List of all species for which an annotated page is available.

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  • voucher specimen stored in herbaria
  • photo specimen represented by photographs with location data affirmed by the photographer

Geographical coordinates and elevations are from Google Earth.

Total Records Found: 56
Adoxa moschatellina YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, near Hunters Lake, 2 July 2014 Yes Adoxaceae moschatel, muskroot, townhall clock, five-faced bishop, hollowroot
Bassia hyssopifolia [Kochia hyssopifolia] [Suaeda hysspifolia] YES Rich Haswell: Great Sand Dunes 8 July 2014; Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2016 Yes Amaranthaceae ironweed, smotherweed, five-hook
Bassia scoparia [Bassia sieversiana] [Kochia scoparia] [Kochia sieversiana] [Chenopodium scoparium] YES Rich Haswell: Russell Lakes SWA 8 Sept 2017 Yes Amaranthaceae burningbush, kochia, alfalfa de pobre, morenita, Mexican fireweed
Berteroa incana YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, South Fork 28 July 2013, Aug 2022 Yes Brassicaceae hoary alyssum
Boechera fendleri [Arabis fendleri] [Arabis holboellii var. fendleri] [Boechera perennans subsp. fendleri] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr trailhead 31 July 2016 See Annotated Page Yes Brassicaceae Fendler’s rockcress
Boechera oxylobula [Arabis demissa] [Boechera demissa] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, 10 miles S of Del Norte, 6 May 2022 Yes Brassicaceae Glenwood Springs rockcress
Boechera retrofracta [Arabis holboellii var. retrofracta] [Boechera holboellii var. retrofracta] [Arabis arcuata] [etc.] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co; Crestone Lake trail E of Crestone, open mixed conifer woods, 13 June 2015 Yes Brassicaceae reflexed rockcress
Boechera spatifolia [Arabis fendleri var. spatifolia] [Arabis holboellii var. fendleri] [Boechera fendleri var. spatifolia] [Boechera perennans subsp. spatifolia] YES Patrick Alexander: Rio Grande Co, south of Del Norte, 12 June 2008; Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Poso cpgd, 2 July 2019 Yes Brassicaceae spoonleaf rockcress
Boechera stricta [Arabis drummondii] [Arabis oxyphylla] [Arabis connexa] [Erysimum drummondii] [etc.] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, meadow by Bear Creek trailhead 17 June 2019 Yes Brassicaceae Drummond’s rockcress
Brickellia grandiflora [Coleosanthus grandiflora] [Coleosanthus petiolaris] [Eupatorium grandiflorum] YES Rich Haswell: Mosca Cr., Alamosa Co, rocky slope by trail, 28 July 2017; Penitente Canyon, Saguache Co, 3 Oct 2024 Yes Asteraceae tasselflower brickellbush
Brickellia leptophylla [Brickellia eupatorioides var chlorolepis] [Brickellia eupatorioides var. gracillima] [Kuhnia eupatorioides] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, by road, near La Garita 24 July 2020; Rio Grande Co, Stone Quarry trail east of Del Norte, 12 Aug 2023 Yes Asteraceae false boneset
Chenopodium album YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte 19 July 2015; 22 July 2017; 22 Aug 2024 Yes Amaranthaceae lambsquarter, fat hen
Chenopodium berlandieri YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, 2 miles S of Creede, 23 July 2020; Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street side 18 Sept 2022 Yes Amaranthaceae pitseed goosefoot
Chenopodium fremontii YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Great Sand Dunes NM, 29 July 2019 Yes Amaranthaceae forest goosefoot
Chenopodium leptophyllum [Chenopodium album var. leptophyllum] [Chenopodium oblongifolium] YES Rich Haswell: Conejos Co, San Luis Hills, on bare hilltops along Hwy 128 and CR V, 28 July2021 Yes Amaranthaceae narrowleaf goosefoot
Chenopodium pratericola [Chenopodium desiccatum] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte by Hwy 160, 15 Aug 2014 Yes Amaranthaceae desert goosefoot
