles S of Los Mogotes cpgd 16 Aug 2020; Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, by Hwy 17 just E of Fox Creek community 2 Aug 2022 marsh elder, giant sumpweed, careless-weed
Epilobium oregonense YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, pond at Cumbres pass 24 July 2022 Oregon willowherb
Erigeron canadensis [Conyza canadensis] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes WP 22 July 2016; Rio Grande Co, abandoned gravel pit one mile NE of Del Norte 27 July 2021 horseweed
Erigeron canus [Wyomingia cana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek N of South Fork, meadow 8 July 2019 hoary fleabane
Eriogonum effusum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 8 miles W of Del Norte, meadow slope 18 Aug 2017 spreading buckwheat
Euphorbia cyparissias [Tithymalus cyparissias] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 1.5 miles upstream from Mogote Campground 5 Sept 2015; 4 Sept 2021 Cypress spurge
Galium triflorum [Galium flaviflorum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Beaver Creek W of South Fork, seep, 12 July 2017 cudweed, fragrant bedstraw
Geranium viscosissimum [Geranium nervosum] [Geranium strigosum] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, FSR 118(2) near the upper Rio de los Pinos 7/30/2015 sticky geranium
Geum rivale YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 30 July 2021, south side of Conejos River from FS Mogote campground on Hwy 17 purple avens
Grindelia fastigiata YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, between CR D5 and FSR 103(1)C, 17 Sept 2017; 20 Aug 2021 pointed gumweed
Helianthella uniflora [Helianthus uniflorus] YES Mary E. McDonald: La Manga Creek valley, Conejos Co, around 10,230' elev, dry grassland, 7/12/2014; 8/19/2017; 8/26/2021. common little sunflower
Hyoscyamus niger YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Embargo Creek road junction with Groundhog road, N of South Fork 26 July 2016 black henbane, stinking nightshade
Lemna turionifera YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, near Rio de los Pinos 31 Aug and 3 Sept 2022 turion duckweed
Leucanthemum vulgare YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Shaw Lake 23 Aug 2013; 3 Sept 2022 field daisy, oxeye daisy
Limosella aquatica YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, pond in old gravel pit NE of Del Norte, 28 Aug 2020; by and in pond of unused gravel pit NW of Del Norte 18 Sept 2022; Conejos Co, below beaver dam, Conejos River 7 Sept 2021 water mudwort
Linaria dalmatica [Antirrhinum dalmaticum] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, along FSR 129(1)C, 17 Aug 2019 Dalmatian toadflax
Linnaea borealis [Linnaea borealis var. americana] [Linnaea americana] [Linnaea americana var. borealis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, logging road N of Bear Creek trail 19 miles SW of Del Norte 15 July 2014 Yes twin-flower
Lithophragma tenellum [Lithophragma australe] [Lithophragma tenella] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, dry open meadow by Forest Service Road 101, 8,6500' elev. 19 June2019 slender woodland star
Lycium barbarum [Lycium halimifolium] [Lycium vulgare] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street sides; 11 July 2014; 1 June 2022 wolfberry, matrimony-vine
Malva neglecta [Malva rotundifolia] YES Mary E. McDonald, Conejos Co, Elk Creek campground, 6 July 2016; Rich Haswell, Del Norte street side 20 July 2020l cheeseweed, buttonweed, cheeseplant
Matricaria discoidea [Matricaria matricarioides] YES Rich Haswell, Saguache Co, FR740 one mile S of HWY 14, 26 Aug 2021; Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 2 Oct 2018 pineapple weed
Micranthes oregana [Saxifraga oregona] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, southwest slope of Bennett Mt 22 July 2014 bog saxifrage
Myosurus minimus [Ranunculus myosurus] [Ranunculus minimus] YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, FSR 101, 7 miles above Hicks Canyon 28 May 2021 tiny mousetail
Oreocarya suffruticosa var. pustulosa [Oreocarya pustulosa; Oreocarya cinerea] [Cryptantha jamesii var. pustulosa] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, saddle between Conejos River and the Rio Grande River near Hwy 142, San Luis Hills 28 July 2021 San Juan cryptantha
Paronychia sessiliflora YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt. by Del Norte 14 June 2017 low nailwort, creeping nailwort
Parthenocissus quinquefolia [Hedera quinquefolia] [Parthenocissus inserta] [Vitis inserta] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, covering side of brick building on main street 4 July 2017 Virginia creeper, Victoria creeper, five-finger ivy
Pectis angustifolia YES Janis Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Woman Creek road, 24 Aug 2014 Yes lemonscent, cinchweed