Chenopodium watsonii [Chenopodium glabrescens] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mt just SW of Del Norte, 8 Aug 2014; Elephant Rocks N of Del Norte 2 Oct 2018; Saguache Co, Saguache town park, 28 July 2020 Yes Amaranthaceae stinky goosefoot
Chorispora tenella YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte stree verges 8 May 2019 Yes Brassicaceae blue mustard, musk mustard, cross flower
Circaea alpina YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, SW of South Fork 31 July 2018 Yes Onagraceae small enchanter’s nightshade
Comarum palustre [Potentilla palustris] Yes Mary E. McDonald: Conejos Co, 1 mile W of La Manga pass 6 Aug 2016; natural pond at Cumbres Pass 15 July 2022; Rich Haswell: natural pond at Cumbres pass 2 Aug 2022 Yes Rosaceae purple marshlocks
Corydalis aurea [Corydalis aurea subsp. occidentalis] [Corydalis aurea subsp. aurea] [Corydalis aurea subsp. curvisiliqua] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte alley verge 24 May 2014; Saguache Co, Luders Creek cpgd, 17 July 2016 yes Fumariaceae golden smoke, scrambled eggs
Corydalis caseana YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Big Meadows Reservoir 27 July 2016 yes Fumariaceae Sierra fumewort, Brandegees' fitweed
Crassula aquatica [Tillaea aquatica] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, by and in pond of an unused gravel pit NW of Del Norte 29 Aug 2020; 14 Sept 2020; 18 Sept 2022 Yes Crassulaceae pigmyweed
Dactylorhiza viride [Coeloglossum viride] [Habenaria viridis] [Orchis verescens] [Satyrium viride] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, in Watershed, elev. 9,000-10,000’, 26 June 2013 to 13 Aug 2018 Yes Orchidaceae long-bracted bog orchid, frog orchid
Delphinium barbeyi [Delphinium cockerellii] [Delphinium exaltatum var. barbeyi] [Delphinium occidentale] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, near Elwood pass 2 Sept 2019 Yes Ranunculaceae subalpine larkspur, Barbey's larkspur
Delphinium ramosum YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Pool Table Road, open meadow 30 July 2015 Yes Ranunculaceae mountain larkspur
Delphinium robustum [Delphinium ramosum] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, vicinity of Old Cochetopa pass 17 July 2016 Yes Ranunculaceae Wahatoya Creek larkspur, robust larkspur
Echinocereus coccineus [Echinocereus triglochidiatus var. melanocanthus] [Triglochidiatus coccineus] [Cereus coccineus] [Echinocereus conoides] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Base of volcanic dyke BLM rd 231, 16 June 2017 Yes Cactaceae hedgehog cactus, claret-cup cactus
Echinocereus triglochidiatus [Echinocereus mojavensis] YES Rich Haswell: see Annotated Page. Yes Cactaceae king’s crown, claret cup
Echinocereus viridiflorus [Cereus chloranthus] [Echinocereus chloranthus] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Biedell Creek, 27 May 2019 Yes Cactaceae pitaya cactus, nylon hedgehog cactus
Erodium cicutarium [Geranium cicutarium] YES Rich Haswell: house yard in Del Norte 15 July 1203. Yes Geraniaceae common stork’s-bill, redstem filaree, pinweed
Escobaria vivipara [Pelecyphora vivipara] [Coryphantha vivipara] [Cactus vivipara] [Mammillaria vivipara] etc. YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Ridge E. of Elephant Rocks 26 June 2015 Yes Cactaceae nipple cactus
Gypsophila scorzonerifolia YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte street embankment 11 Sept 2016 Yes Caryophyllaceae garden baby’s breath
Linnaea borealis [Linnaea borealis var. americana] [Linnaea americana] [Linnaea americana var. borealis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, logging road N of Bear Creek trail 19 miles SW of Del Norte 15 July 2014 Yes Caprifoliaceae twin-flower
Linum australe [Linum aristatum var. australe] [Carthartolinum australe] [Mesynium aristatum] YES Rich Haswell: On Carnero Pass road 7 miles W of Penitente Canyon turnoff 3 July 2019; Deep Creek trail SE of Creed 11 Aug 2020; near Hick's canyon Conejos Co 23 June 2021 below Terrace Reservoir in meadow Yes Linaceae yellow flax
Linum lewisii [Adenolinum lewisii] [Linum perenne var. lewisii] YES Rich Haswell: Hinsdale Co, North Clear Creek Falls 22 June 2017 Yes Linaceae blue flax
Moehringia lateriflora [Arenaria lateriflora] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, San Francisco Cr trailhead, by water 21 July 016 Yes Caryophyllaceae bluntleaf sandwort
Opuntia polyacantha [Opuntia erinacea var. utahensis] [Opuntia trichophora] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Quarry trail E of Del Norte 24 June 2017 Yes Cactaceae prickly pear, starvation cactus
Oxybasis glauca [Chenopodium glaucum] YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, pond 6 miles SW of Del Norte, 17 June 2020 Yes Amaranthaceae oakleaf goosefoot
Oxybasis rubra [Chenopodium rubrum] YES Rich Haswell: Alamosa Co, Blanca Wetlands, 15 July 2017 Yes Amaranthaceae red goosefoot
Pectis angustifolia YES Janis Haswell: Saguache Co, Old Woman Creek road, 24 Aug 2014 Yes Asteraceae lemonscent, cinchweed
Pediocactus simpsonii [Echinocactus simpsonii] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Pinos Cr. flowering 19 May 2014; Alamosa Co, by dry wash at south edge of the Great Sand Dunes NM, not flowering, 20 July 2021 Yes Cactaceae ball cactus
Penstemon virgatus subsp. asa-grayi [Penstemon unilateralis] [Penstemon virgatus var. asa-grayi] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Lookout Mountain just south of Del Norte 16 Aug 2013 yes Plantaginaceae oneside penstemon
Penstemon virgatus subsp. virgatus [Penstemon virgatus] [Penstemon unilateralis] YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Alder Creek N of South Fork 6 July 2019; junction of Cathedral Creek Road and Groundhog Road, 8 miles NW of South Fork, 20 feet from road, associated with Tetradymia, Rosa, Verbena, Erigeron 8 July 2021 Yes Plantaginaceae wand Penstemon
Physaria acutifolia YES Rich Haswell, Mineral Co, 2 miles S of Creede, 23 July 2020 Yes Brassicacea sharpleaf twinpod
Physaria calcicola [Lesquerella calcicola] YES Rich Haswell: Quary trail, east of Del Norte, 10 June 2019 Yes Brassicaceae Rollins Rocky Mountain bladderpod
Platanthera obtusata [Lysiella obtusata] [Habenaria obtusata] YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, 31 July 2017 Yes Orchidaceae one-leaf bog orchid
Potamogeton crispus YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Million Reservoir 9 Aug 2018; 10 Oct 2020 Yes Potamogetonaceae curly pondweed
Reseda lutea YES Rich Haswell, Rio Grande Co, CR 38, 7 July 2014 Yes Resedaceae yellow mignonette, wild mignonette, cutleaf mignonette
Rorippa sphaerocarpa [Nasturtium sphaerocarpum] [Radicula sphaerocarpa] [Rorippa obtusa var. sphaerocarpa] YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, growing in the drying edge of a lake in the Russell Lakes SWA 18 Sept 2019; edge of Beaver Reservoir 2 Sept 2020 Yes Brassicaceae roundfruit yellowcress
Rumex acetosella YES Rich Haswell: Mineral Co, Tucker Ponds 23 July 2019; Big Meadows Reservoir, beside parking lot at trailhead 8 Aug 2019 Yes Polygonaceae sheep’s sorrel, red sorrel
Solanum rostratum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del norte street sides, 11 July 2019, 30 July 2021, 15 July 2022 Yes Solanaceae buffalobur, Colorado bur, Kansas thistle
Thelesperma filifolium [Thelesperma formosum] [Thelesperma intermedium] [Thelesperma trifidum] [Coreopsis trifida] YES Rich Haswell: Great Sand Dunes 2 July 2013 Yes Asteraceae stiff greenthread
Thelesperma subnudum YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Ridge E. of Elephant Rocks 26 June 2015 Yes Asteraceae Havajo tea
Tribulus terrestris YES Rich Haswell: Rio Grande Co, Del Norte, 11th street 7 July 2014 to 14 Sept 2022 Yes Zygophyllaceae puncturevine, caltrops, goat’s-head, devil’s eyelashes, tackweed
Xanthium strumarium YES Rich Haswell: Saguache Co, Russell Lakes SWP 10 July 2016; Conejos Co, bank of the Rio Grande at Hwy 142, 28 Sept 2021 Yes Asteraceae rough cocklebur, clotbur