Phacelia hastata [Phacelia leptosepala] [Phacelia leucophylla] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Continental Divide north of Wolf Creek Pass 6 Aug 2014 silverleaf phacelia
Physalis neomexicana [Physalis sulcata var. neomexican] [Physalis foetens var. neomexicana] Yes Stinglessbee: Saguavhe Co, 1 km north of Penitente Canyon cpgd 27 Aug 2022; Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, 50 meters south of Penitente Canyon parking area, 21 Nov 2024 New Mexican ground-cherry
Picradeniopsis oppositifolia [Bahia oppositifolia] [Trichophyllum oppositifolium] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 6 Miles NW of Del Norte 17 July 2013 northern bahia, oppositeleaf bahia
Picradeniopsis woodhousei [Achyropappus woodhousei] [Bahia woodhousei] YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Fox Creek, beside Hwy 17 15 July 2015, 15 Sept 2022 Woodhouse's false bahia
Platanthera obtusata [Lysiella obtusata] [Habenaria obtusata] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, 31 July 2017 Yes one-leaf bog orchid
Platanthera purpurascens [Platanthera tescamnis] [Habenaria neomexicana] [Limnorchis purpurascens] [Platanthera hyberborea var. purpurascens] [Platanthera stricta] [Platanthera saccata] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, above Upper Tucker Pond 23 July 2019 purple-petal bog orchid
Polygonum argyrocoleon YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 2 miles SW of Los Mogotes 10-11 Sept 2022 silversheath knotweed
Potamogeton crispus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir 9 Aug 2018; 10 Oct 2020 Yes curly pondweed
Potentilla rivalis [Potentilla leucocarpa] [Potentilla millegrana] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by pond of abandoned gravel pit NE of Del Norte 4 July 2022; edge of Beaver Creek Reservoir 12 Aug 2022 brook cinquefoil, river cinquefoil
Purshia tridentata [Cowania stansburiana] YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co Along FSR 103(2)B near NM border 7/11/2019; 7/14/2021 bitterbrush
Rorippa sphaerocarpa [Nasturtium sphaerocarpum] [Radicula sphaerocarpa] [Rorippa obtusa var. sphaerocarpa] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, growing in the drying edge of a lake in the Russell Lakes SWA 18 Sept 2019; edge of Beaver Reservoir 2 Sept 2020 Yes roundfruit yellowcress
Saxifraga debilis [Saxifraga rivularis] [Saxifraga hyperborea subsp. debilis] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 20 June 2015 highland saxifrage, weak saxifrage, alpine brook saxifrage
Sisymbrium linifolium [Schoenocrambe linifolia] [Nasturtium linifolium] [Erysimum glaberrimum] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 25 Juy 2014; Beaver Creek Reservoir 7 July 2020; Del Norte yard 30 Sept 2024 flaxleaf hedge mustard
Spirodela polyrhiza [Spirodela polyrrhiza] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, old irrigation ditch behind the Sunflour Café by Hwy 285 1 mile N of Monte Vista 13 July 2021 common duckmeat
Symphyotrichum porteri [Aster porteri] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co., edge of Home Lake east of Buena Vista 13 Aug 2016 Porter’s aster
Tamarix chinensis [Tamarix ramosissima] [Tamarix pentandra] yes Richard Haswel: by human-made pond, Upper Basin, Rio Grande Co, 1 Sept 2024 salt-cedar, Chinese tamarisk, five-stamen tamarisk
Townsendia grandiflora YES Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, Forest Ser;vice Road 101 31 May 2014 largeflower Easter daisy
Tribulus terrestris YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 11th street 7 July 2014 to 14 Sept 2022 Yes puncturevine, caltrops, goat’s-head, devil’s eyelashes, tackweed
Trifolium fragiferum YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, in floodplain of the Rio Grande, below bridge on Hwy 142, west side of the river 7/28/2021 strawberry clover
Tripleurospermum inodorum [Matricaria inodora] [Chamomilla inodora] [Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora] [Tripleurospermum maritimum] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Above Creede by Willow Cr. 4 July 2014; Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, near Elk Creek cpgd 29 Sept 2015 scentless mayweed, wild chamomile
Ulmus pumila YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, private yard 28 June 2021 Siberian elm
Verbascum thapsus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte yard 24 July 2010; old gravel pit NE of Del Norte 26 Aug 2020 common mullein, great mullein
Xanthium strumarium YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWP 10 July 2016; Conejos Co, bank of the Rio Grande at Hwy 142, 28 Sept 2021 Yes rough cocklebur, clotbur
Yucca baileyi YES Mary E. McDonald Conejos Co, Rd 5045 near the old Martinez cemetery 28 June 2019; 3 July 2019 Bailey’s yucca